the greatest afterlife topic for
the average person to know is WHAT YOU MUST KNOW BEFORE
YOU DIE? Of course, there will be those who have done
their reading and fully understand what is going to
happen on crossing over – but there will be a
significant number of people who have not. I’ve
come across research which tells us that the afterlife
dimension there is a real problem with a fairly large
class of people crossing over but deny they are in the
afterlife. There are those skeptics who at the moment
of crossing-over have a very strong, hugely stubborn
belief there is no afterlife. Many of these refuse to
accept they are in the afterlife when AFTER crossing
over they feel they have a body, a mind, memories and
utter, “I’m not dead!”
We are informed by the other side that is a real problem
and the afterlife rescue teams have great difficulties
persuading these ‘caught’ people –
between earth and the realm of the light and realization
- of the real situation. Silver Birch, a very highly
credible afterlife 'high' entity tells us that the confusion
with these ‘caught’ people could last from
‘hundreds to thousands of years’ by earth’s
time. Accordingly, I was inspired to make a video for
the general public. Those who read the Afterlife Report
know that on crossing over will be met by a loved one
who will help them to go to the realm of the light and
realization. If you think someone needs a reminder about
what he/she should know before they die – just
send them the link to the video immediately below:
Those who have done their reading about the afterlife
would know what is going to happen when they cross over.
But there is a significant class of people who have
no idea what is going to happen to them...
ARTICLE: What You Must Know Before You Die ...
read more
SANCTUARY IN OXFORD. We were invited
Zerdin Phenomenal to sit with physical mediums in England.
The results were absolutely brilliant. You had to be
there to experience the most convincing evidence for
the afterlife on this planet earth to-day. Wendy shook
a fully materialized hand that was completely visible
in red light. I and others did all the preliminary investigations
and repeatedly checked the medium to see if he was still
tied in his chair – great phenomenon was seen
and heard. Read
report on The Rainbow Circle, one of the groups we sat
MEDIUMSHIP- WAX IMPRINTS OF SPIRIT HANDS The Institut Métapsychique International
(IMI) in Paris was born in 1919, in the heyday
of spiritualism, with the explicit objective of conducting
in-depth investigations of claims of the paranormal.
The first formal studies were undertaken with Franek
Kluski, a physical medium reputedly capable of producing
detailed ectoplasmic materializations of animal or human
forms. In their investigations, the IMI researchers
were above all aiming to obtaining Permanent Paranormal
Objects (PPOs), i.e., objects which constitute indisputable
evidence for a paranormal phenomenon. The sessions were
designed by IMI director Dr. Gustave Geley, the neurophysiologist
and nobel-prize winner Charles Richet, and the Count
de Gramont of the Institute of France. They employed
an adaptation of a method earlier introduced by spiritualists,
in which paraffin was used to obtain a wax mould from
the materialized ectoplasmic forms. Read
Richard Hodgson, (Dr of Law). Born in Australia,
he was perhaps the most vicious skeptical afterlife
investigator who ever lived on this planet earth. He
unfairly discredited Helena Blavatsky who founded Theosophy
after he went to investigate her in India; he unfairly
discredited Eusapia Paladino – (incidentally both
were mediums). But Dr Hodgson, when investigating trance
mediumship, he came across the most brilliant American
medium ever: Leonora Piper. It was
Mrs Piper who transformed the most stubborn skeptic
in the world to fully accepting the existence of the
afterlife. This was because Dr Hodgson was able to have
intelligent conversations who those who passed on and
with some of his own friends who passed on. Dr Hodgson
learnt more about investigating when he went to New
York because he also learnt how to perceive the paranormal
and the afterlife with true scientific balance. He had
Mrs Piper followed by ‘detectives’, he meddled
with her postage, he put her virtually on full time
surveillance. But after investigating her for a sustained
period of time he admitted defeat. He wrote in the Society
for Psychical Research Proceedings (Vol.X111,1897):
“I cannot profess to have any doubt but that
the chief communicators are veritably the personalities
that they claim to be; that they have survived the change
we call death, and that they have directly communicated
with us whom we call living through Mrs.Piper entranced
organism. … I have no hesitation in affirming
with the most absolute assurance that the ‘spirit’
hypothesis is justified by its fruits.”
A mother learns about the many ways her son can make
contact after his death.
if there is an inconsistency between
religion and science which one prevails?: the objectivity
of science prevails and will ALWAYS prevail over the
subjectivity or religion. This is known as the 'Galileo
Principle' - where Galileo, using science, showed that
what religion stated about the position of the earth
in the universe was absolutely wrong. Science of his
time accepted Galileo's scientific fact because his
observation was objective and repeatable. But the Vatican
took over 330 years to concede that science over-rode
religion in this instance. All religious writings (which
do not have objective authority) were done in a time
when science as we know it did not exist and religious
writers had licence to embellish spiritual writings
- without authority from anywhere. What science says
to-day about the afterlife over-rides what religion
says about the afterlife eg, people being condemned
to eternal damnation. Science says that's absolute nonsense!
Even theologians now keep very quiet about eternal damnation
- and a number of theologians and priests have stated
they do not accept 'eternal damnation.'
Just ignore those un-informed ignorant
amateurs and theologians who try to denigrate the scientists
who empirically investigated psychic phenomena in the
early 20th century - scientists who confirmed the validation
of the paranormal at these meetings.
" (meaning: you could go
to hell for eternity!)
THEOLOGY: without authority
from anywhere, this uninformed priest is taking it upon
himself to state that a clairvoyant or medium, in his
words 'a fortune-teller', is acting as God! This priest,
Fr Franco Fenech from Europe is wilfully LYING, MISLEADING
everyone and being totally DISHONEST when he tells his
parishioners that it is a 'grave sin' because it violates
the First Commandment: "Thou Shalt have no
other God before me."
What has going to a 'fortune teller' or to a 'medium'
got to do with honoring or not honoring and respecting
God? A clairvoyant says that the past, present and future
are a 'continuum' - have already happened. The gifted
'fortune-teller' sometimes gets a glimpse of possible
future events that have already happened. This goes
beyond traditional logic and outside our comfort zone
- but it does not mean it could not be right.
Whilst I would readily agree there are a number of phony
'fortune-tellers' ripping off the public, there are
also highly spiritual, honest, decent clairvoyants (including
some mediums who also get glimpses of the future). These
honest 'fortune-tellers' are not violating any spiritual
law whatsoever.
The question of 'fortune-telling' is totally IRRELEVANT
to respect for 'God.' One also has
to define who and what is a 'fortune-teller' in the
community it is being used - is it accessing the future?
Jesus on number of occasions told the future-would he be caught in the definition?Stop using God to scare the daylights out of
people and stop the blasphemy Fr Franco, otherwise you
will be paying a heavy price for it - guaranteed!
In this reading U.S. medium Joseph Tittel confirms to
a young woman that it is her deceased boyfriend who
is "playing with the bedroom lights" and wearing
the strong cologne that she smells. He also confirms
that he is contacted her through dreams, all methods
frequently used by loved ones to show their ongoing
POSSESSION: ‘Spirit- possession’
usually refers to a mischievous spirit
a ‘negative energy’ - occupying the aura
of a victim and in the more serious cases occupies the
victim her/himself. Some people call them ‘vile
‘spirits’. The Church calls them ‘devils’.
I state again that the mythical 'devil' is nothing but
a human being gone bad. Some occupying spirits are mild,
usually undetectable, and others are extremely mischievous
and others viciously menacing. The history of exorcism
– the attempt to oust a 'mischievous' spirit from
the victim shows that ‘religious’ exorcism
is not usually successful with stubborn spirits. This
is because an obsessing ‘spirit’ is in fact
a spiritually-retarded human being who crossed over
and is still causing mischief in the afterlife. The
spirit could come from any part of the world where religion
is known or unknown. A stubborn possessing spirit who
did not know anything about Jesus or Christianity when
on earth is not likely to be moved at all by any antics
and prayers said in Latin of a priest or by having ‘holy-water’
thrown onto the victim. (A clairvoyant reported seeing
two mischievous spirits obsessing a woman laughing their
heads off when the exorcist priest tried to scare them
away by throwing 'holy' water at them.)
But Chruchian traditional exorcism needs
to be revised urgently because in fact the occupying
spirit would be needing as much help as the "victim".
Reciting some 400 year old Latin exorcism prayers is
absolutely useless. One *Anneliese Michel - a victim
of exorcism was subjected to 160 exorcism attempts by
Catholic priests in Germany - all failed!
A gifted medium exorcist would take only onetrial in a 2-4 hour session. Instead
of cursing the spirit or uttering strong words sending
the spirit to hell ‘where he belongs’ etc,
the spirit him/herself would need spiritual direction.
That is why the non-religious exorcist who is also a
gifted medium – someone who can converse with
spirits and someone who usually has a powerful spirit
to assist –will be at a distinct advantage in
convincing the occupying spirit to move out and go towards
the light. It is spiritual to help any entity from the
afterlife who needs urgent help. We are informed that
even the occasional priest gets caught in the gray realm
and could occupy some innocent person - speaking Latin
through the victim. Some spirits are just lost in the
dark Astral world and have no idea that higher realms
exist – and that they can get to the higher realms
if given proper directions.
DIE? What is it like in the afterlife. Are there
Victor: There have
been numerous transmissions from the afterlife
about what it is like in the afterlife. Basically, for
those who make it to the realm of the light and realization
(that is, those who know who have crossed over and have
been reasonable in life) – conditions there are
far more beautiful than anything we have on earth. We
do not have to eat or sleep or do any work at all because
nothing gets dirty inside where we live, or outside.
You will be with others who are of the same level of
advancement as you are. Whereas on earth you may get
the rough, spiritually retarded, mixing in with those
who are spiritually advanced, that does NOT happen in
the afterlife. This is because ‘LIKE ATTRACTS
LIKE’. And no, there are no cars – because
you would not need them- you just think of the place
you want to be and in an instant you are there. Arthur
Findlay books contain a lot of information about what
it is like in the afterlife. Read
I was watching this program
on cable television and was very much impressed by the
psychic abilities of Carol Pate (picture, a little younger)
who helped Memphis Police Department catch a serial
killer. The police officer in charge of the murder case,
Captain Ken East, stated that Carol Pate was extremely
impressive by her psychic skills (eight definitive correct
major variables) and thanked her for the critical information
which led to the arrest of the serial killer of some
four prostitutes. The odds of producing the information
she gave the police by chance would be more than 2 billion
to one – which means Carol Pate is a genuine,
gifted medium Read more ...
For More about other psychic detectives Read
article …
SKEPTICS’ HOAXES (2)The ‘Carlos’ affair: in 1988closed
minded skeptic J Randi planned a hoax to deceive the
Australian people. He was able to get some guy José
Alvarez to claim that he was channeling some spirit
called ‘Carlos.’ What was not anticipated
by the closed minded skeptic is that Australians are
perhaps ten times more skeptical than any other race
on earth. And journalists are perhaps twenty times more
skeptical than the general population. Now this guy
Randi thought he could deceive, fool and make idiots
out of these highly skeptical Australians. What happened?
After the show at the Opera House, this cheat Alvarez
was cross-examined by tough Australian journalists,
one of whom was George Negus who tore 'Carlos' apart
and uncovered his fraud. So much so, that this Alvarez
actually ran away from the interview to the huge embarrassment
of his skeptical mentor. The end result was a huge failure
for the closed minded skeptics, for Randi, for Alvarez
and for the cheats and conmen of this world.
QUESTION:I am interested in why people are losing interest
in religion, especially Christianity. How did you find
the people’s attitude towards Christianity in
Europe and the UK?
Victor: I was rather
surprised because support for orthodox
Christianity is dramatically diminishing –not
only in France – and Europe generally, but also
in England – and in Australia too. Contacts from
the U.S. especially mid- to Northern parts, say there
has been a dramatic reduction in the number of people
going to Church once a week – usually on Sundays.
There is a crisis about the huge number of people who
have left the Church in the last fifteen years. Some
claim it is the internet which has hit at ‘crowds’
– generally - in Church and elsewhere. The internet
is giving people access to dramatic information about
religion. It appears that people are interested in more
scientific explanations of phenomena – particularly
to the afterlife. People these days are not prepared
to blindly follow writers of thousands of years ago
– who are asking us to believe without evidence.
Those days are rapidly going!
My mother is very sick and feeling much pain. Doctors
gave her a few months to live. Tell me, is dying painful?
I care so much about my mother.
Victor: My research
over the last twenty years shows that the actual
process of dying is painless. There is no pain associated
with dying, with crossing over. But the only pain one
feels is because of the body-illness one has before
she dies. Information transmitted from the otherside
tells us that where there was a great deal of pain immediately
before dying because of physical illness, the pain immediately
stops moments after physical death. Immediately after
crossing over, there will be a feeling of much pain
relief, enlightenment and peace for those who lived
a reasonable life on earth.
" Victor, I’ve been following your website
for ten years and also all the attacks against you by
the closed minded skeptics and the cynics. But they
never seem to show why the evidence for the afterlife
is not valid. Has anyone ever been able to do this?
Victor: No genius scientist,
no genius skeptic, no academic or materialist has ever
showed to anyone where, when, how and why the afterlife
evidence is not valid – not even for the allurement
of $1 million. . You will NOT find one book written
by a scientist or anybody else in any library in the
world which says there is no afterlife. Yet there are
thousands of books written by scientists, professionals
and others who state that after they investigated the
evidence they accepted the afterlife. The closed minded
skeptics descend to the gutter and make fools of themselves
when they try throw mud at me. Why? Because these closed
minded skeptics push their ignorance to its extreme
when they show they do not have the depth, the insights,
the intelligence, the intellect to deal with the hard
core EVIDENCE which is clearly above their heads. So
they try to throw mud instead – that is the level
the skeptics we have to-day – and have been for
the last ten years! Guaranteed, one day they will accept
ALL the evidence for the afterlife!
of this list can now obtain copies of my book A LAWYER
except - all you have to do is to pay for postage
and packing: anywhere in the world A$13. Within Australia
A$3. Email or send stamps to
P.O. Box 1810 Dee Why 2099 Australia.
Churches and spiritual groups are welcome to apply for
multiple copies sent via sea mail (cheaper) to sell
as a fund raiser.
Saturday saw the first interview in this amazing free
series which has now attracted 25,000 women to sign
up to address the questions "What is the pathway
to awakening the fullness of our authentic power as
women? Elizabeth
De Bold will be interviewed this Saturday.
Now more than ever before professional accredited
and registered afterlife researchers are struggling
for funding so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far,
we can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit
Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage
and we publish many papers by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee what is published
is to be the absolute truth. We accept the imputed claim
that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the
researchers is done in good faith.