in co-operation. It does not matter
if you are a Christian or a Hindu or a Jew or a Moslem
or if you belong to another religion or faith. It does
not matter even if you are an atheist or a secularist.
If you have an open mind, if you are fair, reasonable
and honest (you do NOT have to be perfect – just
good average), we can all co-operate to bring more peace,
light and love into this world of ours. However we have
to put some sense into those who use religion for their
political ends and who commit irreligious crimes like
blowing up innocent people. Also, those extremely conservative
Catholic Bishops who, according to the Vatican, believe
the ‘Jews are the enemies of Christ’ and
'the holocaust never happened' need to be brought into
line by the Vatican. And even other Christian sects
show religious prejudice and bigotry against Spiritualists;
this week it happened in Sydney when the Christian Uniting
Church (of all people) at Crows Nest, refused to allow
Spiritualists to use their premises. Where is the tolerance,
the harmony and the co-operation with another legitimate
religion? Co-operation amongst those people of goodwill
has to be transparent, has to be seen happening and
has to be experienced. We all have a responsibility
to make a positive contribution to the world to radically
reduce state and personal violence, to create more harmony
to bring more peace. One way of doing this is for people
to become more spiritual and accept that on crossing
over we are all, without exception, accountable. The
afterlife is inescapable and has huge consequences.
experience of a lifetime! Guaranteed
- when you ask 'William' (David Thompson’s afterlife
guide) a question, you will be communicating with an
‘afterlife intelligence’ - not a high intelligence
as Silver Birch is, but a spirit entity who has been
communicating with us for many years. Those of you who
are serious about experiencing communicating with a
formidable afterlife entity – a spirit (who will
answer you back in a human voice) may like to take the
opportunity to attend a deep trance demonstration with
David Thompson. David is one of the most gifted
physical-materialization mediums in the world today.
He will be holding a special public session in Sydney
on Saturday January 31st at The Performing Arts Centre
6 - 10 Holtermann St. Crows Nest at 7.30pm. According
to the Circle of the Silver Cord website, people who
attend the deep trance session will be given consideration
as potential sitters for a future materialization session.
Entrance fee $90. Wendy and I will be attending the
meeting and hopefully will be asking William a fairly
straightforward question: Read
WEBSITE: very important afterlife books,
videos, articles etc. Try it:
Stories from the AA-EVP Big Circle
Part 1
you are just beginning to think about the afterlife
or whether like me you have been researching it for
many years, Michael Tymn's book is a must-have. Michael
says of his research " the cases summarized in
this book provide a peace of mind in my old age that
religion could not." I totally agree that reading
the evidence contained in the book will help you to
answer life's biggest question- what happens when we
die. Michael writes in a very easy to read engaging
style with such clear argument and wonderful detail.
Even if you thought you knew about all the fascinating
events and characters in the book, on every page there
are new facts, new insights that will leave you stunned.
the book now.. and if you
are able to leave a favorable review on so
others will discover this treasure.
a lot of emails asking for referrals to mediums. We
don't have a personal list of tested mediums ourselves
but you can always ask at a local Spiritualist Church
for a referral. Try to find people who have personally
had positive experiences with a particular medium rather
than just replying to an advertisement. As well there
are several organizations and individuals who claim
to have done extensive testing of mediums to verify
their abilities. These are some we know of- if you know
of others please let us know. Family
Forever Foundation- click on mediums The
Windbridge Institute Allison
Dubois' personal recommendations Laurie
Campbell's personal recommendations James
Van Praagh's personal recommendations Bob
Olson's Genuine medium list
You can also check on any of the mediums who made the
final five chosen for any of the Sensing Murder Programs. Sensing Murder
New Zealand
As well you can ask for a personal referral on our
Facebook discussion site (you need to join Facebook
to access it) or on any of the online Spiritualist Networks.
WHEN YOU DIE? (No more dieting!!!) “When
we die we leave behind us all our physical disabilities.
We have our full complement of limbs, our sight and
our hearing; in fact, all our senses are fully functioning.
Indeed, the five senses, as we know them upon earth,
become many degrees more acute when we are discarnate.
