are informed that harsh, unfair religious doctrines adversely
affect too many people when they cross over. The problem
has to be dealt with urgently! The disturbing response
I get from former Catholics around the world these last
twenty years is that they are not satisfied with the Catholic
Church's reluctance to answer sensitive questions or the
Church's explanation about certain dogmas and directives.
For example: - ‘hell for
eternity’ and - hellfire for
eternity for remarriage (even if the partners divorced
quietly by consent because they accepted they were not
compatible for a lifetime partnership) -
people stay in 'limbo' immediately after death and are
resurrected only "when Jesus comes to judge the living
and the dead" - women sent to
hellfire for eternity if they go on 'the pill'.
There is sufficient scientific,
empirical evidence that the official Catholic doctrines
mentioned above are fundamentally wrong. Further, there
are too many serious Biblical inconsistencies which have
to be resolved. The Vatican and Catholic leaders know
that many Catholics in Western countries are not accepting
the controversial doctrines and are not even attending
church services any more. The Church knows it has a huge
crisis with people protesting with their feet –
fundamentally because these people find Catholic doctrines
un-meaningful, spiritually disturbing, lacking credibility.
And most the threat of eternal punishment absurd and ridiculous.
One way out of the crisis would
be to have a special research action group to propose
a new Catholic Christian revolution consistent with empirically
elicited results about the afterlife. There will be a
price to pay for those Catholic leaders who ignore the
very urgent problems of our times – unnecessarily
making millions of people feel pain, fear, suffering and
Brisbane, in the
Stated of Queensland – the North of Australia a
Catholic priest Fr Peter Kennedy – appears to vote
for a new Catholic Reformation: he unilaterally decided
to teach and practice "the true Christian religion"
– by allowing women to preach and by blessing gays.
The Church threw him out. 1,000 parishioners stated they
would not go back to Church unless the Catholic priest
is reinstated. The Church is now reviewing the matter.
In this fascinating video interview psychologist and author
Michael Newton describes how for years he rejected
the very idea of past life regression, came upon it by
accident and was convinced by the evidence. He says that
he was convinced by the consistency of the reports he
got about what happens when we die.
Part 1. (10 minutes)
He talks about how "beginner"souls want to attend
their funerals to see how many people turn up.
2. (10 minutes) How all souls reach out to
their loved ones but how grief stops them getting through. Part
3 Part
4 Part
it really mean to be “human?” Based on Mark
30 years of research and collaboration with brilliant
minds of the world comes this book, The Project.
In 1992, author Mark Macy visited researchers in Europe
who claimed to be in direct contact with spirits and angels
through telephones, radios, televisions, computers and
other devices – a field of research called Instrumental
Transcommunication (ITC). Moved by their honesty,
dedication and miraculous results, Macy began collaborating
with those researchers, and soon he himself began to get
phone calls from the other side. Read
In his new book The Project; Mark explores the
past, present, and future of humanity and pulls together
wisdom from bright minds on both sides of the veil to
tell a riveting and mind-boggling story of our ancient
heritage, our paradise destiny, and the troubles we have
to overcome to get there…as individuals, as societies,
and as a single planetary species. Read
: the world must study Galileo and the problems he had
to convince the ultra conservative
scientific establishment – at the time controlled
by the Vatican – that in any inconsistency between
science and theology, science will always prevail. Galileo’s
heliocentric view of the solar system completely invalidated
the Church’s Biblical geocentric view of the solar
system – he demonstrated that it is the earth which
revolves around the sun not the other way round. But note
carefully, even when Galileo was using science, the scientists
of his time REFUSED to investigate. They refused to look
into the telescope where the truth was there for anyone
with an open mind. Rings a bell somewhere? To-day, reductionist
conservative materialist scientists refuse to investigate
the afterlife evidence. History repeats itself –
except that science will inexorably prevail over theology
and over the stubbornness of the ultra conservative materialists
scientists who put their head in the sand in afterlife
Tsakiris of Skeptico conducts a most interesting interview
with neuropsychiatrist, world renowned expert on end of
life phenomena, including near-death experiences and deathbed
visions in which he talks about the opposition to his
research he faced from his colleagues Listen...
is no afterlife because the mind and the brain are the
same thing … when the brain dies the mind dies too
First, there is no objective evidence that the mind and
the brain are the same thing whereas there is voluminous
evidence for the separation of the mind from the brain.
Whenever we receive transmissions from the afterlife,
that is not and cannot be the brain because the evidence
shows that when the physical body dies, the brain dies
with it - only the MIND remains which is vibrating much
faster than the physical body and which survives physical
death. As to the evidence that the MIND survives: Read
objections overruled Nos. 1-9 and read previous
article on MIND/BRAIN
EVIDENCE OF XENOGLOSSY: afterlife evidence
more people are getting
interested in. In response to requests: “One of
the most amazing psychic phenomena, which religionists,
skeptics and atheists have continuously and deliberately
ignored is xenoglossy - the ability to speak or write
a foreign language a person never learned. After all other
explanations have been investigated - such as fraud, genetic
memory, telepathy and cryptomnesia (the remembering of
a foreign language learned earlier), xenoglossy is taken
as evidence of either memories of a language learned in
a past life or of communication with a discarnate entity—
a spirit person.” Read
more …
"There have been numerous messages and signs from
the spirit world
indicating that many spirits are slow in recognizing that
they are "dead," some floundering in this state
for a long time, however time is measured in that realm.
