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Who was Montague Keen? See article.
Montague Keen was a brilliant psychic researcher, journalist, agricultural administrator, magazine editor and farmer. A member of the Council of the Society for Psychical Research for 55 years, chairman of its Image and Publicity Committee and secretary of its Survival Research Committee, he was principal investigator of the Scole Group of physical mediums, and author of the Scole Report, published in the Proceedings of the SPR (Vol 54 Pt 220) in 1999 with his co-investigators Professors Arthur Ellison and David Fontana. All three of them were criticised by some conserviate members of the SPR.

Who is David Thompson

David is one the world's best physical mediums. In his presence people materialise and speak to their loved ones and friends in their own voices. Listen.
Here's an interview with David.

What was Montague Keen's connection with David Thompson?

Montague and his wife Veronica accepted an invitation to investigate the mediumship of physical medium David Thompson and attended a seance with him on Saturday October 25th, 2003. He wrote a very favourable report on the seance dated November 8th, 2003. Once again Montague was criticised by those members of the SPR who do not accept physical mediumship.

How did Montague die?
Two months after Montague sat with David Thompson, he died suddenly on 15 January 2004 while speaking in defence of Rupert Sheldrake’s telepathy research during a public debate at the Royal Society of Arts in London.

The Return of Montague Keen
As Denny Penman writes, if anyone could be expected to communicate after death it would be Montague. He came though several mental mediums almost straight away and six days after his death the medium Dinesh Solanki claims he saw Monague standing watching everyone during his wake. See Danny Penman's article on Montague's death.

Professor Gary Schwartz, who was a friend of Montague, set up an experiment with four mental mediums to contact him in double-blinded conditions.- which they all did with 80-90% accuracy. (This is recorded in Chapter 9 of the book The Truth About Medium).

9th February 2004
- (25 days after his death)
Montague's First Contact in the UK
Montague came through a home circle of physical medium David Thompson with a messge for his wife Veronica. He also wanted to apologise to the circle leader for something he had wrongly accused her of in his report on David. He explained that having sat with David previously in October 2003 made it easier for him.
Tape 1 - First contact [ 3 mins 37secs]

16th May 2004 England - (4 months after his death).
Montague materialised during a seance with David Thompson where he talked with a number of friends - Guy Lyon Playfair, Robin and Sandra Foy. He talks to Guy about the Enfield Poltergeist case that Guy investigated and mentions the secret address of the house where the case took place. He dictated a speech to be read at his memorial serivce.
Tape 2 - Montague's speech
[20 minutes 47 secs]

9th August 2004 England- (6 months after his death) - he again came through in a seance in London and talks to his friend John Samson, a fellow member of the Society for Psychical Research. He references his earlier talk. He asks John to tell his wife Veronia to stop wearing the crystal made from his ashes around her neck. He mentions that the medium David Thompson is about to leave to live in Australia and says that he hopes David will connect there with Victor Zammit.

Tape 3 - Montague talks to John Samson [9 mins 39]

30th June 2006 Sydney Ausralia - (2 years after his death) Montague came through to tell Victor and Wendy Zammit that he would be working with them from the other side. He confirms that he has been visiting his wife and knows that she has moved to London. And sends his regards to Gary Schwartz.

Tape 4 - Montague in Sydney talks to Victor and Wendy [2 mins 45 secs]
