I apologize if I have not replied
to your email or letter yet. These last few weeks
have been the busiest we have known and we have really
only had time and energy to focus on the report.
“You’ll never walk alone!” Those
who are highly motivated in the search for afterlife
evidence, those who spend many solitary hours validating
the paranormal and others on the spiritual path sometimes
feel they are on their own.
Now might be a good time to remember that we are never
alone. We are continually reassured in high level
transmissions that we do attract intelligences in
the afterlife dimension to help us in our daily work
and to make the truth known to the world. It is only
natural that those who try to continue to refine spiritually
sometimes find themselves unable to participate in
mainstream activities. The more spiritually advanced
tend to avoid noise, commercialism, materialism, anything
negative that could hurt the soul, time-wasting conversations
and give priority to what is critical to them. Many
who have had profound experiences of after death contacts,
near death experiences, mediumship etc find that these
experiences separate them from others and choose to
keep a low profile feeling that it’s not their
time or their role to go public. I have high profile
scientists contacting me telling me they are one hundred
per cent convinced they have had genuine and sometimes
ongoing contact with a deceased loved one but saying
they cannot discuss their experiences with their peers.
Others, like me, have gone public, have stated our
evidence, have revealed that we do contact afterlife
intelligences and we have provided hard core evidence
for our acceptance of the afterlife.
But all of us are never alone. We all get help. We
can ask for and receive inspiration – and we
can all rise above the storms and challenges of life
and make a contribution for others to follow. Those
of us who know about the afterlife are all standing
on the shoulders of giants who were successful in
establishing scientifically that we continue to survive
after physical death. I quite accept that we never
walk alone on this physical plane.
lawyer Edwin C Randall investigated the afterlife
for more than 20 years with direct voice medium Emily
This is what his own father told him about his death
“ As I arrived at the house where I was going,
the sensation of weakness increased, and raising my
eyes, I saw your mother standing in the room smiling.
Startled, I arose to my feet, and my last earthly
sensation was falling- and, as I now know, I did pitch
forward on my face. I do not recall striking the floor,
or pain in my death change. When the separation came
I was like one in sleep.
The next I recall was awakening in the same room,
with the leader of your spirit group holding my hand,
helping me up. I had heard his wonderful voice many
times when I was privileged to come into your work,
but it took me some little time to realize what had
happened to me. I saw my body on the floor. This startled
me, for the body I then had was to my sight and touch
identical with the one lying so quiet. I saw people
hurrying, and heard the anxious talk, not yet comprehending
my separation from the physical body. I turned to
your old friend and mine, and asked him what had happened.
He answered; “Have you not been told when you
talked with us in your son’s home, that death
was the separation of the inner from the outward body?”
“I recall that statement” I replied, “But
I never comprehended it.” “You have just
made that change”, he said: “you are now
an inhabitant of the spirit world and one of us.”
I was deeply impressed with what he said, but dazed.
I did not realize that the something called death
was behind me and that in me there had been no change,
for I was the same in appearance and thought as before.
“ The French Revelation p.92 .
CARL JUNG, one of the world’s greatest
psychiatrists, in a 1919 speech to the Society for
Psychical Research, “I shall not commit the
fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot
explain as fraud.”
“To put it bluntly, science no longer contains
absolute truths … the old distinction between
the natural and the supernatural has become spurious.”
MARGARET MEAD, “The whole history of
scientific advance is full of scientists investigating
phenomena that the establishment did not believe were
of impossibility are based on the metaphysical creeds
of the scientists of the day.”
FRANCIS BACON, “ Facts often appear
incredible only because we are ill informed and cease
to appear marvelous when our knowledge is extended.”
GALVANI, discoverer of electricity,
“I am attacked by two very opposite sects –
the scientists and the know-nothings. Both laugh at
me, calling me “the frogs’ dancing master.”
Yet I know I have discovered one of the greatest forces
in nature.”
HOYLE, British cosmologist, “When science
begins the study of non-physical phenomena, it will
make more progress in one decade than in all the centuries
of its experience.”
