if I have not replied to your email. Still very busy.
Will reply at my earliest. And please note new email address
2008@victorzammit.com- Victor
23nd May 2008
COMMENTARY: “IF I ONLY KNEW.” Sometimes very late at night after a long day
of intense work, when I want to relax and watch some old
movie on cable television I see these once big-shot movie
legends such as John Wayne
(pictured), Jimmy Stewart and Judy Garland, Gregory Peck,
Charlton Heston, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and the Rat
Pack – and so many others – all now in the
afterlife dimension. I wonder how many of them when reviewing
their lives will say ”If I only I had known what
I had to do to get a better deal in the afterlife!”
Our lifestyle in the afterlife will be a direct counterpart
of our state of consciousness on Earth. The spiritual
(not necessarily the religious) - those who went out of
their way to help others in genuine need are very likely
to "get a really good deal" where the conditions
would be superior to anything else in the realm of the
light. Others who were too self-obsessed, selfish or cruel
or both are very likely to find themselves in an environment
which reflects their inner consciousness- somewhere dark,
cold and mean. Some even could get ‘stuck’
on the dark Astral level – one realm below the realm
of the light. We live in a death-denying society. Many
on earth think they are going to live for a thousand years
–or more - forgetting that we only live for just
a few decades and that any time we are just a heartbeat
away from eternity. So, whether you are a big-shot movie
star or a celebrity or whether you are the average decent
person, what is immediately critical for you to do to
"get the best deal" on crossing over is to read
more about the afterlife – and what is going to
happen to you when you die. See
Chapter 29.
And then start doing selfless service
to raise your level of consciousness and guaranteed, you'll
"get the best deal".
CHINA and BURMA TRAGEDIES Some 50,000 dead or
in China, 134,000 dead or missing in Burma. There were
those who raised this issue this week – the mass
slaughter of innocent people, is it fair? No matter what
one says, it is very sad to see earthquakes devouring
innocent people, as it is to see massacres and genocide
in some parts of the world, wars and revolutions, to see
innocent people being blown up by some misguided suicide
bomber, to see hurricanes destroy property and lives,
to see starvation in some parts of the world, the unrest
– and to see the huge ubiquitous violence and ugly
drugs and alcohol and higher rates of suicide around the
world. None of us really knows the answer to these huge
problems. Afterlife intelligences state that we are still
evolving which means the less advanced will commit heinous
crimes and violence to cause so much instability and cause
so many problems. They say that everything throughout
the universe is evolving – even us here on planet
Earth. In the face of such unimaginable devastation let
us hope that there will come a strengthening of the political
will for governments to work and plan together on an urgent
basis – especially to overcome the threat of climate
Al Gore is one of the most convincing presenters in the
world today. In this video filmed in March 2008, Al Gore
presents grim evidence that the pace of climate change
may be far worse than scientists recently predicted. Some
scientists without rebutting Al Gore's evidence have just
gone into denial. He claims that so far we haven't really
"got it" that this is really happening. He challenges
us to not only change the light bulbs but also change
the laws and above all to change our consciousness. Failure
to respond could mean millions going into the afterlife
before their time. Time is of the essence!!
Rob Smith, a highly credible investigator of the Electronic
Voice Phenomena writes from Melbourne Australia "
I have been experimenting with a manual 'AM Radio Sweeping'
trying to improve the quality of my EVP. I'm excited about
the below capture I have been instructed to share it with
you. This was recorded on a 'Watts' radio, using a Sony
B16 IC recorder for capture. I believe that this it is
certainly phenomenal for a 'clear logical sentence' has
been captured when scanning various non-English channels
for less than 0.5 sec.duration on each setting. Firstly,
I hear a slightly-rapid feminine voice saying "We
become purified (presumably after our physical demise)
- put it on the internet! " Two-thirds the way through,
you can hear a male voice saying, "Brigitte!"
- presumably providing a name for the female voice. The
second tape says "Hello- Danielle".
To hear these tapes go to Rob's
home page and check out the EVP MESSAGES- or go straight
to sound
file1 or sound
by Annette Martin.
