silly couple of people defamed David Thompson and Victor
Zammit. When someone says that a medium was caught using
fraud during a seance that means the medium was dishonest
and in defamation law ‘dishonesty’ is actionable
per se. And if someone writes to or contacts third parties
making defamatory remarks that David Thompson is a fraud
or that Victor Zammit is in collusion with fraud–
all lies – these are very seriously actionable.
And if someone repeats or publishes
the defamation about David and me to denigrate our standing
in local and international society, that would is also
defamatory and those people who are tacitly encouraging
that kind of defamatory information in chatrooms will
also procedurally be liable. Most decent people know that
a person has a fundamental right to protect his/her reputation
– especially professional people. Why is it then
a couple of highly irresponsible people - hitherto information
received is that there are those 'chatroom terrorists'
who are doing a great deal of harm and were being allowed
to exacerbate the injury to David and myself. That’s
the information we received. Investigations are still
going on. These offensive people must be put on notice
that court costs alone in a defamation case can reach
hundreds of thousands of dollars which does not even included
witnesses’ expenses. A recent case in Sydney reported
two days ago that legal expenses alone reached a million
dollars - see the paparazzi and the Sydney Morning Herald
case - the issue of Nicole Kidman.
NOTE WELL: investigations still going
on: I very kindly ask those people from
Australia, England and the U.S. - or anywhere else - who
receive denigrating defamatory material about David Thompson
and about me to forward the details to me immediately
- especially what was stated, names and email and other
addresses. Thank you. Victor.
Number 6.
I am very careful to use the right word to describe anything.
But recently, I came across questionable material which
I can only describe it to have been processed by some
Spiritual terrorist. It was an attempt to use extreme
violence to ambush, to destroy, to denigrate, to willfully
do irretrievable harm, to knowingly defame and cause hurt
and pain. That to me is ‘CHATROOM TERRORISM' –
trying to use dirty, malicious tactics to try to destroy
those who are doing great spiritual work which is helping
people from more than a 150 countries. I was informed
that one particular person with much evil, malice and
unconscionability wrote to Oprah – the objective
being to do much violence and harm to David Thompson who
is helping many thousands of people come to terms with
afterlife evidence, with spirituality for them to have
a peaceful transition. Guaranteed – the above mentioned
CHATROOM TERRORISM’ - the unleashing of negative
energy will inevitably bounce back to the sender –
absolutely, make no mistake about that!
I did not have time to answer
more questions about David Thompson's materializations
- that will have to come next week. This is because this
week I
to spend valuable time investigating serious defamatory
statements made against David Thompson - the information
about the alleged defamation came from the United States.
I warn those offenders to apologize. If I manage to serve
you with legal documents - we'll see you in Court.
More questions, more answers:
Number 5.
QUESTION: The chief "spirit
control," William Charles Cadwell, said he was born
in London in a certain year and died there on another
specific year. A thorough search of all of the UK Birth
Death and census archives, by a British spiritualist turned
up no William Charles Cadwell who was born or who died
on those dates or in surrounding years.
Victor: William has stated
that he wishes to retain his privacy about his own life
and does not want to debate the matter Listen.
I totally agree with him. There could be many reasons
why he doesn't want the facts of his life investigated.
The Controls in the Scole experiments took the same line.
It is irrelevant and immaterial in the extreme where and
when he was born and buried. The critical thing is this:
even if we had all the specific details of William, all
the specific details would not give what he says any more
credibility. For the last time, get off this one –
it’s irrelevant. We know of many other well known
afterlife entities many of us unqualifiedly accept where
we have no details at all who they were when on earth.
Of far more interest is the physical phenomena he is able
to produce and the quality of the evidence given by materialized
entitites who are recognized by people they knew in life.
has claimed that he was investigated by Gary Schwartz,
but there was no such investigation at best he met David
Thompson to experience a trance session.