This phenomenon was popularized in the hit movie, The
Sixth Sense, a few years back, when the Bruce Willis'
character apparently didn't know he was. It is difficult
to comprehend how a person, or soul, cannot know he or
she is dead, but we need only ponder on how we escape
into movies and even print fiction to begin to understand
it." Read more
on Michael Tymn's blog...
Dr RAYMOND MOODY'S Near Death Experience Research "After
this experience their values have changed- their primary
goal is to seek loving relationships with other human
beings." Watch this video of key cases from Raymond
Moody's research.
Watch this 57 minute video
You can support the ground breaking research and action
of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and receive the following
benefits for $10 /month: Full access to Shift in Action
website with four new audio or video offerings
each week; LIVE weekly teleseminars with consciousness
pioneers; (check out this
incredible program..).Award-winning quarterly magazine
Shift: At the Frontiers of Consciousness; Quarterly CDs;
Yearly featured book. Read
Hamilton is a pioneer in the emerging field of evolutionary
spirituality which gives a fresh new look on the question
of the personal spiritual journey, religion and morality.
Read his inspiring article "The
Next Big Bang". Craig has been recently invited
by IONS to be one of their Shift in Action guest “luminaries”
for an upcoming teleseminar next Wednesday March 4th 2009
at 5.00pm. Read
EVIDENCE: I had a question just recently
– something
which comes up from time to time: “Victor, you have
presented the evidence for the afterlife and a jury is
very likely to accept it – but have you ever made
contact yourself with the afterlife?
Victor: Yes, of course,
I communicated with intelligences from the afterlife.
Whenever I participated in materializations of David Thompson
over a period of fifteen months on weekly basis, I communicated
with different
intelligences - every week with William, David Thompson's
afterlife guide (pictured, left). I asked them questions,
they answer my questions in a human voice. I am absolutely
convinced that these afterlife entities were genuine.
In fact from the time I started investigating the afterlife
seriously, I made contact with afterlife intelligences
– that was twenty years ago. So that without any
doubt whatsoever, I repeatedly experienced communicating
with those who used to live on planet earth.
MATERIALIZATION CORNER Dr K reports on a materialization
session he attended recently in the UK with physical medium
Bill Meadows.
At the end of the seance, the spirit communicator named
Johnathan announced that he was going to materialize his
hand and allow some of the sitters to come up and shake
hands with him. I felt truly blessed that I was one of
sitters to be invited up to shake his hand. The hand was
alive and as real as any that I have ever seen or felt.
With the red light on, I was able to look very closely
at the hand. I can say with absolute certainty that it
was not the hand of Bill Meadows, the medium....
After releasing our grasps, the materialized hand retreated
slowly back into the cabinet. As it retreated, it appeared
to shrink or dematerialize. Again I was approximately
18 inches away from the curtain when this happened so
my vantage point was excellent. I must also note that
it was a hand, a wrist, and a forearm - almost up to the
elbow." Read full report.
I watched the Hollywood Oscars this week and saw that
a number of well known movie stars had crossed over this
year- including Paul Newman and Charlton Heston. When
these big names cross over, do they retain their popularity
and importance in the afterlife?
Victor: In the lower
realms, close to earth, where things generally are very
similar to our world some attachment to fame may linger
. But in the realm of the light and realization, where
souls understand that they are in the afterlife, earthy
fame means nothing. "Good looks" are not important.
Height is irrelevant. Weight is not an issue. Status is
not measured the same way as it is on earth where what
counts are good looks, a cute figure, power and wealth.
All these are meaningless
in the afterlife. What gives an afterlife entity 'star-status'
is the relative brightness of his/her aura- irrespective
of race, color, religion, creed and gender. This means
it is their relative spiritual advancement that would
be important. So those movie stars - Paul Newman, Charlton
Heston and others who had great fame on earth –
would have no fame unless they are super spiritually advanced.
THE OUIJA BOARD: My boyfriend and and
I have been using a ouija board to try and find out what's
going to happen in the future. We
seem to have contacted a regular communicator who says
he will help us. But something keeps nagging us that although
the information we get is not bad – we suspect it
is not good either. We asked the spirit which level he
comes from – and he said from the third level. Any
Victor: It appears your
inner guidance is telling you to stop communicating so
my advice would be to listen to it.
