if I have not replied to your email. When we arrived
from our overseas trip we found huge backlog of emails
and requests. We are still jet-lagging- sleeping day
and night and experiencing heaviness in the head –
hopefully things will be back to normal soon.
recent travels to France and England confirm and reinforce
our acceptance of the afterlife. The evidence is there
for any genuine person who wants to seek the truth about
the afterlife. We sat with four different 'physical
circles' and each time the afterlife – the beings
there - made it clear they wanted to tell us something
about their existence. One most striking aspect of these
meetings was that the mediums were not working with
ectoplasm, but with a ‘new energy.’ At one
stage in France, during an afternoon session, one of
the windows was slightly open bringing in the afternoon
light. Yet, John Sloan (Arthur Findlays's medium when
they were on physical earth) and Jonathan Sinclair –
and others came through from the afterlife. That would
certainly not have occurred if the medium, Tom Morris,
was working with ectoplasm. We have been told that great
things will be done with this new ‘physical’
energy as they are being done with ectoplasm. Several
circles have been told that some time in the future
there will be materializations in natural light. How
soon this is going to be we do not know yet - we've
been told that scientists in the afterlife are working
on it. When that happens there will be the greatest
spiritual revolution in history since these days we
have advanced electronic equipment that was sadly missing
in the days of the great materialization mediums of
the past.
FROM THE AFTERLIFE: We've heard some
fabulous spirit voices during our overseas trip. We're
hoping that these clear, resonant voices directly from
the afterlife will be put on the internet shortly.
and Lisa Butler, directors of the American Association
for Electronic Voice Phenomena recently traveled from
the USA to Sydney Australia to sit with materialization
medium David Thompson. They were not disappointed as
one of the leading pioneers of EVP came through to offer
them advice.
Below is their report:
“In September we traveled to Sydney Australia
to attend a Circle of the Silver
Cord, David Thompson, guest séance. This was
a personal trip as we gave wanted to see David for several
years. What happened was amazing as Konstantin Raudive
spoke to us for 7 minutes.
We think that the last time he came
though to a researcher for a sustained length of time
was in 1994. Precautions were taken against fraud in
this séance, the room was searched all sitters
including the medium were searched and a metal detector
was used. The medium was tied into a chair and gagged.
The conversation was all very evidential to us. This
was not a generalized message such as "your doing
a good job" or "we thank you for your work
to help others through the AA-EVP," instead he
talked about how we might improve communication between
the spirit world and earth through an instrument.
We are gathering the needed equipment
and hope to have done sufficient testing of his directions
in the next 6 months. We just can't tell you how thrilling
this was for us! The voice is not exactly like other
recordings we have heard of him when he was alive or
when he came through over the phone but we believe that
this is because he was speaking through ectoplasm and
that it was very difficult,
as he himself says, for him to do this. We feel incredibly
honored to have had this occur and we hope that all
researchers know that Dr. Konstantin Raudive (pictured,
left) along with fellow pioneer Klaus Schreiber are
still working with people doing research with EVP/ITC.
A partial recording along with a transcript is now up
at the
AA-EVP website.
to David Thompson's Circle of the Silver Cord
for putting online video attestations of people who
have just witnessed materializations. In this video
Reverend Tom Newman, from the Shrine of the Master Church
in Sarasota, FL and Tom and Lisa Butler, Directors of
the American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena
talk about their impressions.Watch
In this recording you can hear Silver Birch speaking
through trance medium Maurice Barbanell. After analyzing
Silver Birch’s transmissions to us from the afterlife
for more than 20 years, many informed people concur
that he is one of the most inspirational teachers who
has transmitted so much wealth information about the
afterlife. He said he’s also been on earth as
a Buddhist. Descending to earth as an Native American
Indian he has given great hope to millions of people.
I remind the newcomer to Silver Birch, that the American
Indians had a comparative advantage when dealing with
the afterlife. At their peak of life, they had very
close relationship with mother earth, and learning about
spirit communication. That is why even to-day, so many
Native American Indians continue to help us by becoming
teachers, doorkeepers and guides. I often quoted Silver
Birch in my Friday Afterlife Report – but here
he is himself in person, his own voice vibrations –
directly from the afterlife. To many, this is pure gold
Dr Ken S and Roberto,
John and Patty, the members of
the New York based Circle for Humanity contacted us
to say, that they have
now hit third gear. Using the new energy, they
are getting clear voices through a trumpet and from
mid-air without using ectoplasm and without the medium
being unconscious. And they are still getting several
in each sitting. Pictured is a
pocket watch apported to the Circle just before two
members left New York for France. It was set 6 hours
ahead of New York time- French time.
Dr Ken writes:
" Another great sitting last night...
For the first time, both trumpets came up off of the
floor and flew about the room performing acrobatic maneuvers
with perfect precision. After this wonderful display,
one of the trumpets landed beautifully on the table
while the other continued to hover in front of us above
our heads. Xavier [ a spirit child working with the
circle] spoke through the trumpet the following words:
"We are learning how to use the new energy".
