Number 16.
We are part of a sentient and deterministic,
apparently acausal, Universe.
Adrian Klein and Dr
Robert Neil Boyd PhD.
As mentioned at the end of our previous installment, no
comprehensive understanding of Reality may be achieved relying
exclusively upon causal connections. We will argue here,
not only the active existence of acausal processes, but
their phenomenal primacy upon causality, also.
Our readers are certainly familiar with the acausal concept
of Synchronicity, whose full statement has been done by
Jung in his Eranos lecture, 1951, just one year before his
famous "Synchronicity-An Acausal Connecting Principle"
has been published as the product of his fertile collaboration
with the Nobel Prize winning physicist, W. Pauli.
At a quite fundamental level of definition, synchronous
events are experienced as causally unrelated ones, occurring
together in a meaningful way and defying chance expectation.
In such simultaneous occurrences cause and effect seem to
be superimposed and interchangeable. This feature differentiates
them from "incoincidental" events, which at retrospective
analysis may be traced back to causal determination chains,
or as obeying some statistical requirements of the kind
expressed in Littlewood's Low.
Moreover, genuine synchronistic effects have little similarity,
if any, with Baader-Meinhof phenomena, which are special
(bias confirmation) variants of serendipidity. According
to the Ocam's Razor principle of explanatory parsimony,
the Baader-Meinhof effect is dependent upon a recency requirement
for acquired Information. This prerequisite is totally missing
for synchronistic phenomena, which can be accurately detected
as present, in all the describable levels of Reality.
Genuine acausal connections do not obey the standard, cause
and effect, precedence requirements which define classical
causality. Nevertheless, at a very careful analysis, causality
principles may be detected as operating in the background
of synchronistic phenomena, provided any requirements for
precedence are ignored. This is exactly what happens in
Information-driven processes, as a consequence of their
SQ essence, which essence transcends both space and time
constraints. In the Informational realm, determinants (causes)
may well either precede, or follow, effects. This occurs
due to the suppression of vectorial time, for the infinite
velocity species of SQ entities, and their intrinsic combinatorial
information patterns. Retro-causations in Time may easily
be implemented in synchronistic aspects, thus displaying
an apparent "acausality" (in its conventional
meaning), which apparently implies anterograde (backwards
in time) time vectors.
An easy exemplification of this expression may be found
in Sheldrake's hypothesis of "formative causation",
which suggests a conformal structuring of shape-forming
morphic units, according to their "surrounding"
Information fields, and according to the specific functional
pattern expected from the completed structure. A bivectorial
morphic resonance is established between the Information
field, and the corresponding potential forms produced by
morphic units. This resonance results in an increasing stability
for the morphic (shape-forming) fields. This process is
thus increasing their potential to be "tuned into"
by any newly formed organizing Units. Such a morphic resonance
loop shares the chicken/egg paradox regarding its origins.
This situation implies that some sort of starting blueprint
must have been externally imposed upon the system, in the
first place. These blueprints themselves, are originating
from higher enfolded domains, in the hierarchical Informational
complexes, according to the conceptual frame of the SQ.
Embryogenetic fields, with patterning potentials upon mass/energy
backgrounds (evolving in their own physical domain), couple,
by Quantum superposition effects, to these blueprints. This
coupling is made possible by the hyperdimensional coupling
of the SQ constituents, into the proactive Information fields.
The reductionist concept, that a merely genetic programming
might be capable of supporting the entirety of the embryogenetic
processes, is untenable - as Sheldrake has correctly put
it - since the DNA structure remains widely identical throughout
the entire organism, throughout the entire process.
Recent experimental confirmations of Sheldrake's expressions
have been supplied by Gariaev's research team, with physical
experimental results which strongly support the understanding
that information field activities are actively mediating
all genetic processes. This understanding supports Crick's
recent hypothesis that the DNA system is merely a factory
which is producing all the materials which are used to fabricate
the cell, and that this factory must be told what to construct
and when, by some externally-driven information-based process.
