"NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has found
snow falling from clouds on Mars. Spacecraft soil experiments
have provided dramatic evidence of past interactions between
minerals and water, processes that occur on Earth."
Science evolves by experimental evidence, dropping
previous erroneous assumptions. This process occurs not
only in mankind's Space adventures, but here on Earth...
At this stage of our Odyssey toward a new understanding
of the human consciousness and its total autonomy from Brain,
let's spend a few minutes in some exciting scientific data
strongly supporting our model.
Last week, we cracked some of the physical vacuum's mysteries.
From its Subquantum structure as described, it can be safely
concluded that Information structures, in both their dynamically
changing and stored forms as memory patterns, arise from
and live in infinite combinatorial resonance patterns that
are stored and carried across increasingly fine Subquantum
regimes according to their enfolded parameters. Providing
that strong experimental evidence can be invoked for such
Information fluxes operating in physical vacuum, a giant
step toward dropping the incorrect view which causally ascribes
cognitive phenomena to neural functions, will be accomplished.
So, what does the experimental domain have to say
regarding information and its influences on various physical
One of the most outstanding scientific research teams,
coordinated by Peter Gariaev (University Lebedev, Moscow),
provided experimental evidence for the physical
vacuum having a holographic memory, thus supporting
Karl Pribram's tenets about the human memory, in the form
of a holographic model, which were derived from clinical
neurobiological studies.
DNA Information signals have been proved, being emitted
from vacuum chambers, long after previously resident DNA
samples have been physically removed.

Using an advanced laser photon correlation spectrometer,
the Gariaev team had the opportunity to study the vacuum
substructure on strictly quantitative grounds, made possible
by the "phantom field's" ability to couple with
conventional electromagnetic fields.
Gariaev's findings allowed for a fundamental redefinition
of life, now defined as a dynamic exchange of energy and
information, between a physical system, and its Information
counterpart, which counterpart does not obey the physical
structure's space and time parameters. The paradoxical "95%
garbage DNA" in the genetic sequence, which had previously
previously defied all "recombinant DNA" interpretations,
has turned out to contain super-encoded potentials of Information,
which exist at a much higher level than the information
contained in RNA and protein sequences.
Due to this newly discovered wave-level of DNA Information-encoding,
the planetary genome has turned out to actually be an intelligent
and aware system, able to program the space-time organization
of all organisms, ensuring that the given organism interacts
in harmony with all the other resident life-forms on this
Gariaev's team, using Vacuum memory features, succeeded
to bring about the unbelievable genoplastic effect of turning
a living chicken, partly into a duck, by exposing the chicken
to the informational radiation associated with the DNA of
a duck. The offspring of this Informationally-engineered
creature preserved the same duck bills and webbed feet features
of their genetically modified ancestor.
By similar procedures, a salamander has been turned into
a frog. By Informatic radiation applied on mice with destroyed
pancreatic tissues, regeneration of new organs has been
achieved, before the animals could die from missing these
Along similar lines, Boyd & Shpilman achieved a successful
alcohol-Information transfer into water, with obvious technological
potential to suppress tissue damage in alcohol addiction
cases, without withdrawal efforts, or the need for abstinence.
Gariaev's experiments strongly suggest that genetic strands
are transmitting very specific holographic blueprints, in
a way which extends superluminal interactive communications
pathways, between the given DNA strands, and the global
environment. These holographic blueprints are provided by
solitonic nonlinear superpositions of standing sound and
light waves, and are implementing quantum non-locality at
the molecular scale.
From these experiments, Sheldrake's earlier "morphogenetic
field" expressions have received unexpected experimental
Wave genetics has an unprecedented application potential,
since these techniques provide complete knowledge of the
DNA, and thus complete control of the DNA sequences, by
information-based techniques, completely replacing old molecular
chemistry manipulations.
Upon our suggestion, the Gariaev team achieved a successful
interference with the Hayflick Limit, a counter in the DNA
which stops the cell from copying itself after a specific
number of replications, this being the primary cause of
aging. These results have opened unbelievable perspectives
for impending life-span prolongation procedures for humans.
Also at our suggestion, Gariaev's
team has caused the regrowth of specific missing teeth in
volunteers in Moscow, providing further experimental evidence
supporting many other information-based possibilities, such
as the periodic regeneration of various body parts.
