COMMENTARY: A BRILLIANT ACHIEVEMENTWe have to hand it to the team at the Bigelow Institute of Consciousness Studies. What a spectacular result. They have given us the perfect answer for those who say "There is no evidence for the afterlife" and "No-body has come back from the dead to tell us about it."
Those of us who have been researching on our own have come across most of this evidence. But it has taken us years of our lives and huge amounts of time, energy, and money to hunt down obscure books, to talk to people, to do workshops, and to have experiences. Now "the best evidence for the afterlife" is available to the world online, all in one place and free of charge.
All twenty-nine prize-winning essays from the BICS essay competition can be downloaded from the BICS website. The interface to open them takes a couple of minutes to get around, but there are lots of different output formats. Hopefully, thanks to the generosity and foresight of Robert Bigelow, this will be an enormous resource to strengthen the confidence and resolve of all those working in the field and give them material to build even more credible cases to take into the public arena. Download the essays here.
Watch out for news of the presentations in Las Vegas in the next few days (December 3rd and 4th?).
This upcoming press conference brings to mind the major event that ITC researcher George Meek
held in Washington D.C. in April 1982 - almost forty years ago. He called the media together to announce that definite proof of the afterlife had been found through a device called Spiricom that allowed two-way electronic conversation with those in spirit.
For those who would like an up-to-date survey of the evidence for the afterlife in book form, Ian Lawton's book "Afterlife" (2020) is a must.
Jurgen Ziewe wrote the following review. "This must surely be the most extensively researched book on the Afterlife of all time. The source reference and bibliography section alone is fifty pages long at the back of a five hundred-page book, densely packed with information. You would think such a tome would be a challenge to wade through, but it is just the opposite, because it is illustrated with a wealth of first-hand information and reports by people who have actually been there and lived to tell their stories. This is an incredible book, rich, informative, rewarding, and above all, hugely entertaining. Well worth adding to your library and seeing you through the darkening winter evenings." Read all reviews on
PHYSICIST TOM CAMPBELL ON MATERIAL REDUCTIONISM In this inspirational video Tom Campbell explains that the goal of evolution is love. We have set the video to open at 1.49:00 where he explains why materialist reductionism is doomed.
HOSPICE NURSE GETTING THE MESSAGE OUT ON TIK TOK Julie McFadden has been a hospice nurse for 5 years after more than 10 years as an ICU nurse. She wanted to find a way to open up conversations on death and dying. She considered creating a podcast or a blog but on a family visit she discovered TikTok, thanks to a tween niece, and decided that was a quick and easy platform to get her message across. She added Instagram too. Now she has created a whole community of death doulas and hospice nurses, all with a common goal of opening conversations about death. She now has a following of almost half a million subscribers. Watch videos.
One of the many comforting things that we learn from near-death experiences, and also from spirit sources, is that when death is likely, the spirit can choose to be taken out of the body before impact. There are many accounts of people "popping out" of the body and watching the moment of impact from above. Even in cases where the person dies of illness, we are told that the soul can cross over well before the physical end.
Back in 1961, a near-death experiencer described his excursions into the astral world (the lower regions of the afterlife) in a book that is almost identical in detail to accounts by Swedenborg and those in "Life in the World Unseen" dictated by Mons. Hugh Benson to Anthony Borgia. He says that it takes time for a person's astral body to synchronise with the vibrarion of a particular level which may explain why some out-of-body experiencers feel that they don't have a body. Read Frederick C. Sculthorp's "Excursions to the Spirit World".
DR. JULIE BEISCHEL TALKS ABOUT THE ACCURACY AND EXPERIENCES OF MEDIUMS In this conference presentation, Julie Beischel Ph.D. cites evidence demonstrating mediums’ accuracy under controlled conditions. She concludes that the best explanation for modern mediumship is that at least some mediums are communicating with the deceased.
CHOPIN SPEAKING FROM THE AFTERLIFE "I am not dead; I am more alive than ever I was when on Earth, more conscious, more able to serve and to help, and greater harmonies I can now create than ever I was able to do in the confines of the material earthly body, which was always a sorrow to me, and oft times a nuisance." Listen to the wonderful recordings of Chopin speaking through direct voice medium Leslie Flint.
Jozef Rulof (1898 - 1952) was a Dutch clairvoyant, healing, writing and painting medium. Several of our subscribers have recommended his books about life, death, and the hereafter. This video is a representation of the teachings of his guide Alcar on how we meet our loved ones in the sleep state.
