THANKSGIVING We do hope those of you in the United States have had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and Thanksgiving weekend. Our warmest wishes go out to all who are celebrating and to those whose family members are separated from them for whatever reason.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for us to acknowledge all those who are working to remove the fear of death which has blighted mankind for so long.
There have been many great gifted mediums and spiritual teachers through the years who have given and are still giving their lives in service to this cause. Each has had many supporters who have worked patiently in the background to give them the energy and resources they needed. We think of the gifted mental and physical mediums who have created such a rich legacy. And the brilliant trance mediums who brought through the teachings of high-level spirits. We thank those highly inspirational writing mediums and healing mediums and psychic artists.
And we thank the many courageous scientists who even today are facing the opposition of their peers for going public with their experiences and theories. Finally, we acknowledge the wonderful teams of highly evolved afterlife intelligences who are working so hard to make the world realise that there is no death and there are no dead. Great progress has been made - and the best is yet to come!
THREE PHYSICIANS SHARE THEIR NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES Three medical doctors: Dr. Jean Hausheer M.D., Dr. Anoop Kumar M.D. and Dr. Peter Cummings M.D. come together on a panel to discuss their Near-Death experiences for the 2021 IANDS Virtual Conference.
"Science" should read "Miracles and Modern Spiritualism," by Alfred Russel Wallace who, by the way, independently conceived the theory of evolution, that's all. Or Sir William Crookes' - knighted by the British Empire for his research in physics and chemistry - "Researches Into The Phenomena of Modern Spiritualism." These are just two; I could list many more whose work has been ignored by "Science." The world, more than a hundred years ago could have supremely benefited by the truths that men like this had the courage to publish, and these truths could have been passed on to generations so that the world would benefit, but we are still, today, trying to wake the world up. It's never too late to understand Spirit, your place, and your importance in the unceasing march of evolution".
END OF LIFE EXPERIENCES WITH JULIE BEISCHEL PH.D. AND ADAM RIZVI M.D. Julie talks with Adam Rizvi, MD, Clinical Advisory Board Member and neurologist and neurointensivist. Having been at the bedside of nearly 1,000 patients at the moment that they passed away, Dr. Rizvi has extensive experience with this transition and wishes that people took more time to consider that we’ll all be there someday.
At 22 minutes he outlines his personal spiritual practice to remove the fear of death.
Download Windbridge's Free End of Life Experiences Pamphlet.
DAUGHTER MATERIALIZES THROUGH FOUR DIFFERENT PHYSICAL MEDIUMS Ron Gilkes became desperate when his daughter Jenny took her own life. He even thought about suicide because he missed her so much. So you can imagine how much emotion he felt when she materialized through a physical medium.
He wrote: "I cannot even begin to describe how on this occasion when I recognized Jenny's voice saying "Hello Daddy: I am sorry Daddy", that I was able to compose myself. I can only presume it was strength given to me by others."
After that time Ron was reunited with Jenny on five different occasions through four different materialization mediums including David Thompson. After Ron's father died, Jenny communicated again and told her dad that she had a new pony as well as the one she had while they were both alive and that she was teaching her grandfather to ride horses in the afterlife. At a later date, both Jenny and her grandfather materialized together. Read details. Ron created a centre for physical mediumship in Banbury, England, which he calls Jenny's Sanctuary.
This is an incredibly rare and beautiful form of spirit communication which includes images, writings and even signatures that “precipitate” out of the ether onto a surface. Colorful pigments (most often supplied by a medium) are reformed by a spirit and laid down intelligently so that the final product has meaning to the recipient or witness. Neither human hands nor physical writing/drawing/painting tools are involved directly in the process of creating this phenomenon. The most famous example is the incredible portraits by the Bangs Sisters. Read more on Kevin's website.
"THE REALITIES OF HEAVEN: FIFTY SPIRITS DESCRIBE YOUR FUTURE HOME" This highly- recommended book is a collection of statements about life hereafter as made between 1852 and 2001 by spirits who speak from experience. Miles Edward Allen has examined and reviewed 50 excellent sources and selected, collated, and critiqued nearly a thousand descriptions that provide a fascinating and enlightening multifaceted picture of the heavenly and hellish realms that face us all when we leave the physical world. We love the dedication of the book: "to the mediums, editors, and publishers who had the compassion, wisdom and resolve to publish the original works, and to the spirits who cared enough to return in service to humanity". Read more.
SPIRITUALITY AND CHILDREN - DR. LISA MILLER Lisa Miller, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology and Education, Director of the Clinical Psychology Program at Columbia University, Teachers College, and is Founder of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, the first Ivy League graduate program in spirituality and psychology. In her book "The Spiritual Child", Miller presents the next big idea in psychology: the science and the power of spirituality. She explains the clear, scientific link between spirituality and health and shows how invaluable spirituality is to a child’s mental and physical health.