Any supernormal conditions of the physical body, such
as excessive stoutness or leanness, vanish when we arrive
in these realms, and we appear as we should have appeared
on earth had not a variety of earthly reasons caused
us to be otherwise. There is a stage in our life on
earth which we know as the prime-of-life. It is towards
this that we all move. Those of us who are old or elderly
when we pass into spirit will return to our prime of
life period.” Mons. Hugh Benson from the afterlife
through medium Anthony Borgia. (Life in the World
Unseen). It’s online free: Under ALL BORIGIA
OVERRULED! No.5. (15 more objections)
“Materializations cannot be for real.
There were too many frauds in the past and many of these
were exposed to be frauds.”
Victor: That’s
another inadmissible objection: the objector is citing
self-serving prejudicial information to support his
own negative prejudice. Whilst it is admitted there
were cheats and charlatans in the past who were not
mediums, (as there are have been cheats and charlatans
claiming to be doctors and in all professions), there
were also genuine materializations that were empirically
tested and where no one was able to prove fraud. From
the earliest materializations experienced by Sir William
Crookes and Sir Oliver Lodge – two brilliant scientists
who used their scientific skills to investigate the
afterlife to the most recent empirical investigations
into materializations of David Thompson and one or two
others in England. Legally, the objection is also ‘hearsay’
– repeating without proof what somebody else said.
For fifteen months on a weekly basis, as an investigating
empiricist I -and other empiricists qualified in scientific
method -systematically investigated the materializations
of medium David Thompson and we guarantee there were
positive results where no fraud took place– contact
was made on a weekly basis with afterlife intelligences.
Not so long ago that flamboyant closed minded skeptic
from Florida said he was not prepared to email me because
‘I believed in a ‘heaven.’ Of course
my definition of ‘heaven’ would be very
much different from the definition this Zwinge Randi
gives to his ‘heaven’- thinking there are
some half-naked angels sitting on their bum playing
harp, some guy with long white hair and white beard
to be God, and other ‘saints’ praying and
singing hymns every moment of their time. ABSOLUTELY
and DEFINITIVELY WRONG buddy! Wake up! I talk about
the ‘afterlife’ – the realm of light
and realization (i.e. all those there know they are
in the afterlife who make it to the realm of the light).
chapter 29, and from some fifty sources I summarized
what the afterlife is going to be like. Those who keep
on stubbornly refusing to accept the afterlife can be
in for a rude awakening – possibly even in a realm
of confusion and darkness which can last for hundreds
even thousands of years!
MEDIUM claims her family was haunted by the ghost of
a man wrongly executed as a highwayman and trying to
clear his name. “He spoke to me and said that
he had been staying around the place as he didn’t
want to cross over as a murderer as he was innocent
of the crime. Now I can go to my brother Matthew’s
room and it’s warm when before it would always
be icy even if you turned on all the radiators and plug-in
heaters. We performed an exorcism which involves the
last rites so now his soul has been commended to God
and he seems feels a lot freer now.” Read
AFTERLIFE 101 Last week we featured the website
Afterlife 101 and were mystified why those of us in
Australia are not able to access the current site while
those in the USA and UK clearly can. Is this a case
of internet censorship? Our good friend Sean FitzGerald,
came up with a temporary solution. He writes: "Blocking
usually occurs only as a deliberate strategy. However,
if it is censorship then it's pretty useless as the
site can be accessed via an anonymous proxy which hides
your IP address." We took the first one Google
came up with, created a short cut and now Australians
can access the site direct on
WHY THE DISCREPANCIES? There was a discussion this
week on our Facebook site about why there are discrepancies
between some of the information contained in Afterlife
101 and other books, particularly in relation to whether
or not there are sports in the afterlife. Val wrote:
"One Question that was put was about Buildings
in the Afterlife and the answer came back that there
were NONE in the that Dimension....and that there were
no SPORTS played as it was an Earthly thing. Why
is then when I have attended Seances that the Spirit
Visitors have commented about their Wonderful Surroundings
and Buildings where you can be taught new things and
Children can even go to School. One Spirit Visitor mentioned
that she played 'Pigeon Shooting' with her grandfather
and they had a great time. What are we to believe when
we get different Information from different Sources?"
