v THEOLOGY: in any inconsistency which one prevails?
most important question in science and religion ever!
Lou Bondi, one of Europe's
most professional television interviewers, inadvertently
raised the most critical issue of 'science and
religion' during a television interview he
had with afterlife researchers, including myself - see
next item below. But what is vitally crucial - which
became imputed rather than expressly stated is: in an
inconsistency between science and religion which one
prevails? A Catholic theologian imputed that he unqualifiedly
accepts 'faith' and in any inconsistency between faith
and science - this Catholic priest implied in his replies
that faith prevails over science!
showed four centuries ago that if there is an inconsistency
between science and theology, inevitably, science prevails
over theology. Some Catholics - but not all, and not
all Christians - avoid answering the above question.
Science is objective and repeatable and, keeping variables
constant, yields the SAME results over time and space.
But theology is SUBJECTIVE (one needs the subjectivity
of 'FAITH') and faith is inexorably subject to COMPLETE
INVALIDATION. No one on earth can change that!
universities accept this most important premise. Therefore,
when we conduct scientific afterlife
research and we repeatedly get the same
results, that is telling theology that what is inconsistent
with our results (ie faith) is WRONG! 'Faith' in fact
can never override science.
our scientific results are telling the Vatican is to
review its perception of genuine spirit contact and
materializations- and to accept that some of the traditional
theology is wrong. Some conservative stubborn senior
priests are stubbornly adhering to fantasy rather than
fact! The Bible says absolutely nothing about life when
we cross over - only that there is heaven, hell and
for Catholics purgatory. Traditional theology knows
absolutely nothing about the specific conditions of
people when they cross over. 'Spiritual' science now
course, there are advanced Christians who embrace 'spiritual
science' and accept that spirit contact done with responsibility
and due diligence will benefit mankind. They know that
science now conforms some of their most fundamental
beliefs: that there is an afterlife, there are different
graded realms and that we are all accountable.
mediums at the centre of the fabulous Scole experiments
" Not everybody is aware that Physical Mediumship
now takes place in two totally different ways. The traditional
view is that physical phenomena can only be presented
by spirit helpers using the controversial substance
known as 'ectoplasm'. This method has been used by Physical
Mediums and their guides and helpers since 1848. Generally,
it involves just one physical medium, who is usually
in deep trance throughout the proceedings. The medium
usually sits in a 'cabinet' throughout to concentrate
the power (this is a small enclosure of aproximately
of the same or slightly larger size as a Punch and Judy
man's tent by the seaside). Most physical mediums operate
in total darkness, or with the use of a dim red light
for illumination, although one of our members is currently
experimenting with a green light.
The 'ectoplasm' is exuded from the physical medium's
body (from any or all of the body's natural orifices)
and can be moulded by the spirit guides and helpers
to form a 'materialisation' of a spirit person, which
can often be positively identified by friends and relatives
of the spirit person. For manipulaion of objects such
as a trumpet (a megaphone like object used for amplification
of direct-voice communication from spirit) in the seance
room, an ectoplasmic rod is used by the spirit people.
In every case, the ectoplasm remains connected to the
medium whilst phenomena takes place. It is this ectoplasmic
connection which makes the whole proceedings physically
dangerous for the physical medium. If a sitter does
something silly, like switching on an electric light
in the middle of a seance, the ectoplasm shoots back
into the body of the medium at an alarmingly fast rate;
causing (at the best) burns to the medium's body and
(at the worst) occasionally internal wounds that have,
on occasion, led directly to the death or serious injury
of the medium. Such was the case with Helen Duncan and
Alec Harris, both famous materialisation mediums. Consequently,
in all sittings where physical mediumship is conducted
through an ectoplasmic-based system, careful precautions
have to be observed for the safety of the medium. The
ectoplasmic-based physical medium often takes many years
to develop their mediumship fully.
The second, and more modern method of producing physical
phenomena is by way of an energy-based procedure. This
form of physical phenomena was largely pioneered by
the Spirit Team working with the Scole Experimental
Group in the 1990's. There may indeed be one or more
mediums in a group where this method is being used.
