Early Report for subscribers
Report February 8th 2008
Last week's early
The Tracey Ann Patient episode:
Just recently, the New
version of “Sensing Murder” (Ninox TV/TV NZ
Production) was shown in Australia. We fully understand
that when it was shown in New Zealand some months ago,
Sensing Murder raised much controversy. Anything of value
inevitably would raise controversy – and so it should.
Why? Because it will force us to closely examine the evidence
of the controversial issue. In this case the critical
issues are the paranormal and afterlife. My professional
background is the admissibility of evidence. To resolve
the issues therefore we have to closely look at the objective
evidence – and to remove all existing prejudices.
In the highest courts we get the highest level of professional
debate. This is the very special venue where we are informed
by experts which argument is correct and valid and admissible,
and which argument is not. So, let’s see how the
professionals at the highest level would deal with “Sensing
Murder”. The obvious questions that arise are: considering
that psychics Deb Webber and Sue Nicholson were both highly
accurate in their discernment of the circumstances of
the death of Tracey Ann Patient, was there fraudulent
conduct? Where did they get their accurate information
from? Was there a conspiracy between the Production executives,
the television station and the psychics? Was someone aiding
and abetting the psychics? Was someone trying to mislead
the public? Or can it be that these said psychics are
genuine? Read
I came across a skeptical ‘physicist’ –
who is telling everyone that ‘Sensing Murder cannot
be right because of the Law of Conservation!’ WRONG!
This closed minded skeptic - once a physicist –
now working in computers is sticking to orthodoxy –
where he makes negative prejudicial decisions before
he empirically investigates. Read
more …
QUESTION: what’s wrong
with orthodox science when it comes to the paranormal?
Victor: As yet, orthodox science does
not accept the paranormal or the
for the afterlife BUT orthodox science has not been able
to rebut the substantive and objective evidence for the
afterlife. For example, I have some twenty-two areas of
afterlife evidence (click on BOOK top right) which after
nearly nine years on the internet, no orthodox skeptical
scientist or anybody else has been able to rebut. Critical:
in professional debate the onus has shifted onto the orthodox
scientists to show where, when, how and why the submitted
afterlife evidence cannot be admitted as admissible evidence.
This has NOT been done! Consistent with the highest legal
rationale of the Supreme Court and the High Court (the
highest authority to inform where an argument is valid
or invalid AND where all judges would agree that a minimal
level a prima facie case has been made out that there
is an afterlife), any evidence formally submitted and
not rebutted will stay as unrebutted - but it will remain
valid, admissible evidence. Translated this means there
is an afterlife.
laws are being enacted in England (see item below) that
are aimed at the fraudulent psychics. We have to concede
there are people who are NOT psychics - claim they are
psychic or mediums and are fleecing the public of hard
earned cash. As mentioned before - and worth repeating,
an American alleged ‘psychic’ fraudulently
obtained $300 from one of my emailers guaranteeing a cure
for her very sick cat. This alleged psychic, for the $300
sent a piece of green paper to be put over the cat!! Naturally
the cat died. More pathetic is when these fraudulent ‘psychics’
heartlessly exploit the most vulnerable – those
who are uninformed about the afterlife and who have lost
a loved one. I have stated in this column many times that
you should never go to a psychic or medium unless you
do your research first. Have a couple of independent referees
that the psychic/medium is genuine, gifted and accurate
– otherwise you could lose your hard earned cash.
The Fraudulent Mediums Act (1951) is to be repealed and
replaced by New UK Legislation (CPRs = Consumer Protection
from Unfair Trading Regulations; and UCPD = Unfair Commercial
Practices Directive) on 1st April 2008. There is concern
that this change will have wide-reaching legal effects
on all mediums, psychics, complementary therapists and
teachers in related spiritual and psychic charitable and
professional organizations and disciplines, or anyone
who interacts with, or supplies services to, the public.
An Afternoon Conference on the new laws will be held on
Saturday 1st March 2008, 2pm- 4pm at The Academy of Psychic
and Spiritual Studies in
"Tranquility House" Natural Therapy Centre,
Catherine Street, Swansea. Details...
What did the Zen Master say when she walked into the Pizza
'Make me one with everything.'
When the Master received the pizza, she gave the pizza-man
a $20 bill.
The pizza-man pocketed the bill.
The Master asked "Don't I get change?"
The Zen pizza-man replied, "Change must come from
within." Read
more humor …
are being bombarded with all kinds of aggressive and subtle
propaganda by those who are trying to capture your mind,
your soul, your vote, your dollar, your partiality. Inevitably,
your instinct tells you – or ought to tell you,
what’s in it for me? Good question. When the materialists
try tell you the afterlife does not exist – you
know – or ought to know that no materialist scientist
or no skeptical debunker or any anyone else has ever shown
that the afterlife does not exist – they usually
raise the fallacy of “you can’t prove the
negative.” Whereas there are thousands and thousands
of books about the afterlife many of which were written
by scientists. Check out the bibliography
in the Book (top right). After nearly nine years on the
internet the afterlife evidence has not been rebutted.
What’s in it for you? Plenty: when you get to know
about the afterlife, you are virtually guaranteeing that
you will have a safe, easy, peaceful and a most wonderful
transition to the afterlife dimension and immediately
thereafter another smooth transition to the most beautiful
realm of the light. Be a long term planner!
WHITE EAGLE GROUPS: Those who investigate
will tell
that the White Eagle Spiritual teachings are very spiritually
advanced. The White Eagle Lodge is a worldwide organization
(founded in 1936), based on a profound, yet gentle philosophy.
Check out
the website. The Sydney White Eagle group will be
commencing monthly meetings in the city of Sydney from
the end of February. Those who have been in White Eagle
Spiritual groups and would like to rejoin or others who
read the teachings are are interested please contact dianne.ball@yahoo.com.au.