This biography about Annette Martin begins when she first
discovered her psychic gift at age seven. James N. Frey
brings her life story to life in this 'engaging' account
of Annette's mysterious adventures in the 'Gift of the
White Light'. For over 36 years, Annette Martin has used
her psychic ability, the Gift of the White Light, to help
thousands of people answer everyday questions concerning
heart, career, health, emotional issues, departed loved
ones, as well as assisted police agencies and the FBI
in solving crimes, convict criminals, and locate missing
persons. She is frequently featured on national and international
shows. Martin has helped more than 40 law enforcement
agencies, including the FBI, solve heinous crimes. Martin
has been featured on the Psychic Detective, The Discovery
Channel, The History Channel, Court TV, and many other
television and radio shows. Martin's predictions are uncannily
accurate. In a reading requested by John Denver, she said
she saw him flying a small craft that would tumble into
the ocean. Fifteen years later he would die exactly that
pet owner claimed she rescued her missing dog by using
an animal psychic to locate it. Nikki Newcombe, 35, spent
a week digging and using thermal imaging cameras to find
her missing Jack Russell (like the one pictured) but failed.
In desperation, she rang animal psychic Pea
Horsley, 35, who claims to be able to telepathically
communicate with any species. The clairvoyant claimed
to see pictures of Marmite's location and the route he
had taken, despite being 100 miles away. She said the
dog was wedged in a man-made hole with water at the bottom
and concrete around it. Miss Newcombe, followed the route
she thought the London-based psychic had described. She
arrived at the locks of a disused canal a mile from her
home and found Marmite trapped in a shaft below a narrow
section of the sluice gate and called for the fire service.
A medium who was a police officer for 32 years in Salem,
Massachusetts is filming a pilot for a television series
in Jacksonville Florida. Under the title of “The
Messenger” Chuck Bergman is relying on the skills
of Director & Executive Producer, Robert Child who
produced two paranormal documentaries America’s
Most Haunted Town and America’s Most Haunted Inns
and Dick Ross who was Senior Vice President, Production
and Operations for Universal Television Networks overseeing
SciFi Channel and USA Network. Bergman claims to have
located the body of a missing person using his mediumistic
gifts in 2005. Read
Coster, a London journalist, contacted Harry Price, a
psychical researcher, to see if Price could arrange for
a séance and hopefully contact Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle. While Price was known primarily as a debunker of
mediums, he had come to accept that some were real. He
recommended Eileen Garrett, and a sitting was scheduled
for October 7 1930. When the sitting began Mrs Garret
went into trance Uvani, her spirit control,
begins speaking and said that someone named Irwin or Irving
wanted to communicate. Garrett's voice changed again and
a man appeared to be speaking. He identified himself as
Flight Lieutenant H. Carmichael Irwin, captain of the
R-101 which had just crashed. He then gave incredible
details of the crash that no-one living could have known.
If you would like to read the story on Michael Tymn's
The author, DR Jan W. Vandersande
Ph.D., has described in considerable detail some
of the best evidence that he is aware of for life after
death. He has based this evidence on his own investigations
and experiences which include sittings with trance mediums
and channelers, and also sitting quite regularly over
an eight year period in a circle in which he witnessed
physical phenomena such as trumpets flying around the
séance room, direct voice and ectoplasm. All his
experiences are described in detail. Life After Death:
Some of the Best Evidence, has been published and
is now available on Amazon.com
After 1,500 years the Vatican has brought the seven deadly
sins up to date by adding seven new ones for the age of
globalization. The list, published on March 9th 2008 in
L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, came
as the Pope deplored the “decreasing sense of sin”
in today’s “secularized world” and the
falling numbers of Roman Catholics going to confession.
The new deadly sins are:
1. "Bioethical" violations such as birth control.
2. "Morally dubious" experiments such as stem
cell research.