Victor: To my knowledge
DT did not state that. Perhaps it was my fault for stating
that. A couple of years ago I was communicating with Professor
Gary Schwartz and he said he made some observations about
David Thompson when he attended one of DT's sessions.
I misinterpreted ‘observations’ for empirical
investigating. No big deal about this one.
claimed that Montague Keen verified the earthly existence
of William Cadwell but Keen never made any effort to do
so. He claims that he met Montague Keen twice, he did
not, the only meeting was for the séance written
about by MK but not as research.
far as I am aware Montague Keen attended a seance with
Guy Lyon Playfair and it was Playfair who followed up
on William. It is accepted that Montague Keen, a senior
investigating member of the SPR, did investigate David
Thompson and wrote a report about this investigation.
QUESTION 8: DT used to work regularly
at the same venues as Colin Fry, who was, purportedly,
caught cheating when the lights came on in one of his
séances back in the early '90s. The methods of
restraint used for DT, and the conditions under which
he works, are exactly the same as Fry's.
Your question contains many negative unproven imputations.
Millions of people are convinced that Colin Fry is a genuine
medium, both mental and phsyical, because of the results
he produced. There are only a limited number of venues
safe enough for a physical medium to work in, so of course
they would work the same venues. The absolute truth is
that DT is tied up the way in a way that allows the unimpeded
flow of ectoplasm while still satisfying investigators-
See Montague
Keen's report. Whatever happened to Colin Fry is for
Colin Fry to comment on. But it is stupid in the extreme
to try to correlate by imputation that IF one medium was
caught cheating therefore David must be cheating too.
Don’t be ridiculous! That is a disgusting imputation
and it’s a non-sequitor.
to mention it only once that he is barred from attending
David Thompson's materializations. What's wrong with that?
Victor: you may say what
you like in your chat room, but at professional level,
any person who attacks another eg JW attacking David Thompson,
has to preface any attack by divulging that he
was banned from attending David Thompson's materializations.
This is about ethics, about procedure, about credibility
- that the attacker is not objective in his attacks. There
is a duty of disclosure and JW did not disclose he was
barred before he attacked DT knowingly he could trick
other people into accepting his argument. That is the
rule of debate which shows the complainant, JW's encumbured
position when attacking the DT. Your attack was aimed
to hurt not to clarify anything. Would anyone accept the
crediblity of some hooded Ku Klux Klan Wizard about his
assessment of the African American? Of course not!
Q. You
(to Victor Zammit) claim you are an empirical empiricist,
but maybe you should hand over to a professional scientist
to investigate ... J.W.
Victor: That highly prejudicial
comment is aimed more at trying to hurt Victor than at
clarifying any issue. I am a professional empiricist with
professional expertise in the admissibility of evidence
and have University qualifications and 20 years experience
in Scientific Method. Who the hell are you and what are
your qualifications? The critical issue in afterlife
matters is the admissibility of evidence not about scientific
theory. You make the layperson's error by thinking that
a scientist know more about evidence than a lawyer. Wrong!
Scientists may know a great deal about their area of specialty,
but when it comes to the admissibility of evidence lawyers
know more than scientists. In afterlife matters, I have
a comparative advantage over scientists as to what would
be admissible evidence in any of David Thompson's materializastions
experiments. Interesting JW, your attack does not reveal
you are the same person who was banned from attending
any of David Thompson's materializations. Too embarassed
to disclose you are arguing from a position of extreme
weakness and with great envy and without credibility?
Get a life JW and become more spiritual. Guaranteed, you
will not escape the Law of Cause and Effect.
More answers next week
(I plan to deal with the issues by way of a preface
plus a couple of questions and next week I will be dealing
with the other issues raised V.Z.)
I have been
attending and investigating David Thompson’s materializations,
mental mediumship and direct voice mediumship for the
last eighteen months. For the record, I’m fully
qualified to do investigations – as I stated before
I have expertise in the admissibility of evidence at a
professional level and in scientific method. Although
I am a retired lawyer of the Supreme Court, I still do
some pro bono work. My partner Wendy is also
a professional psychologist with scientific method qualifications.
