
Presented by Victor and Wendy Zammit
New Book: A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife



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Receive Friday Afterlife Report

 "Bringing light where there is darkness and hope where there is despair."

April 5th, 2019

Last week's report
and all previous reports

COMMENTARY: WHEN SCIENTISTS BECOME IRRATIONAL, ILLOGICAL & UNREASONABLE : It just does NOT make sense for the atheistic skeptical scientist to say that everything that we see on earth and the whole of the universe came by 'chance'. That the trillions of galaxies, stars, planets, solar systems, gravity - all showing heightened intelligence came by pure 'chance' - and that the order and the maintenance of the universe come by chance.That even things we see on earth like all the species, the gender of species, the heightened incentives to procreate, the DNA, the billions of atoms in our body, the circling of the electrons and protons etc etc... with absolute precision - all came about by 'chance' - by an 'accident'. That the perfection, intelligence, the energy, the order and the consciousness in the universe all came by chance??? Others like me, beg to differ. Everything in the universe and on earth are the effect of the 'First Cause' - ie, there is a 'God' - not the religious God - who they make him look an an old man with long white beard! And everything else we see and do not see - are 'effects'.. Even atheistic scientists agree that there is supreme intelligence - laws - which control and maintains everything in the universe. Without this supreme intelligence, the universe would not and could not exist - all galaxies, stars, planets would just collapse.


TWO INSPIRING NDES Mary talks about


Dear Radin demonstrates


SCOTT TAYLOR NDE AND INTO THE LIGHT PROGRAMS Scott Taylor has developed an extraordinary series of NDE meditations aided by Hemi-Sync. For more information go to Scott Taylor's website: https://neardeathmeditations.com/

SEPTEMBER 12-15th 2019
Kathleen Malone, who together with Susanne Wilson is organising this year's AREI sponsored conference explains the name change: "We’ll have afterlife aspects to the Summit, but mostly we’re focused on healing and raising our vibration to a higher level of living. We’re focused on dissolving the wounds and lower level frequencies that bind us and hold us back." Kathleen will be our guest on the Global Gathering on Zoom next Sunday. Read more about Soul Summit Scotsdale 2019

SUZANNE GIESEMANN WITH IRENE'S HEALING A mother receives messages of hope from her deceased daughter and an unexpected healing. www.LoveAtTheCenter.com www.SuzanneGiesemann.com

NEXT WEEK'S FREE AFTERLIFE ZOOM GROUPS With Daylight Saving, some times are changing over the next month. Full details are at www.victorzammit.com/zoom

Saturday, 6th April 2019

Love After Life - contact co-ordinators

Sunday, 7th April 2019

Australia/ UK/ Europe
Topic: Inge Crosson with New Developments in physical mediumship

Mediumship Development Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU

Global Gathering
Times: 4 p.m. New York Time; 1 p.m. Pacific time; (time changes USA) 8 p.m. London time; 7 a.m. Monday, Sydney time.
Brazilian Spiritualism with Luis Sergio Marotta https://zoom.us/j/7595332928

Monday, 8th April 2019
Meditation and Intuition Development with Norma Turner
5 p.m. - 6.30 pm Phoenix U.S. time

Wednesday, 10th April 2019

Thursday, 11th April 2019

Saturday, 13th April 2019
Love After Life

Full details are at www.victorzammit.com/zoom


- Reduces Stress. Stress reduction is one of the most common reasons people meditate. ...
- Controls Anxiety. proper meditation will reduce the high level of energy in the body to the level where it should be.
- Promotes Emotional, Psychological and Physical Health. ...meditation will help you keep a very important balance between mind, body and spirit to give you perfect health.
- Lengthens Attention Span. ... daily meditation will help you to concentrate to lengthen your attention span.

QUESTION: Which of all human conduct is regarded as the worst for us especially when we cross over?
At least three: cruelty, selfishness and dishonesty. Cruelty is regarded as having a most powerful karma. Everytime someone is cruel to antother - physically, psychologically or mentally, that someone immediately lowers his/her spiritual vibrations. Selfishness also has powerful karma - there are many who on crossing over find themselves in the middle to the lower Level of the Light because of selfishness. The degree of selfishness may even get one to the darker level of the afterlife. Dishonesty speaks for itself and that too carries with it negative experiences on crossing over.


WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIE: We receive information that Fundamental Christians have absolutely no idea what happens when they cross over. Christianity has been around the world for over two thousand years - and it sent hundreds of millions of Christians to the other side with much confusion: some expect that God or Jesus will meet them face to face. Others believe that there will be angels playing hymn music on crossing over. As Mons. Hugh Benson, directly from the afterlife after many years of welcoming Christians on crossing over, "Orthodox Christianity knows NOTHING about what the afterlife." So, let me remind you again: you will have a solid body, you will take your character with you as it was during the time you cross over and you take your memories. If you are the average good person you will be welcomed by those loved ones you have heart to heart connection - and you will continue your spiritual journey in the afterlife dimension.


HOW DO WE KNOW WHEN AUTOMATIC WRITING IS FOR REAL? Psychography, or automatic writing, is when the spirits of dead people write through the hand of a medium. Studies on experienced and newbee psychography practitioners using SPECT scans showed that there was less brain activity in the experienced vs those less experienced in the frontal lobes, which is where we problem solve. Clearly, there is different brain activity in practitioners who are very experienced with psychography. Source...

YOUR ASSISTANCE REQUIRED: I'm dealing with skeptics all the time and some of them say that many scientists do not accept that God exists. If you had to ask some questions to some of the popular atheistic scientists about the existence of God what do you think their answers would be?: (this has nothihng to do with any of the 'religious' God): to the atheistic scientists even at genius level:

1. For the record: do you accept there is a universe? We all can witness the existence of the universe for this question the answer would be "yes" - but now - ask these atheists:
2. Do you accept there is immense INTELLIGENCE in the universe? Yes/no:
3. Do you accept there is immeasurable ENERGY in the universe to keep stars, planets, moons and other celestial beings in motion? Yes/no.
4. Do you accept that there is perfect ORDER in the universe, ie, gravity that will not allow all the planets to crash into each other. Yes/no
5. Do you accept there is CONSCIOUSNESS throughout the universe? Yes/no
6. Do you accept there is continuous EVOLUTION in the universe? Yes/no.
When I asked these questions to an atheistic scientist, he answered five from the six questions above in the affirmative - telling me they have nothing to do with God!!! But WRONG! I told him that people like myself would not regard him as an atheist at all even if he answered just one "yes".
Any comments: victorzammit2@gmail.


VERY IMPORTANT BOOK FROM THE PAST (BUT STILL AVAILABLE) BY A BRILLIANT SCHOLAR: 'VOICES OF SPIRIT' through the psychic experiences of Elwood Babbit (pic. left) - received afterlife messages from VIP's including from Prof. Einstein & others: Charles H. Hapgood received his B.A. and M.A. from Harvard. He served in the government, and for many years was a professor at various colleges in New England. He is the author of several scientific books ...Read more

Sir Francis Bacon:
"Facts often appear incredible only because we are ill informed and cease to appear marvellous when our knowledge is extended."

Sir William Crookes:
"I didn't say that it was possible, I just said that it happened". (materialization of Kate).

Nobel Prize Winner Professor Brian Josephson and Professor Jessica Utts: "Those who recognize that significant discoveries in science are very often prompted by observations that do not fit expectations will find a stimulating challenge in accumulating evdience that it is possible to elicit psychic functioning in experiments with ordinary volunteers acting as subjects. Even more convincing results occur with specially selected subjects."


THE ANIMAL COMMUNICATOR ANNA BREYTENBACH Anna Breytenbach has dedicated her life to what she calls interspecies communication. She sends detailed messages to animals through pictures and thoughts. She then receives messages of remarkable clarity back from the animals. Anna can feel the scars hidden under a monkeys fur, she can understand the detailed story that is causing a birds trauma, she transforms a deadly snarling leopard into a relaxed content cat – the whole animal kingdom comes alive in a way never seen before – wild birds land on her shoulders, fish gather around her when she swims, and wild unfamiliar baboons lie on her body as if she is one of their own.

Hans Rosling, with his famous charts of global population, health and income data (and an extra-extra-long pointer), demonstrates that you have a high statistical chance of being quite wrong about what you think you know. Play along with his audience quiz — then, from Hans’ son Ola, learn four ways to think more optimisticly.