These Gariaev results are supplying the, hitherto considered
missing, falsifiability requirements, as misleadingly invoked
in attempts to contradict Sheldrake's brilliant insights.
By the actual physical evidence, Sheldrake's accurate expressions,
and Crick's hypothesis, are vindicated.
The twilight zone between the causal and acausal, extends
also upon D. Lewis' counterfactual theory of causality.
Translating causal into counterfactual statements, implies
introducing conditionals and causal preemption factors,
all of them originating in the Information regime.
We have to keep in mind that at its most fundamental level,
existence implies acausality. The very existence of our
Universe is a basically acausal process, seen from the perspective
that the "origins" of the Universe are lacking
any time-alignment. No conceivable cause could precede the
existence of the Universe without accepting the faulty assumption
of an infinitely regressed chain of causation, extending
beyond both Creator and its creation. Nevertheless, as we
might treat in a future contribution, our SQ model admits
a perpetual, "beyond time" cosmogenetic process,
thus circumventing previous unsolvable paradoxical creation
deadlocks, by reformulating the principles related to the
logic of causality, and the causality of logic, itself.
The efficiency of our conceptual framework constructively
applies to this highly sensitive philosophical range by
transcending the probabilistically-determined randomness
(PDR) conjectures of classical Quantum interpretations.
Our proposals are beyond both classical and probabilistic
determinism, transcending both by enfolded informational
interconnections which result in a hybrid form of an acausally-backed,
Information-caused determinacy. Reality and manifestation
become the complex result of an interwoven, mutually sensitive,
an interdependent synchronistic causality texture, composed
of interacting temporal and atemporal informational components.
No reference to an acausal determinism would be complete
without implying the ontological particularity of the free
will, as opposed to an exclusively causal determinism. This
Universal ingredient, of uttermost philosophical importance,
is worthy of a few explanatory lines.
Free will implies a non-random and non-deterministic (herein,
rationality is comprised!) selection from a given array
of options, which are detectable at some decision point.
These requirements turn free will into a randomity-contradicting,
radically acausal phenomenon, one which is inherent in the
Universe. Free will is contending the ability of self-expression,
in all the layers of enfolded information levels, down to
the energetic/material regime - and originating in the physical
world, the set-up of a physical Brain (or its various Quantum
equivalents) which is able to function as manifestation
media of the faculty of free will.
In this perspective, free will is a phenomenal category
not bound to Quantum probabilistic constraints. Therefore,
free will may be seen as the general case of which Quantum
probabilism is a special case. This novel vantage point
has tremendous implications in understanding the asymmetric
Brain/Mind dualism, from a universally valid, advanced paradigmatic
synoptic view. Free will initiates phenomena that cannot
occur in a purely Quantum Universe. Free will transcends
the Quantum physics, as a choice-making phenomenon, thus
free will becomes a uniquely qualified agent, able to collapse
the probabilistic wave function. All forms of Consciousness
possess this faculty of free will. Thus any event which
involves free will, stands as non-predictable, relative
to any possible view of any purely deterministic or probabilistic
physics. In other words, any act of free will, violates
all physics.
According to Wheeler, by operating in an extra-temporal
condition, a free-willed consciousness may retroactively
draw an entire Universe into existence, by a retrocausational
effect. We need to keep in mind that rationality is not
a fundamental ingredient of free will. Were rationality
actually a prerequisite of free will, free will would then
become a purely causally determined process - which it is
decidedly not. The higher cognitive functions ascribed to
consciousness (emotionals, intuitionals etc.), must be involved
in the Quantum collapse of multiple-choice states. This
view supplies the solution for the philosophical conundrum
of free will, at the high, but decidedly worthy price, of
giving up all physically reductionist, and mechanistic/atheistic
inferences, as are presently applied in consciousness studies.
In our SQ model of Sentient Reality, both the origination
of Quantum PDR (probabilitisicly-determined randomity) and
an Information-related, acausal free-will, are placed at
their common SQ denominator. The new physics we propose
is able to encompass, in an extended conceptual spectrum,
domains hitherto widely separated by the Cartesian gap.