My partner and all the members of the Circle know medium
David Thompson to be highly spiritual and an honest, decent
person with high integrity.
I state that it is dirty and scurrilous in the extreme
for some uninformed critic to try to impute that David
is or will indulge in any dishonesty or in any fraud as
one or two people try to suggest.
know all the regular sitters of the members of his Circle
of the Silver Cord. They are all highly intelligent, highly
respected professionals, highly spiritual and all of them
decent and honest people who give a great deal of their
time to continue to help to prove that there is an afterlife.
Circle leader is completely honest, diligent and is brilliant
as a Circle leader – and we all feel the same way
about him. We have an extremely cohesive and harmonious
group. It would be most unfair – most disgusting
to try to expressly state or imply in any way that Circle
members at any time are being dishonest or participating
in fraud or are in some conspiracy or are willfully misleading
the public.
couple of skeptics from one chat group, who – as
usual - do not have the moral courage to put their real
name to their indirect attacks – just do
not understand what happens in our materializations sessions.
There is nothing more ridiculous than to be informed that
a couple of spiritualists or anti-physical mediumship
skeptics state or imply that William and Timothy and Honest
Jack and Conan-Doyle and the other afterlife entities
who spoke to us AND all the relatives from the other side
who met sitters during David’s séances –
are nothing but David pretending to be each one!!
the purpose of the record, we the members of the COSC
attend materializations to help William prove that the
afterlife exists. It is not an easy task especially when
malice is detected in one or two attacks. It costs us
precious time to do this work. But we are highly dedicated
to proving the afterlife – and we are all co-operating
in these investigations.
made physical contact with me when he put his hand on
my shoulder – and I converse with him every meeting
we have.William
has also made physical contact with the other members
of the Circle.
He says that he is not infallible or omniscient. On crossing
over we remain how we were when we were on earth –
there is no miraculous transformation to becoming all
knowing or all powerful. William never stated he was spiritually
advanced like Silver Birch for example. When somebody
asks him a question he is expressing his own view about
the matter from his knowledge and experience and the level
of spirituality he has. He said himself that others on
earth may not agree with him. He’s entitled to his
to the other regular entities – Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle, Timothy, Houdini, Louis Armstrong – we do
not have any objective evidence that they are who they
claim to be. Their attitude is if someone doesn’t
accept who they are, he/she is free to go elsewhere –
they’re not going to debate with you. The COSC is
patient and understanding hoping as time goes on that
more information will be transmitted and at the same time
we’ll be obtaining clearer voices.
record what they tell us and we examine, analyze and evaluate
what they tell us. I do not necessarily agree with everything
these entities say – they are human beings in another
dimension who are expressing their views from their knowledge,
experience, understanding and level of spirituality. We
have to give them the benefit of the doubt but at all
times remain extremely cautious.
I wanted to cross-examine Houdini he would not answer
my question about his wife Beatrice - saying words to
the effect, “Oh … you want to cross-examine
me … no!” That’s how Houdini was at
that moment. Perhaps in the next twelve months he may
allow us to ask questions about his time on earth. But
note carefully, just because he refused to answer questions
about his wife, that in itself does not mean he was not
or could not be Houdini. We have to be and we are
very patient indeed.
are a ‘developing Circle’ which means we have
not reached the ‘ideal’ level or fully explored
what is possible yet. At this stage we had small segments
of some séances in red light but cannot have full
séances in light. We have made a good start on
filming in red light.
are limited also by the fact that some of those from the
otherside cannot easily verbalize because of their inexperience.
