Five seances with three different
physical Mediums
and their circles at Magical Montcabirol
Testimonial by Dr. K. New
York, USA
Montcabirol France Thursday 30th April 2009

I have just returned from the south of France
after attending one of the most exciting and life changing
events ever to take place on French soil. No, this was not
the Cannes Film Festival or a convention of French wine
merchants. It was, undoubtedly, the biggest event that Zerdin’s
Phenomenal had organised over one long weekend period outside
of the Uk since David Thompson's Uk tour in its illustrious
history, and possibly the largest gathering of physical
mediums and their circles, convening to demonstrate their
gifts in one place at one time ever anywhere in the world.
This event took place over a four day weekend
at a most picturesque venue that would make both Monet and
Van Gogh resurrect and take notice. We all know that France
is known for the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and the Maginot
Line, but what is not known about France is probably their
best kept secret – the new spiritual Mecca of the
European Union – the beautiful, historical, and picturesque
twelfth century hamlet known as Montcabirol.
This medieval hamlet is surrounded by rolling
hills and lush meadows teeming with sheep and goats tending
their lambs in this deliciously fertile landscape, their
vibrant little bodies all aglow with health and fecundity.
A perpetual drone of bells can be heard in the distance,
creating a monotonous staccato, conducive to the meditative
atmosphere at this most spiritual of mediumship venues known
as Montcabirol.
Remember that name, as it is surely destined
to be written indelibly into the annals of spiritual history
alongside Stansted and Hydesville. Situated at the foothills
of the beautiful, snowcapped, Pyrenees Mountains just north
of Spain and Andorra, Montcabirol, surrounded by rolling
hills and lush green pastures in a most bucolic setting,
created the perfect backdrop, for what many will consider
to be an historic gathering of thirty two like minded people
who came from around the globe to witness demonstrations
of the extremely rare gift of physical mediumship.
Six physical circles were represented at
this gathering with three that would be demonstrating. In
attendance were the Meadows Circle, the Rainbow Circle,
the Yellow Cloud Circle of Eternal Illumination, the Silver
Fox Circle of Friends, The Falmer Circle and the Circle
for Humanity. The latter three of the aforementioned circles
are still in development and hope to be demonstrating at
some time in the future. Due to the large volume of information,
I will be limiting my discussion of these mediumship demonstrations
to the Rainbow Circle. I certainly could not do justice
to the other two circles without making my treatise overwhelmingly
So, the stage is set. On Thursday, April 30, 2009, one by
one, people begin to arrive. The excitement that filled
the air was palpable, for we all knew that very soon, we
were all going to be engaging in something that very few
people around the world, and throughout history have ever
experienced – direct, overt, objective, physical communication
with the spirit world.
What makes this form of spirit communication so special
is that it is objective. In other words, what one person
sees, hears, feels, smells, and experiences, everyone else
in the room also experiences. This differs from mental mediumship
in that mental mediumship is subjective. What is told by
the medium usually only applies to and is understood by
an individual or a family. Nevertheless, I was extremely
fortunate and blessed to have been invited to sit in a preliminary
sitting with the Rainbow Circle from England the night before
their first ever public demonstration.
This form of physical mediumship is commonly known as table
tipping. This term is a gross misnomer with this circle
because this table did not just tip, it flew about the room
at alternating speeds in every position possible. This table
appeared to be on steroids! I had never experienced this
form of mediumship before so I knew very little about it.
Little did I know that I was in for the emotional ride of
my life. The demonstration commenced promptly at seven o’clock
in the evening. All of the usual precautions were taken
to preclude light from coming in and to protect the mediums.
The room was approximately thirty by thirty feet and twenty
feet high. The table that they used was a wooden table with
three legs and a circular top measuring nineteen inches
high and twenty and one half inches in diameter. There were
several pieces of illuminated tape on it so the location
of the table could always be seen in the dark.
With this particular form of mediumship, these mediums do
not go into trance. They were both wide awake, alert and
ready to actively participate in the demonstration. I had
the extremely good fortune to meet and spend time with the
mediums, Kath and Terry on a previous occasion back in March
and I must say, that these people are two of the most honest,
sincere, caring, and generous people that I have ever met.
Their integrity is without a doubt, unquestionable. The
room was securely locked and duct tape was placed around
the edges to make the room impervious to light. As soon
as the light in the room was extinguished and Kathy began
the opening prayer, the table immediately began to move.
It literally came to life.