3. Drug abuse.
4. Polluting the environment.
5. Contributing to the widening divide between rich and
6. Excessive wealth.
7. Creating poverty.
Comment regarding 1 Bioethical
- of course Catholics are free do what they like (from
conduct we know Catholics are ignoring birth control restrictions),
but transmitted information from the other side - from
highly credible sources tells us that motive precedes
action: it is the motivation for reducing the number of
people in the world that is critical. The threat of overpopulation
is humanity's greatest problem, therefore it would appear
that some birth control is urgently necessary. As
2-6:intention and motive would be unavoidable
issues. Read
an earnest display of trophies, scarves, Orthodox icons
and chalices, an exhibition at the museum of Vienna's
14th century Catholic cathedral is out to show what football
owes to religion. Players such as Argentina's Diego Maradona
are venerated as saints of the modern age, the exhibition
explains, and fans frequently set up shrines or collect
"relics" of their favorite teams or players.
"There are many parallels between the cult of football
and the rituals of the Christian Church," said museum
director Bernhard Boehler. Kissing a football trophy after
the moment of victory recalls the kissing of Orthodox
icons, while bearing a cup aloft to a stadium of cheering
fans is a profane re-enactment of the displaying of the
Body of Christ during the Catholic mass, according to
the curators. Read
of Pittsburgh researchers reviewed the word of 279 top
songs of 2005 covering genres from country to pop, from
rap to rock. They found that one third have explicit reference
to substance abuse and 60% placed drugs, alcohol and tobacco
in a positive light. Read
survey. Highly credible afterlife teachers inform
us that those who cross over with a very bad drug habit
will be in for a very rude awakening- the strong habit
lingers on even in the afterlife – but there is
no way the addict can get drugs. So there is a tendency
for these addicts to hang around those on earth who are
using drugs. We are informed that the drug problem is
at a crisis point. One song comes to mind from Ray Charles
– ‘LET'S GO GET STONED’ – which
says among other things, “It ain’t no harm,
taking a little nip …” WRONG! There is a lot
of harm taking any drugs. The afterlife has huge consequences
– especially those crossing over with the habit
– huge!
HANDS OF LIGHT Dr. Barbara Brennan has
been researching
the Human Energy Field for more than 30 years. Her best
selling books—Hands of Light and Light
Emerging — are considered classics in the field
of complementary medicine. The picture left is a representation
of what she saw in the aura of a patient every time he
had been smoking cocaine. She claims that drugs like LSD,
marijuana, cocaine and alcohol are detrimental to the
healthy aura and create "etheric mucus" as does
disease. (See Hands of Light p.92). Read
more about Barbara.
QUESTION:Thanks so much for
your article on Prof Dawkins last week - every enlightening.
But tell me, this Prof Richard Dawkins says that evolution
shows that there was no intelligent design. Any comments?
M Bergin, San Francisco.
VICTOR: Forget for one moment that this
guy is a professor and
that he’s an atheist and who does not accept the
afterlife. I ask you and every reader of this column -
assuming you are all at least reasonably intelligent,
thoughtful and able to answer general questions: look
around you - look at the universe and every thing you
see moving on earth – do you see order? If the answer
is yes, it follows that there has to be an intelligent
design. Go deeper: the swirling atom, with its nucleus
– electron, protons and other energies inside the
atom – all physicists and all reasonable intelligent
people will say of course there is intelligent design
in the swirling of the atom. OK, look at our solar system
– the rotation of each planet around the sun and
the role of gravity in relation to each planet. Again,
most people will say, of course, there is an intelligent
design, otherwise all will collide into each other. Back
to earth: we see growth – of trees, flowers, birds,
fish and mammals and other animals … is there intelligence
behind the growth process? One has to place intelligent
design in the Cause-Effect context. We analyze the effect
and ask the question: what caused the intelligent effect?
Nature? No! Nature itself is not intelligent, nature follows
pre-ordained laws. So, something precipitated intelligent
design for the universe, for our solar system, for us
and all who occupy the earth to exist. As to this professor
- and other materialists like him, they say – CHANCE
can account for everything. But statisticians will tell
us we cannot attribute chance to some thousands of unexplained
intelligent designs. Someone had to intelligently design
what we all see – why not?
is the world's most peaceful nation while the United States
is ranked among the bottom third, according to a study
released on Tuesday. The "Global Peace Index,"
compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit, ranked the
United States 97th out of 140 countries according to how
peaceful they were domestically and how they interacted
with the outside world.The United States slipped from
96th last year, but was still ahead of foe Iran which
ranked 105th. It, however, lagged Belarus, Cuba, South
Korea, Chile, Libya and others which were listed as more
peaceful. Read
an email from that
closed minded skeptic materialist James Randi undertaking
to send you a legal document which would show his promise
that he has the funding for his challenge is subject to
five years jail if it is shown that in fact he does not
have the funding. Did he ever send that legal document?