They may, or may not necessarily be used in deep trance;
sometimes, the group are not even aware of who the medium
or mediums might be! The spiritual energies of all the
group members are blended and involved in the energy-based
process. Whilst groups of this sort should start out
in total darkness, the spirit team working with a particular
group often bring their own spirit-lighting fairly soon
in the development of the phenomena to provide adequate
The energy that is used by the spirit team is a blend
of three different types of energy which, when mixed
together, provides one creative energy, which can then
be used by the spirit team or individual spirit persons
in a physical way to demonstrate the phenomena which
is produced.
The 3 forms of energy are:
1) Spiritual energy taken from all the sitters in the
2) Spirit energy brought by the spirit team from the
spirit world, especially for the purposes of
producing the 'creative energy' needed at a particular
3) Colums or 'pillars' of natural earth energy which
exists in certain geographical locations
around the world. By their work, groups, sitting for
physical phenomena can attract one of
these columns of energy to them for the work, or even
create a new column.
There are a number of advantages to working in this
new way with energy, although I should point out that
neither method of working is better than, or superior
to the other. These advantages include:
1) Phenomena can develop quicker in the energy way.
Sometimes in months, rather than in years.
2) There is no danger whatsoever to mediums or sitters
if somebody does something stupid during an energy-based
sitting. The phenomena will simply stop,
3) The energy-based method is more versatile in that
more types of phenomena can be developed in this way.
At Scole, we counted around 180 different types of phenomena
were developed during the 5-year history of the Scole
Experimental Group.
program. Lou Bondi's
questions were absolutely brilliant – a most professional
world class interviewer. The program where we were interviewed
about out afterlife work was shown on a European television
station last Monday. I will be including the video link
as soon as it becomes available. But very disappointing
was a Catholic theologian, Fr Rene Camilleri, who stated
without understanding what materialization really
is, that there had to be ‘fraud’
in the materializations of David Thompson and that spirit
contact is wrong. All this is nineteenth century theology
and this priest has not updated his theology. The great
Professor Jung stated that calling everything you don’t
understand fraud "is the last refuge of the ignorant
and the uninformed". When someone accuses us of
fraud, the attacker has to state where, when, how the
fraud took place. But this Fr Rene did not - and not
one critic ever has been able to state where, when and
how fraud could have taken place with our materializations.
Time for highly conservative theologians and the Catholic
Church to understand that spirit contact, mediumship
and materializations are real and that the same psychic
experiences which inspired every major religion are
happening today. Genuine contact is still being made
with afterlife entities and very successful reunions
are being made with loved one in the spirit world. Millions
of Christians - and others now accept spirit contact
judged by the millions who over the years have attended
mediumship meetings, some of them Catholic mediums such
as John Edward.
group of intellectually and theologically advanced Christians
who are not afraid to embrace psychic research produces
the online magazine, The Ground of Faith. Directed towards
practicing Christians it explores how 150 years of disciplined
psychic research affirm some spiritual foundations
of Christianity. In this month's issue the editor writes:
"If we came out from behind our ramparts, we would
find that psychic research affirms the reality of an
afterlife, the reality of Spirit, the reality of healing
miracles, the reality of inspiration, the importance
of a life lived in the Spirit, the reality of love at
the basis of all thing s ... and much more. We might
be the more able to refrain from judging the beliefs
of others, and the more able to to agree with John Wesley
in claiming that the grace and love of God is available
to all humanity, regardless of their beliefs. We would
see open minded science as our friend and not our enemy."
Have a look at the February issue: Have a look at previous articles
a similar vein Michael Tymn, author of an excellent
new book about the most convincing cases in psychic/spiritual
research writes:
"As a life-long Christian- although by no means
an orthodox one-I have been able to advance from the
blind faith asked of believers by church leaders to
true faith, or conviction, based on my studies of these
cases and others. There is much I don't understand and
will never understand in this lifetime, but the cases
summarized in this book provide a peace of mind in my
old age that religion could not. Moreover, so many of
the confusing and perplexing things I was taught as
a young catholic now make perfect sense." Order
the book now..
people are aware that well known mediums George
Anderson, and John Edward are practicing Catholics
who say they recite the rosary before giving readings.
Both of them were tested and found to be highly accurate
-see HBO video Part
3 (10 mins) Part
4 (10 mins)
This week I received a letter from Patricia who says
of herself "Let us say generally I am a skeptic.
