ORATORY AT ITS BEST Victor Zammit at LONDON's Hyde
Park - Great oratory/speeches of the recent past.
Speakers' Corner is symbolic for
the democratic process: freedom of speech and assembly.
But to many people it is a place for entertainment. Those
tourists who used to visit Speakers' Corner were absolutely
stunned at the British tradition of freedom of speech.
The orator who for 25 years consistently
had the biggest crowd at Speakers Corner: see for yourself
- youtube
Speakers' Corner - 32 historical pictures see
pictures ...
Victor (inside the black circle) attracted huge crowds at
Speakers' Corner - Marble
Arch, Hyde Park, London, this picture 2002. People loved
Victor's great sense of humor ... that was part of his successful
formula which worked all the time.
There were - and still are those speakers at Speakers' Corner
who defend and those who speak against the government, against
taxation of all kinds, against being involved in wars in
the Middle East and the Far East. The Christians, Human
Rights Campaigners, the Israelis, the Socialists, religious
crusaders, women's' liberation, atheism, pro and anti-Americanism,
those for and those against the monarchy, world revolutionists
speak every Sunday afternoon at Speakers' Corner.
Visiting speakers from other countries such as from Australia
visit London's Speakers' Corner at Marble Arch. It is a
tradition going back hundreds of years ago. Police visit
this highly provocative to maintain order.
A memorable statement by a British police officer will never
be forgotten when he said to a crowd after there was some
fighting, "Alright you lot. Those who want to invade
the Queen's home here on one side - get your own platform.
And you lot who don't want to invade the Queen's home, keep
your platform away from these lot here!" That
is democracy. That is freedom of speech and that is freedom
of assembly. A great British tradition in practice.
The rivalry between capitalism and communism was at all
time very high in the early 1970's.. Victor states that
it was critical then to entertain the big crowds. The use
of humor, satire and vicious wit were essential. Victor's
message was sandwiched between the humor and the satire,
between serious oratory and the sharp one liners. At times
hecklers tried to take Victor on - but as always, Victor
showed he had vast experience in dealing with the most aggressive
hecklers. The extracts below were recorded in the early
seventies at a time when the cold war was still very intense.
The oratory, the heckling, the wit, the dialogue reflects
the attitudes of the historical times of the early seventies.
Of course, the great orators like Lord Soper, Webster and
others have gone. The great oratory has gone too. So have
the big crowds.
Below gives the reader a good idea of the
level of oratory, entertainment and confrontations that
went on in an era of the 1970's which is not likely to come
back ever again. This unique edited documentary evidence
of these highly interesting transcripts at Speakers' Corner
are not to be found anywhere else.

Here below is Victor Zammit, human rights
orator at Speakers' Corner in London - around 1972.
Victor: “I have seen too
much injustice, oppression, violence, and deceit ... yes
I have been involved in politics, religion and human rights
and I have witnessed the mind-manipulators, those in authority
who say they are your trusted friends, but who, underneath
their facade of friendship are nothing but your bitter ENEMIES!
DON'T trust them. DON'T trust any of them. DON'T
let them control YOUR mind! Don't ever let them take away
your independence. Don't let anyone take away your fundamental
rights, human rights, innate rights!
Basically, you want to search for the TRUTH. You
want to discover for yourself the meaning of life, liberty
and you want to pursue happiness in your own individual
way. You have a right to think for yourself. You have a
right to determine your beliefs, your future, your hopes,
your aspirations.
And for complete LIBERATION OF THE MIND, never
allow others to do the thinking for you. Never allow anyone
to dominate your mind, body and your human spirit!
When I come to speak to my crowd here, I KNOW that
I am free in what I say. I know that I can share my knowledge
with you. I know that what I say will inevitably affect
But I NEVER say you must follow my ideas. I never
say I have all the answers. I never say I want to change
your beliefs and your ideas. I never do that. Your mind
is your own! You are free to think for yourself! You are
free to extend your knowledge, free to keep your beliefs!
But you are also free to ENRICH your beliefs!
