COMMENTARY: THE EVIDENCE IS OUT THERE Personal subjective evidence
(e.g. I saw my grandmother standing at the foot of my bed after she died) is the evidence that is the most interesting and convincing to the individual. But it is less convincing to others who did not share your experience. Skeptics like to dismiss such accounts as 'anecdotal' but when they are systematically collected in surveys or case studies they become solid evidence. 'Anecdotal' only refers to evidence collected in a casual or informal manner. When it comes to the afterlife, there is a huge amount of good scientifically documented evidence that has been gathered systematically by dedicated investigators over the last two hundred years. An example is an 1882 study of after-death-contacts which begun in England. Altogether 32,000 cases were recorded, 17,000 in English. It was published in Volume X of the Society for Psychical Research Proceedings (1894).
When the objective evidence – materializations, near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, after-death contacts, voices on tape, psychic laboratory experiments, the best mediums, the cross correspondences, the Scole Experiments, proxy sittings, and all of the other evidence documented in our book A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife – is seen collectively, the case for survival after death is absolutely stunning and irrefutable.
TRICIA ROBERTSON THE BEST EVIDENCE FOR THE AFTERLIFE Tricia Robertson, a long-term council member of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research, was a tutor for the Department of Adult and Continuing Education (DACE) at the University of Glasgow where, together with Professor Archie Roy, she taught courses on the evidence for the paranormal. She is the author of three very popular books:
‘Things You Can Do When You’re Dead’
‘More Things You Can Do When You’re Dead’
and ‘It’s Life and Death, but Not As You Know It’.
Here she gives a summary of what she considers the five best lines of evidence.
THE CASE OF FATHER GIUSEPPE RICCARDI In 1948 in a seance in Tuscany Italy, a spirit came through a direct voice medium who was not known to the medium or anyone present. He said he was a priest who had been shot by one of his parishioners in Canton, Ohio, USA. In 1987 Dr. Ian Stevenson from the University of Virginia followed up the case and found that Father Joseph Riccardi had been murdered in his church in Canton, Ohio in 1929. Download full report in PDF format. This is an excellent example of a 'drop-in communicator' that provides evidence that the information received by a medium is not coming from someone present in the room.
HOW DO THE EXPERTS COPE WITH SKEPTICS? This panel of experiencers and researchers discusses materialistic skeptics and how to handle their contrary perspectives. Panelists include Dr. Eben Alexander, MD; Neal Grossman, Ph.D.; Stephan Schwartz, and Marjorie Woollacott, Ph.D. The moderator is Janice Miner Holden, Ed.D., a leading near-death and transpersonal experience researcher, president of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), and editor of the "Journal of Near-Death Studies".
The International Association for Near-Death Studies presents NDE RADIO, a weekly exploration of near-death experiences and similar encounters with the other side, hosted by LEE WITTING. The program offers interviews with guests who have experienced the other side, and with researchers of the NDE and other mystical phenomena. Audience members can call in, and each show is archived for listening at any time. Host Lee Whitting is himself a near-death experiencer with a doctor of ministry degree in NDE studies. NDE RADIO airs live online every Monday (US TIME) at 11:00 AM Eastern time. Listen to recent episodes.
One of the cases that Tricia Robertson mentions in the talk above, is the extraordinary healing partnership between George Chapman (living) and William Lang (in spirit).
Patients who had been treated by Dr. Lang while he was alive, continued to receive treatment from him when he entranced George Chapman. In this 14 minute documentary, Keith Parsons revisits the evidence that this extraordinary partnership provides of life after death. See more of Keith Parsons' videos.
THE EXTRAORDINARY MEDIUMSHIP OF GORDON HIGGINSON (1918-1993) Skeptics who claim that mediumship is all cold reading, generalised statements, or fraud are unable to explain the extraordinary accuracy of the mental, physical and trance medium, Gordon Higginson (pictured left as a young man). In one documented demonstration at Longton Town Hall in 1949, he relayed no fewer than 52 full names, 49 first names, and 28 complete addresses. You can learn more about this wonderful medium in his autobiography, 'On the Side of the Angels' and in these testimonials by people who knew him well: Lew Sutton, Eric Hatton, and Jean Bassett.
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR DEVELOPING MEDIUMS We are hosting a series of sessions with experienced teachers of mediumship on the evenings of the first and third Tuesday of the month at 5.30 p.m. Pacific time. As well as providing invaluable mentorship for mediums, these sessions offer a fascinating insight for the general public into the way mediumship works. See videos of past sessions here.
CHRISTIAN SAINT SPEAKS THROUGH TRANCE MEDIUM Early in 1974, a small group of religious friends began gathering periodically at the modest home of Thomas and Olive Ashman in Christchurch, New Zealand. “We would reverently pray for protection, and be silent,” says the Rev. Michael Cocks, an Anglican priest from Christchurch. Then a communicator who identified himself as the biblical figure, Stephen the Martyr, seemed to take over.
This book records seven years of conversations with St. Stephen. It talks about the true purpose of life, about the mission of Christ, about the true nature of his resurrection, and about how after our death we continue to evolve and gradually give up our separateness. Stephen emerges as a very balanced, loving, and non-judgmental presence. Rev. Michael has created a new home page about the book including recordings of the last two conversations with Stephen. Read more.
WORKING WITH PSYCHICS AND MEDIUMS IN CASE INVESTIGATIONS In this conference of the Parapsychology Foundation, paranormal author and investigator Loyd Auerbach discusses his own experience working with psychic mediums able to communicate with discarnate entities. The variety of communication styles that he has experienced is discussed, as well as the range of information content the mediums provide.