This table didn’t just move a little,
it was all over the place. I have never seen anything like
it. It was instant. As soon as they hit the light switch,
“all hell broke loose”. The table rose up off
of the ground so high that I had to reach up as high as
I could with my left hand to try to keep my fingertips on
it. Eventually, this became impossible, as it was soon out
of my reach. A few seconds later, it came back within reach
of my hand again. This happened many times throughout the
course of the evening. I am not sure if this table ever
stopped moving for duration of the séance, which
was about ninety minutes.
It was like a nonstop roller coaster ride.
Several spirit communicators came through throughout the
evening. The control for this team of spirit communicators
is an historically well known North American Indian from
I believe the Black Hills of South Dakota. His name is Red
Cloud. He is the main guide for this circle, also known
as the spirit control or gatekeeper. He was able to communicate
many messages by using the alphabet and tapping out letters
on the floor with the table. Terry, one of the mediums,
devised this ingenious method to communicate with the spirit
entities. All of the spirit communicators were able to communicate
by using the alphabet and tapping out messages at high speed
with the table onto the floor. This was performed quite
loudly, certainly loud enough for everyone in the room to
hear very clearly. Terry has become quite proficient at
receiving these messages through high speed tapping as he
verbalizes them to the rest of the sitters during the course
of the séance. They were also able to answer questions
with one tap being a yes, two taps a no, and three taps
a maybe. It proved to be a very effective method of communicating.
We all listened intently as the messages and communicators
came through. I was extremely surprised and delighted to
have received several important, personal messages from
Red Cloud myself. The next communicator to come through
and tap out their name was someone named Mary. After a short
pause, I verbalized to the rest of the sitters that my mothers
name was Mary. IMMEDIATELY, within a split second, the table
rose up off of the floor and was right up against the left
side of my chest, right over my heart caressing me in an
up and down and circular motion. The table returned to the
floor and I immediately responded, “mom, is that you”?
Immediately, the table rose up off of the ground and began
rubbing up against the left side of my chest again. As tears
began rolling uncontrollably down my face, I responded;
“is it really you mom”? The table immediately
began to tap out the message:
“it’s really me”.
At that very moment, I began to feel a finger gently caress
the forefinger on my right hand. I blurted out: “She’s
caressing my hand, she’s caressing my hand”.
A few seconds later, I felt a hand on the upper part of
my back between my neck and my right shoulder. This was
not an imaginary hand, it was as real as my own and was
caressing me as only a mother could for one of her offspring.
I could feel the love. It was genuine. It was palpable.
It had to be her. At this point, I began to sob uncontrollable
as this was the most emotional experience that I have ever
had in my entire life. My mother had passed to the spirit
world forty one years ago when I was very young, after a
lengthy illness. It was very difficult. For me, this was
the gift of a lifetime – being reunited with my mother,
feeling her love, and just knowing that she is still alive
and happy in the spirit world, and knowing that some day,
I will be reunited with her again. Priceless, is the only
word that I can think of to describe this most wonderful
and life changing experience.
Remarkably another spirit communicator identified himself
as Farrokh Bulsara also known as Freddie Mercury known to
the world for his music with the group Queen. Once again
through the table he communicated using his real off stage
name not known to all but there was sitter who confirmed
the name. Freddie gave a message to one of the sitters of
a personal nature which he verified and asked the sitter
to deliver the message as Freddie was aware that this sitter
would soon be in the company of one of the members of Queen
in the very near future.The séance continued, as
I continued to tremble and weep for the duration of the
Several spirit children were coming through to play and
to entertain us.
On a table outside of the circle were several objects for
the spirit kids to play with. There was a maracas, a skipping
rope, luminescent chalk with a piece of black cardboard,
a penny whistle, glow in the dark florescent/luminescent
tape, a drum and two drumsticks, a battery operated keyboard,
four small cardboard hooplas, two full size plastic hooplas,
a playable plastic trumpet, three standard cardboard megaphones,
six large inflated balloons, and a plastic football. Every
one of these objects has luminous tape on it so their location
could be seen in the dark. At some point, each one of these
objects was levitated off of the table and brought by the
children to the center of the circle to play with. When
the transparent plastic football was levitated from the
table, lights appeared within the ball for everyone in the
room to see. At one point, several of these toys and instruments
were moving about the circle and playing at the same time.
This was quite a display. All in all, six spirit children
came through and tapped out their names for all to hear.
Some of the names were Dick, Freddie, Peter, Luke, Lucy,
and the control, Red Cloud.