You would have to impress me pretty darn good to even
get me to give a medium the time of day much less money
or my belief." Patricia goes on to describe an
incredibly accurate reading that she had with George
Anderson. She concludes " George is a gentle soft
spoken man who is self effacing...even after telling
me he'd keep me in his prayers he then said "could
you do the same for me?" Read
Patricia's testimony.
to tell us all that he misled
his parishoners
about the afterlife. Most highly credible Mons.
Hugh Benson's story is a lesson to all Catholic priests
and to the Vatican about what really happens to us when
we cross over. Mons Besnon came through medium Anthony
Borgia -four books were produced. Go to and click on all of
Anthony Borgia's books - all information was transmitted
by Mons Hugh Benson from the afterlife. Judge for yourself!
has raised its proud head in a denial of all spiritual
truths; its gospel has been triumphant, but its results
were a world catastrophe accompanied by needless bloodshed,
misery, heart-burnings, weariness, sickness of mind,
despair, desolation, chaos and confusion. … We
from the afterlife seek to drive out misery, fear and
desperation. We seek to bring the light of simple truth
and reason, the voice of inspiration, of revelation,
the wisdom of the spirit that has been crushed, stifled
and repressed for too long. We seek to bring the spirit
back into its proper perspective, so that spiritual
powers shall be made manifest and all the faults of
a crude materialism be exposed so that for ever they
may be discarded. … We seek to abolish the fear
and the terror of death, so that all may realize that
it has its place in the eternal scheme of life. We seek
to abolish all the obstacles that stand between the
two states of existence, that man may find his soul
and in finding his soul find himself. …”
Stories from the AA-EVP Big Circle
Part 2
the help & support of Rob Smith (left, evp/itc australia),
Dale Hewey & Donni Hakanson (all Moderators of the
forum), Ingrid Irwin has
set up
a new AVP forum in December 2008. She writes: "
We are a small but dedicated group to the research &
development of evp/itc here in Australia and worldwide,
and hope we may be joined by fellow 'aussies' &
'kiwis' that have a similar interest. We felt it was
time for Australasia to 'stand on its own two feet'
& begin a forum to help us raise awareness of Transcommunications."
this week's episode Dr
Adrian Klein and Dr
Robert Neil Boyd PhD introduce us
to some fascinating research that shows us how quantum
physics is questioning the reductionist scientific view
of the brain. They write:" As our readers already
know, our approach to living systems is vastly transcending
vitalist doctrines, which are limited to postulating
a vital principle, as distinct from biochemical reactions.
According to J.White, references to various bioenergy
field control-mechanisms, can be found in 97 different
cultures." Read this week's mind stretching article
Between the Brain, the Biofields, and the Physical".
One of the most fascinating cases of
alleged reincarnation (or spirit possession) involves
a detective who undertook a regression on a dare and
became obsessed with the life of a 19th century painter.
posting this gem: " I agree that by the standards of any
other area of science that remote viewing is proven,
but begs the question: do we need higher
standards of evidence when we study the paranormal?
I think we do. (...) if I said that a UFO had just landed,
you'd probably want a lot more evidence. Because remote
viewing is such an outlandish
claim that will revolutionize [sic] the world, we need
overwhelming evidence before we draw any conclusions.
Right now we don't have that evidence."
Richard Wiseman Daily Mail, January 28, 2008, pp 28-29
'GOD': again I
was asked this week do I believe in 'God'?
Victor: for years I have been stating
that one has to define 'God.'
I sent scientists my information how I empirically arrived
at the existence of God. I stated that empirical observation
shows that there is 'intelligent cause-effect' relationship
in the universe and everywhere else, even here on planet
earth there is order. Another very important question
concerning the universe, where did gravity come from?
Was it the 'intelligent effect' to an 'intelligent cause'?
Again I ask scientists to explain why 'effect' to 'cause'
always shows order, intelligence and perfect design.
Highly credible afterlife teachers call God - the power
that control the laws of the universe. Religious
writers of thousands of years ago have their own definitions
of God. Technically, the Catholic 'God' is different
to other Christians' and other religions' definition
of God. But there cannot be an afterlife if there were
not the Universial Power some empiricists call 'God'.
all those who cross-over experience ‘conscious
From my research, most of those who cross over experience
a conscious transition. On crossing over, we have been
credibly informed, we are met by our loved ones. But
there are exceptions. If, for example, a person was
very sick before the crossing over or had been given
large doses of pharmaceutical drugs and was mostly unconscious
or semi conscious, that person would be taken to a place
of rest and care and looked after by very special helpers.
