Zammit lawyer shows why objections of afterlife evidence
are not valid objections.
Below are some of
the most common objections raised over the last twenty years
by the skeptics about the evidence for the afterlife.
Objection. “The
evidence for the afterlife cannot be valid because there
is no afterlife.”
Victor: That is an inadmissible objection because
the objector is making an assumption there is no afterlife
without producing any objective evidence that there is no
afterlife. No one on earth has ever produced evidence to
show that there is no afterlife, therefore the objection
cannot be accepted and technically the objection is inadmissible.
But there is a huge amount of expressly stated evidence
- much of it objective and repeatable - for the existence
of the afterlife. For example, I presented some twenty two
areas of afterlife evidence which have not been rebutted
by the materialist experts or by anyone in the last eight
2. “Belief in the afterlife
is just ridiculous."
Victor: That kind of objection is in itself invalid
and is automatically overruled because it is a subjective
statement unsupported by evidence. “Belief in
the afterlife …” I never asked anyone to
‘believe’ in anything. The skeptics
illegitimately keep on making the same fundamental error
by talking about ‘belief’ in the afterlife.
I have no luxury for ‘beliefs.’ I ACCEPT the
empirically produced EVIDENCE for the afterlife –
something which is totally different to personal religious
beliefs or blind faith or subjectivity. Empirically produced
evidence for the afterlife is about an objective formula
which repeated over time and space keeping variables constant
yields the same results.
3. “No one can prove the
afterlife because no one can prove the negative.”
Stated by a closed-minded flamboyant skeptic from Florida.
Victor: In professional debate, the asserter has
to prove – or in the legal context the lawyer for
the plaintiff has to prove his case by presenting his/her
evidence. So, the asserter - the lawyer - to prove his case
presents his evidence. Of course, they also bring their
expert witnesses to support their evidence. Accordingly,
the plaintiff lawyer's motion is ‘that there is
an afterlife’. As the plaintiff lawyer, I presented
some twenty-two areas of evidence for the afterlife from
the Electronic Voice Phenomena, Instrumental Trans-communication,
Laboratory experiments, Near Death and Out of Body Experiences
to Xenoglossy and Quantum Physics. Now, the procedure in
professional debate is for those opposing the expressly
stated evidence to cross-examine the witnesses to show WHERE,
WHEN, HOW and WHY this expressly stated evidence ought not
to be accepted on EACH definitive area of afterlife evidence
presented. It is absolutely meaningless and inadmissible
for the skeptic to say, “no one can prove the negative”
simply because the evidence has been positively expressly
stated. In nine years that I had this afterlife evidence
on the internet, no one – no skeptic or materialist
or reductionist scientist, no senior litigation lawyer,
no magician or anybody else has been able to rebut the afterlife
evidence. That uninformed closed minded skeptic from Florida
who has influenced a lot of his followers and who swallowed
this objection keeps on repeating the same fallacious objection
that ‘you can’t prove the negative’ which
shows he does not know, does not understand and is not familiar
with the rules of professional debate. Most interesting,
the more informed intellectual skeptics do not raise this
objection because they know they’d make fools of themselves
if they do. Only the lower, uninformed skeptics do.
4. “There is no evidence
for the afterlife.”
Victor: That is the most erroneous objection ever
raised in the history of the paranormal and afterlife research.
My afterlife presentation can be accessed
- on the right column you will see my evidence index –
some twenty two areas of afterlife evidence which has never
been rebutted. Psychology and Neurolinguistic Programming
give us explanations why skeptics refuse to read the substantive
hard core afterlife evidence. Psychology explains this by
way of ‘rationalization to avoid cognitive dissonance.'
To avoid the anxiety – the pain - of having his cherished
beliefs shattered the skeptic's mind erroneously states
words to the effect, “there is no evidence for the
afterlife” or “science does not accept the afterlife”
or “intelligent people do not believe in the afterlife.”
Neurolinguistic Programmin (NLP) tells us that the skeptic’s
mind deletes information which is fundamentally inconsistent
with the his cherished values. We often used to hear the
hard core skeptic say “there is no evidence for the
afterlife ..” Only the totally uninformed skeptics
now repeat this inadmissible objection. No amount of hard
core evidence for the afterlife will convince skeptics who
do not want to accept any evidence for the afterlife. An
example of 'there is no evidence for the afterlife' was
when after I presented the evidence for the afterlife in
an indoor meeting, a closed minded skeptic stood up and
stated, "Hey Victor, I will not believe in the afterlife
even if you can prove it to me!"
5. “Materializations cannot
be for real. There were too many frauds in the past and
many of these were exposed to be frauds.”