It was loud and clear for all of us
to hear. When the tamborine [ a child's toy edged with
luminous tape] went up, this time all 4 of us could
see Xavier's etheric hand holding it. At one point,
when I had my hands on the table, I shifted a little
to the right and accidentally felt Xavier's little hand
right next to mine....
As we approached the end of the sitting, I told our
native American guides that I was going to put on some
native American drumming music for about 20 minutes
(something that we have not done before). Immediately
Greentree [the Circle's American Indian guide] began
using the table for a drum and continued to drum for
about 10-15 minutes. When this was happening, we could
all clearly hear one of the other Native American guides
chanting to the music along with the drumming. The trumpets
were sitting on the floor at the opposite end of the
room while this took place. It was quite an amazing
experience, to say the least. We now have independent
voice from both the trumpet and from mid air."
WHAT IS TABLE TILTING? Two of the circles we sat with in Europe used
table tilting- a method of spirit communication used
by spiritualists for more than one hundred and fifty
years. A group of sitters, working in darkness, put
their hands lightly on a small table marked with luminous
tape. Given time the table starts to rock and levitate
and answers questions by tilting to the right or left.
Skilled users are able to get the table to respond using
an alphabetic code. Below is a video made by the Felix
Circle in Germany that gives the basic idea.In the circles we sat in the tables levitated
high into the air and developed a personality of their
own. They were clearly not being controlled by the sitters.
A ‘walk-in’ happens when the spirit of a
person leaves the person on
planet earth and some other spirit takes over the person’s
body – walks in - to continue where the other
spirit left off. This is highly controversial as information
from the afterlife conflicts. The main writing about
walk-ins comes from Ruth Montgomery in "Strangers
Among Us" and "Threshold To Tomorrow".
They are currently Fawcett Crest titles being published
by Ballantine Books. I asked that question to an energy
calling itself Sir Arthur Conan Doyle over a year ago
about ‘walk-ins’. His answer is blatantly
“No, there is no such thing as a walk-in.”
But he may be reflecting the knowledge from the realm
he happens to be in. Other information transmitted from
the afterlife tells us yes, there is such thing as a
‘walk-in’. We still need to have reliable
information to resolve this matter.
Ruth Montgomery claimed that she channeled a great deal
of information
from the other side, specifically from her deceased
friend, the famous spiritualist and medium, Arthur Ford.
From beyond the grave, Montgomery received startling
answers to questions about life after death, such as:
What happens after death? Where do we go? What is it
like over there? Ruth Montgomery documented these revelations
in a series of book: A World Beyond, The World to Come,
The World Before, A Search for the Truth, Born to Heal,
Here and Hereafter, Threshold to Tomorrow, Companions
Along the Way, Herald of the New Age, and Strangers
Among Us. In the following excerpt from her book, A
World Beyond she talks about what happens to:
* an unspiritual person
* a drug addict
* a murderer
* a baby
* a fundamentalist preacher
* a church lady
Read more....
and consciousness researcher Dr Tom Campbell (author
of My
Big Theory of Everything) and another researcher
agreed to both go out-of-body and meet each other a
few hundred feet above the roof of Bob Monroe's lab.
After they made contact in the out–of-body-state,
Bob Monroe spoke to them individually or simultaneously
through headphones while recording verbal description
of their experiences and conversations. Sometimes he
would give them suggestions for gathering information
evidential information. Tom and Dennis could not hear
each other’s dialogue or responses.
When the exercise was finished, Bob
Monroe asked both if they thought they had communicated
with each other in this state. They thought they had,
but weren’t sure. Until Bob ran the tapes. Two
different tapes, each recorded from a sound-proof unit
provided a consistent record of shared observations
and communications. The objective results made it clear
that their experience in the out-of-body state was shared
and thus external and independent of either of them.
Tom recalls muttering “This stuff is real!”
over and over again for several days. Read
those who
accept reincarnation, a popular question has been –
and still is: when do we stop reincarnating? It is always
difficult to say when reincarnation stops but an extremely
good guide is when a person reaches a stage of true
‘unconditional love’ and ‘unconditional
forgiveness’. There will be no need to keep on
reincarnating as the toughest lessons would have been
learnt – and there is no point in coming across
challenges that have already been successfully met.
THE YEAR 2012 - the predicted disaster?: With
the upcoming release of the deliberately-sensational-fear
-inducing movie 2012 in November
and the many
books and websites devoted to human beings scaring
themselves silly, many people are concerned. Will the
world be partly destroyed in the year 2012? Will millions
of people die because of a predicted 'shift'? If you
have done some serious research about this
subject - which at the moment is highly controversial,
could you share your findings with us?
according to Rev Michael Beckwith of the Agape Spiritual
Centre, Los Angeles who points out the many previous
doomsday scenarios we have lived with (remember Nostradamaus
and the Millenium bug) and argues that the media is
focusing on a dying paradigm.
