COMMENTARY: THE HIGHER SPIRITS' AGENDA Silver Birch was a spirit teacher who spokethrough trance medium Maurice Barbanell (1902-1981), founder and editor of the Psychic News of London, England. He claimed to be a spokesperson of a vast collective of advanced spirits and is one of the most loved teachers of Spiritualism. Read more about who Silver Birch is.
He said that he had been shown the future of our world that is being brought into being:
“There are many of us who have been allowed by those who are higher and above us to see your world as it will be one day. That conception we try to transmit to those who are receptive, to inspire them to go on with their work".
Part of the vision is for material progress:
“We desire to uplift the weak and the fallen, give strength to the helpless. We desire to rid your world of starvation, illness and sickness. We desire to
abolish all foul slums and evil habitations that are a pestilence and a blot on your world. We desire to bring light to those who are in darkness; knowledge to those who are ignorant. We desire to lift mankind up, to free
him from slavery of mind, body and soul".
But the more important part is for a spiritual awakening:
"We desire to fight all selfishness, the poison that saps at your civilization and brings in its train chaos, bankruptcy, war, and destruction. We desire to revive the power of your spirit in your midst, that all may seek to live for one another, to cooperate for each other's well-being to destroy all boundaries founded on hate, greed, avarice and self-interest, so that peace and plenty may be yours as they were intended to be.”
DURING HER NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE NANCY RYNES LEARNED THE ART OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNICATION In this interview Nancy Rynes talks about how she discovered pre-birth planning and how she teaches others to quiet their minds and use contemplative prayer to communicate with higher spiritual beings.
WHY NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES ARE REAL Every few months some 'scientist' comes up with a new theory claiming that NDEs are hallucinations that have a purely physical cause. Here's what NDE researcher Dr. Peter Fenwick says about these theories. "So much rubbish is talked about Near Death Experiences by people who don't have to deal with these things on a daily basis. So I'm absolutely sure that such experiences are not caused by oxygen shortages, endorphins, or anything of that kind. And certainly, none of these things would account for the transcendental quality of many of these experiences, the fact that people feel an infinite sense of loss when they leave them behind." Explore 16 reasons why NDEs are not hallucinations or the effects of the dying brain.
NEUROSCIENTIST SAYS CONSCIOUSNESS IS NOT A PRODUCT OF THE BRAIN University of Oregon Neuroscience Professor, Marjorie Woollacott, claims that terminal lucidity and evidential dream communications are evidence that consciousness is not a product of the brain, and can survive death. She cites work by Dr. Peter Fenwick and recent work on terminal lucidity by Dr. Alexander Batthyany.
TALKING WITH NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCERS REDUCES FEAR OF DEATH Back in 2006, Dr. Kenneth Ring described research he had carried out with senior citizens, college students, and people who had contemplated suicide (see 'Lessons from the Light'). He found that watching videos of testimonials by people who had an NDE, talking to an experiencer, and reading about NDEs had the following effects:
1. A decrease in fear of death.
2. An increase in belief that the moment of death will be peaceful.
3. An increase in belief in life after death.
4. A decrease in belief that life after death will be unpleasant.
5. An increase in belief that one will be reunited with deceased loved ones.
6. An increased belief in God.
Medium John Edward says that an important part of his mission is to show people that they can connect with their loved one in spirit without going to a medium. He interviews Judy Guggenheim about her book 'Hello From Heaven'.
10 THINGS YOU MAY NOT HAVE KNOWN ABOUT THE AFTERLIFE Medium Matt Fraser has put together ten things he has learned through his conversations and visions. Read more.
A long-time
spiritual seeker, Rev. Jimbeau Walsh talks about the moment he realized
he no longer needed a guru, and could make his own connection
to God. Realizing that he was lonely, he prayed and meditated
on finding a soulmate. From the 18-minute mark in the
video, he talks about how his prayer was answered in a
huge way, when he met the woman who led him to an extraordinary
experience of seeing angels. Jimbeau is convinced that
everyone does have a soulmate that they will meet either
in this life or the afterlife.
Dr. Julie Beischel writes: "Communication with the deceased is a normal and useful aspect of cultures all over the world. Although it is possible for anyone to experience communication from the deceased, a medium is someone who has this experience regularly, reliably, and often on-demand. Here, research performed since 2001 with mental mediums is reviewed." Read more.
WE LIVE FOREVER - THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT DEATH An international authority on near-death states, PMH Atwater is a prolific author. Her books are some of the finest and most comprehensive on a range of topics and her writings have also appeared in numerous magazines and newspapers. One of our favourites is this little gem, "We Live Forever". It is a very personal book in which she not only offers details and deep insights into what really happens when you die, but what it truly means to be alive! She also explores such mysteries as heaven and hell, the soul’s existence after death, life after death, and the power of prayer. Read more.
