(Apologies if I have not replied to your
email. I am still extremely very busy. Will reply shortly.
Thanks for your understanding. Victor)
May 30th 2008
first weekly report went up in June 2001 so this
week marks the beginning of the eighth year of presenting
on my website, every week without fail. We do
get a great deal of positive feedback about the reports
which is what keeps us going. Many say that they look
forward to receiving on a regular basis critical information
about the afterlife. Others state that they had never
even considered the existence of the afterlife and are
thankful that they were given the information to do their
own research and now perceive the afterlife in a balanced
way. Some write to say that they have found comfort and
courage after losing a loved one, or that they have overcome
their fear of death; others that they are grateful that
the afterlife evidence confirms what they psychically
experienced themselves – and there are many others
who find inspiration in gentle reminders not to get side-tracked
into wasteful materialism. We in turn are inspired by
your responses, insights and experiences. I try to answer
those many who email with their many questions –
some of them very serious questions - and observations.
Researching and writing the weekly report is an everyday
endeavor for Wendy and me and we are so grateful that
the report is reaching a rapidly growing large list of
people who are getting so much afterlife information and
assistance. We really appreciate the efforts of all of
you who are recommending it to others.
IS IT LIKE TO DIE? Many people over the
years have asked for accounts of what it is like immediately
after one crosses over. Transmitted information from several
highly credible sources gives more or less the same information.
We'll deal with a different one each week for the next
few weeks. Account 1. By former Catholic Mons. Hugh
Benson through medium
Anthony Borgia. Incidentally, highly credible
Hugh Benson has revealed from the afterlife some of the
serious problems of the Catholic Church's teachings):
Relating his experience from the afterlife, he says:
“I knew for certain that my time had come to pass
on, and I was full of eagerness to be gone. I had no fear,
no misgivings, no doubts, no regrets so far at thus leaving
the earth world. All that I wanted was to be away. I suddenly
felt a great urge to rise up. I had no physical feeling
whatever, very much in the same way that physical feeling
is absent during a dream, but I was mentally alert, however
much my body seemed to contradict such a condition. Immediately
I had this distinct prompting to rise, I found that I
was actually doing so. I then discovered that those around
my bed did not seem to perceive what I was doing, since
they made no effort to come to my assistance, nor did
they try in any way to hinder me. Turning, I then beheld
what had taken place. I saw my physical body lying lifeless
upon its bed, but here was I, the REAL I, alive and well.”
Mons Benson then goes on to describe how he then saw an
old close friend who told him to hold
his arm and close his eyes while he steered him through
the lower spheres and took him to the realm of the light.
(from LIFE IN THE WORLD UNSEEN, by Anthony Borgia)
BOOK Psychic News is promoting a
new book that was published this week. The Chosen
Spirit claims to answer over 300 questions through
direct contact with the spirit world. Something that caught
our attention was its dire predictions about the state
of the world...“Things have gotten so bad there
is no time to lose,” is the message. “It
will be another ten years before world leaders start to
realize what’s really happening. And you don’t
have ten years available.” Read
description from Psychic World and read online
a fortnight after releasing their debut album of plainchant,
the Cistercian monks of Stift Heiligenkreuz in Austria
have reached number one on the UK Classics charts and
number nine in the pop, rock and and dance charts.The
surprise hit band was discovered after Universal Music
launched a search for sacred singers in February this
year, through adverts placed mainly in the religious press.
More than a hundred entries poured in from around the
world. On the closing day, Tom Lewis manager of the Classics
and Jazz department at Universal, received a YouTube link
from the monks, who are based in the Vienna Woods. Lewis
told reporters that he was "simply bowled over"
by their sound. He said: "They are quite simply the
best Gregorian singers we have heard. They make a magical
evocative sound which is both immediately calming and
deeply moving." Meet Father Karl and listen as the
monks make their hit record....
have a spiritual responsibility to look after our planet.