MARK MACY ITC RESEARCHER Many of us know Mark from his wonderful website on ITC and his books. These days Mark has given up public appearances (conferences, seminars, broadcast interviews) and focuses on his blog. It's a collection of the best contacts received early by his former colleague in Luxembourg, Maggy Harsch-Fischbach, and her husband Jules. It includes lots of vivid descriptions of what life is like on the other side, and of our spiritual nature in general. Read more.
In this session trance medium Elaine Thorpe brings her spirit guide Jonathan through to talk specifically on spiritual realms and give us a deeper insight as to what they are and the role they play for souls.
WHAT IS CHANNELLING? In the USA the word is used broadly to refer to any kind of communication from paranormal sources including intuition, clairvoyance, and mediumship. John Klimo in his excellent book "Channelling: Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources" defines it as "the communication of information to or through a physically embodied human being from a source…on some other level or dimension of reality other than the physical as we know it." This is the definition that IONS Research Director Helané Wahbeh took when she recently conducted a research project into channeling and concluded that "over 80% of the population have had an experience that fits the broad definition of channeling". Read more.
THE NEED FOR DISCERNMENT IN CHANNELLING With more and more people claiming to contact spirits and other beings without having the benefit of feedback from a circle or a teacher knowledgeable about spiritual philosophy, it may be beneficial to think about what potential problems a person may experience. Common sense would dictate that if a stranger came to your door that you wouldn’t just “let them in” without them evidencing to you who they were or why they had come to your house.
So how can you tell where the information you are getting in channelling is really coming from, and how much trust can you put on it? Is it enough to say that "I work only in love and light and it's not possible to have any issues"?
This coming Sunday we will have a fascinating panel discussion on the sensible precautions to take with any spirit communication as well as the special issues involving communication with extraterrestrials, with angels and higher spirits.
3 p.m. Eastern time - see details below.
Saturday November 27th 2021/ Sunday November 28th Australia
Spiritist Literature: Directed Study
Every Saturday. A free Zoom group about Spiritism, Kardec and Chico Xavier.
See videos of previous meetings.
Saturdays at 3 p.m. Central time. Times:
Pacific time Saturday 1 p.m.
Phoenix time Saturday 2 p.m.
Central time Saturday 3 p.m.
Eastern time - Saturday 4 p.m.
Sydney time - Sunday 8 a.m.
Auckland - Sunday 10 a.m. Check time in your city
Co-ordinator: Ana Castro
Just click this link to join.
Sunday November 28th 2021 / Monday November 29th Australia
Mediumship Development
with Dr. Susan Barnes.
Developing the skills of mental mediumship and blending
with spirit.
Meetings: Every 2nd and 4th Sunday Times:
10 a.m. Pacific time Sunday
11 a.m. Phoenix Sunday
12 noon Chicago
1 p.m. New York Sunday
6 p.m. London Sunday
5.a.m. Sydney
Monday Check time in your city
Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Online in Zoom
Sunday November 28th 2021 / Monday November 29th Australia.
Global Gathering - panel discussion on the topic "Discernment in channelling - who are you really communicating with and how can you be sure?"
Paul Hamden a long-time medium who has written several books on mediumship, channelling and extraterrestrials will talk about kindness and loving spirits, evidence 101, different aspects of self and consciousness (subconscious spirits), ET beings and what they require for connection, the ego and the desire to be someone and filters and how they blind us from reality.
Al Fike, author of “The World in Transition – Messages from Jesus” will talk about his experiences channelling celestial messages.
Luis Sergio Marotta will talk about some of the issues about spirit communicators raised in Allan Kardec's The Medium's Book and his experiences of dealing with mediums for many years in Brazil.
Los Angeles 12 noon Sunday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Sunday
Chicago 2 p.m. Sunday
New York 3 p.m. Sunday
London 8 p.m. Sunday
Rome 9 p.m. Sunday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Monday
Auckland New Zealand 9 a.m. Monday Check the time for your city
Co-ordinators: and
Sunday November 28th 2021 / Monday November 29th Australia
Spiritualism Today Every Sunday
A presentation of some aspect of Spiritualism and spirituality followed by open discussion. If you have questions about Spiritualism or spirituality or religion, bring them here. Times:
California 3 p.m.
Mountain (Phoenix) 4 p.m.
Central (Illinois, Texas) 5 p.m.
Eastern (New York) 6 p.m.
Sydney Australia - Monday 10 a.m.
Auckland - Monday 12 noon Check time in your city
Norma’s Room:
Monday November 29th 2021/ Tuesday November 30th Australia
Circle with Kim Parker
A small group meets every two weeks - to share and explore
the meaning of their dreams.