And when you see the misery, the suffering and
the brutality around the world, shed a silent tear for those
who are victims of international political gangsterism,
victims of military oppression, victims of ubiquitous insatiable
Whilst we struggle to survive, deep down we know
that ultimately we are the ones to seek and keep on seeking
what is real, what is achievable, what is right for us!
I'll let you on a little secret: the UNIVERSE will
support your every deeply felt desire!
Sometimes you see familiar things in a new light.
Sometimes you may agree with what I have to say, sometimes
not. But nobody tells me what to tell to you. Nobody bribes
me to sell somebody else's propaganda. Nobody is ever in
a position to buy my partiality. Nobody!
I do continuous research to find the truth. Since
I was able to read I started my mission to discover the
truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! I discovered
information that was not available to me in my younger years
... I got to know about certain things which where deliberately
kept from me. I traveled in many parts of the world to see
for myself, to experience for myself and to discover for
myself some of the answers to some of the vital mysteries
of this world! Although I gained much wonderful knowledge
and answers, the search goes on!
At present I am free to continue to seek the truth
and nothing but the truth. And I share this truth with you
... because the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!
* * * * * * * * * *
Yes! This is the GREATEST weekly
outdoor LIVE entertainment in the whole world!
Fundamentally, this is FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION!
This is the LIBERATION of your mind!
This is where you escape from the PRISON of your MIND!
Welcome all Christians ... Catholics, Protestants, Anglicans
and other Christians, Judaists, and Hindus and Moslems and
others ... Welcome all atheists, agnostics, skeptics and
the 'I don't know' people ...
Religions! Especially the Christian religion is most important
to discuss here. We know that Western morality, Western
values, Western culture, the Western mind come directly
out of the Judeo-Christian Bible!
In every Western country, from the United States to England,
France, Italy Spain, Germany and all other Western countries
and in Australia and New Zealind you will find deeply rooted
in their tradition, culture and history are the inevitable
Judeo Christian values. But are these values still functional?
To understand the Western mind you have to understand what
is in the Bible!
Is what is in the Bible relevant to our present urgent needs?
Is the Bible the word of God or man?
Whilst to-day Christianity is in an inevitable and irretrievable
decline, the Western mind is asking: can we continue to
accept the Bible when it fundamentally conflicts with science,
with common sense with what is real, urgent and immediate!
Questioner: Yes Mr Speaker, but Christianity has lasted
for two thousand years and it will not go away very quickly
Victor, jokingly: What you are talking about is what I call
the greatest commercial venture in the history of mankind.
I call Christianity the manufactured product of the Vatican
Industries Propriety Limited which was founded by Emperor
Constantine & Sons in the year 325 A.D. and which has
been going on ever since then! (crowd response).
Profits are guaranteed! The volunteer workers ask people
for donation, and part of the donations go to the company's
headquarters. The company has been expanding and has branches
are to be found in most countries around the world! The
company's Chairman of the Board, the Pope, always declares
a profit for the shareholders! The company made huge profits
every year since year 325 after Jesus! (crowd response)
The real problem these days is that the company cannot find
the volunteer workers so easily as it used to. And so many
shareholders are leaving the company! (response)
Questioner: Tell us Mr Speaker ... why is it that
this fantastic two thousand year guaranteed profit making
business slipped out of the Jews' hands? ..... response
Victor: Why don't you ask the Jews themselves?
Let's move on! Your ideas are most welcome!
Welcome all Jews and Arabs ... and others in between ...
Welcome those theistic and atheistic existentialists ...
those who are searching for TRUTH ... but are still at the
permanently uncertain stage ... (laughter)
The Middle East Right revolutionaries are here ... trying
to persuade the English Prime Minister and the American
President to convert to Islam! ... (response)
Victor pictured below: mainstream
media attending
terrorists, fundamentalists, those who use dynamite to blow
up aeroplanes and blow up ships and blow up buildings are
NOT with us to day because ... Victor has enough explosive
ORATORICAL material to blow up your minds with new ideas,
new thinking, new ways to cope with your politics, with
your government, with your friends and with yourselves and
with your girlfriends and boyfriends - can't leave anybody
out! (response)
You know it, I know it, most people around the world know
it ... that Word War Three will not be against the Russians,
or the Germans or against beings from outer space.
