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A significant number of people said
that the very successful 'cross-examination' of closed- minded
skeptic Prof Stephen Hawking by litigation lawyer Victor
Zammit was a lot of fun and very witty. They strongly suggested
a cross-examination of that closed minded skeptic J Zwingi
Randi who has a notorious reputation attacking the paranormal,
attacking the mediums and psychics.
those who never heard of J Zwingi Randi before, below is
a very brief 'cross-examination' on just a few issues. For
decades closed minded skeptic Randi is on record for organizing
hoaxes - to fool, mislead and deceive innocent people. He
has viciously attacked mediums, psychics and afterlife investigators.
This is a cross-examination on just some
of the things he has said, done and implied. He continues
to deny the existence of the paranormal even when there
is objective and repeatable evidence for the paranormal
and the afterlife produced by scientists and empiricists
- and lawyers.
This would be fairly close to a
real 'cross-examination'- the information
is taken from what Randi has ALREADY STATED ACCEPTED and
IMPLIED. Some very minor flexibility and embellishment consistent
with Randi’s beliefs and record have been used for
easier reading and understanding of the script. Words in
caps are there for emphasis - which is critical during cross-examination.
Victor: Your full name is (formalities
completed ...)
Victor: Tell us, do you claim to
have a one million dollar challenge?
Randi: Yes, I have …
Victor: You have publicly conceded
your expertise in deception and hoaxes; is this one of your
very grand hoaxes?
Randi: No, it’s not …
Victor: So what does the applicant
have to do to get the alleged million dollars?
Randi: He or she has to demonstrate
some psychic skill, mediumship or any other phenomena which
cannot be explained by science …
Victor: I have here a copy of the
conditions of your challenge -item 2 Your Honor- Tell us
how long have you had this challenge?
Randi: My first challenge was in
the mid sixties … for a thousand dollars …
Victor: Is your challenge an honest
Randi: Yes, it is …
Victor: For the record, are you a scientist or qualified
in science?
Randi: No not a scientist, not qualified in science ...
Victor: Since you admit you are
not a scientist, you are not academically informed in scientific
methodology, you know nothing about what amounts to a technically
successful scientific result, what method do you use to
ascertain whether a psychic test has been successful or
Randi: It would be for every body
to see if it’s been successful … it would be
self-evident …
Victor: So what’s going to
happen in the very likely situation when the applicant with
his/her experts tell you that the psychic demonstration
WAS successful and you will of course say it was NOT successful?
Randi: The matter will be sorted
out …
Victor: HOW?
Randi: I’ll ask for a repeated
demonstration …
Victor: In other words you are telling
the applicant to ‘TRUST YOU’, to trust your
judgment, to trust your discretion … right?
Randi: Kinda …
Victor: Are you not then acting as a judge and jury in your
own cause - something which violates Equity principles?
Randi: No ... it's all right to trust me ...
Victor: Trust someone - something
you already admitted - with a PROVEN PUBLIC RECORD –
something you admitted in the media - for organizing PUBLIC
HOXES where you instructed skeptics to MISREPRESENT, TO
results to cause CHAOS and CONFUSION? I put it to you that
you do NOT have the skills, the competence and the ability
to identify a successful psychic result when you see it
Randi: Yes, … I do …
Victor: We’ll see about that…
How long have you been involved in the paranormal?
Randi: Over forty years ….
Victor: And you are known as a closed-minded
skeptic ..?
Randi: Just a skeptic…
Victor: No, I did NOT ask how you
see yourself, but how you are known. I put it to you that
you are known as a closed-minded skeptic - especially to
those scientists and paranormal investigators who have accepted
the evidence for the paranormal – are you known also
as a closed minded skeptic, YES or NO!
Randi: Yes ….
Victor: Now, in the last forty years,
have you properly investigated the paranormal?
Randi: Yes …
Victor: In forty years, have you
ever accepted any aspect of the evidence for any paranormal
phenomenon and the afterlife?
Randi: No, never because …
because my investigations show the paranormal and the afterlife
do not exist …
Victor: Could you speak a little
louder and repeat the last part you said after because …
AND THE AFTERLIFE DO NOT EXIST… did you hear that?
Victor: Very clearly THANK YOU!
In the last forty years have you come across information
that highly professional scientists – physicists,
biologists, chemists and other professional paranormal and
afterlife investigators came to the conclusion that the
paranormal is valid and the afterlife exists?
Randi: The paranormal and the afterlife
are for people who believe in fairies ..
Randi: Yes … yes … I
know there are those who claim that …
Victor: Being made aware of the
fact that scientists confirmed that the paranormal is valid,
ON WHAT BASIS then do you NOT accept any of the claims by
scientists that there is an afterlife and that the paranormal
Randi:The afterlife is for people
who believe in Santa Clause …
Victor: Now, would that be your
answer when the applicant says she should have passed the
initial test of the challenge? …
Randi: (... hesitates ... then in
a whisper) ... No ...
