holidays- it does not matter who you
are: you can be Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or
belong to any religion or none –
or female in anywhere in the world! – a
very MerryChristmas
to you all! So many of us celebrate Christmas
– Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, others
as a secular holiday. Irrespective or religion, Christmas
is a time for giving - especially to those who really
need help. It is a time to open our hearts to share
our material things and love with others. It is a time
to renew old friendships and a time to forget the negative
and to adopt a more positive approach to life - to continue
to refine in mind, body and spirit. Those who have goodwill
in their hearts know very well how satisfied they are
in being able to help the helpless. Those who are down
and out and those who also need spiritual nourishment
– the many who feel alone to be all alone –
know and feel in their heart the pain and suffering
of being alone and perhaps even feel neglected and abandoned.
So, let us all make a special effort to go out of our
way these holidays and do something positive for those
who really need our material help and our spiritual
help. We will be helping to make the world a more loving
and a better place to be!
- :LOVE is 'the
most powerful force iln the universe': Our
hearts go out to all of you who are struggling to cope
with the loss of a loved one this holiday season. In
this short video a woman who lost her husband to cancer
after 35 years shares her experience and suggests some
ways to get through the sorrow. Watch
Known for his pioneering
work on altered states of consciousness, Dr. Charles
Tart talks about the connections between science, parapsychology,
and spirituality. In his latest work, The End of
Materialism, he's sought to make people comfortable
with science and spirituality existing together. He
distinguished spirituality from religion-- spiritual
experiences of an individual can be mystical and/or
unique, and may not conform along religious lines. He
has created an
archive in which scientists share their transcendent
and spiritual experiences. He claims that there is strong
evidence for five types of psychic phenomena: telepathy,
clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, and psychic
healing. In this segment of his interview with Art Bell
on Coast to Coast (part 4/ 12) he talks about his experiments
with telepathy.
AFTER DEATH CONTACTS One of the most personally
convincing kinds of evidence for survival
are spontaneous after death contacts. These are far
more frequent than most people suppose- in fact most
researchers find that more than 50% of widows and widowers
believe that they have had direct contact with their
spouses. Several studies have found that a very high
proportion of parents of children who die can expect
to see or hear them and experience great consolation
within a few months of the child's death. In this "Crash
course in after death communications" afterlife
researcher Kevin Williams describes the many ways his
mother made direct contact with her family members.
QUESTION:Victor, it seems unfair
that not all people in this worldare
born with the knowledge of the afterlife. Whilst I have
had personal experience communicating with a loved one
now from the afterlife and know for certain that the
afterlife exists, I don't understand why not all people
are born with the knowledge that there is an afterlife
- especially when you repeatedly state that the afterlife
has 'huge consequences'. What do you think Victor?
Victor: Yes,
I totally agree with you about this one. One would think
that we should have at the least the most essential
information when we come to this planet earth: that
we all survive physical death. But not everyone has
this knowledge. Not only that some stubborn skeptics
- some 5% of the population vehemently refuse to even
consider that there is such thing as an afterlife -
even though they would know that no one on earth has
ever proved that the afterlife does not or cannot exist.
One would have thought that we would be equipped with
the 'rules of the game of life' to fully accept that
there is an afterlife and that we are accountable for
what we do and don't do on crossing over. I would have
thought that we should have the knowledge that everything
we do has a consequence - and critical to our life is
the knowledge of the law of Cause and Effect. Sorry,
I just cannot answer you this one - I have not come
across any credible authority to give us a good explanation
about this question. But if I do come across any relevant
information I will put it as an item in these afterlife
Mostly, for the good, honest decent folk – and
they do not have to
be perfect, they will make it to the realm of the Light,
we usually call the Third Level. But others will not
make it to the realm of the Light. Directly from an
afterlife intelligence, “A number from your society
who were, say, more interested in amassing wealth and
prestige for themselves than in opening their hearts
to others, find themselves in a most unpleasant environment
… They have in their lifetimes closed their hearts
to all others, so in the realm they reap the harvest
of this thinking. They remain alone until they open
their minds to the subject of their own poor thinking;
once they are open for help, they often can progress
quite rapidly.” (J Laddon BEYOND THE VEIL.)
it amazes me all the time when I come
across information by skeptics that they are into 'critical
thinking'! One day these materialists will wake up and
learn that what they try to preach to others they do
not apply to themselves. Why? Critical thinking refers
to the one perceiving anything NOT to have any prejudice
and bias whatsoever. He/she would have no pre-conceived
ideas at all and will only judge by the results. So
what's happening with these close minded materialists?
They start off with the assumption that the paranormal
does not exist, that the afterlife does not exist! And
they call themselves 'critical thinkers'! If they apply
that to themselves they will realize that they would
have to remove all assumptions, all prejudices, all
bias and all preconceptions BEFORE they can pass judgment
on anything. But they still go on with their closed
highly prejudiced minds stating there is no afterlife,
now let's examine the afterlife!!!! Can you believe
that narrowness of mind and lack of critical thinking?
GRATFULNESS This video, featuring Brother
David, a highly-respected Benedictine monk, author and
spiritual leader, is a BLESSING to all those with "eyes
to see and ears to hear." Look, listen and be inspired
by this powerful message on grateful living. You can
learn more about this work at
QUESTION: Can you recommend
good book on suicide written by someone you can trust?
Victor: One
of the very best books I came across on suicide is
undoubtedly Pamela Rae Heath and Jon Klimo's SUICIDE,
Really Happens in the Afterlife? Because this
is not just a theoretical book about suicide; there
is a lot of channeled information - which means information
coming directly from the afterlife about the subject
of suicide. Brilliant afterlife researchers Dr Dean
Radin, Dr Larry Dossey, Dr PMH Atwater are some who
give excellent testimonies about this book. "Klimo
and Heath have written one of the most provocative and
challenging books on suicide to appear in recent years.
Anyone who has been touched by suicide, or anyone who
has contemplated survival of bodily death- and who hasn't?-
will benefit from this highly original work." Dr
L Dossey. Read
HAUNTED LONDON UNDERGROUND The London Underground is built on
countless grave sites and plague pits, and is the site
of many human disasters, could this account for the
hundreds of reported ghostly sightings?
BEQUESTS: Now more than ever before professional
accredited and registered afterlife researchers are
struggling for funding so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far,
we can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit
that you will take comfort as you sing along with Carly
Simon's Life is Eternal and Love is Immortal.
I've been doing a lot of thinking
About growing older and moving on
No one wants to be told that they're getting on
And maybe going away
For a long, long stay
But just how long and who knows
And how and where will my spirit go
Will it soar like Jazz on a saxophone
Or evaporate on a breeze
Won't you tell me please
That life is eternal
And love is immortal
And death is only a horizon
Life is eternal
As we move into the light
And a horizon is nothing
Save the limit of our sight
Save the limit of our sight
Here on earth I'm a lost soul
Ever trying to find my way back home
Maybe that's why each new star is born
Expanding heaven's room
Eternity in bloom
And will I see you up in that heaven
In all it's light will I know you there
Will we say the things that we never dared
If wishing makes it so
Won't you let me know
That life is eternal
And love is immortal
And death is only a horizon
Life is eternal
As we move into the light
And a horizon is nothing
Save the limit of our sight
Save the limit of our sight
Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage and we
publish many papers by afterlife researchers, we are
not in a position to guarantee what is published is
to be the absolute truth. We accept the imputed claim
that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the
researchers is done in good faith.