COMMENTARY: A SHIFTING VIEW OF THE UNIVERSE Over the last few decades there has beena shift from an older Newtonian view that the universe is made up of lifeless clumps of matter where the ultimate reality is "fundamental particles" to one of wholeness and the consciousness of all living things. The picture of our universe that is emerging is one of interconnection - of mind-matter interactions and of instant communication across vast distances.
Something that contributed to that shift was the discovery in the early years of the twentieth century that if you keep dissecting subatomic particles, you eventually come to the point where the particles can turn into waves of energy.
Willis W. Harman of the Institute of Noetic Sciences wrote: "There is a new world view emerging which is based neither on traditional religion or Newtonian psychics.There is a shift in authority from external to "inner knowing." It has basically turned away from the older scientific view that ultimate reality is "fundamental particles," and trusts perceptions of the wholeness and spiritual aspect of organisms, ecosystems, Gaia and Cosmos. It amounts to a reconciliation of scientific inquiry with the "perennial wisdom" at the core of the world's spiritual traditions. It continues to involve a confidence in scientific inquiry, but an inquiry whose metaphysical base has shifted from the reductionist, objectivist, positivist base of 19th- and 20th-century science to a more holistic and transcendental metaphysical foundation."
Author of many books including: 'How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization,' 'The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist's Guide to Enlightenment' and 'God Is Not Dead'. Dr. Amit Goswami talks about his life and how discovering that consciousness is the fundamental basis of existence, changed his scientific thinking... and also his approach to life as a human being. He also explains downward causation, quantum non-locality, free will, Intention, the observer effect, quantum collapse and how consciousness creates the manifest world.
SCIENTISTS WHO INVESTIGATED PSI AND THE AFTERLIFE At a time when mainstream science still doubts the reality of psychic phenomena (psi) and the afterlife, it can be surprising to learn that some high-profile scientists, including Nobel-prize winners, consider psychic phenomena including telepathy and mediumship to be real. In fact, many scientists have thought this - as have thinkers and artists of all kinds - especially in the decades since the 1880s, when research societies were first established to investigate psi phenomena. If we believe psi to be real, perhaps persuaded by the scientific literature or by our own experiences, this list of more than two hundred intellectuals reminds us that we keep good company. Read more.
PROFESSOR STUNS SKEPTICS Professor Russell Targ explains that when skeptical scientists came to investigate his work on remote viewing he taught them how to do it so they could investigate their own results. For more information see his book - The Reality of ESP: A Physicist's Proof of Psychic Abilities.
During their NDEs people sometimes report meeting with relatives they did not know were dead. In all cases they are correct. Dr. P.M.H. Atwater reports a case of a woman who talked with her father during her NDE. Neither she nor anyone in her family was aware that the father had died only five minutes before the woman had her car/truck accident and her NDE (Atwater 2007:164). She also reports that during his NDE, LLoyd Haymon saw his pet parrot sitting on his deceased brother's shoulder. He later learned that the parrot had died for no apparent reason while the paramedics were trying to resuscitate Lloyd following his heart attack (Atwater 2007:163). Similar cases were reported by Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.
Al Sullivan was a 55-year-old truck driver who was undergoing triple bypass surgery when he had a powerful NDE. He had an encounter with his deceased mother and brother-in-law. Furthermore, during the NDE, Al accurately noticed that the surgeon operating on him was flapping his arms in an unusual fashion, with his hands in his armpits. The surgeon was startled when later told that Al could describe his idiosyncratic method of keeping his hands sterile. [This case was investigated by Bruce Greyson and reported in Cook, Greyson and Stevenson 1998]
SOUTHERN BAPTIST STUDIES THE EVIDENCE William Pillow was reared as a Southern Baptist Christian. He was educated and practiced as a Virginia pharmacist and then worked for Eli Lilly and Company for thirty-four years. His urgent concerns about aging and his wife's lingering illnesses provoked questions about life and death seemingly not answered by his Christian upbringing. As a skeptic about the paranormal and metaphysical by training, he happened upon research by eminent professionals that suggested soul survival of bodily death. Listen.
WHO KNEW THAT SWEDENBORG TALKED TO ALIENS ABOUT THEIR RELIGION? What's the spirituality of those living on other planets? Join Curtis Childs and Dr. Jonathan Rose as they explore what Swedenborg learned from his spiritual journeys visiting the spirits of other planets.
See also Swedenborg's book Other Planets.
