if I have not replied to your email. I'm still doing very
urgent work. Will reply soon. Victor
Report for subscribers
Friday August 8th, 2008
I stated in the past that the world is experiencing
the final historical conflict in science between traditional
reductionist science and the paranormal, (non-physical
science). The evidence shows that throughout history there
were those who experienced the paranormal – fundamentally
inconsistent with traditional physical science. The paranormal
has not only stayed with us over the thousands of years,
it has now become more objective, more scientific and
is being accepted by more millions around the world. In
the past there has been a 'dialectical' clash between
hard core science and paranormal/spirituality –
in academia, in literature, in the popular press, and
recently on radio and television - and even on the internet.
The skeptics' attack on the paranormal is in fact part
of the continuous dialectical clash and refining process.
Because we have witnessed the continued progress, development
and refinement in the paranormal – in response to
its opposition - it would not be too difficult to predict
that in the future, there will be an inevitable final
stage of this irreversible dialectics: that one day all
the world - all scientists, all people and all materialists
will accept there is the paranormal, there is spirituality
and there is life after death. Read
more... …
voted THE ONE - Australia's best psychic. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT
PSYCHIC PERFORMANCES! Yes, you performed brilliantly!
We watched you giving out highly confidential details
about your subjects with impeccable accuracy. You have
done psychic phenomena great service. Yes, you're THE
ONE - even the psychics stated you deserved to
win. But ALL the psychics in the series
were particularly good and it was great to see them working
together and learning from each other. It is interesting
that Charmaine claims that it was not until 1999 after
her father died that she began to open up psychically
and it took a further 3 years to work out what the voices
she kept hearing were and then learn how to work with
them. She also says that if it wasn't
for the great mediums Doris Stokes and John Edward, she
may never have realized exactly what she was but thanks
to their brave efforts of bringing mediumship into the
open she was able to work with her hidden talents. Once
again we see the importance of getting mediumship into
the media. And ignore those negative losers and defeatists
closed minded skeptics who are not even just ONE per cent
of the audience. Congratulations to all concerned with
the show- it has given many people something very serious
to think about and I'm sure it's just the beginning and
also congratulations to those who conceptualized THE ONE
- Simon Turnbull we are informed!! Read
more about Charmaine.
DON'T BE FOOLED! Why is it that those hard core 'materialists'
wrongly keep calling themselves 'skeptics'?
Because they want to give themselves some
these materialists have been trying to fool you, to fool
everyone- they even fooled the producers of psychic television
series THE ONE (see below). High flying materialists CHEAT,
LIE and deliberately MISLEAD everyone when keep calling
themselves 'skeptics' because a skeptic is ONE WHO DOUBTS.
But materialists such as Richard (from THE ONE) and others
like him, have NEVER EVER conceded to any paranormal activity.
These materialists try to mislead everyone by stating,
"oh yes, the paranormal may be real but I have
not been convinced." Notice, ALL of them when
they witness some fantastic result on television by a
psychic, say,"lt's cold
reading"- even when the medium was reading
someone behind a screen or finding a lost child. The original
meaning of a skeptic is ONE WHO DOUBTS. In to-day's high
tech age, a skeptic is someone who doubts but also has
the skills, the competence and the impartiality to perceive
the paranormal with true empirical equanimity - in a balanced
way. A materialist is someone who refuses to admit there
is such a thing as mediumship or psychic abilitites, that
there is an afterlife or there is such a thing as the
paranormal. I am an open minded skeptic myself and when
the evidence is stunningly impressive, I accept the evidence.
See the evidence for the afterlife: click on the BOOK
top right.
to the closed minded skeptic materialist Richard who kept
repeating - whenever a psychic was spot on,
"oh, it's cold
reading" - meaning there was no psychic
skills operating at all: well, materialist Richard- YOU
join the psychics of THE ONE next time and YOU try to
do what the psychics have to do. See if YOU too can 'cold
read'- a silly justification for the irrelevance of mindless
materialism. If you have the moral fortitude or the moral
courage, if you have the power within you to 'cold
read' then get the producers to allow you to demonstrate
to us all it is cold reading next time the show
is on. Do you accept the challenge? And why do the materialists
keep on saying it's all cold reading? Because the accuracy
of the psychics is making the materialists look absolutely
and completely irrelevant and just as anachronistic last
century's front page headlines ... and it gives them a
lot of anxiety! Note very carefully
- for accuracy: it's not the 'Australian Skeptics', but
the 'Australian Materialists'!!