Gariaev's famous "DNA phantom" effect challenges
the basics of hitherto uncritically perpetuated paradigmatic
fundaments. The direct link of Gariaev's experimental work
to Pribram's Holographic Brain model is obvious. Pribram
achieved the formulation of his model by utilizing Fourier
analysis on neurobiological phenomena, related to the Brain's
ability to resonate with vast memory engrams stored and
operating in the Subquantum environment.
Further experimental findings have revealed an amazing fractality
is inherent in electromagnetic noise, as proved in frequency
transposition effects (J.M.Brill) - pointing to fundamental
Information structures which operate in language-like ways,
connecting not only different species with one another,
but interacting with the biochemical level of human DNA,
and the environment, as well. Human speech patterns, when
transposed into the microwave ranges of DNA oscillations,
have shown similar effects. Considerations of such results,
point us to a linguistic code, embedded in an Informational
wave format, which spans across all physical scales, non-locally.
This brings us back to Gariaev's holographic soliton projection
model, where resonant nonlinear wave combinations result
in standing-wave blueprints involved with the generation
of matter, at scales ranging from "virtual particle"
fields operating in the physical Vacuum, to the formations
of galactic clusters. Dimensionally encoded solitons may
generate from these ambient fields, creating exact replicas
of themselves in the cellular range, this process implementing
Sheldrake's morphogenic causational principles.
Further on, non-local Information transfers, circumventing
biochemical chains, have been amply documented in recent
explorations reported by Huping Hu & All. The Hu experiments
efficiently strengthen our view that Quantum entities inside
the Brain may Informationally interact with various external
information structures. Though our interpretation of Quantum
Entanglement slightly differs from the Hu team's "spin-spin
interaction" chain, Quantum Entanglement connects system
to observer, achieving decoherence by non-local interactions
with the ambient environment. Such context-dependent coupling
implies new types of non-local information connections,
which are much stronger then standard quantum correlations.
From this perspective, no truly random sequence can exist,
and no recursive random sequence can be considered truly
random. These interactions are more complex then any recursive
mathematical sequence. This complexity derives from higher
orders of universal implication levels, where hidden determinism
and "hidden variables" are observable, as per
the PEAR results mentioned mentioned earlier. Information
conveyed by the superluminal SQ particles which produce
Quantum entanglements, may explain how pharmacodynamic chemistries
are actually causing neural correlations in the Brain, as
well as properly explaining the previously wrongly-interpreted
synchronizations of cognitive effects, relative to the applied
mechanical neural-triggering procedures, when such triggering
procedures are applied to selected neurological configurations.
By applying magnetic pulses passing through anesthetic
solutions to the Brain, the Hu-Wu research team succeeded
to transfer the narcotic effect without the agent's physical
inhalation of the narcotic. Such results are an extension
of previous physical observations into clinical application
ranges, where the instrumented pH values of far-distant
liquids have been remotely and non-locally directly influenced,
by manipulations performed on local, and isolated, water
samples. In all these research programs, Information transfer
has been decoupled from normal considerations of matter
and energy, forcing researchers to consider other options
to explain their undeniable instrumented observations, such
as the SQ view. The brain's biochemistry is excluded from
most, normally physical processes, either partially or totally,
in such experiments.
Informational structures operate in their own Subquantum
regime, be it temporarily coupled to the brain's Quantum
activity or not... Similar aether-bound Information flux
systems are involved in Shoulder's Exotic Vacuum Objects
(EVO) and in Keihn's nanometer vorticity patterns. According
to J. Firmage's experimental results, applying an asymmetrical
charge distribution to the Subquantum Plenum results in
an EVO charge variation gradient, reflecting an Information
flux potential decoupled from ANY background of classical
Such events may follow abstract mathematical pathways, such
as those experimentally proved by Kozyrev, in instrumented
observations. According to Kozyrev's ground shaking findings,
a ceaselessly spiraling form of intelligent energy leads,
at all scales of manifestation, to expanding proportions,
related to the Fibonacci/Golden Mean ratios. An impulse
of "time energy" in Kozyrev's view, is traveling
through the Subquantum stuff, resulting in fields with do
not have electromagnetic qualities. Static and dynamic torsion
fields, active beyond the original proposals of Einstein/Cartan
theory, were experimentally detected and studied by Sciama
& All. Such fields, created from spinning sources that
do not radiate any energy, are able to travel at superluminal
velocities in the physical vacuum, resulting in Information-driven
non-local connection events with diachronic properties.
