COMMENTARY: RELIGION, BELIEFS AND SPIRITUALITY Sociologists tell us that where we are born determines our beliefs and how we perceive the world. This means that people from different backgrounds all have their own particular beliefs (or non-beliefs) about the afterlife. The interesting thing is that in most cases those beliefs are based on other people's experiences.
There are roughly 4,200 religions in the world so what makes people think that theirs is the only true one? Religions all derive from the experiences of their founders with the spirit world - through near-death experiences (NDEs), out-of-body or shamanic experiences (OBEs), or direct personal communication.
Over time, as out-of-body experiencer Robert Peterson observes, some of that information becomes "distorted by religious agendas, centuries of time, ancient language misinterpretations, cultural differences, and just plain lack of words for what really happened".
We can respect all peoples' religions as long as they put emphasis on love and service, which are, after all, at the heart of all religious teaching and the major learning from near-death experiences.
NDEs HELP PREPARE US FOR END OF LIFECanadian inter-faith chaplain David Maginley spoke recently at an IANDS conference about the beautiful, transformative effect NDEs can have at the end of life. Through moving stories and tender humor, David brings you to the bedside to encounter ordinary people realizing their extraordinary potential as they touch the love from which we flow.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE DIRECTLY FROM THE AFTERLIFE "We do not seek to terrify you with threats of punishment. We do not seek to make you craven cowards, living your lives because of fear. We strive to make you realize the latent divinity that is yours, that you may express more of the 'Great Power', that you may rise to greater heights and fill your mind with greater truth and wisdom ... We never say to you "... do not use your reason: faith only." We say "use that which the Great Power has given you. Test us. Examine us. If aught that we say is debasing, cruel or immoral, then reject us .... If we seek always to teach you to live nobler lives, lives of greater self-sacrifice and of idealism, then surely that demonstrates that the hallmark of the Great Power is stamped upon our teaching." (Silver Birch Anthology – p.43 The Divine Plan)
Dr. Julie
Beischel talks about the characteristics of the mediums who are part of the Windbridge Research Center Research Team. Unlike many Spiritualist or Spiritist mediums whose mediumship takes place within a framework of group spiritual teaching and practice, these mediums usually do secular readings one-on-one by phone. The research is part of a program that may help to predict, prevent, and/or manage medical issues in mediums.
ROBERT PETERSON'S 2019 BOOK "Hacking the Out of Body Experience: Leveraging Science to Induce OBEs" is a collection of no-nonsense techniques to induce OBEs based on Robert Peterson's 40 years of firsthand experience, solid principles of neuroscience, bio-hacking, and information gleaned from all the experts in the field. Best of all, each technique contains a detailed explanation of the principles behind it and how it works". See contents. Audio version Kindle version
CARDIOLOGIST DR. PIM VAN LOMMEL talks about his research into the near-death experience and the non-proven assumption that consciousness is a product of the brain.
TOM HARRISON COMMUNICATES FROM THE AFTERLIFE Many of our longtime readers will know of the work of Tom Harrison. For forty-three years, Tom enthralled many people with his accounts of the physical mediumship of his mother, Minnie Harrison. He was dedicated to helping people understand that we continue living after death and that we can communicate with the departed. After he died he proved himself to be an incredible communicator, getting messages to his wife Ann through many mediums and finally materialising in a moving reunion with her through a physical medium. Read more.
The Icelandic medium Indridi Indridason died young, at only 28, and his mediumship lasted less than five years, yet his phenomena were so impressive he might be regarded as among the greatest mediums of all time. The researcher who provided the basis for this report speculated that the case of Mr. Jensen, described here, offers 'The Perfect Case' to prove the survival of life after the death of the body. When you've watched it, you might agree. Enjoy the latest by documentary filmmaker Keith Parsons.
FASCINATING LESLIE FLINT TAPE Leslie Flint was a direct voice medium in whose presence people who had died can be heard speaking in their own voice. (Read more about direct voice mediums). In this seance the sitters hear the voice of Fred, a spirit who is rough and down-to-earth and hasn't progressed very far. He did not believe in the afterlife and has had trouble adjusting. He says he died in a sudden traffic accident in 1943 and is shocked to learn that 40 years have passed since his death. Later a member of the spirit team (the Frenchman) explains that they brought Fred to talk to the members of Leslie's circle in the hope that that they would be able to help him to move on to a more fulfilling afterlife. Enhanced audio with a full transcript.
