A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife
Sarah’s statement

The love of my life passed into spirit on 1st August 2006.
Nick was my first love at aged 15, we grew up in the same town in England, he was 5 years older than me so naturally we went our separate ways 3 years later and both moved away to different countries.

Through a twist of fate we met up again 2 years ago; they say the heart remembers and it certainly did with us with more passion and love than I had ever thought possible.

The bottom of my world dropped out when he passed over and I searched for answers, I believe he led me here; I continually asked for help and guidance and he gave me that.

My experience in this seance was the greatest gift I could ever have hoped for other than having Nick in my life up until he passed.

As Mitch said 'Can you imagine, anywhere in the world right now, anything more miraculous happening other than a child being born?' I for one couldn't.
The reason for sharing this recording is because for me, hearing recordings of other fortunate people being re-united with loved ones gave me the strength to live when I really didn't want to anymore.

I have no doubt that it was Nick that spoke to me and held my face, this ultimately proved what I had always hoped, that the bonds of love can never severed.
