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Report for subscribers
2nd October 2009
AND WENDY STILL TRAVELLING This week's Friday report is coming
to you from Europe. Victor is preparing to be interviewed
about the afterlife by Ruth Frendo for a European Union
television station- Ruth played opposite Russell Crowe
in the movie GLADIATOR. Last Friday and Saturday we
had sittings with the Rainbow Circle and the Bill Meadows
Circle in Banbury England. We will have a full report
for you next Friday when things are back to normal.
In the meantime we hope you understand that our internet
access is very limited and replies to emails have to
be delayed.
Does the environment
you were born in determine how you perceive the world?
Most of us have come across people who would die for
their beliefs they originally got from their environment.
If you have an open mind and are able to assess information
in a true balanced way, you’re OK! But there is
a real problem for those ‘closed’ minded
skeptics who refuse to accept that the evidence for
the afterlife and the paranormal has now become absolutely
irrefutable and irrebuttable. There is the opposite
class of people who believe what they were conditioned
with – especially if they were conditioned with
very strong religious beliefs- cannot be wrong. We must
remember, that ‘beliefs’ are subjective
and subject to complete invalidation – meaning
all beliefs could be absolutely wrong.
We who investigate the paranormal and
the afterlife using Scientific Method have to deal with
these two extremes – the complete disbelievers
and the complete religious believers. This problem was
very powerful some fifty, hundred years ago –
and before that. But things are getting ever so much
better because there are more scientists, empiricists
and investigators who are getting repeatable and objective
positive results about the paranormal and the afterlife.
We know that our scientific results make invalid inconsistent
all beliefs – be they beliefs by the skeptics
or beliefs by the over-religious.
So, to rise above your early conditioning,
always apply the scientific/empirical test: does what
you accept have objectivity and repeatability? That
is the test I apply to make sure that what I accept
is one hundred per cent valid.
TO JOHN SLOAN - we received some excellent
questions from our subscribers to John Sloan. As we
are in transit, there will be some delay in receiving
the answers. But all questions will be answered. (John
Sloan is the spirit control of mediums Tom Morris and
Kevin Lawrenson of the Yellow Cloud Circle in Montcabirol
(near Toulouse), France.*****John Sloan can answer
questions on the afterlife, but cannot comment on the
status of individuals who crossed over.
Garr of Coast to Coast talked with parapsychologist
Jeffrey Mishlove about scientific proof for psychic
phenomenon, such as past lives and near death experiences.
Mishlove also shared the story of self-proclaimed psychic
Ted Owens, the 'PK Man.' Jeffrey Mishlove's career has
been guided by dreams, synchronicities, mystical states
and their philosophical implications. He also has investigated
the possibility of being the reincarnation of a famous
psychic researcher.
QUESTIONby Arthur Findlay
to an afterlife intelligenceif
the afterlife world was like ours on earth
or a dreamlike mental world?
An afterlife intelligence responds:
“Our world is not material, but it is real
for all that, it is tangible, composed of substance
in a much higher state of vibration than the matter
which makes up your world. Our minds can, therefore,
play upon it in a different way than yours can on
the material of your world. As our mind is, so is
our state. To the good their surroundings are beautiful,
to the bad the reverse."
We all belong to a ‘group
soul.’ If you are with someone where there
is extraordinary compatibility, you are likely to
belong to the same soul group. It appears that the
objective for each soul group is to learn from each
other and to continue to spiritually refine.
“In spiritual relationships,
you have in the supreme case ‘affinities’
or in the lesser instances ‘kinship.’
Physical relationships are conditions not based
on eternal principles - the only ones that will
endure. Group souls, when referring to their human
aspects, are composed of individuals who have a
spiritual kinship. Automatically they are drawn
to one another because they are ‘facets of
the same diamond.’ It can be, and it does
happen, that for purpose of work to be done fragments
of the diamond incarnate into your world to have
the kind of experiences which will help the larger
self.” (S. Birch, a higher afterlife intelligence).