The terrorist bomb plot threatened to rival 9/11 stated
Ailsa Dixon, outlining the horrifying details in Skysport
September 11, 09. Why, people emailed me, asking is
this madness goes
on? When is it going to stop? Why send hundreds even
thousands of innocent people to the afterlife in the
most horrific way? John McDowall, head of the Metropolitan
Police’s counter terrorism command said, “While
we successfully disrupted this plot, the public should
be in no doubt that the terrorist threat is still with
us and that there are individuals in the UK who are
determined to attack us.” Now that the dust has
settled on this issue and the three terrorists have
been sent to jail for life, I can say that we totally
agree with John McDowall’s chilling warning that
hundreds and even thousands of innocent people could
be blown up to the afterlife by foreign terrorists.
Obviously, those terrorists who planned the mass murder
cannot say "we were programmed to do this.”
They had the knowledge, they had the intention and they
were caught red handed by the brilliant British counter-terrorist
police. The educated Moslems should keep on telling
the radical Moslems that killing innocent people is
against the Koran, against God and that on blowing themselves
up will find themselves in the most horrific darkest
lowest afterlife region – the home of the most
horrific spirits as like attracts like. It is critical
for all suicide bombers to understand that being religious
does not mean being spiritual. One can be religious
and on dying will go straight to ‘hell’
but being spiritual means respect for innocent lives.
Extremely well done John McDowall and his team for keeping
Heathrow safe.
FEAR? (White Eagle is
a spiritual master who was channeled by the medium Grace
Cook in England - read
The afterlife powerful energy 'WHITE EAGLE' passed the
test of time for his most highly spiritual messages
to the world. Read this most beautiful and inspirational
"Fear is a weakness of the lower mind. The lower
mind suggests limitation and failure;
it suggests failure of the spiritual powers to save
the world. Do not be guilty of this negative thinking.
Know that God is all-love, all-wisdom. His power is
infinite. God cannot fail. Man may bring unnecessary
suffering upon himself, but God ever works, like the
great physician, to heal mankind's wounds. Do not be
tempted to look on the negative side. What you do not
understand, leave aside; but never fail to trust God's
love. And now, the peace of eternal stillness, the tranquility
of spirit abide with you in all your ways." (From
The Gentle Brother p.18).
WANTED: it has become necessary to put
more translations online. For those who want to volunteer
to translate the book in Chinese and other languages
apart from what is already on line please contact me
at your earliest:
GOOD VOICE: I had several
requests in the past to have "A Lawyer Presents
the Case for the Afterlife" available in audio
format. So, if you do have a good professional reading
voice and want to volunteer to read a chapter of the
book for the public, please contact me at your earliest.
You will need to be able to use a (free) audio recording
program like Audacity or an mp3 recorder and send the
file in mp3 format.
of this list can now obtain copies of my book A LAWYER
except - all you have to do is to pay
for postage and packing: anywhere in the world A$13.
Within Australia A$3. Email 2008@victorzammit.com.
Churches and spiritual groups are welcome to apply for
multiple copies to sell as a fund raiser.
1) "
Last week you had an item which showed how we regress
old age looks to young age looks – you showed
a picture of an old woman and a second picture of the
same woman who would regress to a younger looking female.
I thought looks don't matter in the afterlife?"
Victor: Yes, I also have to state that ‘good looks’
in the afterlife do not have any meaning as status is
obtained through the relative brightness of the aura
– that is the real status: the brighter the aura
the higher status one has in the afterlife.
2)" I have been recieving your emails for a few
months now and wanted to let you both know that I deeply
appreciate them. I have had a never ending crave to
learn about the afterlife my whole adult life and your
Friday Afterlife Report is just what I have been searching
Stay safe and God Bless
julie "
3) Why don't you have a chat page or a blog where people
can exchange ideas? Victor: We do- Join Facebook and the
group is called
Spiritual? Sceptic? Evidence for Existence of the Afterlife.
amazing is happening for us as women. As one of the
first generations liberated from the tasks of mere
survival, we now have the freedom, the credentials,
the resources and the interest to turn our attention
toward the full transformation of ourselves and our
world. Never before have
we as a global group of women been holding so much
potential, or so much power, to shape our collective
future....Yet, what is the pathway to awakening the
fullness of our authentic power as women? Where should
we give our energy and attention in order to make
our greatest contribution? And how might we work together
and support each other in this process? We invite
you to join our global community of women as we come
together to engage the most important questions of
our time."
This Fall, join 14 of the world's leading female spiritual
luminaries, thinkers and agents of change for an unprecedented
conversation. Read
Now more than ever before professional accredited
and registered afterlife researchers are struggling
for funding so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far,
we can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit
Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage
and we publish many papers by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee what is published
is to be the absolute truth. We accept the imputed claim
that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the
researchers is done in good faith.