Afterlife Hall of Fame
to those most brilliant scientists and dedicated mediums,
psychics and researchers who made a most significant contribution
towards promoting the pranormal and proving the existence
of the afterlife.
continue to show that some 97% of the people in the United
States, Southern Americas and it is estimated that in the
United Kingdom, Australia and in most countries accept the
possibility that life continues after physical death. But
for many, the acceptance for the hereafter is based on beliefs,
intuition and tradition.
the last century some of the most intelligent and brilliant
scientists - men and women who ever walked on this planet
earth have made significant contribution by using science
and other evidence to provide for the absolute proof of
the existence of the afterlife. No doubt, communication
with those who crossed over is the most important discovery
in the history of mankind. There is nothing more important,
nothing as vital or significant as knowing that we survive
physical death.
transmitted from the other side tells us that the consequences
of the afterlife are enormous. Those who staked their reputation
for the truth to be known and other psychic researchers
deserve a place in history so that what they discovered
can be related to the millions around the world. Their contribution
will never be forgotten and is cherished with much love
and affection by us who have come to know the afterlife
I regard David Thompson - from my investigations
of his mediumship skills, to be the greatest physical -materlization
in the world to-day. David has been tested
by a professionally, by a lawyer and by a psychologist,l
empiricists and others (all who have the capacity and the
competence to perceive the paranormal with true empirical
equanimity) - every week for fifteen months. He passed all
the stringest tests applied in every experiment. I have
witnessed over forty loved ones making contact with those
who attended the seance. Members of the
Circle of the Silver Cord were contacted by their crossed
over loved ones. Wendy, my partner was reunited with her
father from the spirit world and I was there to witness
the most spectacular reunion. No expert scientist, no expert
empiricist ever criticised our Scientific Methodology when
testing David over the fifteen months.
CHARLES CADWELL: he is actually an 'intelligence'
an 'energy', a spirit from the afterlife - one of David
Thompson's main guides.
'William' has been - and is instrumental in organizing which
afterlife entities and loved ones are to make contact with
those those sitting in the seance room. William has been
critical in making a huge contribution showing untold number
of people, probably reaching a huge number of people around
the world that there is an afterlife - and that he speaks
directly from the afterlife dimension. This is extremely
important for the world to take notice of what is happening
in the Circle of the Silver Cord. William is the key to
the afterlife revolution which at the moment reductionist-scientists
are too scared to investigate - because if they do, the
results will make orthodox reductionist-science redundant.
I guarantee that if the top scientists who can perceive
the paranormal with scientific equanimity, without prejudice,
without bias, investigate William, they will find what we
found: that William is a genuine afterife entity who is
able to converse vocally to discuss from the afterlife dimension
many subject about the important issues of the day. But
he is 'human' and just because he is in the afterlife it
does not mean he is omniscient, infallibe or omnipotent.
William stated directly or by imputation that whatever an
afterlife intelligence says, the spirit is expressing a
view from his particular level he is in. The higher the
realm the more accurate the information will be.
WILLIAMS, a world famout mental medium with
her own television
show LIFE AMONG THE DEAD. Every week we watched her on television
giving readings to so many people. We saw her give sharp
short readings to people stopped in the street at Santa
Monica where she gave stunningly accurate information to
those people she topped to talk to. We also watched her
carefully giving stage public demonstrations where she gave
brilliant readings to people she could not have met before
the public demonstrations.
cardiologist whose first book, Recollections of Death, is
considered to be a landmark in the field of near-death research.
He is a leading authority with over twenty years in the
field. In 1994, he founded the Atlanta Study which is the
first comprehensive investigation of its kind into NDEs.
Its purpose was to document the life-and-death dramas played
out in operating rooms and hospital beds - and the simultaneous
events unseen by medical personnel but reported with astonishing
clarity and conviction by nearly 50 individuals who returned
from death's door. Dr. Sabom's latest book, Light and
Death, shares with the world his findings from the
Atlanta Study. Sabom, also a born-again Christian, scrutinizes
NDEs in light of what the Bible has to say about death and
dying, the realities of light and darkness, and the gospel
of Jesus Christ.
see 'SENSING MURDER' : The television show
Sensing Murder
recently in New Zealand caused
a sensation when the most brilliant forensic psychic- mediums
participated in the television show 'SENSING MURDER'. Brilliant
forensic medium Deb Webber and Kelvin Qruickshank each independently
were able to give some 43 correct variables, accurately
describing a murder, WHERE the killing took place, HOW the
murder took place, WHY the murder took place and WHO murdered
the victim - naming the murderers .. Read
more ...