DR. RUPERT SHELDRAKE: SCIENCE AND SPIRITUAL PRACTICES If nothing else, watch the first two minutes of this wonderful interview about his book "Science and Spiritual Practices". Rupert argues that materialist science cannot account for consciousness and that there is immense psychological value in spiritual practices such as meditation, gratitude, connection to nature, rituals, singing and dancing, pilgrimages, etc. Scroll down below the video on Youtube for links to different key talking points.
Thursday January 6th 2022/ Friday January 7th Australia
Afterlife Book Club
1st Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. California time. Book of the month Stephen Simon's What Dreams Have Come: Loving Through The Veil. The author will be joining the discussion.
6.00 p.m. Pacific
7.00 p.m. Phoenix time
8.00 p.m. Chicago time
9.00 p.m. New York time
9 a.m. Friday Perth time
1 p.m. Friday Sydney time
3 p.m. Friday Auckland time Check time in your city
Spiritist Literature: Directed Study with Anna Castro.
Will be resuming on Saturday January 15th
Sunday January 9th 2022
NEW AT THIS TIME Practical Metaphysics (UK/Europe/Australia)
2nd and 4th
Sunday of the month. Sundays at 7 p.m. Queensland time, 8 p.m. Sydney time. 9 a.m. London time 10 a.m. Rome.
An exciting fortnightly group for anyone interested in mediumship and more.Paul and Syann will share their many years of experiences, answer questions and where appropriate lead practical exercises.
Note: This group will cover the same material as the group Paul and Syann run on the 2nd and 4th Thursday/Friday of the month but at a time that better suits people in the UK, Europe and Australia.
Future sessions will include:How to contact and evidence your guides;Astral Travelling 101;Remote viewing for beginners; Tools for Self Healing; Psychometry; Discernment in mental mediumship;Tools for Clearing your Energy; ET contact experiences, Live Q&A with our Guides.
For more information email Times: Check time in your city.
Sunday January 9th 2022/ Monday 10th January Australia
Mediumship Development with Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Developing the skills of mental mediumship and blending with spirit.
Meetings: Every 2nd and 4th Sunday Times:
10 a.m. Pacific time Sunday
11 a.m. Phoenix Sunday
12 noon Chicago Sunday
1 p.m. New York Sunday
6 p.m. London Sunday
5 a.m. Sydney Monday
7 a.m. Auckland Sunday
Check time in your city
Online in Zoom
Sunday January 9th 2022 / Monday January 10th Australia
Global Gathering -Christian Sundberg claims to be able to remember his existence before coming to Earth. This pre-birth memory left him completely after childhood and spontaneously returned 10 years ago when he took up a meditation practice and experienced a personal awakening journey. While remembering pre-birth memories, Christian began to have Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs). He is the author of “A Walk in the Physical,” exploring the larger spiritual context in which we exist and the importance of love on our human journey.
Los Angeles Sunday 12 noon
Phoenix Sunday 1 p.m.
Chicago Sunday 2 p.m.
New York Sunday 3 p.m.
London Sunday 8 p.m.
Rome Sunday 9 p.m.
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Monday
Auckland New Zealand 9 a.m. Monday Check the time for your city
Co-ordinators: and
Sunday January 9th 2021 / Monday January 10th Australia
Spiritualism Today Every Sunday
with Norma Turner Ph.D. A presentation of some aspect of Spiritualism and spirituality followed by open discussion. If you have questions about Spiritualism or spirituality or religion, bring them here. Times:
California 3 p.m.
Mountain (Phoenix) 4 p.m.
Central (Illinois, Texas) 5 p.m.
Eastern (New York) 6 p.m.
Sydney Australia - Monday 10 a.m.
Auckland - Monday 12 noon Check time in your city
Norma’s Room:
Monday January 10th 2022/ Tuesday January 11th Australia
Dream Circle with Kim Parker
A small group meets every two weeks - to share and explore the meaning of their dreams. Times:
Los Angeles 12 noon. Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Chicago 2 p.m. Monday
New York 3 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Rome 9 p.m. Monday
Melbourne 7 a.m. Tuesday
Auckland N.Z. 9 a.m. Tuesday Check time in your city
Email: Kim at
Tuesday January 11th 2022/ Wednesday January 12th 2021 Army 4 Love Gathering every Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Arizona Time.
People share what is happening in our world, how we are dealing with issues, holding each other’s hands, bringing in laughter and love. To bring in laughter each week one person shares a joke. This person then receives a few messages from a loved one they choose to connect with on the Other Side. Debra Martin always ends the gathering with a mini healing meditation. Times:
Los Angeles 2 p.m.