6."If you can prove the
afterlife why don’t you take on that skeptic guy
and get one million dollars?”
Victor: First, that
closed minded skeptic does NOT have a genuine offer.
I investigated his offer and am convinced it is the
most fraudulent offer in paranormal history. He has
been quoted by Professor Dennis Rawlings as saying “I
will always have a way out ... " (of paying the
alleged million dollars). There is no proof that he
does have a million dollars- the current financial
crisis would have hit him badly and he REFUSES to provide
a sworn statement subject to at least five years jail
that he has the money (to match my own sworn statement
in respect of my million dollar challenge). Secondly
I had a number of top mediums who tried to take this
guy on, but as soon as he realizes that the applicant
is a genuine medium, these challengers never hear from
him again. In all the years of his so-called challenge
he has never allowed even one person to go beyond his
subjective so-called preliminary test.
And remember, this flamboyant skeptic from Florida has
NOT tried to meet my one million dollar challenge and
rebut the irrefutable hard core objective and repeatable
evidence for the afterlife.
Dr. Robert Hare was a professor of chemistry at the
University of Pennsylvania as well as a renowned inventor.
Like most of the other scholars and scientists investigating
mediumship, Hare began as a disbeliever and expected
to debunk mediumship. But he was in for a big surprise.
we have a responsibility not only to planet earth,
but to all creatures in it. Animal cruelty is unnecessary,
it is hurtful and painful and very unspiritual. Animals
feel pain as much as we do. So do whatever you can to
educate others about the unnecessary cruelty to animals
in factory farming and in laboratories testing products
for commercial use. Animal cruelty, pain and suffering
are totally unnecessary: Those who inflict pain onto
animals would be lowering their own spiritual vibrations
and will be creating
a spiritual debt which one day has to be paid. On the
other hand those who lovingly care for abandoned and
unwanted animals and rescue wildlife like this little
koala on the right overcome by 45C (110F) degree heat
in Adelaide South Australia are raising their vibrations
sky high. Read
uplifting story.
mind has enormous power in the afterlife. It can create
matter there and can cause the body to travel at the
speed of thought, e.g. you imagine you are at any place
in the world and you are there instantly.
• Some people on earth have a much better transition
to the afterlife than others. The more knowledge we
have about the afterlife, the easier the transition.
It also helps if you are able to control your mind,
think positively and concentrate on one thing at a time.
• Some people get stuck “between the two
worlds.” Because they still feel themselves solid
and do not accept that they have actually died.
• Some are afraid of going
to the light.
• Many get into mental confusion
and could get lost for decades and even for thousands
of years.” Click on chapter
TRANCE MEDIUMSHIP: Wendy and I and others
attended the session last Sunday night at Crows Nest,
in Sydney to hear
an afterlife intelligence speak and to answer a number
of questions. William, the spirit friend of the medium
David Thompson, takes over the medium’s voice
box and we hear William’s voice as he had when
he was on earth, NOT the medium’s voice. Among
other things, William stated that we should listen to
our ‘intuition’. He spoke about this for
a relatively long time given the circumstances. My question
to William (after exchanging the usual greetings) was,
words to the effect “You talked at length about
intuition. Does intuition override our free will? For
example, if we think our intuition is not morally, spiritual
or ethically right, ought we not exercise our free will
to reject that intuition?” William’s answer
was very briefly that all true intuition is spiritual
and therefore we are safe when we listen to it. After
the meeting, a short discussion took place with a couple
of people interested in the topic. I raised the point
that spirit "attachments" could give us promptings
that might feel like intuition. So one would have to
to be extremely careful to assess whether the intuition
is in our spiritual interests and if not we ought not
listen to the promptings. Any comments?
SPIRIT? There's
an interesting discussion of this question on our facebook
forum. I liked the advice of one of our consistent contributors,
Jim Smith who wrote:
" I would advise you to listen
to what he says and ask him questions about what he
sees. Ask him if the spirits are saying anything. You
might ask him to ask the spirit a question like their
name or what they want and then ask him how the spirit
Be interested and positive about it.