Victor: Absolutely NOT! He said he would
be sending it, but to-date I have not received anything
from him. But relax, most people would NOT be surprised
at all – it only shows that he does NOT have the
funding, the million dollars he claims he has. As I said,
anyone who makes a public challenge has a duty to the
public to put it by way of a legal agreement that he has
the funding – supported by a legal document that
if it is shown he does not have the funding, he would
go up to five years in prison. Very clearly, this Randi
is all baloney and does NOT have the funding – fooling
all those decent Americans who may think he has a genuine
claim. Regarding my one million dollar challenge, I have
a legal document to that effect: my funding exists or
else I can go to prison for up to five years jail. But
we must never forget Professor Dennis Rawlins spilling
the beans on Randi, when he said what Randi told him:
“I will always have a way out of paying …”
That says it all about the materialist's biggest hoax
in paranormal history!
SCIENCE AND ASTROLOGY: a skeptic presents
a Vedic astrologer
Jeffrey Armstrong who produces amazingly, brilliant results.
Closed minded skeptics in the past botched up all these
investigations on astrology, but Michael Shermer, a known
skeptic, put to the test a Vedic astrologer. Watch this
video carefully where sometimes accuracy rises to 94%.
This video is truly impressive in the attempt to be objective
about procedure. SUGGESTION: consistent with scientific
method, skeptic Shermer should use a control ‘astrologer’
: he should have called on to some known skeptic to do
the readings for the sitters. Then the viewers would be
able to compare the ‘readings’ of the skeptic
control with that of the Vedic astrologer Jeffrey Armstrong.
That would be a very good indication as to whether the
Vedic astrological readings are too broad or too general.
That should be done for all to see. Watch
Victor? : This week I received three emails
informing me that some uninformed critic has been attacking
my credibility as an investigator – I looked up
the URL they sent and yes, some misguided 'Spiritualist'
is going off his head challenging me to get Alan Crossley
back and cross-examine him because he did not believe
it was him. I
was informed that the attack was primarily a gimmick to
raise the sagging readership of the attacker's blog -
using others websites with established readership.
It is on record that I stated just a few weeks after attending
the first seance with David Thompson that we cannot guarantee
that those who materialize are in fact who they claim
to be. Why did we say that? In the Circle there are three
sitters who were in law enforcement agencies and have
professional experience about identifying people. We put
the spirit voices on audios on the internet and leave
it up to people to decide for themselves about the voices.
Whilst we received responses that some accepted the spirit
voices, there were others - especially the skeptics and
the anti-materialization Spiritualists were not convinced.
I said that's perfectly all right - it's their prerogative
to accept or reject - or keep an open mind until all the
evidence is in. It did not worry us one iota either way.
People have a right to decide for themselves what to accept
or reject.
Now, this uninformed critic is offering me a few cents
(relative to the half a million dollars I am offering
to anyone who can show fraud etc in our materializations)
to invoke Crossley and cross-examine him.
Again, I have to re-state, we do NOT
and have NEVER guaranteed that those
who come through are who they claim to be. The discretion
is left up to the person listening to the spirit voices.
have NO power to invoke any spirit in the seance room
and if I could I would NOT invoke Alan Crossley; I would
try to converse with my three younger sisters who died
from breast cancer, with my parents and my grand parents
- in fact, Crossley would be some fiftieth on my list
of people to talk to.
visitors usually come through when there is a close-tie
of affection and a particularly urgent reason to do so.
The reason Alan Crossley came through with his friend
Helen Duncan on that particular night was that Helen Duncan's
grandson and the daughter of a close friend of Alan Crossley
were guests in the seance. So someone who had close contact
with Crossley - stated that it was Alan Crossley who materialized.
My personal opinion as above stated, that this is nothing
but a trick to poach readers from other websites. My full
reply to this sad and pathetic personal attack is now
up on my articles page.
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