ESTEP a highly dedicated pioneer in Electronic
Voice Phenomena (EVP) in the United States. She founded
the American Association of Electronic Voice
Phenomena and was its director for eighteen years until
her retirement, when she handed it over to Tom and Lisa
Butler. Her ability to obtain spirit voices on tape provided
extremely important objective evidence for the existence
of the afterlife. Sarah has traveled to Egypt to continue
her refinement in EVP and has traveled and given talks through
many parts of the United States so that she could help people
understand that life goes on when we cross over - the most
important information one can ever have on this planet earth.
Her tremendous contribution is greatly appreciated by many
EVP researchers and by countless others around the world
who benefited from her leadership in researching this most
important paranormal phenomenon. Sarah Estep wrote Voices
of Eternity, which is still available as a free download
from http://aaevp.com/resources.html
medical doctor and psychic researcher. She has had global
impact on the way dying people are treated and became convinced
about the existence of the afterlife. She wrote five books
about the afterlife and was particularly brave disseminating
the afterlife information against other materialist doctors.
Her work includes: On Life After Death, The Facts of Life
After Death, The Wheel of Life, Death is of Vital Importance.
of the leading scientists of his day, 1688, he wrote 150
works in seventeen sciences. At the University of Uppsala
he studied Greek, Latin and several other European languages.
Swedenborg was a very highly gifted clairvoyant who spent
more than twenty years investigating the afterlife. He recorded
that he was able to make contact with intelligences from
the afterlife, writing several books about the afterlife.
CODES, 'Searching forEvidence of the Survival of
the Soul.' The author of 30
books, Suzy Smith has been vitally interested in ESP, parapsychology
and psychic research since the 1950's. In her many popular
books she as shared her enthusiasm with investigating and
communicating with the spiritual worlds BOTH AS A MEDIUM
AND A RESEARCHER. A former resident of Tucson, Arizona,
Smith used to oversee theSurvival Research Foundation which
she established in 1971 to procure scientific evidence for
the survival of consciousness beyond physical death.
medium extraordinaire: there is something really beautiful
about this medium. She was successfully investigated by
scientists. She was studied by producers and directors.
She is in big demand by the public everywhere. A television
series was based on her mediumship skills. This magnificent
mum influenced millions of people around the world - a most
magnificent spokesperson for the existence of the afterlife
we have on this planet earth. Read more.
gifted medium AND WRITER, MAURICE BARBANELL was the medium
used by SILVER BIRCH, a highly credible spiritual teacher
from the other side to relate some most important and significant
books on the afterlife which passed the test of time and
which have proved to be life-changing. He was also the founder
ot the English newpaper Psychic World.
the greatest American medium ever. One of the most spectacular
and outstanding mental mediums who ever lived. No one, not
even the most hardened closed minded skeptic after investigating
her mediumship ever suggested fraud. She was able to convert
the greatest materialist, closed minded skeptic this world
has ever seen - Richard Hodgson. Because of her brilliant
accurate information, Hodgson, who was contracted to by
the British Society for Psychical Research engaged private
detectives to follow her, to report on whom she met outside
her home, to intercept her mail, to invite negative 'dummy'
sitters unknown to anyone to her sittings - and to do everything
possible to prove that this highly gifted brilliant American
was not genuine. All failed and she remains today the greatest
American mental medium who triumphed over great challenges.
EILEEN J. (1893-1970):
the most unique trance medium ever known. Her powers of
clairvoyance, telepathy, and pre-vision were outstanding,
but she never took a penny in the exercise of her gifts.
"I believe in the humanities and common decency,"
she once said, proving this as a socialist, editor, publisher,
author, psychic researher, and philanthropist. Intensely
interested in a genuine knowledge of psychic phenomena,
she exposed herself to the finest scientists and psychic
societies for examination of her rich talents, and foundfed
the famous Parapsychology Foundation in France for this
purpose. Well-known as a publisher of excellent books, she
was also editor-publisher (1941-1962) of the important magazine
Tomorrow. She wrote The Sense and Nonsense
of Prophecy, Awareness, Life is the Healer, Many Voices.
one of Britain's most gifted mediums. Doris Stokes passed
into her beloved spirit world in London on 8th May 1987.
She is sadly missed by her countless fans across the globe.
Doris was a phenomenon. She toured several parts of the
world and filled theatres throughout the United Kingdom;
and she packed out many other venues across the globe: she
'sold-out' the Sydney Opera House in Australia! When tickets
for her 'Sunday Night at the London Palladium' meeting went
on sale, every seat was snapped up within hours!Doris was
a clairaudient (someone who can hear supernormal voices)
and her six books reflect this paranormal ability in their
titles.Books by Doris Stokes(Published by Futura Books)Voices
in my Ear, More Voices in my Ear, Innocent Voices in my
Ear, Whispering Voices,Voices of Love, Joyful Voices and
there is also a tribute book written by her co-writer, Linda
Dearsley, called: A Tribute to Doris Stokes Doris was unquestionably
much-loved. She was a down-to-earth grandmotherly person,
whose television and media appearances across the world
- along with her successful bestsellers - have made her
probably one of the 20th-Century's most celebrated clairaudients.
highly gifted American medium whose show CROSSING OVER is
shown around the world through FOXTEL three times a day
in some countries. For the first time ever in television
history, John Edward is reaching millions of people and
is helping thousands of people by relating to them messages
from their loved ones who had crossed over. It is conceded
by everyone that his influence on a global level regarding
the existence of the afterlife has been and is powerfully
significant. Everyday people from around the world witness
John Edward as a mental medium discussing with those in
his audience the messages which come through - and most
times the information is so accurate, it takes those participating
time to think about the information related to them which
they subsequently confirm is highly accurate.
American inventor, designer and manufacturer of devices
for air conditioning. Meek undertook an extensive library
and literature research program and travelled the world
to locate and establish research projects with top medical
doctors, psychiatrists, physicists and others. He established
the Metascience Foundation in Franklin, North Carolina,
which sponsored the famous Spiricom research. This demonstrated
extended two-way instrumental communication between people
alive here on earth and people living in the afterlife dimension.
He authored a number of books including his famous After
We Die What Then. Picture also shows George Meek's wife
Jeanette who transmitted accurate information from the aftrerlife
when she passed on and George was still on the earthplane.
Gary Schwartz, Ph.D.
(1944 - ) After receiving his doctorate from
Harvard University, Dr. Schwartz served as a professor of
psychology and psychiatry at Yale University. " I can
no longer ignore the data [on research into the survival
of consciousness] and dismiss the words [coming through
mediums]. They are as real as the sun, the trees, and our
television sets, which seem to pull pictures out of the
air. "
Dr Harold Puthoff (1936- ) physicist
and current Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies
in Austin, Texas. He has made significant contribution towards
empirically establishing the validity of psi particularly
in the field of “remote viewing”. This was a
term he jointly coined to describe a form of psychic functioning
historically known as clairvoyance.
Erlendur Haraldsson Professor of Psychology at
the University of Iceland. Has done psychic research into
life after death - apparitions, children who speak of a
previous life, Icelandic mediums, deathbed visions and communicating
with intelligences from the afterlife.
Claude Swanson has collated the "best evidence"
illustrating the inadequacy of our present scientific paradigm.
In his book, The Synchronized Universe, he describes
scientifically controlled remote viewing and ESP experiments,
demonstrations of long-range healing, psychokinesis (mind
over matter), scientifically controlled experiments in levitation,
teleportation and out of body phenomena (OBE). He outlines
numerous examples of these strange forces being demonstrated
under rigorous scientific conditions, with odds of millions
or even billions to one against chance. Dr Swanson argues
that there is a need for a new, truly "unified field
theory" which can explain and understand both science
and consciousness.
Professor Ernsk Senkowski after doing intensive
paranormal and afterlife research for over twenty years
repeatedly obtained positive paranormal and 'afterlife'
full German version.
Russell Targ is a physicist and author who pioneered
the development of the laser. He was also co-founded the
Stanford Research Institute's investigation into psychic
abilities in the 1970s and 1980s. He authored numerous books
suggesting that the mind itself reaches to the far ends
of the universe and that it is this "non-local"
quality, rather than any particular mechanism, that accounts
for the remarkable data of parapsychology.
Amit Goswami former Professor of Physics at the
Institute of Theoretical Sciences at the University of Oregon.
He is currently a senior resident researcher at the Institute
of Noetic Sciences. His book Physics of the Soul--The Quantum
Book Of Living, Dying, Reincarnation And Immortality defines
consciousness, not materiality, as the primary reality.
Macy from Boulder, Colorado USA, is an independent researcher
who has been investigating the afterlife for many years
and was able to communicate for thirteen minutes with the
deceased scientist Dr Konstantine Raudive through Instrumental
Transcommunication (ITC) - (for full explanation of ITC
go to any major search engine and type ITC or Mark Macy).
Mark Macy is the founder of the Continuing Life Research
to encourage empirical investigations. He has been influencing
people about the afterlife from around the world with his
stunning ITC evidence meticulously presented. Contact him
for a list of ITC receiving stations and organizations around
the world and for information about an English translation
of Cercle d'Etudes sur la Transcommunication - Luxembourg's
classic Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) research under
the English title 'Breakthrough' was based on 72,000 'spirit
voices' he tape recorded. He has been highly influential
on a global level lecturing about EVP. He has been active
communicating from the spirit world to researchers here
on earth. There is a classic two-way 13 minute tape recorded
conversation between Mark Macy who took over from George
Meek (see above) and Dr Konstantine Raudive.
of the leading psychic researchers today is Sonia Rinaldi
who leads the biggest *Instrumental Transcommunication (see
Chapter 4 of 'A Lawyer
Presents the Case for the Afterlife'). Her work is based
on scientific control and her site contains scientific declarations
issued by the most respected University in Brazil - USP.
Recently the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) - an organisation
founded by the former lunar astronaut Dr Ed Mitchell to
bridge the gap between science and religion - announced
that it will be working with Sonia in a project to examine
claims of Instrumental Transcommunication.
Archie E Roy(BS.c., Ph.D., F.R.A.S., F.R.S.E., F.B.I.S.)
Professor Emeritus of Astronomy in the University of Glasgow.
Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, The Royal Astronomical
Society and the British Interplanetary Society. Member and
former President of the Society for Psychical Research and
the Scottish Society for Psychical Research, Founding-President
of the latter. Member of the International Astronomical
Union, honouring him by naming an asteroid after him. Elected
a member of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and the
Humanities. He is a Patron of the Churches Fellowship (Scotland)
for Psychical and Spiritual Studies and a member of the
Scientific and Medical Network. He has published 20 books,
six of them novels, some 70 scientific papers and scores
of articles. Directed Advanced Scientific Institutes for
HIGGINSON: Gordon's birth was pre-ordained
by Spirit and he began developing his spiritual
gifts at a very early age under the careful supervision
of his mother, Fanny Higginson, who was also an excellent
medium. He first publicly demonstrated his mediumship on
his twelfth birthday and he continued to work the platform
for another 63 years until the day before he passed to spirit.
He was renowned for the accuracy of his platform mediumship
and his evidence often included full names, addresses and
telephone numbers. Gordon was also an excellent physical
medium and produced the rare phenomena of materialisation
and independent voice. Gordon was a dedicated Spiritualist
and is the longest serving President of the Spiritualists
National Union (SNU), serving for an exceptional 23 years
from 1970 until his passing in 1993. He was also the Principal
of the Arthur Findlay College at Stansted Hall from 1979
to 1993, as well as being a Minister of the SNU . Stansted
Hall was very dear to his heart and a place where many came
from far and wide to hear his lectures and see his demonstrations.
stalwart born in Australia,
innovator, with high intrinsic motivation to spread the Light
and highly exemplary. I first came across Simon when he was
organizing paranormal meetings in Paddington in 1990. He was
very handsome with great charisma and appeared on television.
Simon was the one who organized the Australian and later International
Psychics Association. His greatest television debate - on
behalf of all psychics and mediums - was with that closed
minded flamboyant skeptic from Florida.
He told him that his million dollar challenge was
a joke - as it was impossible to beat because of ridiculous
conditions. Simon helped many mediums and psychics to get
established. Crossed over in 2015. He is sadly missed, but
most positively remembered for the great contribution he made
to mediumship and the recognition of psychic phenomena. Read
more about Simon.
a most magnificent materialization medium from Scotland
and one of the most important women in psychic history.
The British Government indirectly acknowledged she was a
genuine materialization medium and was the first psychic
to become a national security risk in wartime Britain. She
was murdered when arrogant police leadership blasted their
way while she was in a séance and putting the electricity
on inevitably made the medium's ectoplasm (the whitish vapour
which is emitted from materialization mediums) to be pulled
back in the body at fantastic speed which caused her unfortunate
death. Churchill is reported to have been one of her sitters.
his autobiography Voices in the Dark Flint describes how
he was 'boxed up, tied up, sealed up, gagged, bound and
held, and still the voices have come to speak of life eternal.'