Victor: That's not hard to explain
at all. My take on it Val is that it depends on the
level the information is coming from. The conditions
and circumstances in each realm in the afterlife are
not the same. If an entity from another planet was asking
questions from someone in primitive Africa and someone
in remote Iceland and someone else in New York City
that entity could get very different information about
the conditions on Earth. From what I can work out many
of the different afterlife realms are cut off from each
other vibrationally and many are not aware of what is
happening elsewhere.
week Dr Adrian Klein and Dr Robert Neil Boyd write "As
mentioned at the end of our previous installment, no
comprehensive understanding of Reality may be achieved
relying exclusively upon causal connections. We will
argue here, not only the active existence of acausal
processes, but their phenomenal primacy upon causality,
Read this week's article We
are part of a sentient and deterministic, apparently
acausal, Universe.
determined to continue to slaughter whales?
Why is Japan continues to be extremely cruel to these
beautiful animals? Why is Japan trying to fraudulently
claim it is doing ‘scientific’ research
on whales trying to justify the mass slaughter of whales
for profit? Why is Japan determine to exterminate whales
from planet earth? Is it just to please a number of
wealthy Japanese who find whale meat a delicacy? Is
it extreme global selfishness? Should Japan be allowed
to destroy these magnificent species? We have a spiritual
responsibility to look after planet earth and do what
you can to voice your protest against the mass slaughter
of whales by the globally selfish Japanese. Suggestion
by Terry Williams: Stop buying Japanese made products.
Every now and then I give books away
for people to treasure and/or to pass on to others who
are searching for substantive information about the
afterlife. All you have to do is to pay for airmail
postage. Churches are welcome to apply for multiple
* Australia send two dollars seventy five cents in stamps.
* New Zealand- $10NZ
* U.S, U.K, Europe, Asia and elsewhere U.S.$8.50.
Send money via VISA/PAYPAL or to my correspondence address:
P.O. Box 1810 Dee Why, NSW, AUSTRALIA 2099.
for assistance.
“Dear Victor, I found your information of afterlife
evidence on October last year. Since then, I repeated
read the eBook and the weekly report again and again.
The information you provided strongly convinced me that
human survive after the physical dead. Thank you very
much for provide such remarkable information to us.
I would like to get the hardcopy of the book if convenient
for you. ‘R’.”
from last week's COMMENTARY: mostly
there was agreement about my last COMMENTARY that mainstream
universities are being criminally negligent by not funding
paranormal research. Only one disputed – claiming
that there are many universities who allow for paranormal
research. “Many?” The number is less than
1% of all other mainstream universities. But what was
raised was the issue of other countries like China,
where research for paranormal is backed by the State
– and uses its results for military espionage.
If they can break the afterlife non-physical energy
code, they’ll be leaders of the world. Being psychic
does not necessarily mean one has also to be spiritual.
One can be psychic and use his psychic skills negatively.
Of concern is that foreign countries could succeed in
paranormal research – and reach a very advanced
level. If that happens, it would mean the West may never
catch up because the more advanced keep on advancing.
I stated before and state again, that any country which
can fully control the paranormal – (eg, advanced
mediumship, pre-cognition, remote viewing, bi-location,
telepathy, dematerializing and materializing in the
light) will have the power to rule the world.
know that I've said this a many times, but it astonishes
me to no end how many who pride themselves on intelligence
and rationality can really believe in James (Zwinge)
Randi's bullshit $1 million challenge. On the
one hand, he claims to be open-minded to the possibility
of the existence of paranormal phenomena. On the other,
he dismisses the paranormal entirely as an impossible
"delusion." The guy doesn't have a single
grain of credibility. He only wants fame and attention,
not truth. If I were a materialist as well, I'd be embarrassed
that someone like him is representing such a point of
view.” 'J'.
QUESTION:You have used ‘admissibility of evidence’
in court? What do you mean by that?
Victor: If there was
a court hearing to decide whether there is evidence
for the afterlife the plaintiff lawyer would have to
present the evidence which
the lawyer for the skeptics would challenge and attempt
to rebut. For example, the plaintiff lawyer would present
the objective, empirical and repeatable evidence for
Electronic Voice Phenomena. Once the plaintiff lawyer
submitted all his/her evidence - including the calling
of expert witnesses (even from different countries if
funding is available) - then the lawyer for the defendant
skeptics would have to cross-examine all the expert
witnesses and try to show that the evidence ought not
be admitted i.e.accepted as evidence. But the lawyer
for the skeptics would have to show on the balance of
probabilities where, when, how and why the evidence
is not admissible. If the lawyer for the skeptics fails
to rebut the submitted evidence, that evidence would
then be accepted and the court would declare, on the
balance of probabilities that the case is proved. Of
course, it is impossible to rebut objective and repeatable
evidence. I presented some 23 areas of objective and
repeatable afterlife evidence which have not been rebutted
these last nine years.
