Opening statement
Rabbi Shmuleh Boteach, hereinafter called, the Rabbi. Rabbi
Boteach’s rather unfair scathing and derisive language
against psychics and mediums generally has inevitably brought
about a dissonance and a disturbance. Hopefully, with care,
understanding and reasonableness, we will be able to come
to mutual agreement about the greatest, most important phenomenon
in human history as we explore the question - do we on the
physical earth have the ability to communicate meaningfully
with our loved ones and those who are in the afterlife?
I am not here to tell him that it is wrong for him to be
a rabbi or that his Jewish religion is necessarily wrong
or is inferior to other religions. With one exception I
will not try to change his beliefs and his values or his
behavior. But when he, without authority, tries to unfairly
and negatively intrude into my area of expertise in the
strongest way, he provokes me – and others, to respond
The only point of contention is that close content analysis
of what he is stating in the media about psychic phenomena
and the afterlife (psi) shows he is using his authority,
status and dominating power as a rabbi perhaps inadvertently,
to mislead, misinform and misdirect fellow Jews and others.
Hereinafter is my explanation.
He is now on record for using unqualifiedly, highly negative,
cynical and derisive language whenever he deals with psychics
in the media and elsewhere. He completely dismisses all
psychics claiming that their messages are trivial, irrelevant
and of no importance.
He willfully ignores and deliberately disregards some of
the most inspirational eloquence transmitted from the other
side by some of the higher spiritual afterlife entities,
spiritual eloquence that has stunned the world with the
revelation of what really happens to us when we cross over,
something which he as a Rabbi appears not to know about.
So procedurally I ask the rabbi, by what AUTHORITY does
he say those negative things against psychics and the afterlife?
He does NOT have any objective or scientific or empirical
authority at all. He has only subjective authority. His
subjective, religious authority is based purely on personal
beliefs, believing and accepting without proof - what somebody
else told him to believe and is respected only by those
who want to believe what he says.
He tries to give the impression that what he says has the
force of science or empiricism (empiricism: using scientific
method to measure phenomena). But religion can never ever
have the force of science or empiricism. Never.
He is only expressing a personal belief, a personal view
which cannot be scientifically or empirically tested for
its validity. His religion is purely an accident of birth.
If he was born in a Muslim country he would be campaigning
just as hard for the traditional teachings of Islam; if
he was born in India he would probably be a radical Hindu,
whereas being scientific or empirical would lead him to
be independent of ‘accidents of birth.’
The Rabbi needs to understand that beliefs unsupported
by evidence do not have objective substance and/or superiority
over other religions. He can never directly or indirectly
imply that his beliefs ought to be accepted the way science
or empirically elicited information is accepted. This is
because he is dealing with religion, not science or empiricism.
He studied the Jewish religion – which is thousands
of years old - and he must have studied it in depth to get
paid for teaching the Jewish faith and for opposing any
information not consistent with his early conditioning,
with his religious learning and with his own cherished,
personal beliefs. He thinks he is right and everybody else
is wrong –the way other religionists think they are
right and everybody else wrong.
It is only fair to point out that compared with our tough,
highly developed, empirical mind of to-day, the mentality
of the people in the days where the Jewish religious writings
and the religious experiences allegedly took place–
some three thousands years ago in the Middle East–
was primitive, highly superstitious, underdeveloped and
Accordingly, he as a rabbi, the Pope as a Catholic Christian
leader and Dr Billy Graham as a Protestant leader –all
religious leaders, do not and can never ever have real authority
recognized on a universal level. His authority cannot be
independently substantiated or tested for truth. His restricted
authority comes from the tradition he mentioned, history
and sub-culture accepted only by those who want to follow
his teachings.
Further, he shows that even his own subjective authority
is very limited: he does not show he rebutted the twenty
three areas of objective evidence for the afterlife - see
AFTERLIFE, . This means he
does not come from a position of strength, of empiricism,
or substance. He comes from an extremely weak position.
When religion clashed with science and empiricism, religion
was ALWAYS invalidated. No one on earth would dispute that.
No one.
Incidentally, there is nothing particularly brilliant in
following tradition. The negative aspect of it is that he
is repeating his parents’ mistakes and any false teachings
of thousands of years ago - and he becomes subservient to
unquestioning obedience. I state the mind has to continue
to question everything in the environment – that’s
how evolution, progress and refinement take place.
This may shock him, and will shock others – but I
will show that there is a great deal of empirical psychic
evidence which makes the existence of psychic phenomena
objective and empirical. Whilst initially it is anticipated
that this will inevitably disturb him and he will tend to
reject it and go into denial, ultimately, if he has a fair
mind and investigates the empirically elicited evidence,
he will agree that psychic evidence is objective and makes
nugatory all inconsistent religious beliefs.
He has already conceded the existence of the paranormal
and that non-physical energy exists when he claims the genuineness
of what the psychic Uri Geller repeatedly demonstrated to
him in person. That was psychic, non-physical energy interfering
with physical energy. The paranormal and afterlife phenomena
are all about the operation of non-physical energy.
Rabbi Boteach: a) “You know Larry (King),
every single medium who I have conversed with always offers
the information along the lines of your grandfather forgives
you for accidentally mowing him with your Hummer. Well,
that’s nice but it’s always the same.”
b) “I’ve never had a (psychic)
reading, Larry(King) … I really believe that psychics
are unfortunately preying on the most primal of all human
Here we see, first hand, the first serious problem of this
rabbi. He first tries to use derisive and condescending
language to indirectly poke fun at mediums – imputing
they talk trivialities, irrelevancies. In the second quote
b) Boteach admits and concedes that he has NEVER gone to
a gifted medium for a reading. The above stated a) and b)
quotes, I submit, are representative of the Rabbi’s
own and the extreme Jewish conservative beliefs and attitudes
towards psychic phenomena and afterlife matters. Inevitably,
the reasonable minded person will think that the Rabbi is
pre-judging the issue. Also, that the Rabbi comes across
as hostile, is in complete denial and perhaps unconsciously
trying to justify his own religious teaching.
How can the Rabbi condemn mediumship, negatively influencing
too many people in one breath while at the same time conceding
he has never had a reading by any medium?
To be fair and reasonable about mediums – one has
to go to a ‘gifted’ medium in the first place.
This can be ascertained by the level of accurate readings
a medium has given. Instead of going to or quoting an auntie
Flo who claims she is a bit of a psychic – and there
are hundreds of these mediocre semi-amateur mediums –
why not formally test the gifted mediumship of John Edward
or James Van Praagh as other professional empiricists have
Secondly, if one has to be really intelligent, genuine
and sincere about evaluating mediums, why not investigate
what Professor Gary Schwartz did in his empirical testing
of some of the top mediums in the United States?
These empirical psi (psychic) results inexorably did not
and could NOT have come by chance. This will inevitably
be frightening for the Rabbi. But empiricism (using scientific
method to measure phenomena) is most fundamental to any
discussion of the validity of mediumship.
Is there an inner fear, that he will find out the truth
about empirical mediumship? That communicating with entities
from the other side has great value, has superior ‘utility’
in teaching? … That it produces empirical evidence
that we survive physical death? That love, known to us as
the most powerful force in the universe survives physical
death? That we still can contact our loved ones immediately
after crossing over? That what this Rabbi has told us about
the afterlife is not quite correct? That we could become
victims of most horrific problems in the afterlife which
he did not tell people about? That we have to sharpen up
our own life on earth to prepare for greater things in the
afterlife? That it is not beliefs, not religion, not hearsay,
not culture, not tradition but what good selfless deeds
we perform and how much we truly love that will be critical
on crossing over.
Thirdly, if he can only perceive the paranormal with true
empirical equanimity, if he truly can be intellectually,
psychologically and emotionally impartial, if he can put
his deeply conditioned subjective religion aside for one
moment and study the great psychics of the recent past he
will discover how skeptical scientists were stunned about
the brilliant mediumship of Leonore Piper and others for
example ‘Respected Scientists Who Investigated’
– my above stated book, chapter 2.).
Further, whilst he regularly quotes and makes fun of messages
from the lower Astral region, why is it that he fails to
mention the very highly spiritual afterlife transmissions
of A COURSE IN MIRACLES? The joint team was a Jewish Professor,
Helen Schucman, and Professor William Thetford, Professors
of Medical Psychology at Columbia University's College of
Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. The writings of
‘A Course in Miracles’ is hugely superior to
anything we have ever come across in traditional religions.
And there are many more afterlife transmission which come
across, spiritually, far superior to traditional beliefs.
His failure to mention such substantive afterlife transmission
raises some very serious doubts about his honesty.
Fourthly, why not, using the initiative he has displayed,
seek out the number of Jews who experienced significant
evidential communication with their loved ones who crossed
over? The genuine ones will tell him it was the greatest
experience in their life. They will say that the experience
changed their life completely. That life now has true meaning
and that they feel confident about the greater life to come.
Why not investigate the brilliant writing of those positive
professors who studied empirical psi at the highest level
and accepted the paranormal? Why not investigate also those
sincere and honest and genuine people who experienced a
NDE or an OBE and see how for most these psychic experiences
have completely changed their lives for the better? Much
of this he can read in my abovementioned afterlife research.
Fifthly, when this Rabbi learns the true facts about the
afterlife in context of the paranormal, this Rabbi will
learn, through empirical and other studies, that there are
different levels or realms in the afterlife – from
the lowest to the highest. Spirits coming from those areas
close to earth, the lower Astral level, speak a lot of the
banalities the Rabbi talks about when he tries to denigrate
Empirically elicited mediumship states that we as human
beings do NOT change one iota on crossing over to the afterlife
– we retain our character, our level of intelligence
and understanding the world, our fears, our hopes, our desires
– all these fully intact in our memory on crossing
This means that some dull witted person on crossing over
will remain – for a time – dull witted. Now
if this dull witted person gets caught in the lower Astral
and communicates with those on earth – we get nothing
but someone being dull witted.
Why has not this Rabbi read those afterlife entities with
the highest credibility who come from the higher vibrational
realms of the afterlife – where immediately he will
see there is beautiful inspirational eloquence, where there
is serious talk about our destiny, our struggles, our problems
and our future in the afterlife realms – and what
really happens to us when we cross over? And the many serious
problems relatively many people have on crossing over and
why they have these very serious problems? (He can find
the right sources on my website and in my book- chapter
27 - mentioned above).
Sixthly, in addition to the above, is this Rabbi not aware
that there are some twenty three areas of objective admissible
evidence for the existence of the afterlife- objective empirical
evidence that no scientist, no empiricist, no theologian,
rabbi or priest or philosopher in the last eight years was
able to rebut?– (see the said book above). Does not
that elicit curiosity, some genuine desire in the Rabbi
to find the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
in relation to how we are to live on this plant earth and
to learn what REALLY happens when we inevitably have to
cross over? Does this Rabbi fear the truth, that his beliefs
may mislead, misdirect, misinform or that his religious
beliefs are terribly inferior, or invalid or inapplicable
or irrelevant?
Empirically elicited information tells us that humans on
earth must have self-responsibility - we are responsible
for all our own actions and omissions. Failure to discover
the truth, inevitably will be met with a huge negative backlash,
especially when we do have free will to go with the flow
or to be courageous and find the truth whatever the price
we have to pay. Does the Rabbi have the stomach to face
empirical information which tells him that he is wrong in
his afterlife beliefs?
# Rabbi Boteach, “I have yet to find
a single psychic medium who can offer any information of
any public utility or real personal usefulness. For example,
where’s Osama bin Laden? Why can’t anyone on
our panel tell us where Osama bin Laden is? I mean this
guy killed 3,000 Americans. If they have the power to see
and speak to the dead who are all knowing and omniscient,
then it’s almost criminal for them to withhold that
First, when Rabbi Boteach attacks psychics he has
to be empirical about psychics. This Rabbi has to be intellectually
discriminating, discerning and be in a position to make
a distinction between empirical mediumship and the non-empirical,
lower end of those who are half baked about mediumship.
He himself conceded during the interview that he NEVER ever
investigated psychics and NEVER ever had a reading from
a gifted psychic – this Rabbi bundled all psychics
into one bag. So, his perception of psychics is negatively
prejudiced and comes from his own negative environmental
and anti-psychic negative religious partiality.
Secondly, as to Osama bin Laden, there has to be absolute
proof that bin Laden is alive. Is this Rabbi telling us
just to assume that Bin Laden is not dead? Assumptions as
we all know are highly speculative, unreliable and highly
abstract. Gifted psychics would want definitive evidence
of a targeted subject.
Thirdly, just because a psychic can communicate with spirits
it does NOT mean the spirit is omniscient and infallible.
That is stupidity pushed to its extreme and shows colossal
ignorance of afterlife matters. As above stated, on crossing
over the dumb witted will remain dumb witted – for
an indefinite period of time. Whoever stated from the empirical
psi experts that on crossing over we become omniscient and
infallible? Nobody! Why then is this Rabbi making things
up to suit his argument and to mislead people?
Empirically elicited information states that average persons
on crossing over remain as they were on earth, (for an indefinite
period of time). NOTHING changes! If some clerk or salesman,
or executive or anybody else from New York crosses over,
what gives this new spirit in the afterlife any power to
know where Osama bin Laden is? The information transmitted
from the afterlife is that we change from the physical to
becoming a spirit – and that NOTHING else changes
on crossing over. This again, shows the Rabbi has NOT done
any serious reading about the afterlife- and by what he
says, he is misleading and misdirecting a large number of
Fourthly, highly gifted remote viewers (click on BOOK top
right, click on chapter 17 on my website, see above) have
the best chance of identifying where bin Laden is. But uninformed
skeptics like this Rabbi successfully lobbied the government
to STOP financing remote viewers. They ignored results of
brilliant remote viewer Joseph McMoneagle who identified
the Phantom class Russian nuclear submarine and drew an
accurate picture of it – before anyone else from the
West knew of its existence. This is similar with bombs in
Iraq. There are sometimes contingencies which are not accessible
by any spirit. But psychic Chris Robinson who worked on
an intermittent basis for the British espionage service
MI5 correctly predicted where Irish terrorists IRA would
plant bombs in London.
Fifthly: As psychic Van Praagh asked, if this Rabbi Boteach,
a religious man of God talks to God all the time and inevitably,
it is alleged, God talks to Boteach often, why is it that
God does not tell this Rabbi where bin Laden is hiding or
where the next bomb is going to explode in Iraq?
Conclusion : It is just amazing that those who attack gifted
psychics are coming from complete and total ignorance. I
suggest that the Rabbi study the above referred 23 areas
of empirical evidence for the afterlife – click on
BOOK top right. Then if he wants any clarification, I will
be more than happy to clarify anything for him.
# The Rabbi: “Let me tell you the world of the
souls is utterly immaterial for you and me. We have to feed
the hungry, clothe the naked. We have to cure disease.”
“You could make your father immortal by living according
to his values.”
Put a mirror to what is happening to-day … what do
we see? We see even in the West that religion has failed
humanity – that is why so many millions are voting
with their feet and are slamming the doors shut on synagogues,
on the churches and temples and becoming secularists.
This is because religions are completely irrelevant to
the urgent needs of to-day. Because people to-day do not
want to accept beliefs without evidence.
Some say the wealthiest nations have enough money to feed
the world many times over – but they won’t.
Extreme materialism is bringing about huge problems. There
is vicious racism and injustice. We have wars; we see insurgents
rise against foreign rulers. More immediately, there is
increase in alcoholism, in gambling, in violence, in marriage
and partnership breakdown. Illegal drug taking is virtually
out of control. Terrorism raised its ugly head – and
yet this Rabbi tells us we must follow religious teachings
and follow the ‘tradition’ of our fathers not
accepting that religion is not fulfilling the urgent needs
of to-day.
Religion has failed us. Now the immaterial world –
especially the communication which comes from highly credible,
enlightened high spirits (NOT the ones this Rabbi tells
us about all the time which come from the lower, darker
Astral level) tells us that they see millions of souls –
including the religionists - crossing over completely unprepared
for conditions in the afterlife – they learnt virtually
nothing to equip them for the new life. Religion virtually
achieved nothing of value for the individual. And this Rabbi
tells us we must follow ‘tradition’, and religion
and the beliefs of our fathers?
Highly credible afterlife transmissions from the higher
realms tell us where we are going wrong. They try to give
us advice – they tell us that materialism is the enemy
of spirituality. That we have to become less selfish, become
more loving, to do good, to actively help those in need.
# The Rabbi: “My problem is I feel that
these psychics with all due respect are preying on people’s
vulnerability. You know you lose a loved one and you want
to connect with them and the real message that I think a
religious person would give to you is, look, your father’s
lost but instead of trying to speak to his spirit you can
perpetuate his good deeds on this earth. …”
There are some psychics who are absolute frauds and quacks
– as there are frauds and quacks in other professions
including in religion. There are others who are not psychics,
but pose as psychics and try to squeeze as much money as
they can. There are the weak but genuine psychics and the
mediocre and then most rarely the most gifted psychics.
If one wants a reading, it will be critical for anyone
to find a medium with an objective reputation for accuracy,
spirituality, honesty, sincerity and high integrity. The
Rabbi bundles all quacks, frauds and psychics of all kind
into one bag. Why? Because he tries to justify and to rationalize
his own beliefs. He must know there are gifted, honest mediums.
Most people know that. But to make no distinction between
the highly gifted, the highly spiritual and the cheat is
truly unfair, unjust, inequitable and highly unspiritual.
# The Rabbi: “Religion doesn’t
claim to know anything about what God said unless it was
given by a legitimate prophet, usually thousands of years
ago. All a rabbi needs is someone who’s committed
to …leading a moral life.”
Here is a most fundamental problem not only for the Rabbi,
but for all religious leaders and theologians around the
world who rely on Biblical scriptures thousands of years
old. First, what is a ‘legitimate prophet’ and
why does he think they only existed thousands of years ago?
Biblical scholars inform us – something not in dispute
– that all original Biblical texts – do NOT
exist. Biblical scholars also tell us that we do not know
who the real prophets and the real writers were of the Old
Testament – and the New Testament. Yes, names were
allocated to different writings, but there is no evidence
that those named really wrote them. There is no evidence
that after the Book of the Law was destroyed by the Romans
that Erasmus’ version was accurate, that it had no
major interpolations and other fundamental changes deletions
and additions.
Further, if we go with the flow, in the ancient Biblical
writings we come across a lot of psychic incidents –
even in the Jewish context. For example, it has already
been submitted that Moses was a medium himself. If his conduct
was superimposed on to-day’s world he would be clairaudient,
a classic mental as well as a materialization medium.
A most devastating book, The Psychic Stream, by Arthur
Findlay, an expert in Biblical scholarship, states that
all religious beliefs, all the supposedly miraculous, all
the materializations, all the hearing of the ‘heavenly’
entities, all the ‘magic’ one reads in the literature
of Judaism and other religions arose from experiences with
psychic phenomena which are the same today as they were
thousands of years ago. For example, the voices heard by
the medium and clairaudient Deborah who led the Israelites
to victory are no different to the voices that inspired
Joan of Arc; the story of Gideon is that of a clairaudient,
clairvoyant and materialization medium’ – and
there are many, many more examples of psychic explanation
for what the Rabbi and the orthodox Jews believe in.
In other words, science and empiricism can explain the
substance of all religious wonder, no doubt about that.
Conclusion: The Rabbi has his beliefs and I do not want
to intrude into his beliefs; that’s his business and
what he wants to do with his life. But when he misinforms
people about empirical mediumship, that is most unfair and
most unreasonable. Accordingly, I suggest that he study
the empirical paranormal and the evidence for the afterlife.
He should be informed that he is misleading too many people
when he unfairly attacks gifted psychics. With absolute
certainty, the afterlife matters are extremely important
and the consequences are huge.
Victor Zammit February 2006
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