Who are Silver Birch and White Eagle?
Silver Birch and White Eagle are very highly spiritually
evolved 'intelligences' from the afterlife. They are eye-witnesses
to what is happening in the afterlife dimension that we
all are destined to go. Their teachings are impeccable,
highly inspirational, critically and immediately relevant
to every man, woman child on this planet earth.
Although there are great spiritual works transmitted from
the aftelife dimension, I regard the works of these two
great afterlife intelligences as the greatest spiritual
works of all time in the history of psychic and spiritual
Silver Birch's information came to us through the medium
Maurice Barbanell. For many decades in England up until
1981 when Maurice Barbanell passed on, Silver Birch regularly
transmitted a wealth of useful information.
I recommend Silver Birch's teachings very highly. If you
follow them faithfully, you will have no problems at all
in the afterlife dimension.
It has to be remembered that the cumulative effect of our
life on earth will give us certain vibrations (spirituality)
up until the moment of physical death. We then go to a dimension
which will accept our level of vibrations. The conditions
become increasingly more beautiful as the vibrations increase
however it is not possible for those with a particular level
of vibrations to a higher level for any length of time.
What Silver Birch teaches will show you the way to avoid
being lost in the dark spheres of the lower Astral and will
show you the way to attain higher vibrations.I regard the
teachings as pure gold because they give us insight into
how we can maximise our time on earth.
White Eagle teachings are not for the uninitiated. I recommend
readers first to read the works of Silver Birch then afterwards
to read those of White Eagle. I accept that White Eagle's
teaching is more advanced and there is an assumption the
reader has already accepted the existence of the afterlife.
There are some twelve books available by White Eagle.
For detailed information about White Eagle see the White Eagle Lodge website.
Below are some quotes from Silver Birch:
"Those who attend here regularly and who have listened
for many years know that this is a theme on which I harp
constantly. It is the theme of the constancy of the natural
law. I know nothing of a jealous, vengeful deity, a capricious
or partisan God. I have seen the operation of natural laws
in every aspect of universal life, not only in your world
of matter, but in the world of spirit which is my natural
habitat, and wherever I have gone I find that natural law
"There is no chance, no caprice, no miracle, no accident.
All is due to cause and effect which follow one another
in a sequence that is methodically exact and inviolable.
Natural law rules throughout the whole universe and all
that takes place, no matter where you look, whether it be
in the realm of insect life, in human life, or in planetary
life, always you will see that law is in operation.
"These laws take no cognisance of human desire or
will. Your ideas, your views, your wishes will not change
the natural law. The law has always been in operation: it
is in operation now, it will continue to operate, for time
is eternal and law is eternal, too. I know nothing of miracles.
I do know that the power of the spirit, working according
to natural law, though it may be a law not yet revealed
or understood by those on earth, is capable of working seeming
..from The Seed of Truth - More Teachings from Silver Birch
p. 68-69
There are some nine volumes of Silver Birch's brilliant
works available from The Arthur Findlay College Bookshop,
Stansted Hall, Stansted, Essex CM24 8UD England and from
CON-PSY Publications P.O. Box 14, Greenford, MIddlesex,
UB6 OUF. England.
From The Silver Birch Anthology
N.B. More quotes in the future.
-- Victor Zammit (November 2001)
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