Related to this, collective consciousness can detect, at
subliminal levels of pre-awareness, significant impacts,
well before their concrete implementation in time. Tremendous
changes in RNG behavior patterns were recorded by Dean Radin
both immediately before and after major world-events (as
the Sept. 11 2001 terrorist attack on N.Y.). We know from
such instrumented studies, that such perceptions precede
the actual manifested event. From this, we know that information
can arise to Living Beings in manners that are not related
to normal linear time, such information often preceding
the actual events.
Later attempts to link Kozyrev's SQ "time waves"
to gravitational energy (gravispinorics) have suggested
that human energy fields may be seen as SQ field components
of our physical bodies. Such mediating fields may be sensitive
to various degrees of information pressures between space-time
integration attractors, and the brain's Quantum activities.
The "Aspden effect" confirmed Kozyrev-type latent
forces in physical systems and has experimentally verified
the predictability of Kozyrev-type interactions in dissipative
processes, as has been well established by the Russian Academy
of Sciences.
Not less perplexing experimental data of biological antigravitational
effects and invisibility experiments were reported by V.S.Grebennikov.
They are to be traced back to the Information-mediated Cavity
Structural Effect (CSE). Grebennikov's CSE field behaviors,
strongly resemble Gariaev's DNA phantom effect. A similar
vector alignment, along gravitation flux lines, has been
experimentally detected for the CSE-ray, in the aforementioned
gravispinoric data. Ghost fields in residual "phantom
locations" are amply documented in Grebennikov's research
data, strongly supporting the ontologically autonomous behaviors
of Information fields as disconnected from the normally-considered
matter/energy backgrounds.
Recent experimental data in neurobiology is consistently
supporting similar tenets. Neuronal spiking in the visual
cortex has been shown to relate to the perceptual interpretation
of the stimulus, rather than to the physical properties
of the stimulus (Maier & All). Such observations strongly
support a derivative consistency of neural events from Subquantum
mediated Information fields, impacting Consciousness via
both sensory and extrasensory channels.
Interested readers may correlate this context with Kaznacheyev's
"Mirror Cytopathogenic Effect" or Backster's elusive
"nonlocal death signals" - where Informational
causation is actively coupled to physical chains of determinism.
A new and correct understanding of the originations and
operations of Consciousness, as discussed above, has to
be accepted in the light of the increasing amount of experimental
(and experiential) evidence. For obvious reasons, we've
touched here on only a very limited selection of recent
experimental data, suggesting the need for a radical epistemological
shift in our current understandings, as related to Informatically
charged contexts. Self-organization proceeds along Informatically
induced preferential vectors in syntropic Quantum states
(A. Detella).
More Brain-related experimental results will substantiate
our claims in future chapters of our present disclosures.
A tremendous experimental database is piling up, supporting
Information, and Information transports, as the ultimate,
intelligent, and organizing matrix, actually and constantly
producing our reality.
These processes are universally isotropic, omni directional,
have an infinite frequency spectrum without mass or inertia,
with self-interference and polarization abilities and propagate
at superluminal velocities. As we stated earlier, information
is constantly being radiated from everything, and constantly
being absorbed by everything. Our readers who are
somewhat familiarized, at this stage, with holographic transpositions
of logical inferences, will easily observe that these aforementioned
fundamental principles apply directly to Mind/Brain connectedness
This is but a first, sensitizing insight. More pertinent
considerations will follow.
The hitherto "scientifically unproved" - or even
denied hypothesis, of snow on the Martian surface, has been
experimentally proved, just as the Informational structures'
ontological autonomy from matter/energy has been proved,
both by instrumented direct observation. Both are by now
hard facts, that Science has to accept.
Recent attempts to canonize Consciousness expertise, are
the swan's song, the last resistance that the defenders
of this obsolete reductionist view, can try to put up, as
barriers against free penetrations of such "heresies",
as discussed above.
These pitiable attempts to curtail those experimental and
instrumented facts which contradict the "status quo",
represent the ultimate proofs of the failures of the present
dogmatic versions of consciousness studies to sucessfuly
define and describe consciousness, in all its processes,
and in all its forms, especially the non-biological and
non-physical ones. Consciousness does not require brain.
Reality does not follow dogmas. It follows truth. This truth
is unfolding right now.
In an undeniable form, just like the snow on Mars.
8th October 2008