A most common but very important question by
those who studied afterlife material is what must they
do to have a smooth, anxiety-free, relaxed conscious transition.
Based on some twenty years of afterlife research I advise:
first read my chapter on what happens when you die –
go the BOOK top right, click on chapter
29. The information in it came from some fifty different
credible sources NOT from just one source. Secondly, I
strongly advise you to read relevant material about afterlife
matters. I found the works of Silver Birch, Anthony Borgia
and Arthur Findlay to be absolutely brilliant. Thirdly,
don’t be dogmatic in your beliefs. Keep an open
mind. Never be cruel or selfish and help others less advantaged
than you are. You do not have to be perfect – the
human condition is not perfect. As long as you are a reasonable,
decent, good average person keep an open mind and accept
that on crossing over you will be met by your loved ones
to help proceed to the realm of the light.
This is a serious question by Steve, who receives
the weekly report in response to the comment that in The
Maury Povich Show it was stated that "right now,
there is more interest in the paranormal and mediumship,
than there is in sex". In response Steve asked, “Hey,
but what about sex IN the afterlife?” Excellent
question Steve. Information transmitted from the afterlife
tells us that there is primitive lower form of sex in
the Astral (darker) level, but one big problem is that
at this level, the beings cannot sexually climax. But
in the Realm of the Light – where the average good
decent honest person will go to - we are informed by a
number of sources that
" the delights of 'conjugial love' are exquisite,
our spirit forms subject to sensations of which our dull,
earthly bodies are ignorant. " Read
Swedenborg's Secret....
Judy Laddon, a medium in the U.S. claims that people who
have reached a reasonable level of spirituality experience
huge orgasms and ecstasy perhaps ten to twenty times more
enjoyable that on Earth - from her book Beyond
The Veil. But very likely those closed minded skeptical
debunkers who refuse to accept the existence of the afterlife
are likely to miss out on this one :-) Who wants to be
a skeptical debunker?
are engaged in the great battle against greed, selfishness,
cupidity, stupidity and all the horrible results of the
materialism that causes trouble, disaster, war, strife
and hatred in your world. You have a great work to do.
Do it in the realization that the power behind you is
mightier than all the forces that the world of matter
can muster. You have nothing to fear at all."
" On his 83rd birthday, however, Eddie dies trying
to save a little girl. He wakes up in heaven, where a
succession of five people are waiting to show him the
true meaning and value of his life. One by one, these
mostly unexpected characters remind him that we all live
in a vast web of interconnection with other lives; that
all our stories overlap; that acts of sacrifice seemingly
small or fruitless do affect others; and that loyalty
and love matter to a degree we can never fathom. Simply
told, sentimental and profoundly true, this is a contemporary
American fable that will be cherished by a vast readership.
Bringing into the spotlight the anonymous Eddies of the
world, the men and women who get lost in our cultural
obsession with fame and fortune, this slim tale, like
Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol, reminds us of what
really matters here on earth, of what our lives are given
to us for." Read
You can do something now to make a difference
to human rights even as you sit behind your computer.
Right now Amnesty International is running
a letter writing campaign to save two sisters from being
stoned to death in Iran. Read
"Just to know that the 'outside' world
had not forgotten me and was continuing to work for my
release was an immense source of encouragement during
those dark days. I know that Amnesty International played
a leading role in these efforts...I owe you my freedom."
Thich Quang Do, Buddhist monk from Viet
actual picture after the Japanese killed a mother whale
and a calf whale very recently). Why is Japan continuing
to indiscriminately slaughter whales – those very
beautiful creatures who are not doing harm to anyone,
possible wiping them out altogether from this planet’s
existence? This issue is not against Japan or the people,
but against those hugely greedy Japanese hunters who cynically
call it ‘scientific’ studies – a supposedly
euphemism for the butchering of whales for profit –
to sell the meat as delicacies to rich Japanese. These
Japanese hunters must think you are an idiot to believe
that the slaughter of these animals is for 'scientific
purposes.' The level headed observer knows there is no
need for killing to study whales scientifically. Read
NOTICE of CHALLENGE: to Zwinge Randi:
what Victor Zammit did: formally - make out a legal written
statement on oath (subject to up to seven years in prison
if caught lying - perjury): that you, Zwinge do in fact
have the one million dollars in currency cash or it’s
confirmed equivalent in equity - you claim you have regarding
your alleged challenge. A proviso should be that any applicant
will have the automatic right to cite this very important
document. Have the courage? Have the dough? Have the stomach
for this challenge?
CORNER: I reply to more questions put to me to
answer. Read
more …
See Victor on Video
Million Dollar Challenge
David Thompson's Materializations
* The Afterlife on Trial
* A Lawyer on the Afterlife
* What
Happens When you Die
* Suicide is not the answer
* Religion and the Afterlife
- see new pics: the Israelis, Socialists, Lord
Soper a great English orator, American Hostage crisis
1980, No Tax Speaker: (Victor,
pictured below in more peaceful
times speaking about the afterlife)
the 1970s at the Speakers' Corner in London and the Speakers
Corner at the Domain Park in Sydney - was a tremendous
time of revolutionary social, religious
political changes. The Vietnam war was at its peak. Youths
were conscripted to fight a losing war. Lives were being
lost on the killing fields of Vietnam. Anti-war demonstrations
were being held regularly. Many anti-war demonstrators
were beaten up during the protest marches. People were
beginning to feel that church leaders had lost the monopoly
on truth. Young people wanted answers to questions theologians
had refused or could not answer for nearly 2,000 years.
In many countries young people won the right to vote at
18 years instead of 21 years. Enjoy
these historical photos – and a time that is
not likely to come around again: