Apologies if I have not replied to your
email - we are still inundated with very urgent work.
Will reply shortly. Victor
of researching the afterlife I’ve come across
a number of critical principles and laws that are immediately
relevant to all of us which I want to share with you.
Your participation is most welcomed:
1) “There is no link between intelligence
and spiritual conduct.” We’ve come
across Professors of Biology and of Physics and of Psychology
who are completely ignorant of what ‘spiritual
conduct'. Their conduct is no different from some of
those with low intelligence who indulge in selfishness,
aggression, mental and physical violence and cruelty.
At the same time, there are others with high intelligence
- many from both the higher end of society as well as
the lower end who show they are reasonable, caring and
unselfish and sometimes highly spiritual.
conduct is directly related to the stage of a person’s
spiritual development. Irrespective of intelligence,
race, beliefs, color, status and gender, how a person
behaves is usually related to his or her level of spiritual
3) When people are under great
pressure their true spirituality is tested. The
character is tested not when one is in a relaxing state
in a friendly, peaceful and harmonious environment.
Some think they are spiritually advanced, but under
great spiritual pressure, they do not always pass the
4) Exercise of ‘free will’
can only be made in the context of the level of a person’s
spiritual development. This means free will
is restricted to the level of spiritual development
and the person’s life ‘blueprint’.
Inevitably free will cannot be absolute. And the more
spiritual information one has, the less free will one
would have.
5) One does not have to be spiritually
advanced to be psychic or mediumistic. It is
possible to have a psychic or a medium who uses power
in an unspiritual way. But the more spiritual a psychic
or a medium it the better it will be for those using
their services.
6) Religion and spirituality.
Any person – even a secular person - on earth
can be spiritual without being religious. Those in religion
may be or may not be spiritual some of the time or all
of the time.
A revolution
going on in science. : Those who think they can rely
on outdated science to support a materialist view of
a universe without an afterlife and psychic phenomena
are clearly misinformed. Over the last few decades there
has been a significant increase in research into quantum
physics, the study of the characteristics of and relationships
between subatomic particles and non-physical energies.
Innovative, unorthodox physicists tell us this important
research has a strong bearing on the understanding of
the paranormal and the afterlife. These physicists are
discovering no conflict at all between physics and acceptance
of the paranormal and the afterlife. Indeed they are
showing that the phenomena we now call “paranormal”
are normal and consistent with the laws of science.
DEAN RADIN: In his book Entangled Minds
(2006) he contends that those who think that science
has no place for the paranormal do not know what they
are talking about. He writes: “new discoveries
in science are forcing an expansion to ideas of who
and what we are, and that those who are most hostile
to this topic know little or nothing about the evidence”.
In this wonderful video Dean explains how mainstream
scientists have been trained to think that anyone who
accepts psychic phenomena is stupid but that over the
last ten years a majority
academics are changing their mind in
private. Many are contacting him about their covert
interest in psychic phenomena and are beginning to conduct
their own experiments and flout the taboo on psychic
research. He also addresses the question of why the
quantum worldview is so important in challenging the
robotic worldview. (22min)
Fred Alan Wolf, sums up this view when he writes:There
is evidence that suggests the existence of a non-material,
non-physical universe that has a reality even though
it might not as yet be clearly perceptible to our senses
and scientific instrumentation. Watch
video interview...
Oliver Lodge, one of the greatest physicists
of all times, accepted life after death after using
his scientific genius to prove it. He was a founder
of the Society for Psychical Research. I have a lot
of respect for Sir Oliver Lodge and would like to provide
a short quote from his article Linking Life After Death
To Subatomic Physics:
Harold Puthoff, Twice nominated for the Nobel
Prize, Dr. Puthoff is presently Director of the Institute
for Advanced Studies at Austin. His research interests
range from theoretical studies concerning gravitation,
cosmology and energy research, to laboratory studies
of innovative approaches to energy generation and space
propulsion. A graduate of Stanford University, his professional
background spans more than four decades of research
at General Electric, Sperry, the National Security Agency,
Stanford University, and SRI International. Watch
video interview (3mins 56).