Throughout the evening, many messages were conveyed
by the spirit communicators however, I am at a loss to remember
most of them as I was in a state of perpetual emotional
upheaval. The messages that I received from my mother and
Red Cloud that evening were too personal for me to mention
in this writing. This demonstration of physical mediumship
was certainly as physical as it gets. Ninety minutes of
nonstop physical phenomena and spirit communication. There
was NO downtime. Considering the emotionally charged reunion
with my mother after forty one years, along with the very
personal messages from both her and Red Cloud, I can say
with complete sincerity, that this was without a doubt,
the greatest, and most memorable experience of my entire
I cannot close this writing without tendering a
few candid remarks regarding my experiences and observations
while sitting with the Meadows Circle and the Yellow Cloud
Circle. With respect to the Meadows Circle, at one point
during the séance, a communicator named Johnathan
told the sitters that he was going to materialize his hand
and was going to invite a few people to come up and shake
hands with him.
He not only materialized his hand, he also materialized
his wrist and entire forearm, up to his elbow. Having sat
with the Meadows Circle before, it appears that Johnathan
is materializing a little more of his upper extremity each
time. Nevertheless, eight or nine sitters were invited up
to shake hands with Johnathan. The last one was a gentleman
named Kevin, who is the leader of the Yellow Cloud Circle.
While Kevin was up shaking the materialized hand, Johnathan
apparently raised the curtain in front of the cabinet high
enough for Kevin to see inside.
Kevin stated that he could clearly see the medium, Bill
Meadows, still strapped and “velcroed” to the
chair while shaking Johnathan's’ materialized hand.
This is conclusive, irrefutable proof that the materialized
hand was definitely NOT the hand of the medium. I had the
extremely good fortune to have had the opportunity to shake
Johnathan’ hand at a demonstration back in January
and I can say with the utmost sincerity and certainty, that
it was not the hand of the medium, Bill Meadows.
Finally, I would like to share a few very pertinent
experiences that I had while sitting with the Yellow Cloud
Circle of Eternal Illumination. I asked one of the spirit
communicators, also named Johnathan, if he could see us
the way we see each other. He stated that he could. I then
asked him if he could see color and if he could see us in
the dark. He stated that he not only could see me, but that
he could also see my kidneys. I then proceeded to ask him
to describe the color of my clothing. He accurately described
the color of my shirt, my pants, and even described the
underwear that I was wearing!
Simply amazing. I was extremely fortunate to have had the
opportunity to sit with the Yellow Cloud Circle three times
that week. Combined, we sat for over seven hours, talking
to what our society calls “dead people”.
I have come to the definitive conclusion
that these people are not only still alive, but they are
more alive than we are. Although very difficult, they can
and do wish to communicate with us as much as we want to
communicate with then. So much can be gleaned about the
afterlife, the world to which we all will definitely be
inhabiting one day. A great deal can also be learned that
could tremendously benefit the world in which we live today.
Direct communication with the so-called dead can be extremely
comforting to those who have lost loved ones. More importantly,
we can all benefit by listening to their messages. Their
most important message, aside from telling us that they
are not dead, is that we are all totally and completely
accountable for all of our behavior while we are here inhabiting
the physical plane. After all, who would know better than
those who are “already there”? It would be foolish
not to listen very carefully to everything they say. What
is sad, and very appalling to me is that the vast majority
of the people on this planet have never heard of physical
mediumship and spirit communication and those who have,
dismiss it without any investigation whatsoever. This, in
my humble opinion, is the height of foolishness.
We are given the greatest gift imaginable,
and most people dismiss it. I believe that the reason for
this is that the vast majority of people allow themselves
to be brainwashed and indoctrinated by television, radio,
newspapers, magazines, billboards, e-mails, friends, teachers,
religion, priests, ministers, rabbis, and holy books that
were written thousands of years ago. I find it most perplexing
that the multitudes of intelligent people on every continent
live their lives based on books and teaching that were written
and formulated thousands of years ago by people they know
nothing about, without ever questioning any of it. It is
all based on hope and faith without any substantive scientific
or empirical evidence whatsoever. The time has come for
the world to know the truth about life and death. We have
been lied to and deluded for thousands of years and this
must stop now. The whole world is in trouble and the time
has come for all to know the truth once and for all - that
there is another life waiting for all of us and that our
place in that world is determined directly by the culmination
of all of our thoughts, deeds, actions. I would urge everyone
to vigorously and sincerely pursue a serious investigation
of this most important of all subjects – life after
death. The information is right at your fingertips –
on the internet and in bookstores. Put forth a little bit
of effort and the rewards for your efforts will prove to
be priceless. This is truly, without a doubt, the greatest
discovery in the history of humankind.