Victor: The jury heard that I'm
sure ... Tell us, in some forty years you had this challenge,
how many passed your subjective 'initial test' in order
to be allowed to demonstrate their skills?….
Randi: (Remains quiet)
Victor: Did you understand the question
yes or no?
Randi: Yes, yes I heard the question
… no one passed the initial test ….
Victor: NO ONE?
In some FORTY YEARS? Does not that
Randi: This is because no one has
demonstrated anything psychic …
Victor: What do you say about the
results attained by scientists who have objective and repeatable
evidence for the validity of the paranormal when there was
independent expert assessing the paranormal activity?
Randi: I say they are all wrong
Victor: All of them?
Randi: Yes ALL OF THEM ….
Victor: Even those Nobel Laureates
who investigated the paranormal?
Randi: Yes, even those …
Victor: Have you ever stated specifically,
WHERE, WHEN, HOW and WHY these scientists are wrong about
their positive results of the paranormal?
Randi: … (Hesitates …)
Randi: I don’t remember …Maybe
I did that in the past sometime …
– I remind you - you are on oath here.
Randi: No, I never stated where,
when, how and why the scientists were wrong…
Victor: Have you ever read the afterlife
scientific evidence which amounts to absolute proof by that
brilliant Professor of physics Dr Jan W Vandersande …
Randi: No …
Victor: NO? Did he not try very
hard to take up your challenge? And as soon as you realized
he was a physicist who had scientific proof for the paranormal
and the afterlife – SOMEONE WHO WAS GOING TO BURST
FACE so that he’ll go away and save you embarrassment
and a million dollars?
Randi: I don’t remember!!!
Victor: Always the very famous line,
“I don’t remember”. Do you remember the
name of John Benneth who wanted to apply for your challenge
but you slammed the door in his face because he showed the
potential to beat the challenge?
Randi: Can’t say I remember
him …
Victor: Naturally enough …
Remember Chris Robinson the pre-cognitive medium who demonstrated
on television he could prove psychic phenomenon? When he
tried to apply for your Challenge you SLAMMED
Randi: I don’t remember him
Victor: Do you remember the incident
you had with physicist Dr Dick Bierman - specially qualified
in experimental physics who tried to take up your challenge?
Randi: No, I don't remember ...
Victor: Don't you remember he applied to take you on - you
told him you'll reply - and he never
heard from you again?
Randi: I don't remember ....
Victor: Perhaps you remember Dr
Rupert Sheldrake who communicated with you ... and had evidence
of the paranormal ... remember?
Randi: No, I don't remember the incident ...
Victor: You claimed you duplicated
his sixth sense in dogs and then you stated words to the
effect that no records were kept ... or that the dog actually
ate the paper records...
Randi: No ... don't remember him
Victor: Did you come across that
very important research, now a book, A SCIENTIFIC ARGUMENT
Oxford University?
Randi: No ...
Victor: Of course not!!! Did you
read the afterlife scientific classics proving the afterlife
by that brilliant physicist Sir Oliver Lodge?
Randi: NO …
Victor: Have you read the works of Professor David Fontana
- once a skeptic but on investigating the afterlife he accepted
the paranormala and the afterlife?
Randi: Never heard of him ...
Victor: Naturally enough ... are you not impressed by what
this Professor stated - that in addition to his own investigation
of the evidence for the afterlife, he came across critical
information which showed that TWELVE NOBEL LAUREATE SCIENTISTS
accepted the paranormal AFTER they investigated the paranormal?
Randi: They're all wrong ...
Victor: But you don't say WHY they are wrong?
Randi: No ... I don't have to ...
Victor: Have you read and studied
the afterlife scientific objective and repeatable evidence
of the most brilliant scientist of his time Sir William
Randi: No …
Victor: Have you ever heard of the
empirical paranormal research of Dr Dean Radin …
Randi: Yes, I have … but he’s
wrong about what he says.
Victor: Why is he wrong?
Randi: Because the paranormal does
not exist, THAT’S WHY!
Victor: But have you shown WHY his
evidence is not valid?
Randi: I couldn’t be bothered
Victor: … For the purpose of the record I would like
to enter into evidence the following highly valued scientific
studies I submit proving the paranormal and the afterlife.
Pay very close attention to the
names I am going to mention. I ask you - closed minded skeptic,
have you read any of the paranormal and afterlife works
and evidence by these scientists and empirical afterlife
investigators who accepted the afterlife and/or the parnormal?