Because of his accuracy of information from the other side
celebrities wanted his spiritual service. In his book, Flint
describes how he gave successful sittings extempore in hotel
rooms, in houses of strangers, in foreign countries, in
halls, theatres and churches.
WILLIAM BARRETT, (1844-1925) – Professor
of physics at the Royal College of Science in Dublin for
37 years, “I’m absolutely convinced of the fact
that those who once lived on earth can and do communicate
with us. It is hardly possible to convey to the inexperienced
an adequate idea of the strength and cumulative force of
the evidence (for the afterlife).”
Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) –
Co-originator with
Charles Darwin of the natural selection theory of evolution:
" My position is that the phenomena of communicating
with those who crossed over - in their entirety do not require
further confirmation. They are proved quite as well as facts
are proved in other sciences."
William Crookes (1832-1919) – A physicist
and chemist, the most decorated scientist in his time. He
discovered the element thallium and was a pioneer in radioactivity.
" “It is quite true that a connection has been
set up between this world and the next.”
James Hyslop (1854 -1920) was a professor of logic
and ethics at Columbia University before becoming a full-time
psychical researcher in 1902. In 1904, he organized the
American Institute for Scientific Research, which was to
be devoted to the study of abnormal psychology and psychical
research. Although initially skeptical, Hyslop came to believe
in spirit communication and the survival of consciousness
at death.
“I have been talking with my (dead) father, my brother,
my uncles... Whatever supernormal powers we may be pleased
to attribute to (the medium) Mrs. Piper's secondary personalities,
it would be difficult to make me believe that these secondary
personalities could have thus completely reconstituted the
mental personality of my dead relatives...”
Sir Oliver Lodge (1851-1940) – Professor
of physics at University
College in Liverpool, England and later principal at the
University of Birmingham, Lodge achieved world fame for
his pioneering work in electricity, including the radio
and spark plug. " I tell you with all my strength of
the conviction which I can muster that we do persist, that
people still continue to take an interest in what is going
on, that they know far more about things on this earth than
we do, and are able from time to time to communicate with
us…I do not say it is easy, but it is possible, and
I have conversed with my friends just as I can converse
with anyone in this audience now."
Professor Camille Flammarion (1842-1925)
– A world renowned
astronomer, Flammarion founded the French Astronomical Society
and was known for his study of Mars. He was a pioneer in
the use of balloon to study the stars. He investigated psychic
phenomena, including mediumship, for more than 50 years.
" I do not hesitate to affirm my conviction, based
on personal examination of the subject, that any man who
declares the phenomena to be impossible is one who speaks
without knowing what he is talking about."
Dr. Charles Richet (1850-1909) –
Professor of physiology at
the University of Paris Medical School, Richet was considered
a world authority on nutrition in health and in disease.
He won the Nobel Prize in 1913 for his work on allergic
reactions. While convinced of the reality of mediumship,
he remained publicly agnostic toward survival. According
to Sir Oliver Lodge, his good friend, Richet privately accepted
survival before his death. " It seems to me the facts
are undeniable. I am convinced that I have been present
at realities."
Dr. Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) –
Professor of psychology
at the University of Turin and Inspector of Asylums for
the Insane in Italy, Lombroso was a pioneering criminologist.
" I am ashamed and grieved at having opposed with so
much tenacity the possibility of psychic facts – the
facts exist and I boast of being a slave to facts. There
can be no doubt that genuine psychical phenomena are produced
by intelligences totally independent of the psychic and
the parties present at the sittings."
Gustave Geley (1868-1924) – Professor of
medicine at the University of Lyons, he gave up his practice
as a teacher and physician in 1919 to become director of
the Institute Metaphysique International in Paris to investigate
mediumship." [The facts revealed necessitate] the complete
overthrow of materialistic physiology, [and that] the materialistic
conception of the universe is false and cannot be reconciled
with our present biological knowledge.”
Dr. Carl A. Wickland (1861-1945) -- A member
of the Chicago Medical Society, the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, and director of the National
Psychological Institute of Los Angeles:" Spirit obsession
is a fact – a perversion of a natural law –
and is amply demonstrable. This has been proven hundreds
of times by causing the supposed insanity or aberration
to be temporarily transferred from the victim to a psychic
sensitive who is trained for the purpose, and by this method
ascertain the cause of the psychosis to be an ignorant or
mischievous spirit, whose identity may frequently be verified."