QUESTION: REALMS OF THE AFTERLIFE: Question: Why is it that different spirits are giving different answers? That is a real puzzle to me because I would have thought that what comes from the afterlife should be the same every time. Jakkin, Japan.
Victor: Actually, that’s fairly easy to explain. You get different answers because those giving the answers are not from the same vibrational realm. You will always be closer to the truth when you receive information from the higher realms. The principle is the same as on earth: you will get a better answer about, say mathematics from a mathematics professor than from someone who has done only two years of mathematics. The afterlife dimension has countless realms vibrating from the lowest to the highest. This means that information from the fifth level would be more accurate than if you received information from the third level, the middle astral level in the picture, which is where most of us go on crossing over.
DR. LEN LA SCOLEA "CONVERSATIONS WITH MY SWEETHEART ON THE OTHER SIDE" Dr. Len J. La Scolea Jr. was the ultimate hard-nosed medical-academic skeptic so he was deeply immersed in scientific materialism. But all that changed when Felecia, his wife of more than 40 years, died in 2018. In a previous talk, he traced their journey of learning how to establish ongoing daily communication and learning about their past lives together. This was the subject of his first bookFor All is Love. In this, his second talk for us, he focused on his second book, "Conversations With my Sweetheart on the Other Side" to be published in April 2021.
Len is starting a Journey of the Soul Zoom Discussion Group which will focus on the feminine aspect of God, which has been revered in many cultures but ignored in our own. The first meeting will be to discuss Sylvia Browne's Journey of the Soul - Book 1 and will be held in early April. If you would like to be part of it contact him at
FREE AFTERLIFE ZOOM GROUPS - ALL WELCOME A variety of zoom groups run by different independent presenters who all volunteer their services.
28th February 2021
New Developments in Physical Mediumship with Inge
Crosson Next meeting with Inge: Jimmy
Sydney time 7 p.m.
Auckland time 9 p.m.
New York time 4 a.m.
London time 8 a.m.
Rome time 9 a.m. Check
the time in your city
Co-ordinator: Karyn Jarvie
Mediumship Development
with Dr. Susan Barnes.
Developing the skills of mental mediumship and blending
with spirit.
Meetings: Every 2nd and 4th Sunday
Times: 2 p.m. New York time
Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Online in Zoom
Global Gathering with Guest Tricia Robertson
She will be speaking about the best evidence that points to survival of consciousness after death. Tricia, a long-term council member of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research, was a tutor for the Department of Adult and Continuing Education (DACE) at the University of Glasgow where, together with Professor Archie Roy, she taught courses on the evidence for the paranormal. She is the author of three very popular books: ‘Things You Can Do When You’re Dead’ ‘More Things You Can Do When You’re Dead’ ‘It’s Life and Death, but Not As You Know It’
Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the talk begins and be prepared to identify yourself by voice, video, or text.
Check the time in your city
Los Angeles 12 noon Sunday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Sunday
Chicago 2 p.m. Sunday
New York 3 p.m. Sunday
London 8 p.m. Sunday
Rome 9 p.m. Sunday
Sydney 7 a.m. Monday
Spiritualism Today with Dr. Norma Turner Every Sunday - a combination of a presentation of some aspect of Spiritualism and spirituality followed by open discussion. If you have questions about Spiritualism or spirituality or religion, bring them here.
Time: California 4 p.m.
Mountain (Phoenix) 5 p.m.
Central (Illinois, Texas) 6 p.m.
Eastern (New York) 7 p.m.
Sydney time 11 a.m. Monday.
Monday 1st March 2021
GOSH: Gatherings over Strange Happenings When: Every two weeks on Mondays (UK EUROPE and USA) and Tuesday 7 a.m. (Sydney).
A small group that meets to share
and explore the meaning of strange experiences like missing time, seeing scenes from another time, interacting with a person who suddenly wasn't there, bi-location etc. If it's something you cannot share easily with others, bring it to this group to get validation and speculate on its cause. See short video about GOSH CHECK TIME IN YOUR CITY
Los Angeles 12 noon Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Chicago 2 p.m. Monday
New York 3 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Rome 9 p.m. Monday
Sydney 7 a.m. Tuesday
Kim at
STARTING THIS WEEK!!! Self-Healing Workshop with Rev. Sheri Perl Initially monthly, the group will start at 3 p.m.. EST. You will be guided in a series of self-healing practices including meditation, journalling, healing visualisations and then left to practice at least twice a week until the next meeting of the group on the first Monday in April.
