Report February 28th 2008
Last week's
This week from Victor Zammit
absolutely, we are on the winning side!
I just watched an
of Oprah
where she did a brilliant interview with Allison Dubois
– perhaps because of her show MEDIUM, Allison is
the most important female medium in the world to-day.
According to the program more than 10 million people a
week watch the program Medium based on Allison’s
mediumship skills. Oprah’s interview was very favorable
toward mediumship- something that would have been unheard
of even 10 years ago. Read
the interview online…
emailed stating that she is likely to be in Sydney again
some time in May this year. Keep an eye on her performances
dates here. As soon as they become available I will let
you know.
- do you believe? OR do you accept the evidence?
A staggering 94.2% of the
respondents to Oprah’s poll say that they believe
in the supernatural, 95% believe that spirits survive
after death and 84.3% believe that it is possible for
psychic mediums to talk to the dead. Complete
the poll yourself.
- one of the most important mediums in the world to-day:
emailed last week sending his
regards to me and to those who read my
reports. He was in Australia some time ago - and was extremely
popular, people attending his sessions coming from most
states in Australia. We will contact him again and ask
him when he will be visiting Australia again.
the world watches with
the Obama/Clinton race for the White House. We see for
the first time a black highly charismatic candidate and
a female candidate both trying to be the President of
the United States. International observers see that the
United States has spiritually evolved sufficiently to
allow this to happen. Although
there are problems in the U.S. – as in
others countries which have their own problems –
it is really impressive to see the most powerful nation
on earth evolving on a domestic level to allow both Barack
and Hilary to have the chance to become the President
of the United States.
Will the new British laws send mediums
prison in the UK? Not for genuine mediums!
Fraudulent 'mediums' ought to go to prison - they give
genuine mediums and the paranormal a really bad name.
I know there is serious concern about the new laws which
will abolish the 1951 Fraudulent Mediumship Act. Do NOT
panic. If you are an honest medium or an honest psychic
or an honest healer you should not have anything to fear.
These professionals and semi professionals must obtain
legal advice what to tell their patients and clients to
legitimately operat outside the Act. But those frauds
calling themselves psychic or healers or mediums will
be in trouble and could go to prison. First, the changes
in these laws are inevitable because of pressure from
the European Union to standardize consumer protection
laws all across Europe. My research on the matter –
which is not yet complete – shows that the important
issues for mediums, psychics and healers will be whether
those seeking their services are always ‘consumers’?
The new law is about consumer protection and if mediums,
healers and psychics obtain money by donation, then they
could be operating outside the Act. But note,
it would be essential for the mediums, psychics and healers
to obtain legal advice so that they can tell their patients/clients
specifically what they are offering and to be given advice
on how to operate legitimately outside the Act. Any proven
transgressions of the Act will mean heavy fines and/or
imprisonment. Another possible way to bypass the Act is
to never guarantee a cure or results or guarantee anything.
The patient/client should be handed a note (drafted by
a lawyer) what service is being performed. The service
delivered should be offered as a way to ‘help’
the patient/client understand a problem.
Many people have complained that the new British laws
shift the onus of proof onto the medium or healer to prove
that he/she is not fraudulent. However what has to be
realized in that under existing common law a medium or
healer can fall under the class of professionals who,
because they are in a psychologically dominating position
over their clients. In these cases of “undue influence”
the law already puts the onus of proof on the dominating
party regarding any contract. As to a medium proving that
he or she is genuine, this is a wonderful opportunity
for all parties interested to come together to set up
an accreditation/registration system.
the British establishment must be put on notice too that
any abuse of the Act, like charging a gifted medium under
it, will inevitably mean that the medium will have the
opportunity to prove in the highest courts in the UK first,
then on appeal in Europe that the afterlife exists. This
Act is a two edged sword – it is very likely to
backfire on to the establishment especially where the
matter goes on appeal to the European Courts. And if these
Courts decide in favor of the medium, it will make a mockery
of the Queen as the Head of the Church of England -where
deeply Christian entrenched theology would be made to
look unqualifiedly irrelevant. The consequences would
be huge – and heads will roll! More about this next
Julie Beischel, Ph.D
are several private individuals and organisations which
test and accredit mediums in the U.S.A. who could be called
to give evidence. On of them is Julie Beischel, Ph.D.,
Director of Research at the Windbridge Institute for Applied
Research in Human Potential, which she co-founded. Dr.
Beischel also served as Co-Director of the VERITAS Research
Program. Between June 2003 and December 2007, Dr. Beischel
performed full-time laboratory mediumship research at
the University of
During that time, she and Dr. Gary Schwartz created an
intensive procedure for screening research mediums, developed
a scoring system used to acquire both item and summary
accuracy scores for mediumship readings, designed methods
for formatting and pairing research readings, and developed
a quintuple-blind email study protocol. One of the studies
run by Dr. Beischel during her time at the University
was published in a peer-reviewed journal in 2007 [EXPLORE:
The Journal of Science & Healing. 2007;3(1):23-27].