But our new insights into the physics of consciousness
are no way serendipitous ones. Our SQ plenum strongly reminds
the monadic plenum advocated by Leibniz ("Monadology",
1714), as composed by infinitesimal dual structures, connecting
a mathematical point to its "physical" equivalent.
The "primary matter" in Leibniz' metaphysical
"point", is described in terms of an aether (Hypothesis
physica nova, 1671), able to propagate by cascades of "effulgurations",
an initial monadic essence, which is coincident with the
spatially unextended mathematical point (which, in our concept,
lives in its own "entelechial" domain of Information).
Our hyperdimensional SQ Unit has thus been pre-acknowledged,
in the form of Leibniz' dual monadic structure, back in
the 17th Century.
Recent studies have amply confirmed the accuracy of our
assumptions, regarding the essence of conscious experience,
and its causality-violating transactional interpretations,
casting a new light upon Libet's "delay-and-antedating"
Ten years ago, F.A.Wolf published, in the prestigious "Journal
of Scientific Exploration" a comprehensive essay on
the two-time observables (TTO) required in a causality-violating
new transactional interpretation of Quantum physics, as
applied to consciousness-related neural functions. Relying
upon Libet's experimental results, Wolf suggests that the
collapse of the probability wave (corresponding with incremental
Information storage in the Self) occurs at the intersection
point of two opposed, Information-carrying, time vectors.
Libet's ground-shaking experiments were performed by applying
time-markers to peripheral, thalamic and cortical components
of the sensory awareness, which subsequently proved that
"events in the brain, eliciting consciousness of passive
sensory occurrences, occur after the apparent awareness
of these events and not before".
While the neuronal adequacies involved in data processing
require a 500 msec delay, following the peripheral stimulus,
the actual projection of stimuli into the actual awareness
does not exceed the 10-50 msec range. Awarenesses of passive
peripheral sensory inputs, take place before the sensory
cortex has achieved any processing, of neuronal adequacy,
while the actual awareness of its neurally processed phantom
"fill-ins", happen later. This is after the instant
when a subcortical time marker (one originating during the
involvements of the Thalamus and the medial lemniscus) has
reached the somatocortical structures. The fact that the
stimulus penetrates into the awareness field, before any
time markers can arise in the somatosensory cortex, in Libet's
experiments (negative time deviation in the 15 msec range),
imply the fundamental antecedence of Information processing,
as compared to the neural correlates of information processing.
This places objective experience at the crossroads of, anterograde
and retrograde, Information-carrying vectors. This interaction
map coincides with Cramer's transactional interpretation
of Quantum processes, which later inspired Kurakin's model
of a "hidden time" sort of retrocausation, as
we've mentioned earlier in our exposure.
Relying upon Libet's and Kurakin's experimentally supported
tenets and Wolf's related works, we can safely assume that
the primary awareness coincides with the collapse of the
probability wave, seen as an interference event between
opposite Information-carrier time-vectors, which are occurring
in the SQ. The Information potential is projected from such
Quantum singularity events, and their combinatorial patterns,
into space and time, subsequently expressing in the matter
and energy domains of Quantum processes, in the brain.
From this experimentally supported perspective, the Information-selected
Quantum wave-collapse option couples in a similar way, both
the upward sensory signals and downward free-will connected
intentional ones, to the Quantum probabilistic world, which
proves thus to be a non-random, fundamentally acausal, information-deterministic
system - a holographic representation of the essence of
our sentient Universe.
We hope that our readers become increasingly familiar with
the complex fabric of Information-based sentient reality
we defend, with its far reaching theoretical and applicative
consequences for a new science and technology reflecting
nature, not competing it by dogmatic materialistic theoretical
By now, we are approaching in our presentations mankind's
ultimate hitherto unsolved mystery, the Brain/Mind asymmetric
We hope, with our next installments, to succeed solving
it according to observable reality instead of preconceived
canonical constraints dogmatically forced to circumvent
evidence as nonconformal to the scleromorphic scholarly
tenets at their background.
29th January 2009
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