We are informed that Nostradamus the prophet predicts in
his writings, the Quatrains, that if there will be a World
War Three in our lifetime, it will be against the fundamentalists
from the Middle East and that they may get military help
from an unexpected source.
This frightfully chilling plausible prediction stated over
four hundred years ago, gives a great deal of food for thought!
This is because to-day, even the Western skeptical military
experts are predicting EXACTLY the same thing without having
read Nostradamus! I don't particularly believe in Nostradamus
- but I accept evidence of the current circumstances!
The ultra left-wing dreamers are here and getting smaller
in numbers all the time … (response)
The hopeless right wing Nazis, the Ultra Right Liberation
Front are here ... some of them in their uniforms proudly
showing off their swastikas ... to tell us that Hitler really
was a nice fellow after all ... he was just misunderstood!
(response) ... that racial purity is an immediate
objective for a peaceful world ... "STOP THE YELLOW
and the BLACK INVASION" they're screaming!
One of Victor's largest crowds
Last Sunday a misguided uniformed Nazi heckler asked a very
interesting question: why is it that Hitler gets the blame
all the time for exterminating the Jews when that Christian
leading reformist Martin Luther in 1543 urged the people
and the state to burn and destroy all the Jewish homes and
synagogues? That was a most intriguing question ...
Yes ... we also have the police here. We get uniformed police
and plain clothes and national security police and all kinds
of police. We even get local and foreign spies and spies
from the Mossad! I once knew a sexy Mossag spy - she must
have been hiding many things in her bra - they looked huge
... I could not concentrate on anything for an hour!! ....
Question: Why would local and foreign spies would
want to come here Mr Speaker?
Victor: They want to have a good time too just like you
on this beautiful warm Sunday afternoon! response
Many of the police I am informed are armed. But it's the
female police I like best. Their generous natural undercover
gives them the edge on those flat chested macho male police
who are always so itchy to lock up some of Victor's occasional
noisy hecklers .. (response)
Look to your left, look to your right, to your front and
back, because you are likely to be sitting on the grass
or standing next to a tough policeman or woman who will
not take any nonsense from you if you cannot control your
Here at my meetings, you use your brain, you use your mind,
you use your intelligence!
I NEVER say you have to agree with me!
I am never dogmatic about what I tell you. Never!
I ALWAYS do my research. I ALWAYS cite my sources. I ALWAYS
give everyone here the right to disagree with me !
But I hate violence. I hate aggression. I abhor bullying
by anyone ... and the police always make sure that Victor's
meetings are always peaceful!
The police NEVER hesitated to remove any noisy, unruly heckler
from Victor's meeting!
And these police officers
will put any unruly noisy heckler in a cell very quickly,
where some twenty stone female cop will accidentally fall
on this heckler in the cell - purely by accident of course
Before I come here I always do my research! I do research
for university tutorials, for university projects, essays
and lectures! That is why for many years there has never
been anyone who was able to show you that I was wrong in
my facts, NEVER!
Yes, this IS the Speakers' Corner!
My name is Victor.
I am a HUMAN RIGHTS campaigner.
I am not a left winger; I am not a right winger.
I am centrist.
For most people I am a RADICAL centrist. response
Interjector: What's that Mr. Speaker?
Victor: Radical centrism, friend, is REASONABLENESS taken
to an EXTREME ... laughter
Too much terrorism, socialism, communism or fascism will
give you political rheumatism ... laughter
At Speakers' Corner I discuss, debate and speak about many
relevant political, social, economic, environmental burning
Questions we ask include:
who is behind world terrorism? Why are world leaders telling
us that religion is on the decline? Who will lead us during
the twenty-first century with guaranteed optimism? Which
political system is continuing to evolve and which political
systems will inevitably go into decline and disappear altogether?
Will the New Age bring the good news it predicts? Will we
eventually triumph against all aggression, against all oppression
and against all terrorism?
Questioner: Here Victor, tell us, do you like capitalism?
Victor: ... Yes, I like CAPITALISM ...
(jokingly) Capitalism gives you FREEDOM; it gives you LIFE;
gives you HAPPINESS; gives you sunshine and love and ...
(jokingly) capitalism makes people rich ... makes
you rich ... filthy rich ...
