
Presented by Victor and Wendy Zammit
New Book: A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife



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 "Bringing light where there is darkness and hope where there is despair."

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January 27th 2017


When materialists and closed-minded skeptics refuse to accept the objective evidence for the afterlife, I am reminded of a courtroom scene. Imagine that the police prosecutor in a case of murder has brought in one hundred witnesses. All of these witnesses are highly accredited scientists, doctors, lawyers, writers, psychiatrists, psychologists, physicists and many others. They have extensive forensic evidence, and all of the witnesses state that they actually saw the accused pull out the murder weapon, which still has his fingerprints on it, and shoot the victim five times in the chest.

The evidence for the afterlife is equally overwhelming. No genius scientist, no genius materialist, no genius closed-minded skeptic, has ever disproved the 20+ areas of the afterlife I presented these last 20 years. The evidence includes EVP, ITC, OBEs, Deathbed visions, mental mediums and physical mediums, all of which all can be found on our website and in our best selling book A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife.



NEW FILM: THE CREATIVE PLAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS A radical new scientific model is emerging which marks a fundamental paradigm shift in our understanding of the nature and purpose of life. Join a meeting with cutting edge scientists, philosophers and experiencers in this film produced by Terje and Ragnhild Toftenes released December 2016 on streaming and DVD.

This month's newsletterfrom iDigitalmedium.com contains fascinating information about the work of Russian ITC experimenters (pictured left) who are receiving messages from people in the afterlife via radio, computers and even cell phones. The author of this article also was skeptical until he witnessed such contact with the other side in St. Petersburg, Russia. "Life Is just as active on the other side. There is no death. It is hard to believe, but it is a fact." Read more..

The German physical mediumship Felix Circle recently reported a third full form materialisation which was photographed in red light. It took place in Switzerland in the home of Markus Kappeler and his wife. The group was told that the materialised figure was Mitzi Mange, the wife of German medium Rudi Schneider (pictured) who is now one of the Circle's spirit helpers. She appeared as a short and slim female with long, dark-blonde hair which fell over her shoulders when she moved outside the curtains enclosing the medium. She was wearing a white garment of some sort and a slim arm could be seen underneath it. Read full report and see pictures.

Barbara Bartolome, a familiar figure to IANDS members, is executive officer for Afterlife Research and Education Institute. Recently Barbara was also interviewed for The Today Show in the USA. The producers claim that they conducted a poll and found that more than 90 percent of people now believe there is an afterlife. While their methodology may be dubious, it indicates a changing attitude by the media.



CATHOLIC PRIESTS MAKE CONTACT WITH THE DEAD A number of Catholic priests have been leaders in the field of electronic communication with the afterlife. In his book, 'Direct Line to the Beyond', Father Francois Brune talks about the part played by renowned physicist Father Agostinho Gemelli, who, at the time, was President of the Papal Academy. The experiments were performed with another priest, Father Pellegrino Ernetti. The recording registered was of the deceased father of Priest Gemelli and spoke of an observation that his son had made to Priest Pellegrino Ernetti. They took the recording to the Pope Pio XII. The Pope heard the tape and calmed the Priests by saying that the phenomenon was part of the scientific domain and encouraged them to continue their research as it marked a new scientific study which will confirm the afterlife faith. Read more...

OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCER GETS CONFIRMATION OF AFTERLIFE MEETING Cyrus Kirkpatrick began an interest in parapsychology and the supernatural at age 13. He is the author of a wonderful book that we recommend, Understanding Life After Death. In the interview below, at the 22 minute point, he talks about meeting his recently transitioned mother during out-of-body experiences. He also talks about a reading he had with medium Susanne Wilson who was able to describe details of his meetings with his mother.


AN ENGLISH NURSE WITNESSES A CREE INDIAN'S DEATHBED VISION "He was a Cree Indian lad, about 20 years of age, son of Chief Papewyn, of a neighbouring Reserve. He was in the last stage of phthisis and had been brought here to be cared for till the finish... It was evening and I was with him. He was lying quietly in his bed when suddenly he sat up, stretched forth his arms with a yearning gesture, while an ecstatic smile broke over his face. It was not simply a smile of pleasure, but something far beyond it. The veil was lifted, and no one who was looking on could fail to realize that it was a glorious vision that met his gaze. He then lay back in his bed, looked at me with a smile, and passed away." Read more...