Possibility of an alternative energy: cold fusion is a
controversial area of science and like scientific studies
of the Afterlife has been faced with extreme opposition
by conservatives. This
short video gives a short introduction to the topic
and its importance as a means of opening a source of cheap
abundant energy which could help alleviate global warming.
This week Dr Yoshiaki Arata, a highly
respected physicist in Japan, successfully demonstrated
a low-energy nuclear reaction (cold fusion) at Osaka University
on Thursday. In front of a live audience, including reporters
from six major newspapers and two TV studios, Arata and
a co-professor Yue-Chang Zhang, produced excess heat and
helium atoms from deuterium gas. Read
more... and more...
Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) is a multi-disciplinary
professional organization of scientists and other scholars
committed to the rigorous study of unusual and unexplained
phenomena that cross traditional scientific boundaries
and may be ignored or inadequately studied within mainstream
science. The Society was founded in 1982 by fourteen scientists
and scholars and now has approximately 800 members in
45 countries worldwide. The Society is having its 27th
Annual Conference June 25-28, 2008 at Millennium Harvest
House, Boulder, CO. Conference Theme: Emerging Paradigms
at the Frontiers of Consciousness & UFO Research.
(FROM Psychic News Issue issue 3995):
Physical medium Warren Caylor has thrown down the gauntlet.
In a statement on his website warrencaylor.co.uk he invites
doubters to ‘put up or shut up.’ “Tie
me up, chain me down, seal me in a glass cabinet.”
Warren said. “Tape up my mouth, do whatever you
think is acceptable as a scientific test, and you will
see that still spirit will come. I am willing to accommodate
any such tests and conditions.” Mr Caylor goes on
to express his disappointment that those who shout ‘fraud’
have never yet come forward to take up his offer. And
so Psychic News has taken up the challenge. More later.
According to a press release Yvette Fielding and Karl
Beattie (of Most Haunted) will launch a new TV phenomenon
on Monday 9th June 2008 - The Paranormal Channel. "The
Paranormal Channel is a light look at the dark side: we'll
use drama, documentaries and even comedy to explore anything
and everything that is unexplained. But viewers shouldn't
underestimate the scariness rating: The Paranormal Channel
will take them to unparalleled heights of fear -they'll
be scared witless." Sadly the channel is setting
out to shock and focus on the fear factor but perhaps
with feedback from the audience it can be directed into
broadcasting some sensible programs. They do say that
"Occasionally, the channel will feature guest mediums".
The Paranormal Channel will be available through Sky TV
Author Jan Vandersande, Ph.D., is one of a growing
number of scientists who has witnessed hard evidence of
life after death. In his book, Life after Death: Some
of the Best Evidence, readers are taken into the fascinating
world of séances and sittings where Vandersande,
his wife, and close friends experienced other-worldly
phenomena first-hand with genuine trance mediums and channelers. Read
AUSTRALIA: Congratulations
to Allison Dubois on the continued success of the weekly
television weekly show ‘MEDIUM’- which is
doing very well in Australia. We now get to watch psychic
television shows every day on cable television. We are
also getting so many books about mediumship and psychic
phenomena – many are high quality documentary type
of books which continue to validate the existence of the
afterlife and everything else that Allison Dubois shows
us in her television shows based on her mediumship. Alison's
mid-year trip to Australia has been postponed..she has
just worked out a schedule to visit 17 cities across the
US and will be visiting Australia the first week in December.
Alison's schedule....
Most countries in the world have produced some
kind of afterlife evidence. Certainly the major countries
– all European countries, UK, all of the Americas,
north and south – all the way from Canada, US, Brazil
right down to Argentina – and in Africa and in Asian
countries – all have traditions going back thousands
of years. More recently, afterlife beliefs have become
repeatable and objective evidence – and in the near
future, more irrefutable scientific evidence will inevitably
be produced. Now, the implied claim by the skeptics is
that all these people, from all the countries from around
the world got together in some kind of a conspiracy to
fool the closed minded-skeptics around the world. Does
that sound credible to the average reader? Of course not!