See Victor on Video
* Subscribe to Victor's Youtube Channel:

* What Happens When you Die
Afterlife and Science
* Near Death Experiences- Evidence of the Afterlife?
* What You Must Know Before You Die
* David Thompson's Materialization
* Million Dollar Challenge
* The Afterlife on Trial
* A Lawyer on the Afterlife
* Suicide is not the answer
* Religion and the Afterlife

* Ghosts- Randi and closed minded skeptics when they die
* Zwinge Randi's Challenge Exposed ... Lawyer Explains

* Why Professor Richard Dawkins is Wrong
* God--the Evidence (Without Religion)
* Afterlife Without Religion

* Skeptics Demolished
* Afterlife Objections Demolished

* Ghosts- Randi and closed minded skeptics when they die
* Victor Zammit speaking at Speakers Corner
* Materialized Houdini speaks to Victor

FEEDBACK: (Three only).

Playing For Change (PFC) is a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music, born from the shared belief that music has the power to break down boundaries and overcome distances between people. The primary focus of PFC is to record and film musicians performing in their natural environments and combine their talents and cultural power in innovative videos called 'Songs Around The World.

Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal research conducted by the researchers is done in good faith. ALL WORK IS COPYRIGHT BY THE CONDITIONS SET AT THE GENEVA CONFERENCE





- Victor what can you tell me about the human aura. Someone told me that there are those who can know if a person is likely to have serious health problems by reading his aura. Is that true?

Victor: The really gifted psychic will be in a position to read a person's aura and would know if one is likely to have serious illness such as cancer and other illness. I know of a colleague of mine who was informed by a gifted psychic that he should see a doctor straight away because the gifted psychic (at the time in India) could detect serious prostate problems. When he returned my colleague was told by the doctor that the person in India saved his life by the early warning. But BE VERY CAUTIOUS because not every psychic can read auras - and the less gifted could perhaps unintentionally mislead you. The aura consists of the vibrations set up by the body


RESPONDING TO THAT CATHOLIC WHO STATED 'THE VATICAN DOES NOT INDULGE IN THE PARANORMAL.' SEANCES AT THE VATICAN CONFIRMED BY THE BRILLIANT AFTERLIFE RESEARCHER ARTHUR FINDLAY in his book: 'LOOKING BACK' -. Here is an amusing part from LOOKING BACK. Mr Findlay, "In Rome, I addressed in English a large audience, chaired by Prince Christopher of Greece, where many dignitaries of the Church attended ... one Cardinal, with whom I had a talk after the meeting, telling me that seances were held at the Vatican, but that the Pope, Pius XI, was a bad sitter, much better results being obtained when he was not present." It would seem rather hypocritical for the Catholics to ban seances for everybody else but the Cardinals hold seances themselves in the Vatican.



ON VALID ADISSIBLE 'EVIDENCE': First, as an open minded skeptic myself I do encourage people to scrutinize all objective/subjective evidence. We must at all times remember that subjective information is itself subject to fundamental errors and to COMPLETE INVALIDATION. I respect those who have their beliefs - but always keep in mind that whenever there is an inconsistency between the 'objective' - the empirical with the 'subjective' - the personal beliefs, inevitably the objective will ALWAYS prevail of the subjective. It can NEVER be any other way. The afterlife research I have on this site is purely OBJECTIVE. I do NOT have the luxury of subjective beliefs. Yet many uninformed millions believe in religious fables thousands of years old where there is not a shred of evidence of objectivity - nor who orginated the fables.


THE BRILLIANT MEDIUMSHIP OF ALEC HARRIS They Walked Among Us by Louie Harris: (Psychic Press Ltd. 1980) ISBN: 0-85384-055-5Alec Harris was a superb Welsh materialization medium who died in 1974. During the production of materialized spirit forms, Alec's spirit guides usually took him into a deep-trance, and the sitters were able to clearly see him sitting on his chair (bound hand and foot) inside the 'cabinet' - and the whole room was bathed in good red light while the materialized people walked around the room and spoke with their loved ones.

Maurice Barbanell the then editor of Psychic News, wrote of Alec's mediumship that "the spirit forms not only show themselves in good red light, but they also hold sustained conversations, after having walked about ten feet from the cabinet! At a sitting I attended, I saw 30 forms materialize during two and a half hours". At one memorable sitting which was attended by Sir Alexander Cannon, Sir Alex spoke to two spirit forms who were Tibetans, and these conversations were held in their native tongue, which was unknown to Alec Harris or any of the other persons present. And a certain Prof. T J Haarhoff, who was a professor of classics, conversed with a materialized spirit who spoke to him in ancient Greek.