AND WE LIKE IT! response
Of course, history has shown
that extreme capitalism - by way of imperialism nations
have raided weaker nations, exploited their resources, exploited
their natural resources, exploited their wealth and dug
up the diamonds, the gold, the minerals and took back to
the mother country.
Many of the big countries
did that: Spain, Portugal, England, France, Germany, Italy,
Russia and Japan.
No wonder some of the indigenes
- the local natives - around the world tell us to day, "When
they came we had the land and they had the Bible. Now we
have the Bible and they have the land."
As a committed left wing socialist in I970 I went to communist
Russia for a visit ... on a package tour from London where
I got a ten per cent discount for being a student ...laughter
I came out almost as a RIGHT WING capitalist bourgeois ...
laughter ... only kidding ....
Interjector: What's bourgeois Mister Victor?
Victor, jokingly: Those people who eat more than
they can chew! ... No, no, it is a term the founder of communism
Marx ... Groucho - no no no, Karl ... Karl Marx ...
... who used to describe people who were not workers, were
the leisured exploiting middle class - but forget it, they
don't exist anymore!
Victor (ironic voice) In my sad revolutionary days,
I had holes in my socks and shoes ... I wore cheap ex-army
underwear ... I wore ten year old fifty cent ex-army shirts
and I preached and waited for the revolution ... and ...
today I wear fifty dollar purple silk underpants and two
hundred dollar blue shirts ... I eat in expensive restaurants
... I 'exploit' the workers and preach peace, love, truth
and the pursuit of happiness.
... AND I LIKE IT …laughter .... Only kidding
of course!!!!!
Interjector: How can you afford
fifty dollar purple silk underwear .. you're only a student
Victor: These silk underpants
are given to me as present from a high class sexy Duchess
I know here, just around the corner... response ...
Heckler: with a red flag: When the revolution
comes we'll SHOOT you Victor. We'll execute bastards like
you ...
Victor: You too have a nice day comrade ... you are so NICE
to Victor to-day ... response
Waiting for the revolution is like waiting for Godot. Be
useful and go plant a tree somewhere ... the dogs will love
you for it. laughter
Or go water the perfumed roses - you'll offset the stench
you carry with you ... response
Heckler: I'll make sure you'll be the first reactionary
to be EXECUTED by the firing squad ... response
Victor: Flattery will get you nowhere. Why the rough stuff?
Cheer up ... you look just as HAPPY as a huge male monkey
who's trying to mate with a little chihuahua ... response
Why don't you save your words for a brainy day ... which
in your case comes once a year ... on your birthday ...
at night time. response
Vietnam war days brought big crowds for
back into your jam-jar you quarter-witted Trotskyist ...
Victor: (To the crowd): Don't take him seriously. He's at
university studying fantastically hard to be a real GENUINE
IDIOT ... and he's passing with distinctions ... response
His degree major is IDIOCY
... response
Okay, okay ... let's be democratic ...
Let's see ... out of a crowd of two thousand highly intelligent
people ... response
Three ... the Three Stooges put their hands up ... SHOOT
these clowns for advocating violence! loud response...
In the United States, in Australia, in England, in the Western
World, France, Germany, you have the HIGHEST STANDARD OF
LIVING in the world. A situation brought about WITHOUT the
horror of a bloody revolution, WITHOUT systematic EXECUTION
of the 'enemies', WITHOUT permanent violations of HUMAN
The Western high standard of living is directly related
to the human initiative, the human endeavor because of INCENTIVE
Because of maximum efficiency!
Because of the human spirit for FREEDOM TO INNOVATE, to
CREATE, to BUILD EMPIRES without restrictions, with or without
big brother watching you.
You are living in a country which is experiencing the highest
standard of living in the HISTORY OF MANKIND!
A country which offers you a system of alternatives. An
imperfect system but a society of ALTERNATIVES is the ULTIMATE
Real choice of alternatives means supreme FREEDOM.
You NEVER had it so good!
Ist heckler: What about the poor pensioners?
2nd heckler: What about the blacks?
3rd heckler: Are you forgetting the ten per cent poor Victor?
4th heckler: What bout us the tenants?
