The Book 4th edition
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1. Opening statement
“Read not to contradict and confute,
nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider.”
Sir Francis Bacon
There is undeniable scientific evidence today for the afterlife.
I am a former practicing attorney-at-law formally qualified
in a number of university disciplines. I am also an open-minded
The argument that follows is not just an abstract, theoretical,
academic legal argument. As an open-minded investigator,
I set out to investigate the existing evidence for survival
after death and, with others, to test claims that communication
with intelligences from the afterlife is possible.
After many years of serious investigation I have come to
the irreversible conclusion that there is a great body of
evidence which, taken as a whole, absolutely and without
a doubt proves the case for the afterlife. I will not be
arguing that the objective evidence has high value
as proof. Nor am I suggesting that this evidence be accepted
beyond reasonable doubt. I am stating that the evidence
taken as a whole constitutes overwhelming
and irrefutable proof for the existence of the
There have been millions of pages written about psychic
phenomena and scientific research into the afterlife. Using
my professional background as an attorney and my university
training in psychology, history and scientific method, I
have very carefully selected aspects of psychic research
and afterlife knowledge that would constitute objective
evidence. This evidence would be technically admissible
in the Supreme Court of the United States, the House of
Lords in England, the High Court of Australia and in every
civilized legal jurisdiction around the world.
When the objective evidence – modern materializations,
near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, after-death
contacts, voices on tape, psychic laboratory experiments,
the best mediums, the cross correspondences, the Scole Experiments,
proxy sittings, poltergeists and all of the other evidence
contained in this work – is seen collectively, the
case for survival after death is absolutely stunning and
The evidence presented in this work also proves the existence
of so-called ‘psychic phenomena,’ which are
interconnected with the afterlife and can only be explained
satisfactorily by survival of the individual soul and personality
after death.
In absolute terms the evidence presented in this work will
convince the rational and intelligent open-minded skeptic
or the genuine searcher about the existence of the afterlife.
Why don’t more people know about the evidence?
For many years there has been hostility towards psychic
science in the mainstream media, in universities and in
some of the churches. The discoveries of serious scientists
working to prove the afterlife have been misreported, distorted
and ignored. High profile closed-minded skeptics have been
given unfair license by the media to ridicule, cheat and
lie, with the result that members of the general public
know very little about the great body of scientific research
that has been accumulated.
Many people who are genuinely seeking to explore this fascinating
area have not been able to access unbiased factual information
because they may not have the skills or the time to read
and analyze the huge number of technical books and articles
available on this subject (see Bibliography). In some societies
these books are still simply not available because of formal
and informal censorship.
Knowledge which is “subjective” includes all
information which cannot be independently substantiated.
This includes personal beliefs: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism,
Buddhism, Judaism and other religions. Subjective knowledge
also includes closed-minded materialist skepticism (modern
usage: a strongly held belief that the afterlife does not
exist) because in context of the afterlife, no skeptic can
use science to objectively prove that closed-minded skepticism
is scientific or that nothing exists in the afterlife.
The original meaning of skepticism referred to the critical
examination of a phenomenon without accepting or rejecting
it. The original meaning of skepticism had nothing to do
with completely denying the afterlife or the validity of
psychic phenomena.
Like religion, closed-minded skepticism is a personal, subjective
belief that is subject to fundamental errors and to complete
invalidation. Because a personal subjective religious or
skeptical belief does not have the substance of science,
any subjective religious or skeptical belief inevitably
can be absolutely invalidated.
Objective knowledge – science – is where the
same results and the same cause-effect connection can be
demonstrated over time and space. Science is regarded as
“objective” in that any person who follows the
scientific formulas, keeping variables constant, will get
the same results. Sometimes I use the word ‘empirical’
instead of ‘science’. ‘Empirical’
relates to the use of scientific method to measure paranormal
or afterlife evidence.
The studies of voices on tape (see Chapters 4 and 5) and
mediumship have clearly showed this element of repeatability.
Investigators working independently in many different countries
have been able to duplicate each other’s work.
But not all science is conducted in the laboratory. Within
the definition of science there is also the ‘scientific,
systematic observation of a phenomenon.’ For example,
whilst we accept and believe that thunder and lightening
and storms do occur, we cannot duplicate them under laboratory
conditions. Case studies, too, are important to the scientific
method. As long as there is strict adherence to scientific
method, the results of the observations can become scientifically
A word of caution
What I have found in many of the meetings about the afterlife
is that some people accept much of the information presented,
but some want to put emphasis on, or disagree about, reincarnation
or astrology, or meditation or prayer or crystals, or even
atheism or agnosticism. For the purpose of the record, it
is not my intention to try to change anybody’s beliefs
or religion. This is not religious crusading. This is not
a matter of faith or belief. This is a matter of either
acceptance or non-acceptance of the objective, empirical
You are being given access to some very important objective
information about the afterlife, the most important information
you will ever come across in your lifetime. But ultimately,
given all the information, you the reader will have to decide
what you accept or reject. But if you reject the evidence
presented in this work, the onus shifts onto you to show
and explain objectively why you have rejected the evidence.
In the past, the clergy refused to accept science because
it conflicted with the clergy's personal religious beliefs.
When Galileo showed the Pope the telescope and told him
that it would prove Galileo's view of the universe, the
Pope called the telescope “the work of the devil”
and refused to look through it. But the clergy had to eventually
accept that science prevailed over personal, subjective
religious beliefs. It can never be any other way.
You the reader have to take extreme care not to fall into
the comfort-zone trap, rejecting objective information just
because the objective, scientific information conflicts
with your personal, subjective beliefs – be they religious
or skeptical.
We need to be aware that once people feel comfortable with
a set of beliefs, they do not want to change them even if
new, objective and scientific information shows they are
completely invalid. Many beliefs become part of the emotional
makeup and are hard-wired into the nervous system. These
beliefs become very hard to shift. Even if information is
scientific, we initially tend to reject it if the information
is too advanced – if it challenges our ‘boggle
threshold’ by being too far ahead of our existing
knowledge, especially if the information is not consistent
with our secular or religious beliefs, history, culture,
values and tradition.
Beliefs shaped by our environment
We just cannot ignore the fact that where we were born has
a huge bearing on what we believe. For example, if we were
born in China to-day or in Japan or in some remote village
in Africa or in Alaska or in India or in Russia, we would
very likely have beliefs different from someone born in
North America. For that reason, we have to examine our belief
system very closely and not assume that our beliefs are
correct simply because it’s what our parents or teachers
believed or because they are what we were brought up with.
Repeatedly, we have had to adjust our beliefs and value
systems to accommodate scientific marvels, such as man walking
on the moon and spectacular space explorations. Similarly,
adjustments have to be made to accommodate the empirically
based evidence for the existence of psychic phenomena and
the afterlife.
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