Michael Tymn recently interviewed Dr. Pamela Rae Heath,
an Alameda, California, physician and parapsychologist.
Co-author of "Suicide: What Really Happens in
the Afterlife?" with Jon Klimo, Ph.D., Heath
lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is a semi-retired
anesthesiologist who is more focused these days on
parapsychology and the paranormal than on medicine.
She has a special interest in physical mediumship.
"My lecturer in science at university tells me
that science cannot be wrong. He says he does not
believe in the afterlife, therefore he cannot be wrong.”
Victor: Of course, that kind of a
fallacy would not be admissible in a court
of law or even at universities. ‘Science’
is a simply a method of investigating things objectively-
but the assumptions built on those investigations
and the theories used to explain the results of experiments
are not static- they evolve. The record shows that
scientists themselves – many times - have been
fundamentally wrong about many things. At one time
"science" said
that atoms were the smallest part of matter and were
indivisible. These days we have highly intelligent
scientists who have used scientific methods to investigate
the afterlife and have accepted the afterlife–
see chapter
2. And whilst a skeptical scientist may be a good
scientist, the fact is that only the higher courts/litigation
lawyers are experts in the admissibility of evidence
at a higher level. Your lecturer may be qualified
in science but not qualified in the admissibility
of evidence which is most critical in professional
debate. ISSUE: Why is it that when
I asked scientists to tell me what objective evidentiary
authority they have to support their belief in nothingness
– NOT ONE SCIENTIST could produce any evidence
to support his anti-afterlife beliefs? And where there
is no objective substance to support a ‘belief’
the subjective belief in nothingness inexorably could
be totally and completely invalid. No scientist in
nine years has been able to rebut the expressly stated
afterlife evidence.
the Intelligence-Cause/Effect my argument for the
existence of a ‘Supreme Power’ –
I’m still waiting!
as I stated some months ago there are forces operating
in our world that we can observe – I called
a major force ‘Dialectical Spiritualism’
adapted from Karl Marx’ ‘Dialectical Materialism’.
So the emergence of a ‘new atheism’ where
atheists accept the afterlife is consistent with my
Dialectical Spiritualism thesis: we can see these
days that extreme superstition is steadily being thrown
out and extreme materialism is being rejected as people
accept that we survive physical death. For those interested
in this magnificent topic: read
more … and see item below:
Afterlife" describes an afterlife that is consistent
with known law and requires nothing more than physics.
It demonstrates that an afterlife is possible based
on reason, and supports the probability of an afterlife
with an original and testable support for dualism
– the proposition that our mind and body are
separate. An afterlife based on reason has profound
implications. An afterlife that requires only physics
requires no God; it makes the concept of God irrelevant
and removes the ‘God of the Gaps’ completely.
It enables us to prove that many religious conceptions
of an afterlife are false, including the concepts
of judgment, selectivity based on belief, and the
existence of Heaven and Hell. It removes the concept
of an afterlife from its religious associations so
humanists and other rationalists can examine it on
its own merit. And an original and testable support
for dualism could resolve a philosophical debate that’s
been going on for more than 2,000 years! Entertaining
and well-reasoned, The Atheist Afterlife is a significant
contribution to philosophy and free thought.”
‘Out Of Our Heads’
by Alva Noe
Alva Noë is one of a new breed—part philosopher,
part cognitive scientist, part neuroscientist—who
are radically altering the study of consciousness
by asking difficult questions and pointing out obvious
flaws in the current science. In Out of Our Heads,
he restates and reexamines the problem of consciousness,
and then proposes a startling solution: Do away with
the two hundred-year-old paradigm that places consciousness
within the confines of the brain. This book blows
a breath of fresh air into the debates about consciousness
and the brain. Thanks to Kat for sending a link to
the review page.
“A provocative and insightful book that will
force experts and students alike to reconsider their
grasp of current orthodoxy. Out of Our Heads is a
vivid, clear, and very knowledgeable critique of some
of the main ideas in cognitive science, and those
of us who disagree with some of its main conclusions
have our work cut out for us.”
—Daniel C. Dennett, Professor of Philosophy,
Tufts University “
More interesting comments by leading intellectuals. Read
A Jewish Journey to Belief in Afterlife, Past Lives
& Living With a Purpose’by Rabbi Elie Spitz. "Spitz,
a Conservative rabbi, sets out to convince readers
that it's kosher to be Jewish and believe in reincarnation
and the afterlife. He details his personal journey
from skepticism to belief in the reality of the soul,
distilling along the way the work of pioneering mediums
like Brian Weiss and James van Draagh. Spitz discusses
one seminar he attended in which he found himself
revealing images of a previous life as a Native American,
and another in which his wife's deceased grandparents
"communicated" with her. Spitz employs an
array of Jewish sources particularly mystical texts
that affirm a faith in the survival of the soul, although
the concept remains controversial in traditional Judaism.
He claims that this faith can provide comfort to those
struggling with death." Thanks to Stephan for
the reference. Read
“Nobody has ever comeback
from the afterlife to tell us about the afterlife.”
Victor: That highly prejudicial,
self-serving objection is overruled because it conveniently
ignores the empirical evidence of communicating with
afterlife entities – there is the scientific
studies of Prof. Gary Schwartz, there is abundant
and ubiquitous evidence of communicating with those
who crossed over – there is the afterlife evidence
I put on the internet which has not been rebutted,
negated or discredited in any way by any scientist
in the last nine years. The evidence for communicating
with the afterlife is now objective and repeatable.
Through the mediumship of David Thompson Wendy and
I personally communicated with afterlife entities,
conversed with them on a weekly basis, for fifteen
months. We witnessed some ninety reunions between
visitors and their loved ones in spirit who had materialized
and were solid in the room. Read more OBJECTIONS OVERRULED.
more ...
Egypt. I came across some uninformed closed
minded skeptic who stated
that mediumship is a recent phenomenon. The historical
records show that psychic mediumship – making
contact with those who crossed over is more than 5,000
years old. Masters states that ancient Egypt, “is
where, as far as we know, the use of trance in achieving
mystical states and talking to the gods began. “The
early Egyptians saw "du", or breath, as
the vital principle, which at death could separate
from the body and become "ba", or spirit.
See Klimo, J., Psychics, Prophets and Mystics: Receiving
Information from Paranormal Sources. The
Aquarian Press, Grafton Books, UK, 1991. See also
SEANCES WITH GOD Through the Ages, Dr J Jones
James Twyman has just released the trailer for his
new film, The Proof, which comes out for
free as a downloadable movie on April 15. He introduced
the concept for his movie today in his newsletter
when he wrote: “What if it is possible to actually
prove that the mystics and saints were correct when
they said we are actually ONE? And, what if it could
be done in a way that touches millions of people who
would not normally be attracted to such ideas?”
In The Proof, a woman will put a book anywhere in
the world that is accessible to the public without
telling James Twyman where it is. James Twyman will
then set out to try to find the book by using only
his own internal resources. If he does not succeed
in finding the book, then he will personally donate
$50,000 of his own money. The trailer for The Proof
is below…
I can teach you is how to face and conquer the challenges.
There is no difficulty or obstacle so large
that you have no power, combined with ours, to overcome
it. Even when I cannot communicate according
to the fashion of your world I still am with you because
the problems of space and time that encumber you do
not apply to us. We can reach you wherever you are.
We will continue to help you to the utmost limits
of our strength.” (S. Birch).
FEEDBACK 1) “ Dear Victor
Zammit, I just wanted to tell you that I've had a
difficult week, maybe it's because I'm scared about
all the changes in the world and of course I have
to stay confident but sometimes it is overwhelming...
Where is the humanity going?...That's strange, but
when I received your weekly report tonight, I immediately
felt better... I feel connected with people like you,
so far away in Australia, and with others in other
parts of the world and God bless you all! I'm getting
emotional. ... Thank you for being there... Isabelle”
2) "I read about the case of Picasso
. Reincarnating into a little girl .
I do think that Picasso took possession of the body
of the little girl and pushed her natural spirit,
on the outside of her body .. So he stole her body
, and is now reliving his life all over again . But
at the cost of the life of the little girl. In my
thinking , he is just a mean b______ and not reincarnated
at all." Art.