ITC WONDERFUL EVIDENCE OF ANIMAL SURVIVAL Dr. Adrian Klein, a highly experienced leading EVP/ITC investigator from Israel sent us a wonderful case study about the survival of his cat and his dog Sally. The evidence comes from his communication through ITC, from animal communicators, and from photos and video received via ITC by Brazilian researcher Sonia Rinaldi. Read report.
FIVE CLEAR SIGNS A LOVED ONE IS CLOSE BY In 1973 a University of Chicago sociologist asked a sample of 1,467 Americans if they had ever felt they had contact with someone who had died. Twenty-seven percent answered that they had (Greenley 1975). A similar survey in Iceland (Haraldsson et al. 1976) found that thirty-one percent said yes. The figure for widows and widowers in various surveys is around fifty percent.
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? One of Dr. Craig Hogan's websites ADC Guides contains an excellent collection of extracts from the Leslie Flint recordings covering many aspects of the afterlife. Leslie Flint was a "direct-voice medium" because the voices heard came directly from the dead person, not through the medium's voice. In one of the tapes Queen Alexandra of Denmark: Queen Consort of Edward VII of England describes her reception on the other side. Listen now.
FREE AFTERLIFE ZOOM GROUPS - ALL WELCOME These groups are led by independent facilitators, all of whom volunteer their services. For information or issues with access, email the group contact person.
Friday 9th July 2021/ Saturday 10th July Australia
Exercises to expand consciousness 2nd and 4th Friday of the month with Catherine Chapey.
8 p.m. EST
Meditations, spiritual practices, and modalities to expand our consciousness and connect with our higher self and inner awareness.
California 5 p.m. PDT and Arizona 5 p.m. MST
Illinois 7 p.m. CDT.
New York 8 p.m. EDT
Perth, W. Australia 8 a.m. AWST, Saturday 10th July
Sydney and Melbourne, Australia 10 a.m. AEST Saturday
Auckland, New Zealand, 12 p.m. NZST Saturday
Sunday 11th July 2021/ Monday 12th July Australia
Mediumship Developmentwith Dr. Susan Barnes.
Developing the skills of mental mediumship and blending with spirit.
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday
2 p.m. New York time
Perth 2 a.m., Sydney 4 a.m., Auckland 6 a.m.
Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Online in Zoom
Sunday 11th July 2021/ Monday 12th July Australia
Global Gathering: QUANTUM PHYSICS AND THE AFTERLIFE Paul Van Leeuwen, author of Quantum Physics is Not Weird has been running very popular classes in the Netherlands for people who wish to understand the importance of quantum physics. Los Angeles 2 p.m. Sunday
Phoenix 2 p.m. Sunday
Chicago 4 p.m. Sunday
New York 5 p.m. Sunday
London 10 p.m. Sunday
Rome 11 p.m. Sunday
Sydney 7 a.m. Monday Auckland N.Z. 9 a.m. Monday Check the time for your city
Contact: and
Sunday 11th July 2021/ Monday 12th July Australia
Spiritualism Today Every Sunday
It will be a combination of a presentation of some aspects of Spiritualism and spirituality followed by open discussion. If you have questions about Spiritualism or spirituality or religion, bring them here. Mountain (Phoenix) 4 p.m. Pacific (California) 4 p.m.
Central (Illinois, Texas) 6 p.m.
Eastern (New York) 7 p.m.
Sydney Australia - Monday 9 a.m. AEST Auckland (New Zealand) Monday 11 a.m. NZST
Norma’s Room:
Monday 12th July/ Tuesday 13th July Australia
Dream Circle with Kim Parker A small group of 15 meets every two weeks - to share and explore the meaning of their dreams.
Los Angeles 2 p.m. Monday Phoenix 2 p.m. Monday
Chicago 4 p.m. Monday
New York 5 p.m. Monday
London 10 p.m. Monday
Rome 11 p.m. Monday
Melbourne 7 a.m. Tuesday
Email: Kim at Co-ordinator: Kim at
Tuesday 13th July 2021/ Wednesday 14th July Australia
"Army 4 Love" FREE Gathering: Every Tuesday at 3:00 PST. Arizona Time.
People share what is happening in our world, how we are dealing with issues, holding each other’s hands, bringing in laughter and love. To bring in laughter each week one person shares a joke. This person then receives a few messages from a loved one they choose to connect with on the Other Side. Debra Martin always ends the gathering with a mini healing meditation. Join Zoom Meeting @
EMAIL: Via a form on her website to avoid spam: TIMES:
Los Angeles 3 p.m. PDT
Phoenix, 3 p.m. MST
Chicago 5 p.m. CDT
New York 6 p.m. EDT
London 11 p.m. BST
Rome 12 midnight
Melbourne/Sydney 8 a.m. AEST, Wednesday
Tuesday 13th July 2021/ Wednesday 14th July Australia
Spirit Art We are meeting to create spirit art with messages.