NORWEGIAN PSYCHIC DETECTIVE, MICHAEL WINGER, TALKS ABOUT HIS WORK Michael Winger works with a scientist who follows him in missing persons cases. Michael solved his first missing case in 2013 when he found the missing man`s axe and made a mark on the map where the search team could find the missing man. In this video Michael talks about how his clairvoyant abilities work.

VERY POPULAR QUESTION: Are relatives and friends always reunited after death?
"That depends on how spiritually advanced they are ... If one of them is further advanced, and progresses more rapidly than the other, they cannot remain together. They may see one another occasionally, but they can only be reunited when he/she who was spiritually behind is able to spiritually evolve to reach the same level as his loved one/s ..." The Spirits Book.

Awake 2 Oneness Radio put together a panel of experts to help grieving parents. Guests are: medium Suzanne Giesemann, Anne Puryear who talks about what she learned from the suicide of her son; Sheri Perl who talks about her EVP contacts with children; Sandra Kryzakos, Nikki Hayes and David "Dov" Fishman, a leading teacher of "A Course in Miracles" for over 30 years.

Early in 1974, a small group of religious friends began gathering periodically at the modest home of Thomas and Olive Ashman in Christchurch, New Zealand. “We would reverently pray for protection, and be silent,” says the Rev. Michael Cocks, an Anglican priest from Christchurch. Then a communicator who identified himself as the biblical figure, Stephen the Martyr, seemed to take over.

This book records seven years of conversations with St. Stephen the Martyr. It talks about the true purpose of life, about the mission of Christ, about the true nature of his resurrection, and about how after our death we continue to evolve and gradually give up our separateness. Stephen emerges as very balanced loving and non-judgemental presence. Rev. Michael has created a new homepage about the book including recordings of the last two conversations with Stephen. Read more...


QUESTION ON POSSESSION Victor, I have been reading about possession where a spirit can take control of someone's body and mind. Does it really happen?

This topic is highly controversial - some accept it, some do not. We are informed, directly from the afterlife, that it is not possible for a lower vibrating spirit to enter your physical body. But an unwanted spirit can enter your aura and influence your thinking.

However always remember:

1. You have a guardian, a master spirit, who will be with you all your life. The guardian has the power, authority and jurisdiction to help you and to protect you.
2. You have a 'Higher Self' (a spark of the Divine) who, we are credibly informed, also has the potential to respond to you and to help you.
3. You have other members of your 'family soul group' who are around you.
4. Karma may be involved. One may have an adverse spirit around for a specific time because of some past life issue.
5. INFERIOR spirit: An inferior 'external' spirit occasionally intrudes on the aura of a person to cause problems. Some inferior spirits behave in a really bad way, but these are very few. Some traditional religious people make the mistake of cursing these lower spirits and directing them to 'eternal hellfire'. We have to remember that these spirits do have the 'oversoul' - the spark of the Divine and sooner or later all will have to spiritually evolve, and continue to evolve - as is destined for ALL spirits.

Out of body explorer Jurgen Ziewe describes the beauty of the higher levels in the afterlife.

"Every sensory facility is greatly enhanced, but we will find that emotions have a much greater range, often with many more nuances of joy or other positive feelings, which makes the experience here so distinguished from everything we have ever known.

A much broader range of colours with hues we never knew existed can be perceived and the same applies to sound as well as other perceptions, including smell and taste. We will simply have greater direct access to the intrinsic energy that is manifested in the objects of the world surrounding us, so when we look at a stone we will connect to the energy of the stone with its unique aura and consequently the whole world surrounding us comes to life, is lit up from within and may respond to us as we pass.” Excerpt from book: “Vistas of Infinity - How to Enjoy Life When You Are Dead." (Jurgen Ziewe, 2015):

"You must learn to rise above fear and not to allow its vibration to hinder you, to have perfect faith and confidence and trust, to know that you can stand on your feet and say: 'I am the Great Spirit and the wind of circumstances cannot shake me. I will rise triumphant over every difficulty because of the infinite power which is within my soul.' Silver Birch.