SKEPTIC MAGICIAN CONVINCED: On one notable occasion Mr A.G. Fletcher-Desborough, an expert magician who was an arch skeptic attended a sitting. As he reported later in the Liverpool Evening Express "as an illusionist and magician, I knew exactly where to look for such things as panel and floor escapes, ceiling and wall slides. I was satisfied that nothing could make an exit or entrance in any way. There was no chance of deception". What followed was nothing short of miraculous. The skeptic's dead father materialized and used a pet name known to nobody but his family. His brother materialized giving his name and walking with a limp as he did in life. Finally his third son, Ronnie, who had been beheaded by the Japanese after the fall of Singapore materialized.

DR. JAMIE TURNDOFF "LOVE NEVER DIES Dialoguing with our loved ones in spirit.

SKEPTIC-MAGICIAN CONVINCED OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE AFTERLIFE On one notable occasion Mr A.G. Fletcher-Desborough, an expert magician who was an arch skeptic attended a sitting. As he reported later in the Liverpool Evening Express "as an illusionist and magician, I knew exactly where to look for such things as panel and floor escapes, ceiling and wall slides. I was satisfied that nothing could make an exit or entrance in any way. There was no chance of deception". What followed was nothing short of miraculous. The skeptic's dead father materialized and used a pet name known to nobody but his family. His brother materialized giving his name and walking with a limp as he did in life. Finally his third son, Ronnie, who had been beheaded by the Japanese after the fall of Singapore materialized.




EXISTING MISTAKEN BELIEF: Those in the Western countries and wherever the Christian religion exists around the world, the faithful are usually informed that "we are all sinners, that major wars, plagues, famines, floods and other meterorological disturbances are all 'sent' - so we are taught - by a God who has been so continuously provoked that at last it was imperative that God should retaliate to bring mankind to his senses for the good of his 'immortal soul'. God does so, as it is alleged, by inflicting great punishment upon the people of earth through sufferings of the body or mind - or both." That belief is utterly and completely WRONG! God punishes NO man. Man punishes himself. The Church teaches that man is a 'miserable sinner.' We are NOT miserable sinners. We do what we can given our level of spirituality - by Mons. Hugh Benson. (from HEAVEN and EARTH recorded by Anthony Borgia pic. above,, pub.'95, p88)

PET VISITS FROM THE AFTERLIF Diana Palm talks about 10 signs that your pet is visiting from the afterlife. Download copies here.

Diana runs a Petloss Suport group on Facebook

What is really critical is studying what is being transmitted DIRECTLY from the afterlife by highly reliable afterlife sources.

Highly recommended transmissions from the afterlife are:
* all of the Silver Birch books,
* all of the books by Hugh Benson (medium was Anthony Borgia)
Anthony Borgia - Life In The World Unseen
Anthony Borgia - More About Life In The World Unseen
Anthony Borgia - Facts
* the books of Arthur Findlay where he includes information directly from the afterlife, such as
On the Edge of the Etheric.
These books will give you an introduction to what you need to know about the afterlife - your inevitable future.
For more classic afterlife books see Ghostcircle ebooks.


QUESTION: What is the different between the soul and the spirit body? Is the spirit body the same as the physical body when we are on earth?

Victor: I have to be brief about this huge topic. But it is very important to know more about our 'soul' (our 'Higher-Self), more about our spirit body - and about our own physical body.
First, we have a physical body while we are on earth.
Second: and while we live on earth with a physical body, we do have a separate 'spirit body' which stays in our aura all during our lifetime on earth.
Third: when we die on earth, the physical body is destroyed, but our spirit body, a duplicate of the physical body, will live in the afterlife dimension - it will become a solid body, the way the physical body lived on earth. Of course, the solid spirit body in the afterlife will in perfect health and usually continues to spiritually evolve.
Thirdly, the 'soul' - some of us call the 'Higher Self' - will be with our physical body on earth and also with the spirit body in the afterlife dimension. As a matter of fact the 'Higher Self' will be with us on earth and in the afterlife dimension forever. It is important to know that we can request help from the Higher Self - because it is the spark of the Divine - and which has all the knowledge of the past, present and the future. Some advanced afterlife researchers confirm that those mediums who are accurate telling us future events are obtaining their information from their 'Higher Self'.


