we read, or view or hear in the mainstream media some
uninformed skeptic giving himself/herself unearned authority
by dismissing the paranormal. What gives these half baked
secular writers the authority to dismiss something have
not investigated, they have not experienced for themselves
and clearly do not understand. How can they even begin
to comment when they have not even read the empirical
evidence for the paranormal and the afterlife?
I read an article recently where a Professor of Linguistics
was cited as an ‘authority’that the paranormal
does not exist. BUT no studies were ever cited to substantiate
the claim. Why would a Professor of Linguistics know anything
about the paranormal? Take this professor away from her
subject area and unless she has investigated the afterlife,
she would be an absolute ignoramus with NO AUTHORITY to
discuss the paranormal. Why would any writer/journalist
cite a negatively prejudiced professor about the validity
of the paranormal?
In what other field of scientific investigation would
you call on someone with no knowledge or training who
has read nothing and has an active prejudice against the
subject as an expert in that subject? This is very similar,
something I stated before, to a situation where the Wizard
of the Ku Klux Klan gives his ‘honest opinion' about
the relative intelligence of African Americans.
Skeptical journalists, materialist scientists and other
negatively minded writers have no ‘authority’
to reject the paranormal or the afterlife without specific
rebuttals of the existing evidence. The onus has shifted
onto them to tell us WHERE, WHEN, HOW and WHY that evidence
is not valid. That has NEVER been done.
EXPERIENCE: former KGB disinformationofficer
‘spills the beans’: My acceptance
of the afterlife and the paranormal is primarily because
of two things: my own paranormal experiences and my afterlife
research. Around 2002 I had a particularly very vivid
remote viewing experience about a major case I was involved
in when I was in my
law practice in Sydney. This was when I had a nasty ‘class
action’ (which became very hostile) against the
Left Wing Prime Minister of Malta Dom Mintoff because
of his blatant fundamental violations of human rights
towards returning migrants. We had enormous unfair opposition
here in Sydney at the time where there was also hostile
foreign intervention. The matter was serious as some five
intelligence agencies including the FBI became involved.
My remote viewing clarified what happened at the time:
Read more ...
week we feature a video about the materialization medium
Helen Duncan conducted by paranormally uninformed journalist-
Tony Robinson and The Blitz Witch.
Dec 2008 (50 mins) / Channel 4 Presented
by an uninformed commentator Tony Robinson and Becky McCall.
Our new
subscribers may like to read about Helen Duncan in Chapter
11 of my book. Sadly the video is narrated by someone
who was not informed about physical mediumship- why else
would he go to his local spiritualist church and talk
to a mental medium to find out if what Helen
Duncan did was possible today? Why did he not approach
some of the experts on physical mediumship like Robin
and Sandra Foy, Roslyn and Dennis Pearman of Zerdin
Phenomenal, Ron Gilkes Jenny's
Sanctuary or The
Circle of the Silver Cord? Even one sitting with a
physical medium would have given him some insight. Why
did he not talk to Michael Tymn, the author of The
Articulate Dead about the history of research
into physical mediumship? Why did he not
refer to the book
written about Helen Duncan by Alan Crossley who
investigated the mediumship of Helen Duncan and
the video
interview with Alan Crossley on Youtube. And why did
he not talk to the people who run the Official
Helen Duncan website who have been campaigning
for a pardon for Helen Duncan and the people
who witnessed Helen Duncan materializing after her
death through Rita Goold and again through medium David
The video was also marred by a technique that many misguided
producers seem to think is essential with anything "paranormal"-
bringing in a "rent-a skeptic" saying that "it's
all fraud perpetrated by accomplices" and having
a co-presenter saying things like "I don't care
what evidence you show me I think she was a fake."
As intelligent consumers we need to let it be widely known
that we find this as amateurly offensive as having a documentary
on nuclear physics being commented on by trained chimpanzees.
But for all its faults parts of the video does have the
saving grace of featuring interviews with surviving first
hand witnesses- particularly Dr Mary Austin who was able
to attest that Helen Duncan knew about the sinking of
the HMS Hood well before the British Admiralty (See Part
5 below).
There is also an interview at
the end of part 3 and beginning of part 4 with
Denise Iredell,
a first hand witness to Helen Duncan's materializations.
EXISTENTIALIST Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855).
"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe
what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what
is true"
CHARLES DARWIN: "Ignorance more frequently
begets confidence than does knowledge; it is those who
know little, and not those who know much, who so positively
assert that this or that problem will never be solved
by science".
ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER: "The discovery of truth
is prevented more effectively . . . by preconceived opinion,
by prejudice" --Arthur Schopenhauer
one thing not to see the forest for the trees, but then
to go on to deny the reality of the forest is a more serious
Johannes Greber was a Catholic priest who went in disguise
to a spiritualist seance to denounce the whole thing.
The spirit communicator identified him as a priest and
had long conversations with him, explaining how the idea
of "hell for eternity" had come about by a mistranslation
of the Bible. Greber was incredibly courageous and AFTER
INVESTIGATING felt he had no choice but to resign from
the Catholic Church and write a book about his investigations
into spirit communication. Greber's
book is available for free download here.
An authority on Greber, says
he was profoundly influenced by Johannes Greber's work.
He writes: " His new site is an in depth, reliable
source for those whose backgrounds in worldly Christianity
would have at their command a simple explanation of the
mistranslations found in the Bible today."
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIE? Here is something
which I think would send shivers down the spine of
some people here who think just because they do not harm
anyone, they will not get a bad deal on crossing over.
Read very carefully.
“The people living within these ‘hovels’
(slum areas) that we were passing were not necessarily
those who upon earth had committed some crime in the eyes
of the earth people. There were many people who, without
MORTAL UPON EARTH. People who had lived entirely unto
themselves, without a thought for others. Such souls constantly
harped upon the theme that they had done no harm to anyone.
But they had harmed themselves.”
From Life in the World Unseen (5th Ed.’97, p107)
transmitted from the afterlife by former Catholic monsignor
Hugh Benson.
I have always been impressed by the paranormal phenomenon
of crop circles which have been found in some 70 countries.
I do not accept that they are man made. Thanks to Peter
K for this latest url- I was just amazed with the intricacies
and meticulous design of the crop circle- no human would
have the skills and the technical competence to do such
an alluring complex design in the dead of night. How they
are made – I just do not know. All I know is that
it is vastly beyond human competence. Here see for yourself:
read more....
OF SYDNEY FAMILY A psychic medium suggests
an inspired version of what could have happened when five
members of Min Lin’s family were massacred and savagely
sent to the afterlife in their own home one night a couple
of weeks ago. (read
report). The victims include two small brothers, their
mother and father (pictured) and an aunt who were murdered
while they slept by a sharp object, probably a machete
or a knife. The police have absolutely no idea who murdered
them or why. The medium states that this is very likely
the work of an Asian gang who is demanding ‘protection
money' from Asian business people around Sydney. “The
police should dig deeper and should be interviewing all
Chinese and other Asian business people to try to extract
from them information if they have been approached by
thugs demanding money. The traditional interview with
the Chinese business people is not likely to get results.
But the police has to use intelligence units and penetration
into the gangs of Sydney.”
October 31st to Saturday November 7th 2009: “Dear
Friends, It is with great excitement that we invite you
to accompany us for an unforgettable experience on a fantastic
cruise to the Caribbean. While we communicate with the
Spirit World all year long, your first experience may
just be on Halloween, the day we set sail on this magnificent
voyage. You’ll enjoy John’s unique, down-to-earth
approach to spiritual mediumship, as well as Lisa’s
colorful and dynamic communications with those on the
Other Side. We promise you an adventure that you’ll
never forget! Join us for this revolutionary experience
of a lifetime on an incredible voyage in the beautiful
Caribbean!” Read
more ….
an Authentic Practice in a Chaotic World. This
Saturday in Craig Hamilton's series of online dialogues:
Diane Musho Hamilton is a fully ordained Zen priest
and teacher. She is a core founder and faculty member
of iEvolve: Global Practice Community and is a director
of the Integral Life Spiritual Center at Integral
Life. Diane is a gifted facilitator, mediator and
spiritual teacher and is well known as an innovator
in facilitating group dialogues, especially conversations
about culture, religion, race and gender relations.