Dr Peter Bander, Dr Julie Beischel, Professor John Bockris,
John Logie Baird, Professor J.W. Crawford, Dr Robert Crookal,
Professor Arthur Ellison, Dr Peter Fenwick, Professor Festa,
Dr Edith Fiore, Professor David Fontana, Dr Amit Goswami,
Professor Gustav Geley, Professor Ivor Grattan-Guinesss,
Professor Stanislav Grof, Dr Arthur Guirdham, Dr Glen Hamilton,
Professor Charles Hapgood, Professor Sylvia Hart-Wright,
Professor James Hyslop, Professor William James, Dr Elizabeth
Kubler-Ross, Drs Jeff and Jody Long, afterlife investigator
Mark Macy, Engineer George Meek, Dr Raymond Moody, Dr Melvin
Morse, Dr Morris Nertherton, Dr Karlis Osis, Dr Peter Ramster,
Lawyer Edward C Randall, Dr.Konstantine Raudive, Drs J.B.
and Louisa Rhine, Nobel Laureate Professor Charles Richet,
Dr Kenneth Ring, Lawyer Dr Aubrey Rose, Professor Archie
Roy, Dr Michael Sabom, Dr Hans Schaer, Professor Marilyn
Schlitz, Dr Ernst Senkowski, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Judge
Dean Shuart, Dr Ian Stevenson, Dr Claude Swanson, Emmanuel
Swedenborg, Dr Charles Tart, Professor Jessica Utts, Dr
Jan W Vandersande, Dr Pim Van Lommel, Professor Wadhams,
Prof. Alfred Wallace, Dr Helen Wambach, Dr Carl Wickland,
Dr Carla Wills-Brandon.
Have you studied any of these substantive
scientists’ paranormal and/or afterlife evidence?
Randi: No and I will not read or
study them.
Victor: Why not?
Randi: Because the paranormal and
the afterlife don’t exist! I am not going to read
or study something I know does not exist …
Victor: How do you know the paranormal
and the afterlife do not exist when you never investigated
the evidence of the paranormal?
Randi: I just know …
Victor: Your INTUITION tells you?
Randi: I just know …
Victor: Since you are not supporting
your evidence by science or empiricism or logic or rationale,
aren’t you in fact and in practice being SUPERSTITIOUS
about your beliefs?
Randi: No, I’m not superstitious
Victor: YOU may not think you are
not superstitious, but when you CANNOT INDPENDENTLY SUPPORT
YOUR BELIEFS - and you are using BLIND FAITH – your
intuition - ARE YOU NOT, in practice, being HIGHLY SUPERSTITIOUS?
Randi: It’s silly for anyone
to say I’m superstitious ….
Victor: You show an amazing and
an extraordinary capacity to be highly unreasonable, irrationale
and illogical in your extreme stubborness to refuse to accept
the paranomal and the afterlife evidence - is that because
if you do accept the evidence your life as a debunker would
come to an ubrupt end - you'll have to go back to working
for a living?
Randi: No ... I reject those remarks
Victor: We’ll come back to
that later - ... Now tell us for the purpose of the record
– since you deny your reliance on your intuition is
superstitious .. have you ever come across the procedural
formula that ALL scientists around the world accept: (Victor
hands formula Randi - item 2 Your Honor):

Randi: I haven’t
got a clue in the world what that is ….
Victor: Let me briefly explain to
you what it is using very simple language then I’ll
ask you if you agree with it …
S.R. stands for Successful Results.
P stands for paranormal phenomena. R stands for repeatability.
VC stands for keeping all relevant variables constant. And
T is for time and S is for Space.
In other words, successful results
come about when any aspect of the paranormal is repeated
keeping all relevant variables constant over time and space.
All scientists around the world agree with that. Do YOU
AGREE with that?
Rand: … Yes …. But what
kind of phenomena are you talking about?
Victor: the formula applies to ANY
aspect of the paranormal phenomenon. BUT it must be repeated
over time and space, keeping all relevant variables constant
and it must yield the same result – as I said, ALL
agree with that?
Randi: In theory yes I agree with
that … but the phenomena MUST BE REPEATED over time
and space AND MUST YIELD exactly the same results …
Victor: ABSOLUTELY! You realize you’ve just accepted
the evidence for the paranormal and the afterlife?
Randi: No, I haven’t …
Victor: There are independent HIGHLY
QUALIFIED EXPERTS who stated that there is much paranormal
and afterlife evidence that is objective and which has been
repeated over time and in different countries that yielded
exactly the same results when tested by independent experts…
have you tested any psychic phenomena yourself?
Randi: No …it doesn’t
exist so how I can I test it?
Victor: Considering the brilliant
scientists I mentioned who actually investigated the paranormal
and the afterlife, would it not be quite appropriate for
you to accept that there is objective and repeatable evidence
for the paranormal and the afterlife?
Randi: There is no evidence for
the paranormal or the afterlife …
Victor: How on earth can you say
that when you just stated YOU NEVER investigated the paranormal?
Randi: I just know there is no evidence
Victor: What’s your evidence
to support your personal, subjective beliefs that there
is no evidence for the paranormal and/or the afterlife?