A few years ago I came upon a serious case of a young
man who had been using a Ouija board, asking for winning
numbers for gambling purposes. For some time he had indeed
been winning and became very excited about the information
given him by his new 'friends'. But when he tried to give
up using the board he began to be obsessed by voices and
found himself woken up at one or two in the morning in
great terror, literally being squeezed and suffocated
by a vengeful presence, who claimed that it was owed a
debt. Those on the Astral level (dark but not the darkest
level) would NOT know which realm they are operating from.
Some of them are full of tricks – and will tell
you anything to shock you about friends and other people.
When you receive high level communication you will immediately
know it. The ouija board can be very dangerous to use
because you will not have any proof who is communicating
with you.
Is the Christian ‘Trinity’ exclusive to Christianity?
When did the Trinity come into Christian beliefs?
Victor: we are informed
by Arthur Findlay – that history records the trinity
belonged to different religions. “The Trinity is
not exclusive to Christian belief. In Egypt the Father,
Son and Holy Ghost were Osiris, Isis and Horus who were
worshipped for many centuries before the Christian era.
Mithra was the second person in the Persian trinity, and
Brahma, Vishnu and Siva make up the trinity of the Hindu
religion in India.” It appears that the Christian
trinity formal belief
came at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD held under the
auspices of Emperor Constantine. It was at this Council
of Nicea that Jesus was voted by the Trinitarians that
Jesus was ‘God.’
FLAMBOYANT SKEPTICwho has the greatest paranormal hoax in history
BACKS OUT OF CHALLENGE - again! He has fooled
and conned gullible journalists,
has misled the public, has been outrageous and atrocious
in dealing with potential applicants. This skeptic Randi
reneged when a professional homeopath George Vithoulkas
took Randi on. The matter had been going on for years
and when Randi sensed he was going to be beaten he RENEGED,
went back on his word and promise. Read
full report. When gifted mediums and others contacted
me about his challenge, I advised them DON’T EVEN
THINK ABOUT IT! This guy does NOT have a genuine, legitimate
challenge. It is a con and has been used for publicity
and propaganda – and has fooled gullible journalists,
editors, television celebrities and a host of other un-insightful
people. It’s a scam – don’t waste your
precious time, energy and money. There is NO million dollar
challenge. Randi has the greatest hoax in paranormal history.
Read my five reasons
why the challenge is not legitimate.
Buddhist Monk: Buddhism
And Suffering
Venerable Dr Mettanando Bhikkhu speaks on:
How can Buddhist values help us to deal with traumatic
Do you believe Buddhism is the best spiritual path to
How do Buddhists view death?
How do you meditate on death?
How does understanding death help Buddhists during life?
What small things can we do to help in our hectic lives?
1) EVP UPDATE One of our readers who has been
getting continuous successful EVP contact with his wife
Kindly sent us an update on his contacts with some technical
pointers that could help others. He reports:
"For the general interest
I can only report that the environment is very beautiful,
as described in "Life in the world unseen"
from Anthony Borgia that my wife validated, that she
has a solid body with the same appearance as on earth,
that to best prepare ourselves to the afterlife while
on earth is "loving", that a "simple
life" is valuable."Read
his full report.
Dr Stuart Rolls, a medium based in Sydney's Blue Mountains,
writes for us this week on his experiences sending light
to the victims of the tragic Victorian bushfires. He
asks us all to send light to them and describes his
experiences over the years of doing "rescue work"
on the astral level with souls who are caught in a time
warp. Read Victoria's
Tragic Bushfires and Souls Crossing Over. BUSHFIRE
APPEAL IN AUSTRALIA: The most devastating
fires in Australian history. Over 1500 homes destroyed
with huge loss of life. You want to help the victims
of these destructive fires? Donate to the Victorian
Bushfire Appeal 2009 Australian Red Cross phone 1800-811-700
or is someone you know searching for
a soulmate? The
real obstacles to attracting love are not outside us,
but within us. You
can find true love. Join Claire
and Katherine for a free, live, one-hour teleclass/webinar
next Thursday, March 5th (Pacific Time)- Friday 12 noon
Sydney time- where they will teach you the secret behind
their time-tested, proven approach. As simple as it
sounds, the insight that will transform your love life
forever. Learn “The
Secret to Attracting Love.” You can participate
by phone or listen online, live or via playback. Sign
up or learn more...
whilst this has nothing to do with afterlife matters,
over the many
years of doing afterlife research, I received many questions
from my regular readers who needed legal advice but
did not have the money to go to a lawyer. Accordingly,
I have put on the website a special section for the
many legal questions/answers (eg. negligence, defamation,
police matters, murder, assault, divorce, Wills, probate,
property, claims against insurance co's., leases, marriage
rights, medical assault, police radars - and for other,
click on archives on the blog) for for my regular readers
- and for general readership and information.
Read more ...
BEQUESTS: Now more than ever before
professional accredited and registered afterlife researchers
are struggling for funding so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far, we
can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit humanity:
SOMETHING INSPIRATIONAL Enjoy the Beauty of Mother Earth and
the track "Ancient Mother" by Robert Gass.
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