Well, Art, that's another point of view. As you know
there are several writers who claim that possession
or obsession are very real alternatives to reincarnation-
see People
Who Don't Know they are Dead.
your item last week on that lawyer judge who was jailed
for three years show that lawyers and judges are corrupt?
Victor: That’s
a ‘non-sequitur’ - ‘it does not
follow.’ That Federal Court judge
was the first judge in some two hundred years in Australia
who was jailed for perjury. Corruption, lying, cheating,
willfully doing dirty work to hurt others –
all these are part of the ‘human condition’
irrespective of what work one does – whether
one is judge, an army general, police officer, a Pope,
a Rabbi, scientist – or just a plain citizen.
I repeat, that a particular level of honesty and spirituality
are not related to gender, race, religion, work or
profession. There are some very decent judges, scientists,
police officers --- and others, and there are also
corrupt judges, scientists, police officers - and
Every so often
we get emails from scientists who say that although
they personally accept the paranormal many of their
will not do so unless there is a satisfactory body
of theory which can account for it. That is why the
work of Dr Adrian Klein and Dr Neil Robert Boyd is
so critically important at this time in human history.
They have had to take a temporary break from writing
for us because they are working on a number of high
level academic projects which have enormous potential.
I'm sure that all our thoughts and good wishes go
out to them. See
their previous articles...
you, or someone you know, ready to allow love back
into your life? Having
a close loving relationship is one of the greatest
and most natural of human experiences. Yet sometimes
people allow past entreched patterns to block them
from fulfilling their deepest longing. We are happy
to be promoting a program that definitely, unequivocally
works.. watch
this video of how it was put to the test on The
Morning Show with Mike and Juliet...
Making changes to entrenched patterns
can best be done in a loving and supportive community
and we are so pleased that people can now access such
a community by telephone from anywhere in the world.
Try it out in this FREE 60 minute telephone session
next Thursday April 2nd (US TIME) Friday April 3rd
in Australia) Read
in 1976 this excellent movie narrated by Raymond Burr
contains interviews with some of the pioneers of psychic
research, the giants on whose shoulders we stand.
In the first ten minutes there is a fascinating interview
with a very young Dr Edgar Mitchell and some excellent
archival footage of experiments at the Rhine Institute.
Also Part 4 contains excellent footage of Edgar Cayce.
When you have time the full video (90
minutes) is interesting viewing.
Or for staggered viewing: Part
2 pre-cognitives, psychic detectives Part
3- pyschic detectives, uri geller, psychokinetic
energy. Part
4- Edgar Cayce Part
5- Kirlian photography, auras, seances. Part
6- seance (continued), evp Part
7-evp, haunted houses, Part
8- spirit photography, reincarnation, past life
whilst this has nothing to do with afterlife matters,
over the many
years of doing afterlife research, I received many
questions from my regular readers who needed legal
advice but did not have the money to go to a lawyer.
Accordingly, I have put on the website a special section
for the many legal questions/answers (eg. negligence,
defamation, police matters, murder, assault, divorce,
Wills, probate, property, claims against insurance
co's., leases, marriage rights, medical assault, police
radars - and for other, click on archives on the blog)
for for my regular readers - and for general readership
and information. Read
more ...
BEQUESTS: Now more than ever before
professional accredited and registered afterlife researchers
are struggling for funding so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far,
we can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit
In the future we will include other registered organizations
which are doing afterlife research. Please email for
– Elvis’ greatest and most intense spiritual
song to finish the report. Written by Rogers and Hammerstein
for the 1945 Broadway musical 'Carousel', You'll Never
Walk Alone has been adopted by Liverpool’s soccer
team’s millions of fans and has influenced millions.
It is a highly spiritual song about hope and one which
reminds us and we are reassured that we are NOT alone!
Read first the lyrics below.
“When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
Walk on walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone.”
Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage
and we publish many papers by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee what is published
is to be the absolute truth. We accept the imputed
claim that the afterlife and paranormal research done
by the researchers is done in good faith.