In January 2008, the VERITAS Research Program
closed and Dr. Beischel is continuing performing afterlife
and mediumship research as well as medium certification
at the Windbridge Institute for Applied Research in Human
Potential. As an independent organization, Windbridge
is able to perform scientifically rigorous investigations
and foster extensive peer review without being susceptible
to large overhead costs or biases based in conventional
scientific paradigms. This flexibility will allow Dr.
Beischel and her research team to make and report important
discoveries quickly. Read
For more information about each medium and the types of
readings they perform (e.g., in-person, groups, public,
etc.), please visit their websites. Please note that there
is substantial scientific evidence supporting the accuracy
and significance of telephone readings, so a medium does
not need to be in your area to provide a reading for you.
All of the mediums listed below were laboratory screened
and tested using telephone readings:
Samara Anjelae, Kentucky Read
Dave Campbell, Arizona Read
Angelina Diana, Connecticut, New York Read
Joanne Gerber, Massachusetts, Read
Debra Martin, Arizona Read
Doreen Molloy, New Jersey Read
Stephanie Bridges Stevens, Arizona, Read
the wind howls outside his lab, the physics professor
tells me about the first message he received on his equipment:
“A voice came through and said quite clearly ‘We
are the dead. We are still able to think and speak.”
“I was a bit shaken,” he smiles. But that
was just the first of Professor Senkowski’s ‘messages
from the dead’. Shortly
he received a message from his father, who’d died
many years previously. “Ernst my little dwarf,”.
The Professor recalls his father’s ghostly voice
as saying. “He spoke in a little used Prussian dialect.
And no one but my father used, or even knew, that nickname.”
“I was not a believer. I’m a physicist. But
all of the evidence I’ve seen confirms that the
dead are trying to communicate with us.”
Dr Danny Penman's superb article.
Researchers at the University of Oxford will spend £1.9
million investigating why people believe in God. Academics
have been given a grant to try to find out whether belief
in a deity is a matter of nature or nurture. The three-year
study is being funded by a £1.9 million grant to
the Ian Ramsey Centre from the John
Templeton Foundation, which supports research into
religion, science and spirituality. There will be seminars
and workshops, while £800,000 will go towards a
small grant competition, with 41 grants for different
projects. Researchers at the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science
and Religion and the Centre for Anthropology and Mind
in Oxford will use the cognitive science disciplines to
develop "a scientific approach to why we believe
in God and other issues around the nature and origin of
religious belief". Read
Beauregard emailed me this weeks
“I am a neuroscientist at University of Montreal.
I greatly enjoy your Web site. I recently published (in
collaboration with journalist Denyse O'Leary) a book titled
The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist's Case for the
Existence of the Soul (publisher: Harper Collins).
In this book, we examine various lines of evidence supporting
the view that mind, consciousness and self cannot be reduced
to electrical and chemical processes in the brain (the
mainstream materialist view in contemporary
neuroscience). Read
more …
2nd time:
Reasonable response so far. After I (Victor) cross over
– hopefully it will be quite a while yet –
like many investigators before me, I plan to return to
add to the evidence that the life continues. So I am asking
anyone – from those successful psi empiricists to
the open minded skeptics from around the world to suggest
a realistic, practical, empirical way of proving my continued
existence. Critical would be: what EVIDENCE would be acceptable
to the skeptics who do have the skills to perceive the
paranormal with true empirical equanimity? Please do not
suggest anything for your material gain - that's not how
the afterlife dimension works. Ideally I would like to
do something like the cross correspondences where information
is transmitted from the other side to people participating
from at least the following countries: the United States,
Canada, Australia, the U.K, Russia, China, Italy, Germany,
France, Portugal, Singapore, Brazil, Japan, Argentina
and South Africa. Any ideas? Email
Question: what would have happened
to Heath Ledger who some say he took an overdose or committed
suicide. Margaret, Belfast.
Now that the dust has settled in this
matter we can be more objective and assess the matter
more calmly. The
movie actor who was born in Australia and who recently
was found dead at the age of 28. Because of his fame and
his relatively young age, he received huge international
media coverage. Investigations tell us that his death
was caused because of the mixture of medicines he was
taking – the official report is that his death was
accidental. The reports we had about him are that he was
hard working, had a family, was under a great deal of
stress, but in character he was the average, decent person.
If so on crossing over he would have been met by a loved
one to help him cross over to the realm of the light.
Of course, some may raise the issue that he took some
drugs sometimes. I don’t think that would prevent
him from crossing over to the realm of the light. Those
who use drugs systematically over a long period in a very
heavy way could have some problems on crossing over –
sometimes getingt stuck between our world and the realm
of the light. But it would appear from what we know about
him, Heath Ledger would have made it to the realm of the
CONTINUE: A silly couple of people defamed
David Thompson and Victor Zammit. When someone says that
a medium was caught using fraud during a seance that means
the medium was dishonest and in defamation law ‘dishonesty’
is actionable per se. And if someone writes to or contacts
third parties making defamatory remarks that David Thompson
is a fraud or that Victor Zammit is in collusion with
fraud– all lies – these are very seriously
Victor on Video
Million Dollar Challenge
David Thompson's Materializations
* The Afterlife on Trial
* A Lawyer on the Afterlife
What Happens When you Die
* Suicide is not the answer
* Religion and the Afterlife