But someone like William and Gordon Higginson and one
or two others have mastered verbalization - when materialized
- and their voices are mostly fairly clear. Arthur Conan
Doyle stated that speaking under the given materializations
conditions is like trying to speak with your head underwater.
are extremely fortunate to have these materialization
sessions which are giving us a huge advantage about knowing
with absolute certainty that there is an afterlife. This
is a privilege, not a right, and we have to respect and
co-operate with those who are participating from the afterlife.
materialists, the negatively minded, the unfair criticisms
– these are NOT going to stop us from continuing our
spiritual work to help people around the world to know and
understand that there is an afterlife and that there are
huge consequences to the afterlife. Judging by the response
we get, the critics are less than one per cent.
us never forget that materialization, is the greatest
discovery in human history – and we do have to be
patient with it to fully understand its huge consequences.
"Two escape
artists have told me that DT could easily escape from
his restraints and then slip back into them, and have
given a good general idea of how this is done. They proposed
an alterative way of securing DT, but the Zammit-Thompson
team ignored this advice continuing to insist that the
restraints are escape-proof."
a professional empiricist and an eye witness to what is
happening during the séances I tell you with absolute
certainty that the issue that David is an escape artist
is irrelevant in the extreme. Why? Because there were
times when during the séance and in red light I
saw David in trance and then immediately afterwards I
was holding the gag around his mouth with my left hand
while the spirit voices were coming through. It is impossible
for voices to have come through David himself when he
was in trance, with a gag tightly around his mouth when
I was sitting near him. I know with absolute certainty,
as a professional empiricist, that the voices which came
through from the other side of the room were and could
not have been David’s voices. For twelve months
I challenged the closed minded professional skeptics from
the East Coast of New York and from around the world to
duplicate what we do or to show that fraud was taking
place. For half a million dollars if they won and half
a million dollars they if they lost, no one was absolutely
certain about their objections – and no one took
me on this one. No escape artist in the world would allow
me to physically hold the gag around his mouth and with
my other hand hold his foot as he produces different voices
as I did with David. Need say more on this? Of course
Also see Montague
Keen’s detailed report where he wrote:
"The nature of the ties would have prevented the
medium, no matter how strong or agile, from escaping his
bonds without first managing to cut the ties. Even had
he been able to do so, he could not have regained his
seat and retied the knots unaided, employing a new set
of uncut ties, unless he had been helped by someone able
to work deftly, accurately and swiftly in pitch dark.
No-one in the séance room could have attempted
that without ready detection. Moreover my careful examination
of the chair showed no sign of any movable join. Finally,
the reversal of the medium’s cardigan while he was
still bonded to his seat defies normal explanation. The
precautions here were superior even to those employed
by Schrenck Notzing on Eva C, who was sewn into a single
garment, or on the physical medium Jack Webber, where
less sophisticated tying methods, and materials, were
" The voices themselves could not have come from
the gagged medium. The only other "regulars"
on whom suspicion might rest were ...., his wife, ......the
leader who was seated next to me, and whose voice and
location would have clearly identified him, and DF, the
host, who was seated at the opposite end of the room from
the medium. Any of these possibilities would have easily
and immediately detectable by those present, as well as
likely to be defeated by listening to the tape recording."
also Howie Abraham’s article “Authenticity
of a David Thompson Séance” in Zerdin Phenomenal
Journal 17th December 2007 pp. 21-23.2.
* * * * *
2. "When Houdini materialized, he spoke with a Southern
accent, even though the real Houdini was raised in Wisconsin
and New York. Zammit explained that Houdini's energy had
gotten mixed up with that of Louis Armstrong (an American
of African decent), and Houdini had acquired Satchmo's
let’s correct that statement. Houdini did not speak
with a Southern accent all the time. When Houdini
first materialized he had a slight Southern accent. At
first he was struggling to vocalize, he then was able
to say a few words with a Southern accent but before he
left his accent was no longer purely Southern. People
should never try to superimpose their own environmentally
induced expectations and rationale onto afterlife matters.
This is because the afterlife physics is totally different
to the physics on physical earth. The use of the afterlife
energy makes it possible for someone new materializing
during one of David’s séances to vocalize
when otherwise there would be no vocalizing at all. But
'Houdini' learnt very quickly how to verbalize and a week
later was able to control his vocalizing and his authentic
New York accent. Uninformed skeptics/spiritualists can’t
be dogmatic - and demand that ‘Houdini should have
come through the first time with his own authentic accent
and he should answer all questions put to him..’
