Many brilliant scientists have used scientific
method to investigate the afterlife and psychic phenomena.
They were skeptical at first and it was only after thorough
investigation that they accepted that it exists.There were
other world famous engineers, medical doctors, philosophers,
lawyers, judges and highly regarded professional people
who also accepted the afterlife after years of investigation.
Many of these were highly practical people whose major discoveries
in other areas fundamentally changed the way people work
and live. Many considered themselves to be Rationalists
and Humanists and had to face intense opposition from both
highly conservative Christian clergy and from materialist
Here are the names of just a few of those
past and present who have made outstanding contributions:
Professor Robert Almeder, Sir William Barrett, Dr. Julie
Beichel, Dr. Peter Bander, John Logie Baird, Professor John
Bockris, Hereward Carrington, Edgar Cayce, Professor J.W.
Crawford, Dr. Robert Crookall, Sir William Crookes, Andrew
Jackson Davis, Professor Augustus De Morgan, Dr. George
T. Dexter, Lord Dowding, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Dr. C.
J. Ducasse, Judge John W. Edmonds, Professor Arthur Ellison,
Dr. Peter Fenwick, Professor Festa, Dr. Edith Fiore, Arthur
Findlay, Professor Camille Flamarion, Professor David Fontana,
Dr. Isaac K. Funk, Dr. Hamlin Garland, Dr Amit Goswami,
Professor Gustav Geley, Professor Ivor Grattan-Guinesss,
Professor Stanislav Grof, Dr. Arthur Guirdham, Emma Harding,
Dr. Robert Hare, Dr. T. Glen Hamilton, Professor Charles
Hapgood, Professor Sylvia Hart-Wright, Dr. Richard Hodgson
Professor James Hyslop, Professor William James, Dr. Raynor
C. Johnson, Professor Brian Josephson, Allan Kardec, Esq,
Dr. John S. King, Dr. Jon Klimo, Dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross,
Sir Oliver Lodge, Dr. Cesare Lombroso, Dr. Jeff and Jody
Long, Dr. William McDougall, Joseph McMoneagle, Mark Macy,
Dr. Robert Hare, Maurice Maeterlinck, Vice-Admiral William
Usborne Moore, Rev Stainton Moses, George Meek, Dr. Raymond
Moody, Dr. Melvin Morse, Dr. Gardner Murphy, Frederic
W. H. Myers Dr. Morris Netherton, Professor William R. Newbold,
Dr. Karlis Osis, Ron Pearson, Dr. Hal Puthoff, Dr. Dean
Radin, Peter Ramster, Edward C. Randall, Dr.Konstantine
Raudive, Drs. J.B. and Louisa Rhine, Scott Rogo, Professor
Charles Richet, Dr. Kenneth Ring, Dr. Barbara R. Rommer,
Aubrey Rose, Professor Archie Roy, Dr. Michael Sabom, Dr.
Hans Schaer, Professor Marylyn Schlitz, Baron (Dr.) Albert
Von Schrenck-Notzing, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Professor Ernst
Senkowski, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Judge Dean Shuart, Dr.
Ian Stevenson, Dr. Claude Swanson, Emmanuel Swedenborg,
Governor Nathaniel P. Tallmadge, Professor Russell Targ,
Professor Charles Tart, The Rev. Charles Drayton Thomas,
Professor Jessica Utts, Dr. Pim Van Lommel, Dr. Jan W. Vandersande,
Dr. Alexander von Boutlerow, Professor Wadhams, Prof. Alfred
Russell Wallace, Dr. Helen Wambach, Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr.
Carl Wickland, Dr. Carla Wills-Brandon, Professor Fred Alan
Montague Keen was a brilliant psychic researcher, journalist,
agricultural administrator, magazine editor and farmer.
A member of the Council of the Society for Psychical Research
for 55 years, chairman of its Image and Publicity Committee
and secretary of its Survival Research Committee, he was
principal investigator of the Scole Group of physical mediums,
and author of the Scole Report, published in the Proceedings
of the SPR (Vol 54 Pt 220) in 1999 with his co-investigators
Professors Arthur Ellison and David Fontana.