Victor: OK, OK, OK, one genius at a time ... response
First ... there are no pensioners in communist Cuba ...
(humorously) ... the comrades there die of communisteosis
before they reach old age. response
I saw so much POVERTY and SCARCITY of goods when I was in
communist Russia in 1973 that you'd be disgusted with the
Marxist revolution! Even the beautiful Russian people there
told me that the system can't last very long ... it's not
the people ... it's the economic, policitcal system that
took the wrong turn in 1917 in Russia!
Yes, In Russia ... as I walked
towards the Winterpalace where it all happened, the place
of the First Red revolution, I saw the sad, sorrowful faces
of the children of the revolution ... sad faces in a land
torn between promises, hopes and reality! response
* * * * * * * * * *
Heckler: What about us the tenants ... we get kicked
out all the time ...
Victor: If you get kicked out it means you are violating
the agreement with the landlord. And NOBODY can kick you
out UNLESS there is a court order, unless the court is satisfied
that you are making no effort at all to fulfil YOUR part
of the lease. Besides, there are tough laws in this country
to protect tenants' rights, very rigid.
Heckler: Hey Victor, who said you can't complain
in a socialist country ... that's anti-communist propaganda.
Victor: Is it not reasonable to use
comparative political and social analysis?
Here and in every civilized contemporary Western market
economy capitalist country you have the RIGHT to CRITICISE,
PROCESS of law, of FREEDOM to PUBLISH, FREEDOM to disseminate
your ideas WITHOUT fear of being executed.
In your case (pointing to the heckler) you have
every right to be stupid ... as you're being now. response
TWO HECKLERS: Bullshit. Bullshit.
(in close succession)
Victor (to the two hecklers): You're the bull ... and where's
the other one ... and you're the shit ... response
... aahhh forget it comrades ... you're not worth it.
You don't have a Speakers' Corner in China or Cuba!
You don't have constitutional democratic political pluralism!
You DON'T have freedom ...
You have the DICTATORSHIP of the bureaucracy OVER the proletariat.
That means you have a system of ONE alternative.
The Mickey Mouse Marxist socialism as it is being practiced
today is nothing but POLITICAL GANGSTERISM being projected
to the world as genuine political socialist 'Marxism'. Those
'communist' leaders in charge of those communist countries
are NOT real Marxists, not real socialists!
Because genuine Marxism may be intellectually very satisfying,
but it does NOT and can NEVER exist!
Heckler: Why is that?
Victor: Why's that? Because
the HUMAN CONDITION is left out of the equation, that's
... The recent history of communist national leaders especially
in Eastern Europe and Russia is horrific, ugly and was full
of terror! To me those communist leaders in communist Eastsern
European countries were like that American GANGSTER Al Capone
in a military uniform in charge of a political party and
the government!
These political uniformed GANGSTERS butchered so many millions
of innocent people and have sent so many to jail to be tortured
and to rot in horrific conditions ... if these so called
Marxists were genuine, if these communist leaders were NOT
gangsters, they would have shown decency in conduct, they
would have shown compassion, understanding, tolerance and
allowed for the DEMOCRATIC processes!
Have a look at every country which had communism ... Stalin
in Russia butchered over 40 million people and sent countless
others to jail. All Eastern European communist countries
had huge problems - Hungary, Czechoslovakia and others the
people and their leaders who would not toe the Stalinist
line experienced communist annihilation! In Cuba we get
reports of the brutality of the communist regime. In China
we get reports how the communists deal with anyone who tries
to introduce democracy, the will of the people, there.
I'm convinced that the reincarnation of Karl Marx was GROUCHO
MARX laughter
Who else could have transformed the Communist Manifesto
into the Communist Fiasco. laughter
New arrival of three known aggressive communist bullies.
Ist heckler: (Very aggressively and threateningly).
Git down from down there you fascist capitalist pig!
Victor:, aggressively: Listen you mental midgets,
when I want your opinion I'll RATTLE THE CAGE YOU'RE IN.
(angrily) Ist heckler: Oh yeah! Don't you be smart
with us you right wing pig!
