Whilst there are some very dedicated, decent and exemplary
Catholic priests, it is on record there are many who have
abused their trust and sexually exploited young children.
A case last week in Sydney reinforces the call for the
Catholic Church to remove celibacy – and to have
a reformation. Police patrolling internet chat rooms discovered
a 53 year old very senior priest, Fr R. Fuller from the
Liverpool area of Sydney, who was in charge of some four
schools (a couple of thousand girls and boys) chatting
up children. The police pretended to be a 13 year old
girl and engaged him in chat. Imagine their surprise when
the highly esteemed parish priest put his pants down and
videoed himself masturbating on a webcam- sending the
images to this ‘13 year old girl’. He was
arrested when he tried to set up a meeting with the girl,
thus bringing a sad ending to a thirty year year career.
Although this time no "real" 13 year old girl
was harmed, the obvious question is how many others were.
Oprah Winfrey claimed in one of her pedophilia specials,
that the Catholic Church on the East Coast of the USA
has paid more than a BILLION dollars in damages in pedophilia
cases and there are 3000
Catholic parishes in the United States without priests.
Clearly celibacy is not working for the Catholic Church.
YOUR SPIRITUALITY? A very interesting
and controversial question.
My view is that celibacy is not only totally independent
to spirituality but it is a great handicap to spirituality.
Why? The sexual drive leads us to intimate relationships
and family responsibilities through which we learn UNSELFISHNESS,
patience, forgiveness and all the wonderful spiritual
lessons that help us to raise our vibrations. The physical
sexual drive is an extremely powerful primary drive -
as is the drive to eat, drink, sleep. You deny the physical
drive, for most people - priests or no priests - it will
cause them to do crazy things. Here's a fascinating
issue of the magazine EnlightenNext which interviews
both advocates of celibacy and experts in tantra and Judaism
and an interesting HBO
documentary on Celibacy produced by Anthony Thomas.
of over 800 priests
in Poland, a country often claimed as a champion of traditional
Catholic values, carried out by Professor Josef Baniak,
a sociologist specializing in religious affairs, found
that 53 percent would like to have a wife, while 12 percent
admitted that they were involved in a relationship. A
further 30 percent said that they had had a sexual relationship
with a woman. An earlier survey carried out by the Tygodnik
Powszechny newspaper, a conservative publication, aimed
at Catholic intellectuals, found that as many as 60 per
cent of Polish priests wanted the right to marry. In Catholic
Austria theologian Paul Zulehner is claiming 22 per cent
of Austrian priests had a relationship with women and
said other sources put the percentage as high as 50 per
ITALY: The Italian daily La Stampa reported
on Sunday, August 2, that the Vatican Congregation for
Clergy was considering a new set of rules for cases where
priests were in relationships and fathered children, which
the newspaper described as "very widespread"
in developing nations as well as some European countries,
"such as Austria". It
is time for the Vatican to adapt to modern times and to
allow priests to marry. The Anglicans and other religions
have done it successfully. The Church has to adapt or
continue its journey towards complete disaster and oblivion.
RINALD IN BRAZIL pictured left, below.:
Sonia writes in her latest newsletter:
“Some time ago we were guided to record using Skype
through audio messages received. The guidance happened
we had no idea about the meaning of the word “Skype,”
much less what it was about. As always, we follow the
guidance, and found out that it was a program to connect
people from anywhere - domestically or overseas, at a
very low cost. We then installed Skype along with Pretty
May, which is another compatible program, so we could
record the conversations. Then we did some tests. It was
perfect! These programs enabled three-way calls, so we
could bring together grieving persons, their departed
loved ones, and us. This newly found possibility replaced
the previous process, when we used the telephone to speak,
and to record with the Other Side. The recording process
is similar to the one describe in the book “Recording
Voices” (sold out), and the same that we teach in
workshops. We use a background noise (made up of sounds
that were fully mixed until the content becomes unrecognizable
as a sequence of disconnected phonetics), which our communicators-friends
can reorganize to compose their answers. That’s
the process we used to record with Cristina Ferrara, who
lives in USA, with her departed son Stefano, and with
us here in Brazil.” Read
more …
VICTOR INTERVIEWED This week I made time to answer
16 questions by Jime Sayaka who runs the high level blog
"subversive thinking."
is an interview with lawyer and afterlife researcher Victor
Zammit. I thank Victor for kindly accepting the interview.
1) Victor, tell us a little bit
about your background?
In my younger years I was in jazz music
until I met my university trained psychologist wife in
my mid twenties. I then went to university to do psychology
and law. For a number of years from the time I went to
university, I began attending meetings organized by the
skeptics – primarily the Humanists who were rather
hard-core skeptics. I worked as an attorney for a number
of years and gained valuable experience in understanding
what the highest courts will accept as admissible evidence.