For more on Diane, please visit
To get details of the dialogue read
this free special event on the Near-Death Experience
on Friday, August 7th, at 3 pm EDT. (Sydney time Saturday
5am, London time Friday 8pm)
PMH Atwater will be interviewed
by Caroline
Sutherland internationally known medical intuitive
and Hay House author of "The Body Knows"
books. In 1995 Caroline had a near death experience
which led her to understand the nature and connection
of all of life. During this compelling interview Caroline
and PMH Atwater will discuss the NDE and the effect
it has on one's life, the existence of angels, guidance
on death and dying and why "we live forever." US Residents Call: 503-290-5016 and enter
PIN 156102#
Australian residents call 0011 1 503-290-5016
For eighteen years Dr John L. Turner served as the
sole neurosurgeon on the island of Hawai'i, initially
performing lifesaving procedures with a marginally
trained staff and substandard equipment. By all measures,
John L. Turner is a surgeon with classic western medical
credentials. From his first day on call in Hilo, Hawai'i,
metaphysical events appeared for his edification and
continue to the present day. Dr. Turner's curiosity
drove him to explore several nontraditional healing
modalities that broadened the scope of recovery for
his patients. These new techniques included the practice
of Johrei (the healing art of Japan), chanting and
meditation (approaches found in all religious practices
throughout history), soul travel and astral projection
(as espoused by Eckankar, Robert Bruce and others),
and precognition/remote viewing (as developed by Hal
Puthoff, Ingo Swann and Russell Targ at the Stanford
Research Institute). Read more about this remarkable
surgeon on Michael
Tymn's blog...
to The Ground of Faith, a monthly online
journal edited by The Rev. Michael Cocks and The Rev.
Victor MacGill on six years of brilliant groundbreaking
work in bringing psychic science to liberal Christians
and others!!
In this month's issue now available online they write:
" Until now we have been providing material from
many sources that invites us to think about the Christian
faith in the light of science that recognizes and
explores the reality of the paranormal experiences
of countless millions of people, regardless of their
faith community. Such science has much advanced over
recent years, and more and more people in the so-called
Western world are becoming sure that there is an afterlife.
In this issue we ask the question: Should familiarity
with paranormal sciences be part of theological and
Christian education? [And of course part of the education
of Moslems, Jews, Buddhists and anyone else. It is
just that this journal has a Christian readership
in mind.] Rationally, the answer should be Yes."
A 10 minute
talk by Brother David Steindl-Rast and Roshi Joan
Halifax on the importance of gratitude.
Matt Sent: Friday, 31 July 2009 11:33 AM
To: Victor Zammit - Subject: RE: Friday Afterlife
Report :
Victor, we love you!!! The real love you send out
through emails to everyone about this information
is incredible and we thank you always, Bless You friend!
Matt, UK.
old and I’m terrified of death. What can you
tell me to remove this enormous fear of death I have?
I am prepared to pay you as much as you want to help
me with this disturbing problem I have.
Victor: This is a very common question. There
are millions of people around the world with the same
problem as you have – exaggerated fear of death.
This is because you have not done any reading about
the afterlife. Guaranteed, if for the next three months
you read the book I have about the evidence for the
afterlife which is free of charge to read or download
– and other similar books especially by Arthur
Findlay, Anthony Borgia and Silver Birch – you
will lose the fear of death as others have done after
reading about the afterlife. Note carefully, I do
not charge money for my spiritual services.
I live in constant difficulties and crises. I just cannot
cope with these difficulties anymore. It’s not fair
that we are not given the power to cope with the extremely
high pressures of modern living. I’m desperate.
Any suggestions?
Answer, We are informed
that we are all given guidance to cope with all difficulties
here on earth. This is how one highly credible afterlife
intelligence S. Birch put it: “Difficulties are
challenges. If you had no difficulties, problems, obstacles
or hindrances, there would be no opportunity for your
latent powers to express themselves. In moments of crises
you become aware that you have an inner reservoir of strength
on which you can call. Usually you scratch only the surface
of what you can get. There is no difficulty so great that
you have not the power, with the inner strength that you
possess and the guidance you can receive, to triumph over
Where can I get reliable information about what
happens to the soul when people commit suicide?
Answer: To read more about suicide go to Google
books and read online Suicide-
What Really Happens in the Afterlife by Jon Klimo
and Pamela Heath. Or you can buy it from
this 60 minute teleclass/webinar you'll learn:
· The biggest mistake you're making in your approach
to finding love and how to stop making it
· How to set an intention for love that will really
· How to identify and release the core beliefs
that have been
keeping love out of your life
· Why affirmations don't work and the revolutionary
new approach that does
Saturday, August 8th
9:30 AM Pacific / 12:30 PM Eastern
(when you register for the class you'll receive the link
to listen to the recording if you're unable to listen
in live) Sign
up now... BONUS: When you register for the class
you'll also receive an instant free download of our new
eBook and audio CD:
The Secret to Finding Your Soulmate
BEQUESTS: Now more than ever before
professional accredited and registered afterlife researchers
are struggling for funding so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far, we
can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit humanity:
Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage
and we publish many papers by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee what is published
is to be the absolute truth. We accept the imputed claim
that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the
researchers is done in good faith.