Randi: (Remains quiet …)
Randi: I don’t have to prove
anything …
Victor: You mean to say all these
brilliant scientists including Nobel Laureates have PROVED
that the paranormal and many aspects of the afterlife are
objective and repeatable and YOU, WITHOUT any evidence,
let me repeat for the purpose of the record, WITHOUT ANY
EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER continue to say there is no paranormal
or the afterlife?
Randi: That’s right …
Victor: For the record, if there
is an inconsistency between SCIENCE and personal subjective
BELIEFS, which prevails?
Randi: remains quiet … (Victor
looks sternly at Randi) … Science …
Victor: Can you ever PROVE that
your subjective personal beliefs prevail over science?
Randi: No because I am not stating
anything exists or cannot exist ..
Victor: You are stating there is
no paranormal, there is no afterlife ... so answer the question
please - do your beliefs prevail over science, YES or NO?
(Victor looking sternly at Randi) ...
Randi: ... (reluctantly) ...No ..
Victor: That very clear now...
Further, about the vidence, it means those who state the
paranormal exists have to prove it ..
Randi: Absolutely ..
admitted that you have not read any of their works! In professional
debate once the evidence is presented the onus shifts onto
you – the one who disagrees - to show WHERE, WHEN,
HOW AND WHY the evidence cannot be accepted. And you have
NOT done that HAVE YOU?
Randi: I just remembered …
no skeptic can prove anything because ‘no one can
prove the negative’ …
Victor: Oh yes, you’re the
one who stated “nobody can prove there’s no
green cheese on the moon” for the last thirty years,
Randi: Yes, yes, yes, I said that
Victor: Has any scientist on earth
ever said there is green cheese on the moon?
Randi: … No … of course
not …
Victor: Afterlife investigators
are NOT asking you to prove the negative. They are asking
you to strictly adhere to procedure - to rebut the mountain
of evidence of those who are stating the paranormal and
the afterlife exist. That is the law of professional debate.
BUT you said you have not done that … again, why not?
Randi: I can’t find any evidence
for the afterlife … and the paranormal …
Victor: But MILLIONS of other people
around the world have found the evidence! Every heard of
Neurolinguistic Programming known as NLP?
Randi: Yes, vaguely …
Victor: NLP says that whenever a
skeptic receives evidence fundamentally inconsistent with
his deeply cherished negative beliefs, the skeptic’s
mind will automatically DELETE that evidence … because
that information will give him huge, unbearable anxiety
… Is that what happened to you?
Randi: No …. NLP is wrong
Victor: Back to the challenge …
So you expect an applicant to believe you and to trust you
to be objective - when all your life you NEVER found in
favor of the paranormal, when in a closed minded way for
some forty years you keep on saying there is no evidence
notwithstanding that scientists produced objective and repeatable
evidence for the paranormal and the afterlife?
Randi: I expect the applicant to
trust me …
Victor: That's very
amusing … Pay very close attention to this question:
is it not an attempt by you to trick the applicant for your
challenge when you do not include in your conditions an
agreement in advance of the levels of statistical significance
required for the results to show whether the applicant obtained
a successful result by his/her skills or by chance?
Randi: I don’t think statistical
significance you talk about is necessary …
Victor: Are you qualified to do
statistical analysis of experimental results, YES or NO?
Randi: No …
Victor: Do you not think that your
omissions show why so many professional scientists, psychics
and mediums think your challenge IS JUST A SKEPTIC’S
Randi: (Does not answer …then)
It's not a hoax …
Victor: Is it not on record that
Professor Dennis Rawlins exposed your challenge repeating
in public that you, James Randi, told this Professor, to
quote, “I will always have a way out of paying …”
in relation to the challenge?
Randi: Yes, but you also have to
mention that Professor Dennis Rawlins did not mention what
I said after that … I said I always have an out –
because I’m right.
when you said “I always have an out – I’m
right” were you saying that the paranormal and the
afterlife do not and cannot exist?
Randi: … Yes … the paranormal
and the afterlife don’t exist ..
Victor: Is that what you say to
when an applicant demonstrated some psychic phenomena of
the first test?
Don’t bother to answer that
…. and you say that without a shred of evidence …
That’s why you said you will never pay a cent …
But Professor Dennis Rawlins did NOT support this claim
of yours. I put it to you that you are not telling the truth
when your claim “I’m right” … trying
to justify your stubborn denial and your huge blunder of
your life ADMITTING that you WILL NEVER pay a cent regarding
the challenge?
Randi: No that’s not right
Victor: I also put it to you that
this is ANOTHER reason why your alleged challenge is being
treated as a joke, a very bad disgusting joke around the
world and the greatest HOAX in PARANORMAL HISTORY ... agreed?
Part two next week: July 24th 2011
Cross examination part 2
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