(More questions answered next week)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Number 3
were just a couple of people who asked me that question.
It may come as a surprise to learn that the income from
séances does not always cover the expenses.
First, for
the purpose of the record,
David Thompson does NOT charge money for his weekly materializations
and direct voice communication nor does he charge people
to access the audio recordings which are made available
to the world.
It is fair to state that his weekly sessions cost him
altogether some four hours of his own time – when
every week he has to drive to the meeting venue, wait
for other members of the Circle, go into the venue to
trance. And it is extremely inconvenient, almost painful
for him being tied fairly tightly for sometimes over an
hour and a half. It is spiritual service he does to help
people around the world understand that there is an afterlife.
But when he and his team travels, there are significant
expenses: airfares for three people– for David,
his Circle Leader and for his manager,
There are accommodation costs on occasions when the organizers
cannot find accommodation for David with friends.
There are also costs for hiring of cars, eating in restaurants,
insurance, computers, software, equipment etc.
Sometimes he and his team have to take leave without pay
from full-time jobs to travel to perform his spiritual
And here is something that very few people understand:
unlike mental mediums where hundreds and even thousands
can attend one session, the nature of materializations
does not allow for great numbers of people and this restricts
his potential recompense. In New Zealand we averaged twenty
paying a relatively small fee. In Western Australia around
twenty. In the UK around thirty.
Some people have complained that the cost per person would
work out too expensive if there were fewer than twenty
people - just five or six people. Quite honestly for his
safety David needs to sit only with well established spiritual
groups and from my point of view as there are so many
people on the waiting list it would not be a responsible
use of the small number of public séances available
to stage one for less than twenty people.
9) David is also a highly gifted mental
medium but by choosing to do the much rarer physical mediumship
he is restricted to the number of materializations he
can do.
In any event the standard charge for this once in a life-time
experience is calculated on the basis of the cost of less
than a person attending a musical performance in the City.
I don’t consider this as unreasonable. A pensioner
told me just recently that she spent SIXTY dollars to
do her hair because it was a special night with her friends.
CRITICALLY SERIOUS: I know with absolute
certainty as an empiricist with some twenty years experience
that every time David Thompson does materializations privately
and in public, he is risking DEATH. David has to have
full trust in his Circle leader, full trust in his manager,
full trust in the person guarding the entrance door, full
trust in the organizers and full trust in the sitters.
NEVER underestimate these huge considerations.
Do you now
understand why so few mediums want to be ‘materialization’
Yet, we read about those few cruel critics – some
calling themselves ‘spiritualists’ who lack
spirituality – who try to attack an honest, decent
medium whose contribution I believe is slowly but surely
changing the world's attitude to the afterlife. And a
couple of people grumble about having to pay some money
primarily to offset the heavy expenses!
I have been contacted by many people who are
willing to pay the expenses to fly to Australia to sit
with David. Even in these cases the key factor in deciding
whether to invite them is not money and they are treated
the same as anyone else.
Whilst all this is fundamentally spiritual service and
certainly is NOT a business venture, one ought not to
ignore that air and motor traveling, doing séances,
sleeping in strange beds, traveling to different venues,
putting up sometimes with the occasional hostile complainer
not wanting to sign the entry conditions, sitters demanding
to see David on one-to-one during David’s own time
etc.. all these are stressful.
Why should David not get paid for his time,
for his rare gift, for his contribution? How many professionals
deliver their services for nothing? Is this not about
a fair exchange of energy?
* * * *
Spiritualists chatting
Quite honestly with the research I do and the volume of
work I have I just do not have the time to visit chatrooms
and forums. And while I am fully aware that there are
some ‘spiritual’ people and some very much
less ‘spiritual’ in any Spiritualist group
I am still disappointed with reports about those calling
themselves ‘Spiritualists’ who show they are
NOT spiritual at all especially in the way they become
so negative about the materializations of David Thompson.
