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the past you talked about the lower, darker Astral realms.
What evidence is there for these dark regions in the afterlife?
Continues: (here Mons Hugh Benson
with his two spirit friends visit the horrible, darker lower
Astral region):
”Dimly, we could see through this
miasma what might have been
human beings, crawling like some foul beasts over the surface
of the upper rocks. We could not think, Ruth and I, that
they were human, but Edwin assured us that once they had
walked upon the earth-plane as men, that they had eaten
and slept, and breathed the earthly air, had mixed with
other men on earth. But they lived a life of spiritual foulness.
In their death of the physical body they had gone to their
true abode and their true estate in the spirit world …”
(Describing those living in these dark region)”
”The hand were shaped like the talons
of some bird of prey, with the finger nails so grown as
to have become veritable claws. The face upon this monster
was barely human, so distorted was it, and malformed. The
eyes were small and penetrating, but the mouth was huge
and repulsive, with thick protruding lips set upon a prognathic
jaw, and scarcely concealing the veriest fangs of teeth.”
We gazed earnestly and long at this sorry
wreck of what was once a human form, and I wondered what
earthly misdeeds, had reduced it to this awful state of
degeneration …
(Describing one unfortunate spirit in these
dark region):
”That he had been several hundred
years in the spirit world could be seen by the few tattered
remnants of his garb, which bespoke a former age, and he
had spent the greater part of his earth life inflicting
mental and physical tortures upon those who had the misfortune
to come into his evil clutches
… Every time that he had committed
against other people had, at last, reverted to, and descended
upon, himself. He now had before him – he had done
so for hundreds of years- the memory, the indelible memory,
of every act of evil he had perpetrated against his fellows
When he was upon earth he had acted under
a false pretence of administering justice. In very truth,
his justice had been nothing but a travesty, and now he
was seeing exactly what TRUE justice really meant. Not only
was his own life of wickedness continually before him, but
the features of his many victims were ever passing before
his mind, created out of that same memory which is registered
unfailingly and ineradicably upon the sub-conscious mind.
condition was aggravated by the anger of feeling like a
trapped animal.”
“He had judged himself and condemned
himself, and now he was suffering punishment he had, solely
and entirely, inflicted upon himself …”
Here was no case of an avenging God inflicting
condign punishment upon a sinner. The sinner was there,
truly, but he was the visible manifestation of the unalterable
law of cause and effect. The cause was in his earthly life,
the effect was his spirit life …”
“Both Edwin and his friend told us
that we should be appalled at the catalogue of names, well
known in history, of people who were living deep down in
these noxious regions- men who had perpetrated vile and
wicked deeds in the name of holy religion, or for the furtherance
of their own despicable, material ends. Many of these wretches
were unapproachable, and they would remain so- perhaps for
numberless more centuries – until, of their own wish
and endeavor, they moved however feebly in the direction
of the fight of spiritual progression….”
”We could see, as we walked along
whole bands of seemingly demented souls passing on their
way upon some prospective evil intent - if they could find
their way to it. Their bodies presented the outward appearance
of the most hideous and repulsive malformations and distortions,
the absolute reflection of their evil minds. Many of them
seemed old in years, but I was told that although such souls
had been there perhaps for many centuries, it was not the
passage of time that had so dealt with their faces, but
their wicked minds.”
“There is no light in the lowest realms;
no warmth, no beauty …But there is hope – hope
that every soul there will progress. It is in the power
of each soul to do so, and nothing stands in his way but
himself. It may take him countless thousands of years to
raise himself one inch spiritually, but it is an inch in
the right direction …”
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