THE WORLD: “Today, in the world
science, nothing is more controversial than parapsychology.
The battle over the subject matter of parapsychology has
been raging for centuries. It has been carried on in scientific
academies, courtrooms, academic journals, newspapers and
radio stations. The story of parapsychology’s struggle
for legitimacy is an epic tale, containing victories,
sudden reversals, intrigue, scandals, heated arguments,
wild accusations, ruined reputations and some of the most
bizarre characters that have ever walked the earth. But
why is parapsychology so controversial? Why has the controversy
lasted centuries?” Parapsychology and the Skeptics
is a critical examination of the arguments of the skeptics.
more ….
W. Edmonds, who
served as Chief Justice of the New York State Supreme
Court, is believed to have been the first true psychical
researcher. Following the advent of the spirit communication
epidemic that hit the world with the so-called “Rochester
Knocking” in 1848, a number of educated and prominent
men and women observed various mediumistic phenomena,
but Edmonds carried his investigation beyond a few casual
observations. Beginning in early 1851, he sat with numerous
mediums, closely testing them in every conceivable way
in search of the truth. Read
Michael Tymn's interview ..."
know that there are untalented frauds in every
profession. And we should remember that
there is no necessary link between being psychic/ mediumistic
being religious and being
spiritual . Make sure you go to a medium who has a reputation
for accuracy, decency, integrity and honesty, or work
to develop your own direct communication with spirit.
I’ve had complaints in the past that certain self-described
mediums are just a ‘rip off’ – charging
too much money for just vague generalizations. But we
know that the Law of Cause and Effect means that no one
will get away with it. Especially psychics/ mediums –
who ought to know better that exploiting their position
especially to those who are vulnerable - would bring about
severe negative consequences sooner or later, in this
lifetime or in the next.
DIANA' Technically, 'Princess Diana'
channeling through Andrew Russell-Davis has made out a
legal case that prima facie she is who she claims to be.
The investigations continue. A European Union television
program will be interviewing 'Princess Diana' - potentially,
it is going to be a sensational interview! More about
this later.
INTERVIEW: Russell Targ claims you can and in
the past was able to train a team to predict Silver futures.
In this fascinating audio
interview with Tom Huston, Targ—a legally blind
remote-viewing expert chronicles his fascinating life,
which took him from the magic shops and Theosophical Society
meetings of New York City as a youth to the laser laboratories
of Columbia University to his career as a parapsychology
consultant for the world’s most powerful military.
Along the way he explains the subtle art of remote viewing
and shares some mind-boggling stories about how he and
his team of “psychic police” used their mysterious
capabilities to discover a Soviet weapons factory, detect
Chinese atomic bomb tests, and even cheat the stock market.
In Chapter 24 of
my book I wrote......" Of all the research I have
done over the years, the most impressive hypnotherapist
I have come across in showing how past life regression
is linked with reincarnation is psychologist and former
skeptic Peter Ramster from Sydney, Australia. In
1983 he produced a stunning television documentary in
which four women from Sydney, who had never been out of
Australia, gave details under hypnosis of their past lives.
Then, accompanied by television cameras and independent
witnesses, they were taken to the other side of the world."
The video is now on Youtube....essential viewing. Don't
miss the incredible finale in parts 9 and 10.
(Thanks John for the alert)
Carl Wickland (pictured) was a respected psychiatrist
who for thirty years claimed to be able to "cure"
people of mental illness by talking to entities who obsessed
them through the trance mediumship of his wife. His fascinating
book Thirty
Years Among the Dead can be read online. Other
respected psychologists have claimed the same thing...see
Edith Fiore's The
Unquiet Dead and the related books on Amazon.
