up or Shut up Prof Hawking!
uninformed professor made an inadmissible 'a priori conclusion'
- a decision without first investigating the scientific evidence
for the afterlife.
But other 'genius' scientists: physicists, chemists and biologists
- such as Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir William Crookes and Sir William
Barrett - and many others (see next item below) - scientifically
examined the afterlife and accepted the afterlife evidence.
They were men and women of enormous intellectual courage
who certainly did not believe in "fairy stories".
And they ALL decided that the afterlife does exist.
Professor Hawking may be an excellent scientist in his
very small highly esoteric area of specialty - but clearly,
he does NOT have the objective authority to make any comments
about the afterlife.
Consistent with my afterlife challenge, I will hand over to
this Professor the sum of ONE MILLION DOLLRS if he can show
where, when, how and why the afterlife evidence presented
cannot be accepted. In ten years, no genius scientist, no
genius materialist or scholar or skeptic has been able to
dismiss the afterlife evidence.
Professor Hawking, you do not want to go down in history as
the greatest coward-scientist who ever lived. Take on my challenge
and let's make the challenge open to the world!,
more .