They don’t show compassion, understanding, sensitivity,
co-operation and spirituality. Instead they show envy,
jealousy and negativity that do not belong in any Spiritual
group. What are they doing to spread the message that
life is eternal when there is so much darkness in the
world to-day? Patience, I’m told, patience. They
will see the light one day.
Scole Communicators refused to give real names
The communicators in the Scole experiments refused to
give their real names. One of them said it was because
he was working off a karmic debt and details of his earth
life might impede that; another, the mistress of ceremonies
known as “Emily Bradshaw” claimed she was
using a pseudonym because she wanted to protect members
of her family still alive. How different is this from
the way many people assume pseudonyms in chat rooms and
for their avatars? One very interesting thing that I came
across with those Spiritualist/skeptics who attacked David
Thompson’s afterlife convener William Cadwell because
he could not prove his identity or chooses to use a pseudonym.
GUESS WHAT? All those who attacked William actually hid
behind a label – behind a pseudonym. They did not
have the moral courage to put their true names –
did not have the stomach TO BE IDENTIFIED THEMSELVES!
Isn’t that hypocrisy pushed to its extreme?
do want to investigate materializations.
Empiricists including Prof Gary Schwartz (U.S.) (direct
voice, healing), others - Montague Keen and Ron Pearson
(U.K.), Victor Zammit (Australia), C Perrson (Sweden),
Ken Pretty (New Zealand) have already investigated and
confirmed the materializations of David Thompson. Empiricists
from the West Coast of the USA have applied to come to
Australia and investigate his mediumship. Professional
investigators from Europe – from Russia, Portugal,
Germany, Italy, Sweden, Denmark want to investigate materializations
with David. It is a question of timing as to when, where
and with whom these investigations take place. William
told us to be patient – because even greater things
will happen in the future.
agree to disagree
For the record, I never ever attacked anyone who disagreed
with me by name – unless I was provoked. I welcome
informed discussion of ALL genuine issues. For example,
Michael Prescott recently raised the issue of the medium’s
jumper. If I were in Michael’s shoes with his restricted
knowledge and experience, I would also ask the same questions.
Relevant issues need to be explained – ALL OF THEM!
But intelligence has to transcend personal prejudices
and parties have to say words to the effect, “So,
OK, we don’t agree on this issue. Let’s agree
to disagree.” And let us also understand who are
the real opponents of the paranormal who are disseminating
so much darkness in the world to-day.
If Michael
states he is not a skeptic - and that's fair enough -
perhaps he should share with us:
a) what aspect
of the paranormal he accepts,
b) which mediums he thinks are genuine and
c) what paranormal/afterlife evidence he unqualifiedly
By way of a
preface, let me inform you for the purpose of the record
that I’ve known medium David Thompson for some couple
of years. I know him to be spiritual and highly dedicated
towards proving that there is an afterlife. He is a decent
person, with high integrity whose capacity for spiritual
service astounds me.To impute that he cheats would be
absolutely vulgar in the extreme - especially when some
seven empiricists oversee the materialization proceedings.
Week after
week, Sunday after Sunday he unselfishly helps to bring
messages from the afterlife dimension to give hope not
only to the members of the Circle of the Silver Cord,
but to people in some one hundred and forty countries
around the whole world. We get a lot of response from
so many people from so many places expressing their appreciation
for the work being done by William, David and the Circle
Of the Silver Cord (COSC).
known the members of the COSC for some fifteen months
– and every one of them is highly intelligent, honest,
decent with high integrity – and all of them are
spiritually evolved. These are very busy professional
people and they too unselfishly give their time to help
people around the world understand more about the afterlife.