Victor: That’s another inadmissible objection:
the objector is citing prejudicial information to support
his own negative prejudice. Whilst it is admitted there
were cheats and charlatans in the past who were not mediums,
there were also genuine materializations that were empirically
tested and where no one was able to prove fraud. Legally,
the statement is also ‘hearsay’ – repeating
without proof what somebody else said. For fifteen months
on a weekly basis, as an investigating empiricist I -and
other empiricists qualified in scientific method investigated
the materializations of medium David Thompson and we guarantee
there were positive results where no farud took place–
contact was made on a weekly basis with afterlife intelligences.
6. "If you can prove the
afterlife why don’t you take that skeptic guy on and
take from him one million dollars?”
Victor: First, that closed minded
skeptic does NOT have a genuine offer.I investigated his
offer and am convinced it is the most fraudulent offer in
paranormal history. He has been quoted by Professor Dennis
Rawlings as saying “I will always have a way out
... " (of paying the alleged million dollars).
There is no proof that he does have a million dollars- the
current financial crisis would have hit him badly and he
REFUSES to provide a sworn statement that he has
the money subject to at least five years jail (to
match my own sworn satement in respect of my million dollar
challenge). Secondly I had a number of top mediums who tried
to take this guy on, but as soon as he realizes that the
applicant is a genuine medium, these challengers never hear
from him again. In all the years of his so-called challenge
he has never once allowed even one person to go beyond his
subjective so-called preliminary test. And remember, this
flamboyant skeptic from Florida has NOT - for my million
dollars - tried to rebut my irrefutable hard core objective
and repeatable evidence for the afterlife.
7. Here's a quote by one of the
leading closed minded skeptics in the United States: "Death
is a part of life and pretending that the dead are gathering
in a television studio in New York to talk twaddle with
a former ballroom dance instructor is an insult to the intelligence
and humanity of the living." Dr Michael
Shermer, founder of Skeptic magazine and executive director
of the Skeptics Society.
Victor: This objection
is immediately overruled because the statement
- is an expression of a personal
subjective belief,
- has no objective empirical substance,
- is 'self serving,'
- has no probative value,
- is highly speculative without
- fundamentally lacks legitimate
- is a 'denial' instead of an analytical
rebuttal of the afterlife evidence,
- is not specifically scientifically
based and
is an attempt
to use ridicule from a position of ignorance about afterlife
Notice carefully, this M Shermer totally ignores the
vast empircally based afterlife evidence (including -see 23 areas of afterlife hard
core evidence index right column). As above stated consistent
with Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), M Shermer's
mind automatically deletes the afterlife evidence. His
mind makes Michael pretend - and makes him
kid himself the afterlife does not exist -
because the evidence for the afterlife is inconsistent
with the skeptic's cherished beliefs and inflicts pain
on to the skeptic Shermer. The skeptic rationalizes
his negative beliefs to avoid the anxiety and the pain.
So, it is Shermer who is talking twaddle ignoring the
substantive afterlife evidence which more that sixty
five per cent of the world accepts. It shows he is unable
or incompetent or unwilling to properly rebut this afterlife
evidence - to show where, when how and why the expressly
stated afterlife evidence cannot be valid. His omission
to deal with the fundamental afterlife evidence is an
insult to all those intelligent people who want to know
if the afterlife evidence can ever rebutted - since
the empirically elicited afterlife evidence has never
been rebutted.
8. “The paranormal and
the afterlife have not been accepted by the skeptical true
critical thinkers.”
Victor: This
objection is self-serving and wholly inadmissible because
it refers to the skeptics and so called 'critical thinkers'
promoting statements in the skeptic's own cause. Equity
is clear on this one: no one is to be a judge in his own
cause. Further, there is a serious problem who is to be
called a 'true critical thinker.' There is a hard core skeptical
group in New York calling itself 'critical thinkers' the
objector is referring to. But they are technically NOT critical
thinkers because when it comes to the paranormal or afterlife
evidence they, without evidence, apply the presumption of
fraudulent conduct. Technically, these hard cored skeptical
'critical thinkers' are NOT true critical thinkers at all.
The real critical thinkers are those who make absolutely
NO presumptions at all and judge only by the results of
any objective investigations.
9. “There is no afterlife
because the mind and the brain are the same thing …
when the brain dies the mind dies too …”
First, there is no objective evidence that the mind
and the brain are the same thing whereas there is voluminous
evidence for the separation of the mind from the brain.
Whenever we receive transmissions from the afterlife, that
is not and cannot be the brain because the evidence shows
that when the physical body dies, the brain dies with it
- only the MIND remains which is vibratating much faster
than the physical body and which survives physical death.
As to the evidence that the MIND survives:
There are at least some twentythree
areas of objective repeatable evidence for transmissions
from the afterlife. That hitherto unrebutted afterlife evidence
is presented in my book There are
hundreds of books by scientists and others stating that
there is empirical basis for transmissions of messages from
the afterlife.
For example, mediumship has been
scientifically tested a number of times. The results show
that afterlife intelligences using their mind transmitted
messages to those on physical earth.