Victor, some twelve months ago a spirit who claimed
was Sir Conan Doyle in one of David Thompson’s
materializations answered your question about those
in the afterlife – can they ever sink to lower
darker realms. Later you disagreed with him. Do you
still hold that view?
Victor: I have to repeat that my authority
comes from a higher afterlife entity by the name of
Silver Birch who stated that those who are in the lower
Astral level close to earth still have free will and
still can make mistakes. This means that if by choice
they make the wrong decisions – like trying to
hurt other spirits or being spiritually mischievous
they will be affected by the Law of Cause and Effect.
This also means that they do lower their vibrations
(level of spirituality) and they will continue to sink
to lower, darker regions. So the answer is yes, those
in the lower realm in the afterlife closest to earth
can still sink to more horrible, darker afterlife regions.
Perhaps Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was referring to those
who are already in the upper realms of the Light.
“Is the afterlife dimension all light and beauty?”
Afterlife eye-witness intelligence:
“Do not assume everything is bright and beautiful
in our world. Far from it, as our world is composed
of the people who come to it from yours. If you sent
us saints it would indeed be heaven. But they are not
all saints who come to our world. We have to deal with
some of your misshapen misfits, uneducated, spiritually
illiterate, who have missed their opportunities and
some who, unfortunately, have led such selfish lives
that they are still dead spiritually. So remember that
ours is not entirely a world of beauty, light and loveliness.
It has also has its darker spheres.”
were not born to live alone. Turn your love life around
this Saturday morning
(9am US Pacific Time- 4am Sunday Sydney time). For the
first time you will have the opportunity to learn the
5 core practices for Calling in the One in one session.
This one-time only event is available to our subscribers
at a special price of $47. If you have been thinking
of making some changes in your life don't delay- grab
this chance while it is on offer. This proven practical
spiritual approach has helped thousands of people find
love and we know it can and will work for you too! The
event will be recorded and AVAILABLE ONLINE FOR PEOPLE
It is vitally important that professional accredited
and registered afterlife researchers be given funding
so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far, we
can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit humanity:
From previous
weeks - it's coming to an end very soon :
Sadly as yet there is no category of paranormal research
and consciousness studies in the Nobel Prizes so I’d
like to invite you submit your nominations for the award
of an ‘honorary’ Nobel Prize for Research
into the Paranormal. Please nominate. anyone who is
extending science to show the world that the paranormal
has an empirical objective and repeatable basis and
has nothing to do with beliefs. We have had a few nominations
but we still have time to highlight the work of all
the contemporary scientists who are pioneering the most
important field in human knowledge.
whilst this has nothing to do with afterlife matters,
over the many
years of doing afterlife research, I received many questions
from my regular readers who needed legal advice but
did not have the money to go to a lawyer. Accordingly,
I have put on the website a special section for the
many legal questions/answers (eg. negligence, defamation,
police matters, murder, assault, divorce, Wills, probate,
property, claims against insurance co's., leases, marriage
rights, medical assault, police radars - and for other,
click on archives on the blog) for for my regular readers
- and for general readership and information.
Read more ...
(the beautiful, evocative music, The Righteous Brothers'
Unchained Melody which was featured
in the movie GHOST can be heard softly in the background.
Absolutely, physical death will not sever true love.
Here is a magnificent scene from a really great movie
GHOST where the character played by Patrick Swayze from
the afterlife (yes, that’s exactly how he would
look in the afterlife in those circumstances) is saying
goodbye to his soul-mate (played by Demi Moore) and
the medium played by Whoopie Goldberg. Have patience
with this exceptional segment, it’s worth every
moment – it is an extremely sensitive part where
you will see the afterlife ‘white light’
descending towards Swayze character. Towards the very
last scene you can see the outlines of those in the
afterlife who wanted to welcome Swayze character. Great
moments in afterlife movies.
own comment: regarding the afterlife ‘White Light’
– it is real! Family members told me that when
my grandmother died, her last few words at the time
of crossing over were, words to the effect, “where
is this bright light coming from?”- they had no
idea what she was talking about - none of them new anything
about what happens to certain open minded, honest, reasonable
people on crossing over).