Russell Targ is a physicist and author who
pioneered the development of the laser. He was also
co-founded the Stanford Research Institute's investigation
into psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s. He authored
numerous books suggesting that the mind itself reaches
to the far ends of the universe and that it is this
"non-local" quality, rather than any particular
mechanism, that accounts for the remarkable data of
parapsychology. Watch
video interview (8 mins)
Professor Dr Ernst Senkowski is a professor
of physics and electronics who conducted intensive paranormal
and afterlife research for over twenty years. Dr Senkowski
repeatedly obtained positive paranormal and 'afterlife'
results. Read his eye
witness account of the Scole experiments.
Amit Goswami, is a former Professor of Physics
at the Institute of Theoretical Sciences at the University
of Oregon. He is currently a senior resident researcher
at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. His book Physics
of the Soul--The Quantum Book Of Living, Dying, Reincarnation
And Immortality defines consciousness, not materiality,
as the primary reality. See
video interview Part 1
John Bockris in his book discusses the The
New Paradigm--A Confrontation Between Physics and the
Paranormal Phenomena (2005) evidence for the paranormal,
including telepathy, near-death experiences, out-of-body
travel, mediumship, reincarnation, apparitions, possession,
distant healing, and other phenomena..
Dr. Claude Swanson, has collated the "best
evidence" illustrating the inadequacy of our present
scientific paradigm. In his book, The Synchronised
Universe, he describes scientifically controlled
remote viewing and ESP experiments, demonstrations of
long-range healing, psychokinesis (mind over matter),
scientifically controlled experiments in levitation,
teleportation and out of body phenomena (OBE). See
video interview (21 mins)
scientist, Ron Pearson, in his article "Survival
Physics" argues that survival of death is a natural
part of physics and efforts to discredit evidence of
survival after death are misplaced: Watch
video interview... (9 mins)
laureate Dr Brian Josephson and
Professor Jessica Utts state that science needs
to adapt to accommodate the evidence. They write: What
are the implications for science of the fact that psychic
functioning appears to be a real effect? These phenomena
seem mysterious, but no more mysterious perhaps than
strange phenomena of the past which science has now
happily incorporated within its scope (Utts and Josephson
1996). See video "Can
the Physicists' Description of Reality be Considered
of the most advanced researchers of our time
in parapsychology and the paranormal Dr
Adrian Klein (left) and Dr
Robert Neil Boyd (right) share with us some exciting
new experiments that show clearly that human consciousness
is totally independent of the brain. Anyone interested
in the evolution of science needs to read " Let
it snow on Mars - Mind/Brain dichotomy."
the fourth day of the search for Steve Fossett George
Noory contacted remote viewer Ed Dames who determined
that Steve was dead and pinpointed the area where his
plane had crashed far away from the search area.
How could it be possible for people to report clear,
lucid experiences with great clarity of thought during
a time when their hearts had stopped beating and blood
is not being effectively pumped to the brain? My curiosity
got the better of me and as I was working in the ideal
place in which to study these experiences I decided
to undertake my own research project. So writes Penny
Sartori of the experiments which led to her being granted
a PhD. Read
One of the most amazing psychic phenomena is
xenoglossy - the ability to speak or write a foreign
language a person never learned. After all other explanations
have been investigated - such as fraud, genetic memory,
telepathy and cryptomnesia (the remembering of a foreign
language learned earlier), xenoglossy is taken as evidence
of either memories of a language learned in a past life
or of communication with a discarnate entity—
a spirit person. Janet Mayer (pictured)
claims that while participating in a breath work seminar,
she suddenly began to speak a language not commonly
known. Many years later, her journey of discovery brought
her to learn she can speak at least three dialects of
the Yanomami - an ancient tribe of the Amazon, currently
facing extinction. If this claim can be independently
supported it should be researched and documented. Read
Janet's story...
Do you want to hear from the experts about the latest
in afterlife research? Do you want help
to record your own EVPs? Do you want to have a reading
with a top research medium? Would you like to
have a day out in Long Island rich in fall colors and
attractions including the noted North Fork Wine Country?
Then make plans now to attend the Forever Family Foundation
one day conference on Veterans' Day weekend. Presenting
will be Claude Swanson , PhD, Tom and Lisa Butler, Research
Medium Janet Mayer and Research medium Suzane NorthropRead
question! There are those who research the afterlife
asking the very same question: why can’t we get
superior afterlife minds to give us specific, hard core,
objective and repeatable afterlife evidence? We also
need more gifted mediums, we need more skilled researchers
who can document the evidence under controlled conditions
and we need more journalists and television producers
willing to promote the work of genuine psychics and
mediums. And of course our research mediums and researchers
need financial and moral support from you the
reader. Dedicated as they are, they have to make a living!