The afterlife is inevitable and unavoidable. Get to know
as much as you can about the afterlife – click on
BOOK top right.
CHANNELLING DOES! I had an interesting
email this week concerning geniuses at work – in
reference to Shakespeare. Studies have been done about
Shakespeare and it will shock many readers to learn about
the background of this genius – where did his genius
come from? Here is an argument (taken from The French
Revelation by Edward C. Randall- ed. by N. Riley
Hegarty) that like Mozart, the genius works of Shakespeare
were channeled. See the evidence for yourself: ”Neither
of his parents could read or write. He grew up in a small
village among ignorant people, on the banks of the Avon.
There was nothing in the peaceful, quiet landscape on
which he looked, nothing in the low hills, the undulating
fields, nothing in the lazy flowing stream to excite the
imagination. Nothing in the early life calculated to sow
the seeds of the subtlest and sublimest thought. There
was nothing in his education or lack of education to account
for what he did. It is supposed that he attended school
in the home village, but of that there is no proof. He
went to London when young and within a few years became
interested in Black Friars Theatre, where he was actor,
dramatist and manager. He was never engaged in a business
counted reputable in that day. Socially he occupied a
position below servants. The law described him as “sturdy
vagabond”. He died at 52. …Read
more …
Arthur Findlay was
a great British writer on the paranormal and who was awarded
the title "Spiritualist of the Twentieth Century".
In July 2006 and entity materialized for a short time
in the Circle of the Silver Cord and claimed to be him.
William had just finished a discourse about how much a
materialization medium gives up for his gift and the need
to support this kind of mediumship in the context of a
debate about whether or not mediums should charge money
for their services. When this entity materialized, he
addressed me directly and said he wanted me to place page
57 of his book On The Edge Of The Etheric on
my webpage. I had no idea what was on page 57 but when
I got home I looked up the 1931- Psychic Press edition
on my bookshelf. And guess what? On this page he writes
that his medium, when he was physically on earth, was
John Sloan, took very little money for his mediumship.
That to me was quite a stunning validation.
watch the news! A colleague of ours, Mark Macy, suggested
this some years ago. If you want to enjoy more peace in
this world, keep away from negativity. First thing to
do is not to listen to or watch the news on television
– it’s full of negativity! I tested this over
three days and on average, of fifteen items twelve were
negative and would inflict more stress – especially
those who are super-sensitive and those suffering from
depression. Better to tune in to beautiful, evocative,
relaxing music – where it would be guaranteed to
lift up your spirits!!
David Pearce writes: "For too many, their inflated
aspirations have outstripped their meager resources. The
only way to be economically free and happy is to live
poor — that is, one should maintain one’s
aspirations at a level equal to, or below one’s
resources. Those unfortunate souls who have aspirations
far in excess of their resources are doomed to a life
of economic fear. They dare not leave that job they hate."
FARCE’! That uninformed,
non-entity guy who is trying to take me on just cannot
read or understand simple, plain English. “Prove
that Alan Crossley really materialized” he’s
saying - when for the last TWO YEARS I have been stating
that we CANNOT guarantee the identity of those who materialize.
We put the evidence of the materialized entities' voices
on tape on the internet – and we leave it at the
discretion of the members of the public to accept or reject
what they hear. Now, what’s wrong with this guy
- is he living on some other planet - demanding absolute
evidence? FACT:
experts from the UK warnred me to forget about the silly
challenge of his - that this guy is full of tricks and
gimmicks to try to bolster up his sagging readership -
dishonestly claiming he's got a readership of thousands.
UK experts estimate that more likely than not, he's got
between 30-60 all up. His record in publishing is rather
very bad. This guy managed to bluff a couple of people
who swallowed his gimmick hook, line and sinker - but
mostly people ignore him. Read
my full response…
In this fiery and funny talk, New York Times food writer
Mark Bittman weighs in on what's wrong with the way we
eat now (too much meat, too few plants; too much fast
food, too little home cooking), and why it's putting the
entire planet at risk.