Phoenix 3 p.m.
Chicago 4 p.m.
New York 5 p.m.
London 10 p.m.
Rome 11 p.m.
Melbourne/Sydney 9 a.m. Wednesday
Auckland NZ 11 a.m. Wednesday Check time in your city
email: Via a form on her website
Tuesday January 11th 2022/ Wednesday January 12th 2021
Spirit Art with Susan B. Barnes, Ph.D. CSNU We are meeting to create spirit art with messages.
No art experience required.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday
9 p.m. New York time 8 p.m. Chicago 7 p.m. Phoenix 6 p.m. Pacific time
1 p.m. Wednesday Sydney time.
3 p.m. Wednesday Auckland New Zealand Check time in your city. Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Wednesday January 12th 2022/ Thursday January 13th Australia
Physical mediumship development group Every Wednesday with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena. Times:
6 p.m. Pacific Time
7 p.m. Phoenix time
8 p.m. Central time
9 p.m. New York time
1 p.m. Sydney/Melbourne time Thursday
3 p.m. Auckland NZ time Thursday Check time in your city
Contact Rob Blackburn ( or Craig Hogan ( before joining the group.
Thursday January 13th 2022/ Friday January 14th Australia
Pet Communication Group with Gretchen Bickert
2nd Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. Arizona time. California 12 noon
Arizona 1 p.m.
Illinois 2 p.m.
New York 3 p.m.
Sydney, Australia AEST 7 a.m. Friday
Auckland, New Zealand 9 a.m. Friday Check time in your city
Contact Gretchen:
Thursday January 13th 2022/ Friday January 14th Australia
Practical Metaphysics - an exciting group on the 2nd and 4th week of the month for anyone interested in mediumship and more. Paul and Syann will share their many years of experiences, answer questions and where appropriate lead practical exercises. Future sessions will include: How to contact and evidence your guides; Astral Travelling 101; Remote viewing for beginners; Tools for Self Healing; Discernment in mental mediumship; Tools for Clearing your Energy; Live Q&A with our Guides.
For more information email Times: Check time in your city
6 p.m. Pacific time
7 p.m. Arizona
8 p.m. Chicago
9 p.m. Eastern time
noon Friday North Queensland (Aust)
1 p.m. Friday Sydney/Melbourne
3 p.m. Friday Auckland N.Z.
A SPIRITUAL RESOLUTION FOR THE NEW YEAR “Every tender thought directed to a soul in need, every kindly expression of brotherly and sisterly love — be it
the spoken word, the silent prayer, the sincere
handclasp, the friendly smile — every thought
and expression are recognized…
Let not one day go by without a kindly thought,
expressed in your own fashion, for a fellow
This excerpt from a message shared on New Year’s Eve,1963, by
an Illumined Soul of the Universal Spiritual Brother & Sisterhood can be found in the book Spiritual Light, and it reminds us of the
importance of selfless service to our fellow human beings, the true
path to serving God.
WHAT IF WE CAN TRANSFORM BEFORE WE DIE? Zach Bush MD is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology, and hospice care. He shares his understanding of death.
Online, Friday-Sunday, Feb. 11-13,
11:00 am-4:30 p.m. E.S.T. (New York time)
Is the human mind a product of the brain, or is mind essentially independent of the brain although closely associated with it during physical existence?
All three half days: $30.00 IANDS members,
$50.00 non-members See more details here.
Registration is Now Open!
1) "Just as normal as attending a family and friends reunion. Can you imagine how lovely it will be to suddenly walk into a room full of those loved ones who have gone before you? Can you imagine their excitement too to welcome you home?
What a joyous end of 2021 Afterlife report message". Av
2) 1) "Happy New Year. Looking forward to another year of the Afterlife report. Makes my week. Thank you". Therese
3) "Happy New Year, my dear friends, wishing the end of the pandemic for all". Claudio Pisani M.D.
Since it was written in 1972, Bill Withers'
song has become an inspirational anthem to those rising
up after tragedy, or a celebratory rallying cry of togetherness
and resilience in times of trouble. Following the devastating
earthquakes in Haiti in 2010, “Lean on Me”
was there. Following the Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, it
was channeled through Stevie Wonder. In the weeks since
the COVID-19 outbreak, social media has been deluged with
“Lean on Me” viral clips spanning coast to
coast, from the U.S., Canada, UK, and beyond.
by Bill Withers
Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow
Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow
For no one can fill those of your needs
That you won't let show
You just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
I just might have a problem that you'll understand
We all need somebody to lean on
Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
You just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy
of all claims. We accept the imputed claim that
the afterlife and paranormal research done by the
researchers is done in good faith. ALL