HEALING FROM GREAT LOSS: FACING PAIN TO RECOVER YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF Written from the perspective of Dr. Michael Newton's Life Between Lives work, Healing from Great Loss shares dozens of inspiring stories from clients who have connected with their inner guidance to overcome traumatic loss. Ann J. Clark Ph.D., formerly Director of Research at the Newton Institute, guides you on a healing journey using a wide variety of exercises, such as visualizations, self-assessments, journal prompts, and more. Whether you have lost a loved one, a relationship, a job, a sense of security, or your independence, Healing from Great Loss gently reveals how to find the lesson embedded in the experience and how self-care, forgiveness, and spiritual growth can restore your zest for living. Read more.
Ann Clark will be our guest speaker on the Zoom Global Gathering
on Sunday at 3 p.m. Eastern time.
Saturday December 4th 2021/ Sunday November 5th Australia
Spiritist Literature: Directed Study
Every Saturday. A free Zoom group about Spiritism, Kardec and Chico Xavier.
See videos of previous meetings.
Saturdays at 3 p.m. Central time. Times:
Pacific time Saturday 1 p.m.
Phoenix time Saturday 2 p.m.
Central time Saturday 3 p.m.
Eastern time - Saturday 4 p.m.
Sydney time - Sunday 8 a.m.
Auckland - Sunday 10 a.m. Check time in your city
Co-ordinator: Ana Castro
Just click this link to join.
Sunday December 5th 2021 / Monday December 6th Global Gathering- Guest Ann J. Clark Ph.D. R.N.
Topic: How the Soul VIews Loss
Whether it be the death of a loved one, divorce, career disruption, financial ruin, or a health crisis, loss is devastating and painful for our conscious selves. As Souls, however, we view loss from a different perspective. This presentation will describe how, as Souls, we see loss as an opportunity.
Dr. Ann Clark, a retired professor, is a Michael Newton Institute Life between Lives facilitator. Her work has led her to look for the gift in life’s difficult and challenging experiences. Several
years ago, she suffered the unexpected loss of her adult daughter and has since developed a specialty in healing from loss, offering “Great Loss Workshops”. A gifted writer and speaker, she is co-author of Wisdom of Souls, winner of a 2020 COVR Gold Book Award, and author of Healing from great loss: Facing pain and grief to recover your authentic self.
Los Angeles 12 noon Sunday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Sunday
Chicago 2 p.m. Sunday
New York 3 p.m. Sunday
London 8 p.m. Sunday
Rome 9 p.m. Sunday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Monday
Auckland New Zealand 9 a.m. Monday Check the time for your city
Co-ordinators: and
Sunday December 5th 2021 / Monday December 6th
Spiritualism Today Every Sunday
A presentation of some aspect of Spiritualism and spirituality followed by open discussion. If you have questions about Spiritualism or spirituality or religion, bring them here. Times:
California 3 p.m.
Mountain (Phoenix) 4 p.m.
Central (Illinois, Texas) 5 p.m.
Eastern (New York) 6 p.m.
Sydney Australia - Monday 10 a.m.
Auckland - Monday 12 noon Check time in your city
Norma’s Room:
Monday December 6th 2021/ Tuesday December 7th Australia
GOSH: Gatherings over Strange Happenings When: Every two weeks on Mondays (UK EUROPE and USA) and Tuesday 7 a.m. (Sydney).
A small group that meets to share and explore the meaning of strange experiences like missing time, seeing scenes from another time, interacting with a person who suddenly wasn't there, bi-location etc. If it's something you cannot share easily with others, bring it to this group to get validation and speculate on its cause. See short video about GOSH Times:
Los Angeles 12 noon Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Chicago 2 p.m. Monday
New York 3 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Rome 9 p.m. Monday
Melbourne/Sydney 7 a.m. Tuesday
Auckland NZ 9 a.m. Tuesday Check time in your city
Email: Kim at
GOSH with Kim Parker
Monday December 6th 2021/ Tuesday December 7th Australia Sheri Perl's Distant Healing Prayer Circle
First Monday of the month at 9 p.m. Eastern time. Receiving distant healing or direct distant healing to another. Every meeting will include a guided healing meditation and prayer and directing healing energy to those in need. Times:
Los Angeles 6 p.m.
Phoenix 7 p.m.
Chicago 8 p.m.
New York 9 p.m.
Melbourne/Sydney 1 p.m. Tuesday
Auckland NZ 3 p.m. Tuesday
Tuesday December 7th 2021/ Wednesday December 8th 2021 Army 4 Love Gathering every Tuesday at 3:00 Arizona Time.
People share what is happening in our world, how we are dealing with issues, holding each other’s hands, bringing in laughter and love. To bring in laughter each week one person shares a joke. This person then receives a few messages from a loved one they choose to connect with on the Other Side. Debra Martin always ends the gathering with a mini healing meditation. Times:
Los Angeles 2 p.m.
Phoenix 3 p.m.
Chicago 4 p.m.
New York 5 p.m.
London 10 p.m.
Rome 11 p.m.
