Different Areas of Evidence for the Afterlife

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A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife

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Why don't more people know about the scientific evidence for the afterlife?

In 2005 Professor David Fontana, Professor of Trans-personal Psychology at Liverpool John Moores University, published a scholarly 500 page book called Is There An Afterlife which reviews some of the evidence for the afterlife collected during more than 150 years of scientific research.

In the Introduction to the book Professor Archie Roy pointed out that, as yet, most traditional scientists are simply unaware of the evidence for the afterlife. They have never done psychic research, and have never read the evidence. But they are often hostile to it because they think it challenges their outdated scientific world view.

Traditional western science has been based on a strict separation of science from religion. It is based on observation and experiment which means it is only interested in things which can be sensed and measured within the narrow range of vibrations which make up our five senses.

It rejects the possibility of an afterlife because materialist science teaches that consciousness is located only in the physical brain and once the brain dies that is the end of consciousness. This view is increasingly being challeneged by modern physics.

Some religions want people to follow teachings which were created hundreds of years ago and which have been distorted over the years. They discourage people from direct investigation of the afterlife, saying that it is dangerous.

As a result people don't realise that all religions started with psychic and spiritual experiences like out of body experiences, near death experiences and after death contacts which many many people are still having today.

The combined pressure by science and religion in Western society have created a "taboo" or prohibition on publicly investigating or even talking about psychic phenomena (psi) or the afterlife.

Dr Dean Radin calls this the "woo woo taboo" [woo woo is a negative name given by skeptics to the paranormal].

A fuller version of Dr Radin's talk can be found at Google tech talks.

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake
encounters this hostility frequently in his work on telepathy and finds that, unlike the general public, his academic critics refuse to look at the evidence.

This academic hostility
to the study of psychic phenomena and the afterlife has meant that there has been almost no money for research in it and no career possibilitites for researchers even though the subject is of great interest to most people, including many scientists. Even today there are very few organizations dedicated to paranormal research and most of the work is being done by dedicated people in their spare time.

The research information is complex

As well, in a time-poor society most people do not have the time to sift through the huge amount of complex research materials that have been accumulated by previous researchers. For example the cross correspondences consist of three thousand scripts transmitted over thirty years. Some of them were more than forty typed pages long. Together they fill 24 volumes and 12,000 pages and contain much information that would only make sense to a scholar of Latin and Ancient Greek.

Information was not shared

Until recently many of the best books on psychic and afterlife research were not easily available, even in most libraries. They were called "occult" which means hidden. And people were frightened to talk about their experiences in case others thought they were crazy and attacked them.

It is only recently with the development of the internet that many of these books have been made available online and websites have been set up to allow people to share experiences.

Most people don't know about the evidence

This has led many highly intelligent people to wrongly conclude that there is no evidence for the afterlife simply because they are unaware that scientists have been systematically studying the afterlife for more than 150 years.



Updated January 2019

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