Whenever I communicated with 'William'
- materialization-physical medium David Thompson, William
was using his MIND to converse with me.
Of course, one has to see this wholistically
- meaning that one has to read ALL of the afterlife evidence
to conclude that the mind is different and separate from
the physical brain.
10. There is something fishy
about having loud music in afterlife materializations …
and why should the medium wear a black jumper which you
said sometimes the jumber is seen back to front just after
a materialization session."
First, one has to thoroughly investigate
the laws regarding physical mediumship. We cannot superimpose
our rationalizations onto the afterlife dimensional laws
because in the afterlife there are no ‘physical’
atoms – the atoms in the afterlife are spinning at
a much faster rate. A definitive law is that certain spiritually
evocative music helps to increase the ‘vibrations’
in the séance room to make it easier for the afterlife
entities to make contact. Another law is that there has
to be complete harmony among members of the Circle during
materializations for the materializations to be successful,
because the afterlife law is that negativity lowers and
disrupts the vibrations of the séance room
11, “There’s no
afterlife because the highly advanced intellectuals, scientists
and critical thinkers of CSI do not believe in the afterlife.”
First, these intellectuals are highly negatively
prejudiced and cannot claim to be ‘critical thinkers’
because the CSI does not accept empirical paranormal nor
the scientific evidence for the afterlife. The true critical
thinker starts off by absolutely NOT having any negative
prejudice against anything. The true critical thinker tests
the hypothesis over and over again and when the empiricist
obtains the same result over time and space – with
empirical objectivity and repeatability – then the
empiricist can legitimately call himself ‘critical
thinker’. Further, these anti-paranormal, anti-afterlife
scientists have NOT rebutted the evidence for the paranormal
nor the evidence for the afterlife (there are at least 23
areas of afterlife evidence to be rebutted, and have not
been rebutted these last nine years.) So the objection is
overruled for these reasons stated above.
12. “Belief in the afterlife
is all superstition, requires blind faith and beliefs without
First, whilst there are thousands
of millions who ‘believe’ in the afterlife,
afterlife empiricists ACCEPT the evidence
for the afterlife – nothing to do with beliefs. Objectivity
and repeatability in the paranormal and afterlife evidence
have now elevated the afterlife phenomenon to the status
of being ‘scientific’ and ‘empirical.
In the objective evidence for the afterlife there cannot
be superstition, there are no beliefs and certainly no blind
faith – there are only hard core objectivity and repeatability
which give the afterlife evidence authority over the skeptics
personal beliefs that there is no afterlife. By contrast,
the materialists and closed minded skeptics do NOT have
the substance of science or empiricism or objectivity to
support their personal belief that there is no afterlife
– see the expressly stated afterlife empirical evidence
which has never been rebutted.
13. “Nobody has ever come
back from the afterlife to tell us about the afterlife.”
Victor: That highly prejudicial, self-serving objection
is overruled because it conveniently ignores the empirical
evidence of communicating with afterlife entities –
there is the scientific studies of Prof. Gary Schwartz,
there is abundant and ubiquitous evidence of communicating
with those who crossed over – there is the afterlife
evidence I put on the internet which has not been rebutted,
negated or discredited in any way by any scientist in the
last nine years. The evidence for communicating with the
afterlife is now objective and repeatable. Through the mediumship
of David Thompson Wendy and I personally communicated with
afterlife entities, conversed with them on a weekly basis,
for fifteen months. We witnessed some ninety reunions between
visitors and their loved ones in spirit who had materialized
and were solid in the room.
14.”Belief in the afterlife
is ridiculous … it’s irrational and illogical.
I’d want to see spirits myself before I believe in
Inevitably, this objection will be over-ruled primarily
it is making an assumption that the afterlife is a ‘belief.’
I ACCEPT the objective EVIDENCE for the afterlife –
and I have no place and no 'luxury' for the subjectivity
of beliefs. Those who are informed know, understand and
accept that in any inconsistency between objective
afterlife evidence and subjective beliefs in nothingness,
inevitably, the objective evidence prevails – and
will always prevail over subjectivity. There are more than
twenty two areas of afterlife evidence which to-day no scientist
or materialist has ever rebutted even for the allurement
of one million dollars.
See book. What is irrational and illogical is
to come to any conclusion without evidence. Now the materialists
believe there is no afterlife. Materialists do NOT have
the substance of science to support their beliefs. Guaranteed,
once the intelligent skeptic investigates, he/she will come
to same conclusion as I have come and as scientists have
come – that there is an afterlife and communication
with those in the afterlife is possible. Read more
objections ….
15. If there was an afterlife,
all information about the afterlife would be the same yet
the information about the afterlife is so different –
there are so many different versions about the afterlife.