Victor: Look at them, they're like the Three Stooges ...
they'll soon be arrested for trying to IMPERSONATE human
beings! ..... (laughter)
Throw these communist MONKEYS a banana! ....... (laughter)
2nd Heckler: You know what'll happen to fascists
like you.
Victor: Ooh! .... the MONKEY TALKS! ....... (laughter)
3rd heckler: Yeah. Before you open your trap my
fascist friend, I'll have you know I went to university.
Tell him Don!
Victor: Why, yes ... PROFESSOR!!
(to the crowd) He's a professor - not of philosophy,
or pharmacy but of phartology! laughter ...
He went through university on a bicycle! laughter
Ist heckler: Ah bullshit. You'd better watch what
you say ... or else
Victor: Or else what, DONALD DUCK? laughter
You really look choked comrade... you look like you need
some fresh air ... why don't you blow your brains out for
ventilation, Curly?
Ist heckler: You're all baloney ...
Victor: Well, I hope you can digest my baloney ... you may
give birth to an idea! response
If that fails Curly, stick a suppository in your brain ...
something will come out ... something ought
to come out ... something may come out ... something
SHOULD come out.
And if something does come out Curly, then pull your left
ear and you've flushed the toilet. response
And after that put each hand near each ear and APPLAUD LOUDLY:
we'll all hear a blown-up paper bag burst ... just like
a fire cracker! much laughter
Hey Curly, you want to lose fifteen pounds of UGLY fat?
... CHOP YOUR HEAD OFF! laughter
But I like you Curly, even though you're a MENTALLY DEAD
MARXIST SOCIALIST, I really like you ... people say I have
Ist heckler: Like all Fascists you have no intelligence
Victor: Of course I was in intelligence ... I was an INTELLIGENCE
OFFICER for the Salvation Army ... much laughter
Ist heckler: No, no, no, that's not what I said ... I said
like all fascists you have no intelligence ...
Victor: Yes, yes, yes, I know what you said ... that unlike
fascists I have high intelligence ... response
(Ist heckler approaches speaker menacingly and grabs hold
of the speaker's stand).
Victor: Hands off my stand commie heckler. Holding your
hand on my stand constitutes technical assault punishable
by a fine or jail or both! I have police officers in my
crowd they're itching to get you to the police station for
them to try out their new automatic truncheons on you! loud
Get your hands off at once ... or else I'll tell the sergeant
here to charge you with technical assault and battery ...
you'll find yourself in the police station where the police
force - the best and most efficient police force in the
world- the best police force money can buy ... laughter
- will get one of their twenty stone cops to ACCIDENTALLY
fall on you ... you'll be FLATTENED like a STUFFED butterfly
in a glass case. laughter
These police officers will
get you ... where is he ... oh there you are .. yes, this
six foot six tough police officer will get you noisy little
commie heckler in the cell ... then he's make you take a
shower ... and will make you pick up the soap while you're
under the shower ... and then booooommmm ... much laughter
Remember, that by law I do have a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT TO SPEAK
HERE and anyone who tries to disrupt the meeting will find
himself in court to-morrow. If the police inform the court
that you tried to disrupt a human rights meeting ... he'll
send you to the gallows ... laughter
Interjector: What? Just for disrupting your meeting?
Victor: The law works in mysterious ways ... laughter
Ist heckler: I heckle because you've got no brains ...
Victor: And YOUR BRAIN comrade, is situated directly between
your ANAL ORIFICE and your BELLY BUTTON ... whereas ...
YOUR bowels are situated dead centre between YOUR dirty
ears! bursts of laughter
2nd heckler: We are not going until you tell this
crowd the truth about communism ...
Victor: Listen very, very carefully ... I treated my RESONANCE
with SPECIAL CHEMICALS ... if you try to use VIOLENCE I
will shout 'FALL' ... and your TINY penises will FALL OFF
... like AUTUMN LEAVES ... much laughter
This third Mickey Mouse socialist forgot to pick up his
BRAINS from the drycleaners yesterday response
Ist heckler: Oh you think socialists have no brains?
There are hundreds of brilliant academics who are socialists
... why don't you tell them about Marcuse ... the greatest
most brilliant Marxist socialist academic alive to-day.
Victor: You don't believe that nonsense Marcuse said ...