Los Angeles 12 noon Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Chicago 2 p.m. Monday
New York 3 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Rome 9 p.m. Monday
Sydney 7 a.m. Tuesday Check time in your city
Tuesday 2nd March 2021
Questions and Answers for Developing Mediums Laura Mendelsohn is a Research Medium with Voices Across the Veil and is the author of the books and self- paced video lessons of the four-month Soul Psychic Healer Certification Program. Before her psychic life, she worked in corporate sales, and earlier she pursued a career as an actor. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. Laura realizes today her study of literature, writing, and acting inadvertently supported her development as a spiritual conduit.
5.30 p.m. Tuesday Pacific Time
8.30 p.m. Tuesday Eastern time
9.30 a.m. Tuesday Perth time
12.30 p.m. Wednesday Sydney time.
2.30 p.m. Wednesday Auckland time Check time in other cities. Coordinator: Wendy Zammit
Wednesday 3rd March 2021
Automatic Writing and Mediumship
Share resources and discuss what participants are experiencing
1st and 3rd Wednesdays,
4.30 p.m.
Pacific Time One hour earlier than usual for this week only/ Coordinator: Sheila Lowe
Physical mediumship development group with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan
8 p.m. Central time;
9 p.m. New York;
6 p.m. Pacific Time;
1 p.m. Thursday Sydney time.
The group is now admitting new members.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes;
the group has been going for some time and members are
experiencing phenomena.
Contact Rob Blackburn (
or Craig Hogan (
before joining the group.
4th March 2021 The Afterlife
Book Club with Gary Langley.
This week the discussion will be on Michael Tymn's wonderful book 'The Afterlife Revealed'
6 p.m. Thursday California
9 p.m. Thursday New York
1 p.m. Friday 5th Sydney time.
3 p.m. Friday 5th Auckland time.
Friday 5th March 2021
Exploring Cosmic Consciousness with Catherine Chapey The group will have two formats which will alternate.
This week: Exercises to expand consciousness
Meditations, spiritual practices and modalities to expand our consciousness and connect with our inner awareness.
Email her:
5 p.m. Friday Pacific time
8 p.m. Friday New York time
12 noon Saturday
Sydney time
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is a small nonprofit that invests our resources into making kindness the norm.
"We are rooted in the belief that all people can connect through kindness and that kindness can be taught. We follow a simple framework for everything we do. Inspire -> Empower -> Act -> Reflect -> Share. Our evidence-based Kindness in the Classroom® curriculum gives students the social and emotional skills needed to live more successful lives. Our workplace kindness calendar shows companies how easy it is to change workplace culture through simple kind gestures. We create a common language between schools, work and home with all of our resources".
1."Thank you, Victor, for sharing this Silver Birch Answer. And for all you do for us and to share and advance the peace". Rosey
2."Oh wow very powerful information and it so resonates with me truly, I’m so very grateful for your information coming to my email every Thursday, it really makes my day. And my heart gets a start up . I’m so great full for people like you on this planet as my family thinks I’ve lost the plot lol." Jean
3."Thank you Victor and Wendy for another absorbing Report. I am sure like me, there are others who find an article that stands out. Firstly though I always learn from the quote and enjoy the beautiful pictures. My “stand out” article is the one about the inspirational Estelle Roberts and the link to her Spiritual journey with Red Cloud. This leads me to the Inspirational Music. I have lost count of the number of times I saw The Sound of Music. Thank you both for “putting the icing” on what has been a most uplifting day." David
4. "About the article in the newsletter of Leslie Flint on the spirits that attach to people with addictions... I want to share a short video about that. Turn on the subtitles and choose your language." Alberto
5. "Just wanted to say thank you for the video segment on the women that had past Life Regressions done and then visited the places they talked about while under Hypnosis. It makes me feel so good to see the work I am doing as a PLR Practitioner validated and appreciated". Liz
INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC: Enya's greatest song - with lyrics 'MAY IT BE.' Listen to this magnificent, most beautiful, evocative, deeply 'spiritual' voice. Enya's voice so pure - with so much deep emotion. Wonderful Enya - you have made a true contribution to the world!
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports
by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to
guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the
imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal research
done by the researchers is done in good faith. ALL WORK