AFTERLIFE ZOOM GROUPS - ALL WELCOME A variety of free zoom groups run by different independent presenters who all volunteer their services.
NOTE: TIME CHANGES COMING From Sunday 14th March times for some groups will change because daylight saving starts in the USA and Canada.
Friday 5th March 2021 and Friday 12th March 2021
and Every Friday at 8 p.m. New York time.
Exploring Cosmic Consciousness with Catherine Chapey. The group will have two formats that will alternate.
Week 1: Safe Space Sharing Group
Share about your different types of experiences related to consciousness expansion such as Spiritually Transformative Experiences, NDEs, OBEs, Metaphysical Experiences, Mystical Meditations, Dreams, Unusual and Unexplained, UFOs, ETs, Spirits, Angels, Guides, Christ Consciousness.
Week 2: Exercises to expand consciousness
Meditations, spiritual practices, and modalities to expand our consciousness and connect with our inner awareness.
5 p.m. Friday Pacific time
8 p.m. Friday New York time
12 noon Saturday
Sydney time
Global Gathering
Our guest this Sunday will be Sydney-based Debbie Malone, an acclaimed and highly respected psychic, clairvoyant, psychometry expert, and spirit medium, who has assisted police departments Australia-wide with murder investigations and missing persons for the last 29 years. She has a high profile in the Australian media and was the New South Wales Psychic of the Year in 2005 and Australian Psychic of the year in 2013. She is also a qualified Angel Intuitive and has a passion for Paranormal Spirit Photography.
Please try to arrive at least 10 minutes early and be prepared to identify yourself either by audio or video. Check the time in your city
Los Angeles 12 noon Sunday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Sunday
Chicago 2 p.m. Sunday
New York 3 p.m. Sunday
London 8 p.m. Sunday
Rome 9 p.m. Sunday
Sydney 7 a.m. Monday
Spiritualism Today with Dr. Norma Turner Every Sunday - a combination of a presentation of some aspect of Spiritualism and spirituality followed by open discussion. If you have questions about Spiritualism or spirituality or religion, bring them here.
Time: California 4 p.m.
Mountain (Phoenix) 5 p.m.
Central (Illinois, Texas) 6 p.m.
Eastern (New York) 7 p.m.
Sydney 11 a.m. Monday
Norma’s Room:
Monday 8th March 2021
Circle with Kim Parker
A small group of 15 meets every two weeks - to share and explore
the meaning of their dreams. Check The time in Your City
Los Angeles 12 noon Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Chicago 2 p.m. Monday
New York 3 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Rome 9 p.m. Monday
Sydney 7 a.m. Tuesday
Email: Kim at
Tuesday 9th March 2021
Spirit Art
We are meeting to creating spirit art
with messages. No art experience required.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at
9 p.m.
New York time, 6 p.m. Pacific time. Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Wednesday 10th March 2021
Physical mediumship development group
with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan
8 p.m. Central time;
9 p.m. New York;
6 p.m. Pacific Time;
1 p.m. Thursday Sydney time.
The group is now admitting new members.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes;
the group has been going for some time and members are
experiencing phenomena.
Contact Rob Blackburn (
or Craig Hogan (
before joining the group.
Thursday 11th March 2021
Pet Communication Group
with Gretchen Bickert
2nd Thursday of the month
1 p.m. Pacific time.
NEW DOCU-SERIES ON PSYCHIC ABILITIES A new series of documentaries combining intuition and science is in preparation. It features leading teachers including Dean Radin, Bruce Lipton, Nasseim Haramein, Hollister Rand, Stephen Schwartz, Susan Schumsky, Mona Delfino, Miranda MacPherson, Susanne Wilson, and more. Read more.
Superpower: Ignite your intuitive intelligence - Trailer 2, from Superpower on Vimeo.
A FINAL WORD FROM MAURICE BARBANELL "For a century, in almost every country in the world, evidence for Survival has accumulated and reached such a volume that no impartial person could dismiss it. It belongs in the category which would be accepted in courts of law - unless all human testimony is to be dismissed as unreliable. Every test capable of establishing Survival has been successfully demonstrated. There are tens of thousands of books written by people of unimpeachable integrity recording this evidence". Power of the Spirit 1989 edition, p.8.
FEEDBACK: (Three only).
1) 'Thank you Victor and Wendy for the inclusion of this amazing Alfred tape and transcript from Leslie 's mediumship record'. Rotsen
2) 'Thank you so very much as always,
Victor and Wendy. The recording by Michael Tymn was priceless'. Analise
3) 'Just love the teachings of Silver Birch. I was so lucky to meet Maurice Barbanell all those years ago whilst visiting Spade House in Folkestone, England, H. G. Wells' former home but a hotel at the time where Maurice was staying. I wrote a letter about it which was published in the June 2017 issue of Psychic News. My parents who were with me at the time, 1973, subsequently got an invite to a Silver Birch sitting. I still have the recording'. Phil.
HIGHLY INSPIRED MUSIC Oh, how we miss the atmosphere of these live concerts. The sumptuous dresses, the full orchestra, the energy exchange between the musicians and the audience. Sung with much feeling and beautiful expression it is most memorable to watch Andre Rieu's presentation of Hallelujah.
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports
by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to
guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the
imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal research
done by the researchers is done in good faith. ALL WORK