Victor: Not all
information transmitted from the afterlife comes
one source and/or from one realm. Consistent
afterlife information, empirically elicited tells us that
the afterlife has a number of realms vibrating from the
lowest to the highest. The higher the vibrations of a realm
the more enlightened, the more spiritual. The information
which comes from the lower realms the very much less informed.
Accordingly, the information from the lower afterlife realms
is likely to be inferior and different from the realm which
is for example, seventh above the lowest realm. This is
not dissimilar to a situation where you get information
from someone with two years of primary school to someone
with a college, university degree from Harvard or Yale or
London the University of New South Wales or Sydney. That
is why the information is different and accordingly this
objection is strongly over-ruled.
16. “Why should I take
advice from a lawyer about the afterlife and not from a
traditional scientist or a philosopher or a psychiatrist?”
Victor: The distinct advantage of a (litigation)
lawyer is that he/she would be a specialist in the admissibility
of evidence. What technically constitutes admissible evidence
is extremely important when dealing with the afterlife evidence.
Traditional scientists may know a great deal about science
but it is not within the traditional scientists' knowledge
and jurisdiction to be a specialist in evidence as well.
Scientists work within the known physical laws and would
not be able to deal with evidence that violates their accepted
traditional knowledge in cause-effect relationship in science.
I accept there are some scientists who accept non-physical
physics - but at the moment they would be in the minority.
Philosophers are not empirically trained in cause-effect
relationship and would be limited to theoretical speculations.
Psychiatrists - and others professions too would not have
the technical competence to assess legitimate afterlife
admissible evidence.The highest form of logic and professional
debate are to be found in courts where every area of evidence
is very closedly examined for validity and relevance.
17. “I don’t believe
in the afterlife because my parents did not believe in the
18. “Psychologists don’t
believe in the afterlife – in fact psychologists are
highly critical about the existence of the afterlife …
why should I?”OBJECTION
OVER-RULED! 
Victor: First, it’s wrong
to impute that ‘all’ psychologists don’t
believe in the afterlife. It is on record that there are
psychologists who may not ‘believe’ in anything
BUT accept the EVIDENCE for the afterlife because they are
empiricists – see chapter
2 of the book on evidence on the Net. Some ‘high
flying’ negatively entrenched psychologists are on
mission to try to convince people there is no afterlife
– but there is a hidden agenda to their motive against
the afterlife. These negative psychologists – the
Blackmores, Wisemans and others like them of this world
belong to the ANTI- afterlife organizations. These anti-afterlife
psychologists have no credibility at all because no one
is to be a judge in his/her own cause. Mostly, these negative
psychologists are using their academic position to promote
their own career which means there is a obvious hidden agenda
why they crusade against others who accept the evidence
for the afterlife. That is why you must see beyond the façade
what is really taking place in the world of psychologists’
motives for whatever they do.
19. “You are peddling
the afterlife material to make yourself money … that’s
what it’s all about profit ….”
Victor: That's
irrelevant, immaterial, unacceptable and inadmissible: That
negative, sarcastic remark by those who showed how ignorant
and stupid they are about what I have been doing these last
21 years consistently researching the afterlife. The record
shows it cost me some at least a quarter of a million dollars
to do my research, to purchase books, videos, audios, to
organize electronic presentation of my work, to travel for
afterlife research, to lecture - when I never allowed anyone
to pay money for my public lectures. That kind of objection
is immediately inadmissible for its unsubstantiated claim,
for its highly negatively prejudicial assumption, for its
vulgarity and for imputation of dishonesty in my afterlife
research. I never made a cent from dissemination of the
light on a global level.
20. Scientists these days can
artificially stimulate parts of the brain to elicit a Near
Death Experience – which means that the Near Death
Experiences have nothing to do with the afterlife.”
Victor: That's a
'classic non-sequitur' - 'it doesn't follow.'
First, for anyone to lodge an objection, one has to state
the experiment - without identifying the experiment, one
cannot know what problems the experiment had, if any. To
my knowledge, there has not been one scientist or a surgeon
or anybody else who was able to properly duplicate an identical
Near Death Experience (NDE). The leaders of NDE's have shown
for example, that the NDE to the patient was so real, the
patient had permanent change in his/her thinking about the
afterlife - something that does not happen with a purely
clinical medical procedure. No one to my knowledge was able
to duplicate an NDE where the blind could see or where crossed
over loved ones appeared to the patient or where the patient
came back out of trance with knowledge he/she did not know
before. The Pam Reynolds case is a critical which so many
tried to attack, but the facts remain unrebutted. See the
brilliant NDE work of Dr Peter Fenwick, the scientific NDE
studies of Dr Kenneth Ring - and others: Drs Karlis Osis
and Erlendur Haraldsson, Dr Michael Sabom, Dr Bruce Greyson,
Professor Ian Stevenson.
(You are most welcomed to forward
any objection for the validity of the evidence for the afterlife )