If the truth be known he's a member of the CIA or the FBI
who has successfully penetrated the Marxist socialist movement
in America and is misleading every commie there and you
over here! response
But you are confusing the labels ... mixing democratic socialists
with Marxists and with communists and with everything else.
Ist heckler: They're ALL socialists ...
Victor: WRONG. They're vastly different.
Oh the police have arrived ... hello sergeant, I was telling
the crowd what a wonderful police force we have here ...
.... roughed up any commies
lately? If you stick around I've got a couple of real beauts
for you! response
The three socialists leave the meeting
Interjector: Could you define socialism?
Victor: Fundamentally, there are TWO major brands of active
socialism to-day.
Marxist socialism and Fabian (democratic) socialism.
In Marxist socialist countries like Russia and Cuba, Marxist
socialism is said to be complete. The state owns, controls
and distributes all production. You will not find free enterprise,
individual capitalism, private ownership of land and respect
for human rights.
You will find the ONE party system, planned economics on
Marxist lines.
No person in these Soviet socialist countries will be allowed
to criticize the state or the bureaucracy.
The record shows that in these communist countries, the
exercise of human rights is totally non-existent.
The Marxist socialist leaders such as Russian leaders, do
NOT regard democratic Fabian socialism such as you have
in England and Australia as TRUE socialism.
OF COURSE THIS IS THE THEORY. In practice it is most questionable
whether any of these leaders are doing anything to honor
Marxist thought.
True democracy, Marx said, is when the people have the ultimate
political power and where it is certainly NOT in the hands
of AL CAPONE type political gangster DICTATORS as we have
with these leaders.
Fabian socialism, usually associated with the Labour Party
of the Western world, is the partial ownership and control
of the means of production.
In the Western Labour democratic socialist countries you
will usually find respect for human rights. Of course, the
poor always get the worst deal in any society ... the one
issue in Western constitutional democracies is that you
can always lobby for legal aid, or complain in the media,
or see your local member of parliament.
Generally, the more noise
you make the better the chances of some form of a remedy.
The legal process is very expensive ... but legal aid in
cases of blatant violation of human rights is usually accessible.
But always remember that the Marxist socialists hate the
Fabian socialists. They regard democratic socialism as piecemeal
attempt, band-aid, wishy-washy socialism!
Marxist socialists advocate REVOLUTION!
Democratic socialists advocate REFORMISM!
But Marxists say that REFORMISM is inconsistent with REVOLUTION!
Reformism, Marxists say, the patching-up of the system,
prolongs the 'inevitable' coming of the revolution.
All Marxist-socialists believe in Lenin's pre-conditions
for revolution: in a society there will have to be prolonged
economic chaos, the breaking of the people's spirit and
loss of belief in any other alternative; the DISHARMONY,
DISCORD, CONFUSION, the continuous struggle for the discrediting
of capitalist governments; the infiltration of unions to
launch continuous strikes, to weaken all communication systems.
If these conditions do not exist then Marxist socialists
will pour money into democratic societies to bring about
these crisis conditions.
The dramatic claim is that only 6% population support is
needed for a Marxist victory.
You will understand now that communist socialists do NOT
want a LABOUR government to improve conditions because inevitably
reformism will prolong the coming of the 'last stage of
man' brought about VIOLENTLY with the ABSOLUTE brutality
of a Marxist revolution ... as happened in Cuba, Russia
and in all 'Marxist' countries.
But since socialism has been totally discredited internationally,
many of the traditional Western Labour socialist policies
are being watered down.
In fact, as economics is becoming more objective, both parties
are adopting very similar economic policies. The socialists
are usually concerned with social benefits and handouts
whereas the conservatives are more concerned with productivity.
It is easy to predict that within a matter of decades socialist-Marxism-communism
will wither away completely.
Socialist-communism as is practiced in the Soviet Union
and Eastern Europe and elsewhere is one of the greatest
political economic experiments which is miserably failing!
Judging by results, its credibility
has already been irretrievably shattered, destroyed and
Those millions of innocent people who became the sacrificial
lambs because of socialist-communism are themselves the
legacy of slaughter which the world will never forget.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Victor Zammit: victorzammit@optushome.com
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