But there are
just a handful of critics, calling themselves Spiritualists
- and a couple of skeptics – who want to aggressively
impose their own particular priorities, their beliefs,
their values, their restricted knowledge and their negative
prejudices. They aggressively demand us to superimpose
their illogical priorities over the guidance we have from
the afterlife team directing the experiments. Totally
uninformed and ignorant of the basics of our materializtion,
they want things done their way. But it cannot and it
will not happen that way.
whilst I do accept there have been legitimate questions
raised about what the COSC does in relation to the materializations
– these questions have already been answered in
private emails. Accordingly, I will take some time out
to show why the few other mischievous cynics are totally
wrong. The following come from a couple of the negative
posts and emails I received.
First, I am
not impressed by those who do not have the courage of
their conviction to write their FULL name when they attack
me. I state it is cowardice pushed to its extreme for
anyone who hides behind some “webname” to
try to throw mud at those who have shown themselves to
be honest, decent, dedicated and highly spiritual –
as our medium is and all members of the COSC are.
For example
there is the extreme coward ‘neffy’ and others
who cowardly hide behind labels because they don’t
have the courage and the conviction to put their full
name to what they say. Do they have any credibility? Of
course not.
Neither I am
impressed by that Spiritualist who applied to sit with
David but was refused by the management of the COSC because
of his ongoing blatant negativity. Ethically and procedurally,
he should FIRST, before he attacks, disclose that he was
banned from attending any of David’s materializations.
Any objective observer would not give this guy any credibility
at all – he’s got a huge axe to grind. And
they call themselves ‘Spiritualists’!!
And the other
coward who tried to point out an error about Wiliam's
name. He maliciously went to a public forum to try to
score a cheap point, to try to denigrate and to be dirty!
By contrast, I had an open minded skeptic – certainly
not a Spiritualist - far more decent than this guy who
emailed me quietly and privately when he noticed a misspelling
on my website. And this Zerdini calls himself a Spiritualist?
What a lot of deeply entrenched negativity in these people!
the record, no one took me on about the materialization
By way of reminding
closed minded skeptics with their silly blogs and those
negative and envious Spiritualists who have been maliciously
virulent in their attacks against materializations and
our medium that I had a challenge of HALF A MILLION DOLLARS
for twelve months for anyone to show that materializations
were not taking place or if they could show fraud or if
they could duplicate our materializations. No one, no
skeptical scientist, no skeptical biologist, no physicist,
no empiricist, no psychologist – and no skeptical
debunker had the courage, the knowledge and the conviction
to take me on regarding the unrebutted materializations
of David Thompson. Why not? Because deep down professionals
know that it is impossible to rebut objectivity and repeatability.
admitted he did not investigate fake mediums’
That itself
is a most ridiculous objection from someone who shows
he’s uninformed. What is a ‘fake medium’?
‘Fake mediums’ are immediately subject to
police prosecution – and in some instances jail.
Who is going to accept they are ‘fake’ mediums?
I also came across a few who were NOT mediums but confidence
tricksters who cheat, lie and deceive the innocent public.
I tell my readers at all times never go to a medium unless
you get attestations from those you trust that the medium
they went to was accurate.
Number 1 December 14th 07.
1. Is William Cadwell (the spirit control of medium
David Thompson) a real person or a figment of the medium’s
unconscious imagination?
There were a few questions put to me by
a number of people, including some Spiritualists. The
first question was about the details of William’s
birth/death. The argument is that they have not been found
in British registries or that if they have been found
they are not accurate– and the implication is that
we should not accept William as a true entity or not to
accept his endeavours in any way whatsoever.
personal experience with William
I have talked to William regularly through David in trance
and whilst he was materialized for the last fifteen months.
On some occasions William has been present in the room
while two other entitites have been materialized. I have
heard him talking while I had proof that David was unconscious
and gagged.
I asked him questions and he answered them intelligently.
At one time I had my left hand on David Thompson's gag
which was tightly around his mouth and could still hear
voices of William and Timothy. I find William to be responsible,
spiritual, understanding, extremely diplomatic, someone
who tries to help the world understand that there is an
afterlife. He is extremely human with his own emotions
quite separate from David’s. He says himself that
he does not have all the knowledge as some people think
he has. He works extremely hard to make materializations
possible – especially in public materializations.