Francis Bacon: "Facts often appear
incredible only because we are ill informed and
cease to appear marvelous when our knowledge is
QUESTION:I was reading that when we
cross over, for those who are elderly, will regress
to a younger age. That true Victor?
Victor: The general
answer is "yes". You can have a situation
on crossing over where one female (or male) would
be very old - see picture - then when she EARNS
regression to a lower age, that SAME
old female could regress to a someone who
would look like the pretty picture of the young
female below. However, transmitted authority
tells us that what we get has to be spiritually
earned. (No wonder they call it 'heaven'!!!)
One of the reliable sources on the subject - directly
from the afterlife: " ... it is the law that, as we progress
spiritually, so do we shake off the semblance of
age as it is known on earth ... We lose the wrinkles
that age and worldly cares have marked upon our
countenances, together with other indications of
passage of years, and we become younger in appearance,
while we grow older in knowledge and wisdom and
spirituality ..." (from LIFE IN THE WORLD
UNSEEN, Anthony Borgia). See also next item
from the same transmission:
YOU DIE: "The spirit world is a world
of thought; to think is to act, and thought is instantaneous.
If we think ourselves into a certain place we shall
with the rapidity of that thought, and that is as
near instantaneous as it is possible to imagine.
I should find that it was the usual mode of locomotion,
and that I should soon be able to employ it."
is the 1st Coalition of Paranormal Researchers,
Writers and Intellectuals united to counter and
expose the Pseudo-Skepticism movement for their
fallacies, misinformation, dismissal, denial, censorship,
suppression, bigotry and ridicule toward any evidence,
experience or science that challenges orthodoxy
or does not fit into a materialistic reductionist
paradigm. We do not support every quack claim on
the planet, but advocate true skepticism, objectivity,
open-mindedness and fairness toward paranormal or
unconventional evidence, experience or science.
We are the world's first counter-pseudo-skeptic
movement providing resources, articles, books, videos
and an online community exposing the fallacies and
psychology of pseudo-skepticism. Read
more ..
We must NEVER forget this
greatest American medium who was - for many years
- scientifically examined by intellectual skeptics
- and others, and never once she failed a psychic
test - read on: One of the most
spectacular and outstanding mental mediums who ever
lived was the American Mrs. Leonore Piper from Boston.
No one, not even the most hardcore closed-minded
skeptic, after investigating her mediumship for
a period of almost thirty years ever suggested fraud.
Professor William James, Professor of Psychology
at Harvard University, personally organized séances
for her for a year and a half. Then Professor Richard
Hodgson, Professor of Law, the greatest and most
notorious debunker in the world took over. And
finally Professor James Hyslop, Professor of Logic
and Ethics from Columbia University took control
of the investigations. Together they brought hundreds
of sitters to her under false names, they hired
detectives to follow her and intercepted her mail.
She was taken to England where she knew no one and
arranged for her to stay with members of the British
Society of Psychical Research where she could be
constantly monitored. Read
more ...
Kris Carr, director, producer and subject of The
Learning Channel (TLC) documentary film "Crazy
Sexy Cancer," shares her insights on the importance
of good nutrition and exercise. She and other cancer
survivors explain how healthy behaviors can help
your body to heal from cancer and its treatment.
directly from
the afterlife,
should feel sorry for them because they have wasted
their earthly lives. they have not fulfilled themselves.
They are like children who have gone to school for
the requisite item, learnt none of its lessons and
thus are not equipped for the adult life that follows
when the school period is over. Earth is an essential
preparation for the existence that inevitably follows
when death comes. Every happening is part of the
price to be paid for evolution. Earthly life cannot
be a monotone. It must have its light and shade,
its sunshine and storm."
Now more than ever before professional accredited and
registered afterlife researchers are struggling for
funding so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far, we
can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit humanity:
Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage
and we publish many papers by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee what is published
is to be the absolute truth. We accept the imputed claim
that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the
researchers is done in good faith.