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VICTOR J ZAMMIT: I Shook Hands With Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
on 23rd June 2006
There is an afterlife revolution going on in Sydney, Australia
to-day. Materialization medium David Thompson is performing
extremely well and creating a groundswell of interest in
physical mediumship. I attended stunning materialization
sessions three times. And on each occasion I conversed with
materialized etherians who walked and talked and discussed
afterlife issues. To me it was a miracle to experience a
phenomenon that I had read about so much but did not expect
to encounter in this day and age! But of course I quickly
remembered that it is all about afterlife physics.
This is spectacular news. In my sixteen years of consistent
afterlife research, this is the very first time I can say
with absolute certainty that I was sure paranormal activity
had taken place. Whilst I can guarantee materializations
have taken place, at this stage I cannot guarantee that
those I conversed with are who they claim to be. But this
inevitably will take time to confirm – voice correlations
have to be made and other tests done whenever possible.
The situation is no different from the reader telephoning
a friend overseas. The reader would know the friend by the
content of the conversation, by the voice, pitch, pace,
accent, resonance and by the familiar phraseology. But the
reader would not have any way of proving to a third party
that the person who he is talking to is who he/she claims
to be. That would need empirical testing of voice comparisons.
It is no different with materialized etherians.
At the first meeting I met the medium’s control,
‘William.’ He has a warmth and a calmness that
helped us to relax and feel more comfortable. He spoke cautiously
and steadily. His voice was resonant, exuding a great deal
of authority. He very courteously welcomed me – and
my wife by name and by placing his right hand on my left
shoulder. He comes across as a man of great wisdom, patience
and understanding. His mission he said is to continue to
help convince people that the afterlife exists.
At our second meeting an entity materialized and claimed
to be Arthur Conan Doyle. He invited me to ask him questions
which I did. The questions and answers are on my website.
When I asked Sir Arthur about free will in the afterlife
he walked towards me, grabbed my hand and shook hands with
me. I noticed that his hand was twice the size of the medium’s
hand – it was comparatively very big, very firm, and
as solid as my own. His voice came from immediately in front
of me at the height of a man above average height.
I also conversed with that famous American jazz musician,
‘Louis Armstrong.’ Mr Ingman says that Louis
Armstrong told him in one of the sessions that the reason
he bothers to materialize is that he is doing spiritual
service – helping people to understand that there
is an afterlife.
During the second session, Timothy, a lovely lively spirit
asked me who I would like to meet at the next meeting. I
answered quickly, “Arthur Findlay” someone I
have always admired. Sure enough at the third meeting on
the seventh July 06, Arthur Findlay materialized.
This is something which was quite truly spectacular. William,
David Thompson’s control, in materialized form had
been discussing the issue of whether or not mediums should
charge money for their services. It was a fairly intense
discussion that took nearly an hour and the energy was dissipating.
But Arthur Findlay then materialized and said he did not
have much time as the energy was low. But what he stated
was subsequently shown to be quite dramatic. With his voice
reduced almost to a whisper, he called me by name and asked
if I would do him a favor. He asked me to go to page 57
of his book On The Edge of the Etheric and put that page
on my website alongside my report on the materialization
session. “Of course I will”, I replied.
I was intrigued by what I was going to find on page 57.
When I went home, I looked it up and it was all about his
medium, John Sloan, taking very little money for his mediumship!
We all have respect for that great man Arthur Findlay, and
it appears that he is still making a contribution from the
afterlife, even though he crossed over in 1964.
The voices were recorded using an MP3 recorder– a
tiny tape recorder. It was interesting that every time an
etherian materialized and dematerialized a “whooshing”
sound was heard. That was captured on the MP3 and ‘Audacity’
– an audio editing software program, shows that the
graph of the whooshing sound has a very distinct and consistent
pattern different from human voices.
In the second meeting an etherian materialized claiming
to be Montague Keen. He said very little – only that
he would be working with us to prove the afterlife.
Back to Louis Armstrong. During the second materialization
experiment he sang What a Wonderful World. He actually sang
a duet with a recording of himself playing in the background.
On the third session he also sang a duet of his favorite,
Hello Dolly. I have put the sound files on my website so
you can hear for yourselves his materialized voice. You
will hear when he stops singing half way through and then
starts again.
How can all this be real? I can tell the readers that I
stake my reputation that materializations are taking place,
absolutely no doubt about that. I am a specialist in the
admissibility of evidence and I have been systematically
researching the afterlife for over sixteen years. Whilst
I worked in the courts as a lawyer I am also formally qualified
as a psychologist, I have three years of scientific method
and have participated in séances, spiritual meetings
and channeling, for sixteen years.
But experiencing materialization is absolutely sensational.
It is absolutely staggering to be conversing with those
who have been physically dead for decades. More research
has to be done to empirically confirm that the entities
are who they claim to be. William told us to be patient
and that in time light will be produced by Spirit.
Naturally enough a skeptic has already attacked my report
trying to raise doubt and claim fraud! Materializations
give the skeptics a great deal of anxiety. And when skeptics
have been skeptics for some forty years or more, the last
thing they want to hear is that they could have been wrong
all that time.
As most of my readers know, I can speak the language of
the skeptics. The ‘professional’ skeptics claim
they can duplicate any psychic experiment. So here is the
challenge: to either ‘put up or shut up’! If
you, the skeptic, can duplicate in toto the phenomena produced
by David Thompson in our materializations experiments I
will pay you the guaranteed sum of half a million dollars.
But if you fail, you will have to give the medium David
Thompson half a million dollars.
You can read my full rebuttal of the skeptic attack on
my website where you will also see more reports about these
miraculous materializations which are taking the world by
storm and sound files, where you will hear the great Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle saying that there is no death, Louis
Armstrong singing, a little of Arthur Findlay and the materialized
voice of William the control.
Thanks to materialization medium David Thompson and his
wonderful spirit team, all this is happening now –
and even greater things will be happening in the near future.