This powerful meditation led by Susanne Wilson will help raise your consciousness to stay centered on love during troubled times. Susanne teaches that the Shift in Consciousness is here, now, and calls in angels of light to help neutralise the souls rebelling against it. Susanne dedicates the meditation to her teacher, Alan Arcieri, spiritual medium (1958-2008).

See Victor on Video

* Subscribe to Victor's Youtube Channel:

* What Happens When you Die
Afterlife and Science
* Near Death Experiences- Evidence of the Afterlife?
* What You Must Know Before You Die
* David Thompson's Materialization
* Million Dollar Challenge
* The Afterlife on Trial
* A Lawyer on the Afterlife
* Suicide is not the answer
* Religion and the Afterlife

* Ghosts- Randi and closed minded skeptics when they die
* Zwinge Randi's Challenge Exposed ... Lawyer Explains

* Why Professor Richard Dawkins is Wrong
* God--the Evidence (Without Religion)
* Afterlife Without Religion

* Skeptics Demolished
* Afterlife Objections Demolished

* Ghosts- Randi and closed minded skeptics when they die
* Victor Zammit speaking at Speakers Corner
* Materialized Houdini speaks to Victor



FEEDBACK: (Three only).

1) Dear Wendy and Victor, Thank you for all you do for so many keeping up this afterlife report week after week and year after year. You are a lifeline for bereaved people. We are so thankful. Charlotte.

2) I would love to see some reports on animals that have passed over. My gorgeous boy, a rescued greyhound, passed over this last week. I am devastated but I loved all my animals equally. Thank you for sharing so much knowledge and information Victor, makes for wonderful reading. Julia.

3) Many thanks, shared and the music is so particularly beautiful.. Susan

HELP! An afterlife researcher (Tricia Robertson, Scotland) is seeking the source of the quote of Sir William Crookes: "I did not say it was possible. I said it happened." Kindly send to: books@victorzammit.com

Listen to this very really lovely 'spiritual' song: 'YOU HAVE TO BE THERE' sung with much emotion by Helen Sjöholm - This is great song asking the Great Power to be there when the time comes - something which will apply to all people. The lyrics are very meaningful - and relevant: here are just a couple of lines,

"Who when I die will throw open his arms to receive me?
Who will believe me and take me into his embrace?
And when I go to my rest, who will watch me and wake me?
When my time comes at last, will you grant me your grace? ...

(version by Susan Boyle)


You have banished me
From the land where I was born
Here upon a foreign shore forsaken
I have followed you
And gone thy way
Should I kneel to you
When I rise you strike me down
Once again a little one you've taken
Everywhere I turn it's darker still

What is it Lord that you want
And that I am not seeing?
What in my innocent prayers
Am I failing to say?
Never before have I questioned the truth of your being
Never once have I dared
Never until today

All of a tremble
I stand on the edge of confusion
Who is to save me
If into the darkness I fall?
Now that I need more than ever my Lord to be near me
Do you hear when I call?
Are you there after all?

You have to be there, you have to
My life I have placed in thy keep
And without you I am drifting on a dark and rising sea
You have to be there, you have to
Without you I'd drown in the deep

Too far, too far from land
The waters drag me down
I reach for your hand

Who when I die will throw open his arms to receive me?
Who will believe me and take me into his embrace?
And when I go to my rest, who will watch me and wake me?
When my time comes at last, will you grant me your grace?
I am so small of this Earth, I am nothing without you
Daring to doubt you at all turns a knife in my heart
Little by little I'm losing my way in the shadows
I am losing my home and the world fall apart

You do have to be there, you have to
My life I have placed in thy keep
And without you I am drifting on a dark and rising sea
You have to be there, you have to
Without you I'd drown in the deep
Too far, too far from land
The waters drag me down
I reach for your hand

And without you I am drifting on a dark and rising sea
You have to be there, you have to
Without you I'd drown in the deep
Too far, too far from land

The waters drag me down
I reach for your hand


Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the researchers is done in good faith. ALL WORK IS COPYRIGHT BY THE CONDITIONS SET AT THE GENEVA CONFERENCE ON COPYRIGHT.