MIND Clipboard
in hand, Jes Benstock delves into the world of heretical
scientist, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake. Can his experiments really
prove the existence of phantom limbs and telepathic dogs?
TO YOU WHEN YOU DIE? Directly from the
afterlife: “You must know that no person
of whatsoever social position or spiritual status is ever
left unattended by us at the moment of his dissolution
(i.e., at the moment of death) – whether that passing
is taking place on the land, or in the air, upon the waters,
or beneath them. Whether we can approach that individual
rests upon his own spiritual state or condition. If we
are able to approach and offer our assistance, we do not
without fail. Our advances may be scorned or spurned:
the passing soul may be so steeped in evil (or closed
minded skepticism) as to make approach impossible. Nevertheless,
someone will be at hand to do whatever is humanly possible.
If we see that we can do nothing, we reluctantly withdraw.”
I gave advice before to a number of leading mediums in
the U.S., UK, Australia and elsewhere through the internet:
head in the sand -especially those closed minded skeptics
who clearly show they do NOT have the skills, the competence
to perceive the paranormal with true empirical equanimity.
These closed minded skeptics- such as Dr Susan Blackmore,
Prof Wiseman, psychologist Chris French in the UK- are
so deeply entrenched in their skeptical negativity they
never ever allow for the possibility that the empirical
paranormal is valid. The IGNORE the fact that some of
the most intelligent physicists and scientists in the
world to-day - and the in the past AFTER investigating
the paranormal - conceded and accepted that the evidence
clearly shows the validity of the paranormal and the afterlife.
(See chapter 2 and
chapter 25 of my
Just one example, no matter how definitively clear the
evidence for the afterlife/paranormal was during the Enfield
Poltergeist investigation - which convinced the OPEN MINDED
SKEPTICS of the validity of the afterlife, the resident
closed minded skeptic repeatedly stated WITHOUT EXPLANATION
that he could not accept the evidence. That's only natural
- because the validity of the Poltergeist case at Enfield
made this 'resident skeptic' look absolutely stupid and
irrelevant to empirical paranormal studies.
is no specific cure in the sense that there is
one remedy that will cure every type of cancer, because
they do not all owe their origin to the same cause. Some
are physical, some are mental and some are spiritual in
their origin. It is not possible to treat them all alike.
You must try to understand the way we work. It is not
done by saying, “Your world has a problem, here
is the answer.” Your world must earn the answer.
But if you have wrong living in your world, if you have
not earned the right to be cured, then no one can give
you a cure … ” (from Guidance from Silver
Birch 1966 p.106).
AFTER DEATH? Orthodox religion offers
ambiguous and seemingly unjust explanations as to how
we are judged after death. Modern revelation, coming to
us through the near-death experience and mediumship, offers
a much more reasonable judgment. If you are interested
in knowing how you might be judged after death, click
Fisher Stokes (January 6, 1920 - May 8, 1987), born Doris
Sutton, was a British spiritualist. Her memoirs, public
performances, and television appearances helped to raise
the profile of spiritualism and promoted a resurgence
of interest in psychic phenomena in the 1980s.
of the most amazing psychic phenomena, which religionists,
skeptics and atheists have continuously and deliberately
ignored is xenoglossy - the ability to speak or write
a foreign language a person never learned. After all other
explanations have been investigated - such as fraud, genetic
memory, telepathy and cryptomnesia (the remembering of
a foreign language learned earlier), xenoglossy is taken
as evidence of either memories of a language learned in
a past life or of communication with a discarnate entity—
a spirit person. Read
more …
for the many invitations that I receive to join chat groups
and social networking sites.
Although I would love to take a more active
part in these my time is limited at the moment- especially
as Wendy and I are getting ready to travel to a few countries
in Europe in four weeks time– attending materialization
séances and doing more afterlife investigations.
More about this later on.
POSITIVE FEEDBACK: Just one representative
example of the many positive emails we receive about the
afterlife report,
“Dear Victor and Wendy Just
a quick note to thank you both so much for the information
and recordings of your weekly Friday Report. What a tremendous
service these afterlife researchers have given to us and
which have been made available to so many by yourselves.
Kindest regards, Doreen
BEQUESTS: Now more than ever before professional
accredited and registered afterlife researchers are struggling
for funding so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will consider
making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far, we
can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit humanity:
Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage
and we publish many papers by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee what is published
is to be the absolute truth. We accept the imputed claim
that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the
researchers is done in good faith.