A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife

The Book

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'Princess Diana' first email to Victor:

Sent: Monday, 9 June 2008 9:49 PM

"Hello Victor,

I do hope you don't mind but I have decided to write to you myself (*through medium Andrew Russell-Davis ) though being in Australia might I suggest you might connect with Barry Eaton who can be located at Radio Out There so based in Sydney who actually interviewed me ... albeit Andrew for a radio programme on the internet. He sensed Andrew's authenticity immediately as he explained to Andrew by auric colouring from the vocal print ... the point being that I sense Barry will be able perhaps to enlighten you a little more to the very real phenomena currently taking place.

I am in touch with Tony of course and will actually be speaking to him on the telephone very soon as I am sure he will tell you when this has happened. I can and I do appreciate naturally people will be hesitant to believe in something like this being possible but in life I said about myself "She Won't Go Quietly" and my intention is therefore to prove that by whatever means necessary and assisted greatly by Andrew as well as of course Rose.

I do hope that you listen to more of the podcasts at as well as read some of the channelled messages at and likewise the Forum Section precis are extremely comprehensive and informative perhaps actually more so than anywhere else on the net and as for my saying things that are not public knowledge, I have already done so but I was always pretty shrewd, I learnt to be more so and therefore things are mentioned, referred to albeit rather discreetly naturally but needless to say in keeping with my character, someone who always did their homework, the points are very clearly made and would be obvious to those who were aware of them ie ... My boys specifically and other members of my family as well as friends and possibly even my enemies."

With best wishes from,

(Wednesday, 11th June 08)

"Hello Victor,

Hopefully you will have contacted Barry by now as I suggested to you to do as he will indeed verify this is me.

I realise that you deal with facts and figures but with all due respect I do not welcome being interrogated by you or anyone. I resented having to continually justify myself in life and I haven't changed ! I have spoken albeit through Andrew of course to both Penny Thornton and Andrew Morton, people who knew me in life and recognised me from the after - life.

As much as I appreciate therefore that you might well prove to be influential and helpful to the cause, if this means having to convince you to such an extent that it will be like making Andrew take the witness stand in a court room to do so, I will not welcome this happening at all.

You might now of course convince youself that you are justified in your assumption that Andrew is a faker and that Victor is something decided upon by your own free will naturally ! "

Thank you,

(Wednesday, 11th June 08)

" Hello Victor,

Thank you very much for responding to my letter so promptly. I'm sorry if I came across in it angrily, this was not my intention at all but I get a little tired of people questioning the validation of my channelling through Andrew. He is not paid for this work and if you read you will see he didn't event actually choose to channel me himself at all. I therefore become more than a little frustrated when he is insulted and debunked as a trickster, a fraud etc recognising that this is extremely unpleasant for him personally. On the other hand though having suffered similarly myself in many respects, not everyone loved me after all, I am able to appreciate why this is happening as he does after all represent me, so therefore it would be logical that he experiences much of what I did and this of course only serves to strengthen our bond so ought to be I suppose something welcomed by me actually !

I am more than willing to play my part in helping you to validate me but personally find myself at a loss as to how this might be done.

Rose I believe will be writing to you in regards to this with a suggestion or two of how this might be done that might prove helpful, she being much more scientifically minded than either Andrew or I, as she says we both being more emotionally driven. I also invite you to copy any channelled message that you choose from my original website ( Now of course speaking at ) to your page in the English newspaper you contributre to.

I would also most welcome speaking to you directly of course via telephone ....

I do hope I am making some kind of sense to you but as I say Rose will I am quite sure be able to relate to you extremely well so hopefully between the two of you, some kind of strategy will be found to validate the fact that albeit through Andrew of course ... I haven't gone quietly, Diana Speaks ! "

With best wishes from,

© Andrew Russell-Davis 2008