We, who research the afterlife are doing the best we
can – but yes, certainly, we would like those
in the afterlife – who are competent, skilful,
powerful, highly motivated and experienced in relating
to physical earth matters to give us MORE evidence we
can use on a global level.
There are a number
of people who are NOT psychic and try to cash in on
genuine psychics. Don’t be fooled. If you want
to see a psychic and pay for the service, make sure
you obtain recommendations from a number of people.
You will find that people will tell you if a particular
psychic is too general, too hit/miss way of doing things,
some hits but mostly not and there are those who are
deadly accurate. Don’t waste your precious hard
earned income on quacks and frauds who are not really
psychic or mediums.
those people with high status, titles keep their tiles
and status on crossing over to the afterlife?
Victor: If you are referring to titles
such as - ‘Dr’, ‘Professor’,
the ‘Sir’,‘Lord’, ‘Your
Excellency’, and other man-made titles –
the answer is very definitively NO! Lawyers, no 'Your
Honor' judges, physicians, scientists, Lords, Sirs and
others who are given exaggerated status find that their
titles and previous achievements become irrelevant in
the afterlife. But there would be those in the afterlife
who would be regarded as having high ‘star’
status such as we have mega superstars on earth: those
who are spiritually advanced, those who performed selfless
service whoever they are and wherever they come from:
“An earthly fame
has no value. Souls judge themselves not by their titles,
but by what they did, which results in the character
that they have. The only passport in our world is the
stage of the development of your soul, which is naked
for all to see.”
(An afterlife highly accredited teacher).
an email accusing me of being anti-Christian. In all
fairness – no I am not anti-Christian, not anti-religion,
not anti-anything. You believe what you want to believe.
I am strictly an empiricist and do
not have the luxury of beliefs. I do not interfere with
your beliefs. That does not mean I ought not to question
my early environment teachings which almost terrified
me out of this life on earth: You MUST question everything
in life until the day you die – and only if you
are absolutely convinced of the information you received
can you relax. I'm into objectivity and repeatability
because that gives me absolute certainty.
from last week: here are just a few of those who suggested
a reply to the important question – they are representative
of all the correspondence received about Jesus: Sandra. (Aus.): suggests: Dr
Barbara Theiring gives a non traditional version
about Jesus – Michael refers to the transmitted information
from the afterlife: http://meilach.com/spiritual/books/st/contents.htm Joel from Sweden does not agree with
the traditional theological interpretation of Jesus-
Sweden. Terence’s suggestion: “
could be prototypes today of those that could have gone
to heaven in past ages ...” William, recommends for the status
: http://www.tektonics.org/harpur01.html
and http://www.tektonics.org/copycat/osy.html Urve accepts Joseph
that the
Jesus story was a Roman conspiracy: John F. Swenson, J.D. suggests reading
the works of a Yale professor Dr.
Ramsay MacMullen, emeritus professor of history
at Yale, about the true history of Jesus: Raleigh sent non traditional sentiments:
see he said, among a list of non tradition sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jesus_Mysteries. CraigHogan, sent
this link to his excellent study on the subject: "The
early church admitted that the Mithras and Jesus parallels
were remarkable and suggested that Satan had created
the Mithras/Osyris/Dionysius mythologies millennia before
the birth of Jesus to mislead humankind." Read
NOTE WELL- a balanced view: some critics
state that there is no physical or other independent
evidence that Jesus actually lived on this planet earth.
Balanced against that is that we do have to remember,
that one of the most credible afterlife teachers, Silver
Birch, transmitted information which tells us that yes,
Jesus comes down to the realm of the light about once
a year – and states that Jesus was the most spiritually
advanced entity that ever walked on our planet earth.
David Thompson will be doing mental mediumship - 26th
from 4:30 - 6:00pm at spiritual service in
the Crows Nest Performing Arts Centre
(6 Holterman St., Crows Nest, NSW, AUSTRALIA). It is
time to allocate just some little time on a Sunday later
afternoon to think about eternal matters. Why? Because
our time on planet earth is relatively very short –
‘fraction of an eyeblink’ as one afterlife
teacher stated. Wendy and I will be there and look forward
to meeting many of our regular readers.