Different Areas of Evidence for the Afterlife


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Physics and the Afterlife

Over the last few decades there has been a significant increase in research into quantum physics, the study of the characteristics of and relationships between subatomic particles and energies.

Some of the physicists working in this area are discovering no conflict at all between physics and belief in the paranormal and the afterlife. They are showing that the phenomena we now call “paranormal” are normal and consistent with the laws of science at the subatomic level.

We now know that atoms are 99.999999999% empty space. And, thanks to 'quantum physics', we now know that subatomic particles- electrons, protons and neutrons - are not solid either. They are made up of energy. So the world we think of as being solid is in fact empty space.



This means that there is plenty of room for other worlds, other dimensions, to take up the same space our own world but at a different frequency. We know this happens when different radio stations and different television stations and microwaves and x rays are all present in the same room but cannot be detected without the right kind of a receiver.

Our senses and our instruments are only able to perceive a small range of vibrations between two fixed points, namely between 34,000 and 64,000 waves to the inch, or from 400 to 750 billion waves to the second. That is the section which makes up to us the physical world.

But the physical world is only a very limited section of vibrations compared with all the other vibrations in the universe. Humans have only recently learned to produce machines which can tune into radio waves, television waves and x rays. But these all existed before we were able to detect them.

Scientists working in the Spirit world (which they call the Etheric world) tell us that their world is just as solid as our world but on a different frequency- just above what our senses can perceive.



In their book The Vortex: Key to Future Science David Ash and Peter Hewitt argue from Einstein's equation that since matter and light share a common movement, the actual speed of the swirling of the vortex, must be related to the speed of light. They argue that once the movement of the vortex exceeds the speed of light, then a person or thing will enter into superenergy, a new dimension, a new world.

But in that new dimension the person or thing will be as solid as you and me in this dimension. The only thing is that the vortices will be swirling at a speed faster than on the earth plane.

See David Ash Science of the Supernatural

As a group, physicists are realizing that what we think of as reality is actually an illusion and there could well be other worlds, even other universes which include the afterlife.

Professor Fred Alan Wolf sums up this view when he writes:

" There is evidence that suggests the existence of a non-material, non-physical universe that has a reality even though it might not as yet be clearly perceptible [ able to be detected ] to our senses and scientific instrumentation. (1998:245)

BBC Horizon- What is reality


Other scientists like Dr. Charles Tart argue that traditional science has unnecessarily limited itself and it is possible to use scientific method to investigate spiritual subjects.


In his book The Holographic Universe, author Michael Talbot made many references to the work of David Bohm and Karl H. Pribram, and it is quite apparent that the combined work of Bohm and Pribram is largely the cornerstone upon which Talbot built his ideas. Michael Talbot attempted to use the holographic perspective to explain paranormal activity and extrasensory perception. Talbot also ties in elements of Carl Jung's "collective unconscious" theory, as well as the synchronicity phenomenon, to suggest the existence of an underlying unified field that ties all things in the universe together. Read more....



Updated 17th November 2013

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