He helps to re-unite people from the afterlife with those
on earth. I witnessed more of than forty such reunions
myself. My own wife’s father materialized; she has
no doubt whatsoever that it was her father who materialized
– nobody on earth knew about the information related
to her except herself. Besides there were issues of familiarity
of voice, idiosyncrasies, attitude, nuances and other
communication variables. Having known David closely over
the last couple of years I am also totally convinced that
William is a separate entity from David.
about his birth and death certificate?
When you get
to the afterlife you will understand that time erases
memory on matters that would be unimportant in the afterlife
– such as the date of your death when on physical
earth. We remember our own birthday on earth because we
have to write it frequently on documents. Try remembering
the date of the death of your parents or grandparents.
William would be some 167 years old to-day – and
no wonder he would not be sure about dates.
What is immediately critical is his endeavours to show
that there is an afterlife. No one can teach us NEW spiritual
lessons. Silver Birch, White Eagle, the great teachers
before the Christian era and other great spiritual teachers
dealt with the same spiritual lessons. There is nothing
new they can teach us. That was also stated by Silver
Birch himself – spiritual truths never change.
As to whether
or not we can find the accurate and specific details of
William’s birth and death to me is totally irrelevant.
Don’t waste time on this issue – it is immaterial,
irrelevant and totally unnecessary. Why? For example,
did you know that we on earth do NOT have any details
of the birth/death of Jesus? That we do NOT have any objective
evidence about Jesus genealogy – notwithstanding
there are records of births/deaths at the time of Jesus?
Did you know that no contemporaneous historian ever mentions
Jesus? Did you know that only Josephus – a historian
- Jewish by birth and by religion mentions Jesus for a
few lines – but nothing about his birth/death? In
any event ALL information about Jesus is hearsay –
inadmissible evidence. Yet a couple of billion on earth
seem to accept Jesus's mission on earth.
Further, one
of the most impressive afterlife teachers is Silver Birch.
We on earth have no objective evidence about his existence
or his genealogy. Yet he too influenced millions and the
past and is influencing millions to day.
Further, William
could have nominated birth and death dates so that they
could be confirmed. But he didn't. If he was some kind
of a conman, a fraud or a trickster, that would be the
first thing he would have done.
Further still,
as an empiricist attorney with experience in professional
litigation at Supreme Court level, it may come as a surprise
to many people that I would not accept William to be who
he claims to be just because his credentials and details
could be objectively confirmed by records on earth. If
the matter was litigated, I would insist on fingerprints.
That would give him some ninety five per cent certainty
that he is who he claims to be. Even then, just because
his fingerprints (if it were possible) were validated,
I would NOT accept everything he says just because he
can objectively identify himself.
What is important, relevant and what is absolutely essential
is what the quality of what William says and what he does.
That is the objective test we apply to Silver Birch's
transmissions - and that is what I apply to William and
any other entities transmitting information from the otherside.
Of course,
there may be those who do not agree with some of the things
William says – as there are those who do not agree
with what Jesus supposedly said (sinners will go to the
fiery of hell for eternity) or what Silver Birch said
(about euthanasia).
No one is forcing anyone to accept what William is saying.
If you find what he says and does do not suit your particular
spiritual proclivities – you are free to go somewhere
What I find
that is pure gold in William is not so much what he says,
but what he does. As abovestated, there are no
new spiritual truths he can tell us. But investigating
his materialization and the materializations of those
entities he brings to the seance room is extremely important
for all the world to know.
And we do this by putting on the internet - my website
and the Circle of the Silver Cord website, selected audio
transmissions which many people tell us are helping them
enormously to make sense out of life on planet earth.
There are very
many people around the world who do accept William and
his magnificent endeavours to help us to understand that
the afterlife exists and it has huge consequences.
More questions and responses next week.
Victor Zammit 8th February 08
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