Dr. T. Glen Hamilton (1877-1935) –
A graduate of Manitoba Medical
College, Hamilton had a private medical practice while also
teaching clinical surgery at Winnipeg General Hospital.
He became interested in psychic phenomena in 1918 and conducted
extensive studies on Canadian mediums. " …we
hold the survival theory to be valid in accounting for every
fact known in regard to the trance personalities. It accounts
for their stated opinions that they were indeed deceased
(discarnate) individuals. It admits of the possibility that
they, as discarnate persons, shared some manner of inter-communication,
which enabled them to plan, to co-operate, and to commit
themselves to organized activities in the séance
room, activities which extended over a period of many years."
Dr. Robert Crookall (1890-1969) –
After taking his Ph.D., Crookall lectured at Aberdeen University
before joining the staff of the Geological Survey of Great
Britain, specializing in coal-forming plants. He resigned
from his geological work in 1952 to devote the rest of his
life to psychical research. "The whole of the available
evidence is explicable on the hypothesis of the survival
of the human soul in a Soul Body. There is no longer a ‘deadlock’
or ‘stalemate’ on the question of survival.
On the contrary, survival is as well established as the
theory of evolution."
The originator of the 'cross-correspondences' (a series
of messages from the other side to different mediums in
different parts of the world that on their own would mean
nothing but which when put together would make sense) -
'the most persuasive evidence for the existence for the
afterlife' according to Colin Wilson, psychic writer. He
was a Cambridge Classic scholar and writer at the turn of
the Twentieth Century. He was also one of the pioneers who
founded the British Society for Psychical Research and was
heavily involved in investigation of the afterlife.
the greatest psychic historian ever and the committee's
selection as the 'psychic personality of the twentieth century'.
See his especially most insightful and greatest research
THE CURSE OF IGNORANCE Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. Other vital contributions:
On The Edge of the Etheric; The Psychic Steam. In his time,
some closed minded conservatives tried to attack him stating
that they will be rebutting everything he stated about the
afterlife. As Arthur Findlay stated in one of his books
- words to the effect, 'I've waited now sixteen long years,
and so far no has been able to rebut the evidence I produced
in my published research.' No one has ever rebutted Findlay's
works - especially his classic work, ON THE EDGE OF THE
ETHERIC. Well done Arthur! We will always remember you!
psychic researcher. He was able to make contact with entities
from the afterlife. Many people know him for his great writing
skills such as his creation of Sherlock Holmes - but Sir
Arthur's greatest gift was when he conducted research into
the afterlife. He wrote a magnificent History of Spiritualism
book 1 and 2; also he wrote The Wandering of a Spiritualist
- but his best books ever were dictated to medium Grace
Cooke from the other side, The Book of the Beyond and The
Return of Arthur Conan Doyle. MAURICE
Highly gifted medium who was the medium used by
SILVER BIRCH, a highly credible spiritual teacher from the
other side to relate some most important and significant
books on the afterlife which passed the test of time and
which have proved to be life-changing.
CHIEF MARSHAL LORD DOWDING - the most respected
World War II hero who brilliantly masterminded the defeat
of the German onslaught in the decisive Battle of Britain.
Lord Dowding accepted the objective,
empirical evidence for the afterlife (life after death)
and himself was able to communicate with those who crossed
over. His most informative book about the afterlife: MANY
MANSIONS. He showed tremendous courage articulating the
objective evidence for the afterlife in Britain in the forties
and fifties. He was also was most inspirational to millions
of Britons to continue to pursue their afterlife studies,
research and reading. We will never forget you Lord Dowding!
R.D. PEARSON BSc., *C.Eng.M.I. Mech.E 5 March 2003
* -Prior to retirement and switch to physics
This theory has achieved publication in Russian conference
proceedings (3 & 4) of 1991 and 1993, and in the peer-reviewed
journal "Frontier Perspectives" (5) in 1997. Two
books by Pearson (6 & 7) provide further detail. Furthermore
the theory was supported by Dr Peter Wadhams, Professor
of Ocean Physics at Cambridge University, onthe Jeff Rense
Radio Show (8) in 2001.
Lord Arthur (KG, OM) 1848-1930.Educated at Trinity College,
Cambridge. Devoted himself to philosophical studies for
many years. First went to Parliament in 1876. Published
"A Defense of Philosophic Doubt" in 1879, pleading
for individual freedom of thought as against the increasing
dogmatism of science. Through his sister, the wife of Prof.
Henry Sidgwick, the first president of the SPR, he became
interested in psychic phenomena and the question of survival
in 1882. In 1894 he occupied the presidential chair of the
SPR. Especially interested in telepathy as it lent itself
to experimental work. President of the SPR in 1893. President
of the British Association in 1904. Served as the British
Prime Minister from 1902 to 1905, also Secretary of State.
His paper on the Ear of Dionysuis cross correspondence (attributed
to the discarnate minds of Prof. Butcher and Prof. Verrall)
which he read before the SPR in November, 1916, is a most
constructive presentation of an excellent piece of evidence
for survival.
Professor William (MD) 1842-1910 Professor of psychology
at Harvard University, achieved his MD in 1869 and later
taught physiology and philosophy. One of the founders of
the ASPR, president of the SPR in 1894-5, vice-president
from 1890-1910. The discovery of Mrs Piper's mediumship
for the SPR was due to Prof. James. "My impression",
wrote James after his first visit to Piper with his wife,
"was that Mrs P. was either possessed of super-normal
powers or knew the members of my wife's family by sight
and had by some lucky coincidence become acquainted with
such a multitude of their domestic circumstances as to produce
the startling impression which she did." James was
very careful not reveal his and his wife's name. He went
on to say, "My later knowledge of her sittings and
personal acquaintance with her has led me to absolutely
reject the latter explanation, and to believe that she has
supernormal powers."
For 18 months after his first experiments Prof. James was
virtually in charge of all arrangements for Mrs Piper's
sittings. When, owing to other duties, he dropped his inquires
for a period of two years, he wrote to the SPR and induced
them to engage Mrs Piper for experiments. "The result
(he wrote of his personal investigations) is to make me
feel as absolutely certain as I am of any personal fact
in the world that she knows things in her trances which
she cannot possibly have heard in her waking state."
He admitted that a strong presumption in favour of survival
exists when the following message, obtained while Miss Robbins
had a sitting with Mrs Piper, was submitted to him: "There
is a person named Child, who has suddenly come and sends
his love to William and to his own wife who is living. He
says L..." Neither Miss Robbins nor Mrs Piper knew
Child who was an intimate friend of William James and whose
Christian name begins with L.
In the autumn of 1899 Mrs Piper paid Prof James a visit
at his country house in New Hampshire. There he learned
to know her personally better than ever before. "It
was in great measure," writes Alta L. Piper in her
biography of Mrs Piper, "due to his sympathetic encouragement
and understanding of the many difficulties, with which she
found herself confronted in the early days of her career,
that my mother was able to adhere unfalteringly to the onerous
course which she had set herself to follow."
In an oft-quoted lecture in 1890 Prof James declared: "To
upset the conclusion that all crows are black, there is
no need to seek demonstration that no crow is black; it
is sufficient to produce one white crow; a single one is
sufficient." He proclaimed Mrs Piper as his "one
white crow".
At Oxford in 1909, in a lecture, he announced his firm conviction
that "most of the phenomena of psychical research are
rooted in reality."
His most famous works included "The Varieties of Religious
Experience" and "The Will to Believe" which
were both published in London in 1902.
of the most controversial materialisation mediums in history.
She worked with Sir William Crookes (see above) and was
able to materialise number of times the very famous Katie
King. Because of her extreme materialisation-mediumship
success, an opposite highly extreme conservative skeptical
group was inevitably created. Notwithstanding the attacks
on her, she was able to repeat her very successful materialisation
mediumship with psychic experimenter Gambier Bolton. Sir
William Crookes, one of the world's greatest scientists
did extensive testing on Florence Cook and he never found
her to be in any way deceptive or that she ever cheated.
When in April 24th 1904 she died, Sir William expressed
his deepest sympathy and stated that Florence Cook was instrumental
in his belief in the existence of the afterlife. Florence
Cook will be remembered as one of the greatest materialization
pioneer mediums in history.
brilliant medium who was able to relate from the spirit
world from Mons. Benson six particularly important books
about the conditions in the afterlife. What is of significant
interest is that Mons. Benson was a Catholic priest, a 'Monsignor'
- a relatively high position in the Catholic Church in England.
He has transmitted information about the conditions of the
afterlife as seen by an eyewitness. The information contained
in his books gives very rich description as to what is going
to happen to us when we die and what we expect to see in
what we call 'heaven.' Mons. Benson, from the afterlife,
through Borgia has some critical things to say about the
Catholic Church.
a highly gifted physical medium who was born in Scotland
and raised in the United States. He gave seances for friends
and acquaintances in England and Europe for twenty years
between 1854 and 1874, refusing to take payment for his
services. In all the time he was never detected in cheating
in spite of the fact that he was one of the best-known men
in Europe. His seances were attended by members of the aristocracy,
literary giants and eminent scientists like Alfred Russell,
Sir William Crookes (whom he worked with in psychic experiments),
Francis Galton and others.
medium from Brazil who undoubtedly produced fantastic physical
phenomena (1889-1950). Through him scientists from many
parts of the world gave expert testimony about psychic phenomena
that up until today has not been rebutted, nor likely to
be rebutted. Among those who gave their names as witnesses
to this great psychic gifts were: the President of Brazil,
the Secretary of State, two professors of medicine, seventy
two doctors, twelve engineers, thirty six lawyers, and many
1945: often called the 'sleeping prophet' because he was
able to diagnose illness and prescribed remedies while in
tranced sleep. He was one of the greatest American psychics
whose psychic works helped thousands of American and other
people from around the world.
Dr. Robert Hare (1751-1858) – An
emeritus professor of chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania
and world-renowned inventor : " I sincerely believe
that I have communicated with the spirits of my parents,
sister, brother, and dearest friends, and likewise with
the spirits of the illustrious Washington and other worthies
of the spirit world; that I am by them commissioned, under
their auspices, to teach truth and to expose error."
Professor James J. Mapes (1806-1866) –
A professor of chemistry and natural philosophy at the National
Academy of Design in New York and later at the American
Institute, “spirits can and do communicate with mortals,
and in all cases evince a desire to elevate and advance
those they commune with."
The outstanding psychic who merits the title Psychic of
the 20th Century. It has to be remembered that Uri Geller's
psychic skills are skills that each one of us will ultimately
experience in the afterlife. Uri Geller's exceptional power
to access the power of the mind to demonstrate his psychic
skills is quite unique. His psychic skills have been acknowledged
by some of the most brilliant scientists from England, Russia,
Germany, Israel and the United States. Because of lack of
space the reader can access a full list of scientists who
themselves witnessed and tested Uri Geller's brilliant psychic
skills- see web address at end. For the record, there are
other psychics on record who exhibited this skill - some
high ranking members of the US military- but it was he who
was tested by the most brilliant scientific minds we know.
Some of these scientists include: Professor
Victor Weisskopf, physicist, who studied under
Niels Bohrr and worked on the A bomb and oversaw the development
of European atom smashers; Dr. Peter Fenwick. MB,
BChir, DPM, FIRCPsych; senior lecturer at the Institute
of Psychiatry, London, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist at John
Radcliffe infirmary in Oxford, and Honorary consultant in
Neurophysiology to Broadmoor Special Hospital.; Dr
Edgar D. Mitchell S.C.D. Apollo 14 Astronaut and
6th man to walk on the moon ; Col. John Alexander
Former Staff Officer National Security Agency and Part of
the Army's Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM); Dr.
Wernher von Braun , NASA scientist father of the
Rocket ; Professor Gerald Schroeder, who
earned his doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(M.I.T) in two fields, the planetary sciences and nuclear
physics and served as advisor to the Atomic Energy Commission
and to countries such as the People's Republic of China;
Prof. David Bohm and Prof. John Hasted ,
professors of Physics, Birkbeck College, University of London,
England- David Bohm is the author of Wholeness and the Implicate
Order and worked with Albert Einstein; Arthur C.
Clarke; Dr Wilbur Franklin (Physics Department,
Kent State University - U.S.A.); Dr Harold Puthoff
and Dr Russell Targ (Stanford Research Institute - California,
U.S.A who did psychic research for the CIA).; Prof.
Dr. Hans Bender (Freiburg University - Germany).;
Professor V. G. Lukes (Director of the
Ministry of Health Protection of the Russian Federation,
Institute of Traditional Medicine, Moscow - Russia); A.
A. Karpeyev (Deputy Director), R. Yu. Volkov (Department
Head), A. P. Dubrov (Chief Scientific Collaborator)
For more scientists who investigates the afterlife click
top right - chapter
2- Respected Scientists who Investigated and on chapter
25 -Quantum Physics and the Afterlife and Michael Tymn's
Researchers who found evidence of survival.