Dr Wickland and others have argued that the knowledge
some people have of past lives is not evidence of reincarnation
but of spirit obsession. What do you think?
that one of our editors has been deeply affected by seven
years of conversations with the spirit of Stephen the
Martyr - as he believes. Those with some knowledge of
the Koine Greek of 2000 years ago, may be interested in
examining the research into some Greek that Stephen spoke
that is helpful in establishing Stephen's identity. Read
this item and much more on this month's online issue of
Ground of Faith.
Our talented French translator Edouard Lefevre has almost
completed translating all the chapters in A Lawyer
Presents the Case of the Afterlifeinto
French in record time. We are now working to create
a separate French website under the domain name http://www.preuvesdelapresvie.fr
(proof of the afterlife which will be on line
in about a week). French speakers please inform your contacts
so that we can get the word out.
This week Wendy and I received an email that reminded
us (if we needed reminding) of the importance of this
work. Our correspondent, Helen, emailed:
"Thank you so much for the most wonderful insight
of life in the hereafter. As a mother of a child that
is very ill and is not destined for a long life this has
given me more hope and the understanding that he will
be safe and with family when he passes. Thank
you. God bless you both and much love and light into your
When I was working in the courts I found
nothing impacted on a jury as much as the testimony of
a reliable, highly credible professional witness of obvious
integrity. Dr K. is such a witness. Read his account of
a recent seance he attended in New York with medium David
Thompson. He writes...
" Every person that left that séance
room had their life changed
profoundly in some way from this most astounding experience.
I, myself, think about it every single day - absolute,
concrete proof of survival. Their primary message to everyone
is that they are not dead. They convey to us that we are
indeed accountable (responsible) for our behavior. This
experience is so life altering that I can understand why
the vast majority of people who hear about this phenomenon
do not accept it as real. This is my fifth materialization
séance and I can say with irrevocable certainty
that I never, at any time, even remotely suspected the
possibility of any fraud taking place and any of these
seances. The people involved with this type of mediumship
are of the very highest caliber. They all possess the
very highest level of integrity and they are all dedicated
to trying to enlighten the world to the fact that we all
survive physical death, and that our loved ones want to
and, albeit difficult, can communicate with us."
Read more ....
Jones-Hunt is looking for peoples' experiences of animals
as spiritual teachers, spiritual companions or psychic
pet- owner experiences. She is interested in anyone seeing
their pet after they have passed on to spirit in the sleep
state or in a vision, in telepathic connections with pets,
lost pets finding their way home or pets psychically knowing
their owner was coming home etc. She would need the contact
details in case she needs to ask a question or a clarification.
And she would need agreement to possibly publish the account
one day- anonymously if people wish.
Email jackiejones-hunt@btconnect.com
or jackiejoneshunt.co.uk
A medium told me that one does not
have to be a medium to predict that there is going to
be cheating by the athletes at the Olympics in China.
But she says it looks as though the locals there have
the games sown up already – because of the very
easy access to performance enhancing drugs in China. And
many of these drugs in China cannot be detected by medical
tests. U.S. Marion Jones for example, who won three gold
medals, and who was tested some 160 times at the Olympics,
subsequently confessed she took drugs during her whole
career as an athlete – and cried her heart out publicly
confessing her cheating before and during the Olympics.
The question which was partly answered was: willthe cheats
get caught. “Yes, one or two will be caught …”
– meaning the majority will not be caught!
the afterlife?‘Opening
to Love' FREE Audio Download. If you’re
searching for your soulmate or life partner, we recommend
this powerful guided meditation from best selling author
Katherine Woodward Thomas. Drawing on her acclaimed spiritual
approach to finding love, it will help you open your heart
to become available for the love you’ve been yearning
for. You can download it for FREE at www.callingintheone.com
have revived a link to the Hall
of Fame, a section of the website to draw attention
to the work of mediums and psychic researchers who have
made a significant contribution to humanity's knowledge
about the afterlife. If you have a suggestion for an entry
please forward text and picture to 2008@victorzammit.com/