No art experience required.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at |
9 p.m. New York time, 6 p.m. Pacific time.
Perth 2 a.m., Sydney 4 a.m.,
Auckland 6 a.m. Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Wednesday 14th July 2021/ Thursday 15th July 2021 Australia
Physical mediumship development group
with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan
Illinois 8 p.m. Central DT.
New York 9 p.m. Eastern DT
California 6 p.m. Pacific DT Sydney/Melbourne 11 a.m. Thursday AEST
The group is admitting new members.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena.
Contact Rob Blackburn ( or Craig Hogan ( before joining the group.
Friday 16th July 2021/ Saturday 17th July 2021 Australia
“Safe Space Sharing Group”
with Catherine Chapey 1st and 3rd Friday of the month 8 p.m. EDT Share about your different types of experiences related to consciousness expansion such as Spiritually Transformative Experiences, NDEs, OBEs, Metaphysical Experiences, Mystical Meditations, Dreams, Unusual and Unexplained, UFOs, ETs, Spirits, Angels, Guides, Christ Consciousness.
INSPIRATION FROM GREAT SOULS: A GLIMPSE INTO THE SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS FROM THE USB In January 1959, Michael Flagg, the founder of The Universal Spiritual Brother&Sisterhood (USB) on Earth, published in the Psychic Observer newspaper an article titled “Teaching Of Brotherhood”, in which he shared various teachings received from the USB Inspirers. These covered many topics, including mediumship, compassion, humility, freedom, adversity, psychic power, truth, universality, the work to be done to spread truth and enlightenment, and the greatest power of all, love.
“Love is many things. It is charity in thought, word, and deed. It is understanding and tenderness and compassion. It is service to others without thought of reward. It is sacrifice. It is the Kingdom of God”.The teachings received by Michael Flagg from USB spirit leaders have been compiled into the book Spiritual Light.
BRAZILIAN MOVIE "THE MOTHERS OF CHICO XAVIER" (IN PORTUGUESE WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES) Chico Xavier was Brazil’s most well-loved medium of the 20th century. Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1981 and 1982 Chico channeled over 400 books in his lifetime which were works of spiritual teaching novels poetry and philosophy including some in foreign languages in which he was not fluent. All royalties from his books were donated to charitable causes. Consoling grieving family members with messages from their loved ones in the spirit world Chico was widely respected as a great medium and healer. This movie portrays the impact of his work on three mothers. Read the plot summary.
(Three only).
1) "Many thanks for your weekly report which is such a strength in these difficult times". Roger
2) "Love this Friday report it’s addictive". Daniel
3) "Deep thanks as always to you both, and especially for the Julia Assante recording. Hers was the first book I read in discovering the afterlife!" X Analise
CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF DAVID INGMAN Our thoughts go out to our good friend David Ingman who transitioned to Spirit a few days ago following a long illness. David was introduced to Spiritualism in England after the sudden death of his son, Steven. He became increasingly involved in the community, developing as a medium and running the local Spiritualist church as well as a group for bereaved parents. After moving to Sydney, he and his wife Jean supported the physical mediumship development of Louise Hermann over many years as well as hosting the Sydney branch of the Scientific and Medical Network.
David wanted to help as many people as possible and always brought a hundred percent to whatever he was focusing on at the time, whether it be singing, dancing, golf, or his love for his family. We know that he is on the other side, shaking things up and enjoying learning all that there is to learn. We are sure he will find a way to share his learnings back to those of us who are still on this plane. He will be very much missed by his family and many friends.
HIGHLY INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC: GOING HOME Enjoy the exquisite voices of the all-boy English vocal group Liberia and the longing melody from the second movement of Dvorak's Symphony No., 9.
Going home, going home
I am going home
Quiet like some still day
I am going home
It's not far, just close by
Through an open door
Work all done, care laid by
Never fear no more
Mother's there expecting me
Father's waiting, too
Lots of faces gathered there
All the friends I knew
I'm just going home
Nothing's lost, all's gain
No more fret nor pain
No more stumbling by the way
No more longing for the day
Going to roam no more
Morning star lights the way
Restless dreams are gone
Shadows gone, break of day
Real life has begun
There's no break, there's no end
Just living on
Wide awake with a smile
Going on and on
Going home, going home
I'm just going home
Shadows gone, break of day
Real life has begun
I'm just going home
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and
reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a
position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims.
We accept the imputed claim that the afterlife and
paranormal research done by the researchers is done