In this video he talks about his investigation
of the Scole group.
1. The Watseka Wonder, 1887. Stevens, E.W.
1887 The Watseka Wonder, Chicago; Religio-philosophical
Publishing House, and Hodgson R., Religio-Philosophical
Journal Dec. 20th, 1890, investigated by Dr. Hodgson.
2. Uttara Huddar and Sharada. Stevenson
I. and Pasricha S, 1980. A preliminary report on an unusual
case of the reincarnation type with Xenoglossy. Journal
of the American Society for Psychical Research 74, 331-348;
and Akolkar V.V. Search for Sharada: Report of a case and
its investigation. Journal of the American SPR 86,209-247.
3. Sumitra and Shiva-Tripathy. Stevenson
I. and Pasricha S, and McLean-Rice, N 1989. A Case of the
Possession Type in India with evidence of Paranormal Knowledge.
Journal of the Society for Scientific Exploration 3, 81-101.
4. Jasbir Lal Jat. Stevenson, I, 1974. Twenty
Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation (2nd edition) Charlottesville:
University Press of Virginia.
5. The Thompson/Gifford case. Hyslop, J.H.
1909. A Case of Veridical Hallucinations Proceedings, American
SPR 3, 1-469.
6. Past-life regression. Tarazi, L. 1990.
An Unusual Case of Hypnotic Regression with some Unexplained
Contents. Journal of the American SPR, 84, 309-344.
7. Cross-correspondence communications.
Balfour J. (Countess of) 1958-60 The Palm Sunday Case: New
Light On an Old Love Story. Proceedings of the Society for
Psychical Research, 52, 79-267.
8. Book and Newspaper Tests. Thomas, C.D.
1935. A Proxy Case extending over Eleven Sittings with Mrs
Osborne Leonard. Proceedings SPR 43, 439-519.
9. "Bim's" book-test. Lady Glenconnor.
1921. The Earthen Vessel, London, John Lane.
10. The Harry Stockbridge communicator.
Gauld, A. 1966-72. A Series of Drop-in Communicators. PSPR
55, 273-340.
11. The Bobby Newlove case. Thomas, C. D.
1935. A proxy case extending over Eleven Sittings with Mrs.
Osborne Leonard. PSPR 43, 439-519.
12. The Runki missing leg case. Haraldsson
E. and Stevenson, I, 1975. A Communicator of the Drop-in
Type in Iceland: the case of Runolfur Runolfsson. JASPR
69. 33-59.
13. The Beidermann drop-in case. Gauld,
A. 1966-72. A Series of Drop-in Communicators. PSPR 55,
14. The death of Gudmundur Magnusson. Haraldsson
E. and Stevenson, I, 1975. A Communicator of the Drop-in
Type in Iceland: the case of Gudni Magnusson, JASPR 69,
15. Identification of deceased officer.
Lodge, O. 1916. Raymond, or Life and Death. London. Methuen
& Co. Ltd.16. Mediumistic evidence of the Vandy death.
Gay, K. 1957. The Case of Edgar Vandy, JSPR 39, 1-64; Mackenzie,
A. 1971. An Edgar Vandy Proxy Sitting. JSPR 46, 166-173;
Keen, M. 2002. The case of Edgar Vandy: Defending the Evidence,
JSPR 64.3 247-259; Letters, 2003, JSPR 67.3. 221-224.
17. Mrs Leonore Piper and the George "Pelham"
communicator. Hodgson, R. 1897-8. A Further Record of Observations
of Certain Phenomena of Trance. PSPR, 13, 284-582.
18. Messages from "Mrs. Willett"
to her sons. Cummins, G. 1965. Swan on a Black Sea. London:
Routledge and Kegan Paul.
19. Ghostly aeroplane phenomena. Fuller,
J.G. 1981 The Airmen Who Would Not Die, Souvenir Press,
20. Intelligent responses via two mediums:
the Lethe case. Piddington, J.G. 1910. Three incidents from
the Sittings. Proc. SPR 24, 86-143; Lodge, O. 1911. Evidence
of Classical Scholarship and of Cross-Correspondence in
some New Automatic Writing. Proc. 25, 129-142,