Melbourne/Sydney 9 a.m. Wednesday
Auckland NZ 11 a.m. Wednesday Check time in your city
email: Via a form on her website
Tuesday December 7th 2021/ Wednesday December 8th 2021 Questions and Answers for Developing Mediums A series where guest mediums share experiences and tips for developing mediums held on the1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month US time.
Next meeting: Guests Paul and Syann
6.00 p.m. Pacific time
7.00 p.m. Phoenix time
8.00 p.m. Chicago time
9.00 p.m. Eastern time
10.00 a.m. Wednesday Perth time
1 p.m. Wednesday Sydney time.
3.00 p.m. Wednesday Auckland NZ time Coordinator: Wendy Zammit
Wednesday December 8th 2021/ Thursday December 9th Australia
Physical mediumship development group Every Wednesday with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena. Times:
6 p.m. Pacific Time
7 p.m. Phoenix time
8 p.m. Central time
9 p.m. New York time
1 p.m. Sydney/Melbourne time Thursday
3 p.m. Auckland NZ time Thursday
Contact Rob Blackburn ( or Craig Hogan ( before joining the group.
Thursday December 9th 2021/ Friday December 10th Australia Pet Communication Group with Gretchen Bickert
2nd Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. Arizona time. California 12 noon
Arizona 1 p.m. Illinois 2 p.m. New York 3 p.m. London 8 p.m.
Rome 9 p.m.
Sydney, Australia AEST 7 a.m. Friday Auckland, New Zealand 9 a.m. Friday
Contact Gretchen:
Thursday December 9th 2021/ Friday December 10th Australia LEN LA SCOLEA JOURNEY OF THE SOUL DISCUSSION GROUP
This will be the last meeting of this book club due to Len's commitments with the Covid pandemic.
Book to read:
"My Life After Death" by Erik Medhus - the last 100 pages.
6 p.m. Pacific time
7 p.m. Arizona
8 p..m Chicago
9 p.m. Eastern time
1 p.m. Friday Sydney/Melbourne
3 p.m. Friday Auckland N.Z.
Coordinator: Len La Scolea
Saturday 11th December
Meditation for Mediums (and others). Second Saturdays:
12:30pm Eastern / 5:30pm London
Pacific time 9.30 a.m. Saturday
Mountain time 10.30 a.m. Saturday
Central time 11.30 a.m. Saturday
Eastern time 12.30 p.m. Saturday
London GMT 5.30 p.m. Saturday
Rome CET 6.30 a.m. Saturday See time in your city
In this series of free gatherings, progressive medium and best-selling author Karen Frances McCarthy CSNU draws on her two decades of Buddhist practice to help you develop mindful awareness that will bring a deeper connection to self, which will ultimately mean a deeper connection with those in Spirit form.
Note: This series will live stream on Facebook and YouTube but only Karen's image will be seen. The Q&A at the end will not stream. If you are in the zoom room and have any questions, you can type them in the chat box to preserve your privacy. Register here
CHANNELING MY SON FROM THE OTHER SIDE Is it possible to heal after the loss of a child? Joe McQuillen has been married for 27 years and is a father of three children, one on the other side. Joe was the youngest of 10 children from an Irish-Catholic family. Although Joe has had two successful careers, he is at heart a blue-collar kid from Buffalo, NY. He is the author of My Search for Christopher on The Other Side.
WISE WORDS FROM THE AFTERLIFE "Everybody in your world has to die. It is part of the law that you cannot live on earth for ever. So it is inevitable that the physical body, when it has fulfilled its function, should be severed from the spiritual body and the soul which endowed it with animation. It is thus that the transitional period can be accomplished and the soul go marching on as part of its eternal pilgrimage.
It is of course sad that this happens because many of you, alas, have your spiritual vision restricted so that you see only the material, the shell, the husk, and not the underlying, sublime reality. The eyes of the spirit are open, and know that the one you love and who loves you has left you physically but not spiritually. Death has no power to separate those whom love has joined together and made them one in spirit." Silver Birch "Lift Up Your Hearts"
(Three only).
1) "Thank you Wendy & Victor as always a wonderful treasure trove. Appreciate the links in the report which help me travel with the rabbits down their hidden warrens. So much to learn. Blessings to you both". Karyn
2) "What a warm heartfelt Commentary of thanks, Victor and Wendy, that you have given in this report. It made me quite emotional reading it as I could feel the unconditional love which bound it together". David
"Thanks Victor and Wendy for all you do to uplift, heal, and inspire." Louisa
HIGHLY INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC OK, let's celebrate that in spite of all the challenges of the last couple of years, we are still standing. Time to embrace the joy of the present moment and stand up and dance!!
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and
reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a
position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims.
We accept the imputed claim that the afterlife and
paranormal research done by the researchers is done