Los Angeles 12 noon. Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Chicago 2 p.m. Monday
New York 3 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Rome 9 p.m. Monday
Melbourne 7 a.m. Tuesday Check time in your city
Email: Kim at
Tuesday November 30th 2021/ Wednesday December 1st 2021 Army 4 Love Gathering every Tuesday at 3:00 Arizona Time.
People share what is happening in our world, how we are dealing with issues, holding each other’s hands, bringing in laughter and love. To bring in laughter each week one person shares a joke. This person then receives a few messages from a loved one they choose to connect with on the Other Side. Debra Martin always ends the gathering with a mini healing meditation. Times:
Los Angeles 2 p.m.
Phoenix 3 p.m.
Chicago 4 p.m.
New York 5 p.m.
London 10 p.m.
Rome 11 p.m.
Melbourne/Sydney 9 a.m. Wednesday Check time in your city
email: Via a form on her website
Wednesday December 1st 2021/ Thursday December 2nd Australia
Automatic Writing and Mediumship Discussion
Share resources and discuss what participants are experiencing
1st and 3rd Wednesdays,
5.30 p.m. Pacific Time
6. 30 p.m. Phoenix
7.30 p.m. Illinois
8.30 p.m. New York
12.30 p.m. Thursday Sydney/ Melbourne Coordinator: Sheila Lowe
Wednesday December 1st 2021/ Thursday December 2nd Australia
Physical mediumship development group Every Wednesday with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena. Times:
6 p.m. Pacific Time
7 p.m. Phoenix time
8 p.m. Central time
9 p.m. New York time
1 p.m. Sydney/Melbourne time Thursday
3 p.m. Auckland Thursday Check time in your city
Contact Rob Blackburn ( or Craig Hogan ( before joining the group.
Thursday December 2nd 2021/ Thursday December 3rd Australia
Afterlife Book Club
1st Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. California time.
Book Club led by Gary Langley on Zoom on “The Phenomena of Spirit Materialization” by Riley Heagerty who will be joining the meeting. Times:
6.00 p.m. Pacific
7.00 p.m.
Phoenix time
8.00 p.m. Chicago time
9.00 p.m. New York time
9 a.m. Friday Perth time
1 p.m. Friday Sydney time
3 p.m. Friday Auckland time Check time in your city
WOMAN DISCOVERS A WORLD OF NATURE IN HER OWN BACKYARD A lovely reminder that there is a lot of satisfaction to be had from observing the wonders of nature in our immediate environment.
INCLUDE YOUR ABSENT LOVED ONES IN YOUR HOLIDAY Sheri Perl, creator of 'The Prayer Registry' has this advice for those whose loved ones have recently transitioned. "On holidays and special occasions, set a place at the table or remember to make a toast to this person. Acknowledge the elephant in the room by bringing it right out into the open. If you're not afraid to talk about your loved one, friends and family won't be either. And if they are, at least you are setting the right example by putting your loved one front and centre."
She quotes Raymond, son of Sir Oliver Lodge, who died in World War I: "Father, tell mother she has her son with her all day on Christmas Day. There will be thousands of us back in the homes on that day, but the horrid part is that so many of the fellows don't get welcomed. Please keep a place for me."
GRATEFULNESS, A GOOD DAY This video, featuring Brother David, a highly-respected Benedictine monk, author and spiritual leader, is a BLESSING to all those with "eyes to see and ears to hear." Look, listen and be inspired by this powerful message on grateful living.
(Three only).
1) "I was so happy to read the article about The Findhorn Gardens. I spent a week there in 1975 and felt so full of wonderful life - didn't want to leave. The food was wonderful too. One of my jobs there was to help
prepare meals, and also collecting seaweed for the gardens". Lowana
2) "When I connected with my partner Gary with EVP, he came through in his own voice. After I thanked him at the end I heard him say "incredible." So even spirits can find ADC mind-boggling! Karyn Jarvie was a great teacher, and I am looking forward to Sonia's classes. Victor Zammit and Wendy Zammit you outdid yourself! DEEP thanks". Analise
"Dear Victor & Wendy,
Thank you for everything you do. You make every Friday Christmas morning when we get to open our present from you, your newsletter. No matter how many times we say thank you words fail [to express] the true thankfulness we have in our hearts for you and everyone that you connect us with via your newsletter.
Warmest Regards",
Wendy, John and the pups.
HIGHLY INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC: This fabulous version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo' Ole is one of the most popular songs he ever recorded. It merges with WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD made famous by Louis Armstrong, voted the greatest jazz musician who ever lived.
So, relax, put the full screen on to fully enjoy the beautiful memorable scenery, and sing along or let your memory take you back .... Enjoy!!!!!!!!!
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and
reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a
position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims.
We accept the imputed claim that the afterlife and
paranormal research done by the researchers is done