Make sure you tell him that you and other people don't
see the spirits, but otherwise I wouldn't make it seem
special to him. You don't want to discourage him by
being negative or encourage him to make things up by
making it too important or by paying too much attention
to it.
At some point you will have to
make sure he understands if he tells other people that
he is seeing spirits they might not believe it and they
might make fun of him, so he will have to learn with
whom and when he can talk about the spirits." Join
the discussion.
A practice from ancient Egypt is mummification –
mummifying the
body. Abu, an advanced entity from Ancient Egypt, explains
that mummification was not an attempt to preserve the
physical body for re-use. Instead, he claims, it was
based on the observation that everyone has an astral
body which is the counterpart of the physical body.
Where they went wrong, he says, is the speculation that
the astral body would only continue to exist as long
as the physical body was preserved.
against gays in the Church. The Pope criticized the
Church of England claiming it is not the real Church.
The Pope now re-admits several senior conservative Bishops
whose writings and speaking show they are against the
Jews. Many critics see this Pope making huge blunders
in his administration. Read
more …
now and then I give books away for people to treasure
and/or to pass on to others who are searching for substantive
information about the afterlife. All you have to do
is to pay for airmail postage. Churches are welcome
to apply for multiple copies.
* Australia send two dollars seventy five cents in
* New Zealand- $10NZ
* U.S, U.K, Europe, Asia and elsewhere U.S.$8.50.
Send money via VISA/PAYPAL or to my correspondence address:
P.O. Box 1810 Dee Why, NSW, AUSTRALIA 2099.
for assistance.
were not born to live alone.
In this Free eBook and Audio, you’ll
• The biggest mistake you’re making in your
approach to finding love
• How to identify and release the real obstacles
to love
Plus, you’ll also receive a Free audio download
of a recent live teleseminar, The Secret to Attracting
Love, and a Free subscription to our weekly Love Wisdom
e-newsletter. Read
WEBSITE: very important afterlife books,
videos, articles etc. Try it:
We had lots of lovely feedback from subscribers taking
advantage of the free book offer. It has been really
lovely to read such positive and encouraging letters.
Many people wrote that they wanted to have copies of
the book to hand to friends or loved ones.
2) David wrote suggesting that we set the links in the
report to open up in a new web browser. We're trying
it this week- let us know if you prefer it.
Dr Julie Beischel, PhD Director of Research and Mark
Boccuzzi Director of Operations at the Windbridge Institute
for Applied Research in Human Potential wrote a detailed
letter about funding for paranormal research, a subject
dear to the hearts of many of our readers. They write:
The reality
is that there is very, very, VERY little funding available
to perform parapsychological research. This in turn
also makes it difficult to “waste” funding
on systematic replication studies that would solidify
the reality of the phenomena being studied. Researchers
and funding organizations alike prefer to use the limited
resources to investigate new questions or use new methods.
This, however, prevents studies from being replicated
in order to increase the amount of evidence for any
particular phenomenon.
This is such an
important issue that we have printed the letter in full.
Read more....
Now more than ever before professional accredited and
registered afterlife researchers are struggling for
funding so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far, we
can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit humanity:
From previous
weeks - it's coming to an end very soon :
Sadly as yet there is no category of paranormal research
and consciousness studies in the Nobel Prizes so I’d
like to invite you submit your nominations for the award
of an ‘honorary’ Nobel Prize for Research
into the Paranormal. Please nominate. anyone who is
extending science to show the world that the paranormal
has an empirical objective and repeatable basis and
has nothing to do with beliefs. We have had a few nominations
but we still have time to highlight the work of all
the contemporary scientists who are pioneering the most
important field in human knowledge.
whilst this has nothing to do with afterlife matters,
over the many
years of doing afterlife research, I received many questions
from my regular readers who needed legal advice but
did not have the money to go to a lawyer. Accordingly,
I have put on the website a special section for the
many legal questions/answers (eg. negligence, defamation,
police matters, murder, assault, divorce, Wills, probate,
property, claims against insurance co's., leases, marriage
rights, medical assault, police radars - and for other,
click on archives on the blog) for for my regular readers
- and for general readership and information.
Read more ...
raise me up" from AI Josh Groban and the African
Children's Choir.