I observed a very important aspect
of human conduct during my last twenty years of afterlife
research. I found that some people with different faiths
and beliefs I have known for decades have not changed
the rigid subjective, personal beliefs (some secular
other religious) they acquired from their childhood
environment at all. It seems they are stuck on one groove
for decades – even ‘permanently.’
Others I have known for just as long have been able
to evolve and refine over time. Personal evolution and
the ability to keep an open mind are critical because
when we inevitably cross over our mental attitude will
be vital to where we are going to end up. There will
be those who will be staying at just the one level or
consciousness for an indefinite period of time. Others
whose mind is geared up for continuous evolution and
refinement are likely to make rapid progress. We need
to remember that while our lives on earth are just for
a few decades – a blink of an eye in cosmic time
– our eternal selves will be living for much,
much longer!
HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? What form are we
to have in the afterlife? Highly credible information
transmitted from the afterlife states that, “…
You will have all the senses that will enable you to
recognize others. You will have the entire spiritual
apparatus which is necessary to function in our world.
You will have form, you will have shape, you will have
individuality … What you must appreciate is that
to you matter is solid and tangible, and spirit is shadowy
an insubstantial. In our world spirit is the reality,
is tangible and matter is the shadowy and the insubstantial.
You do not have any of the apparatus to make you speak
because you do not have to speak. All our communication
is done by thought. We send our thoughts to one another
and we are able to communicate as a result. Thought
is a reality in our world. Everything that exists is
created out of thought. And thus you can have whatever
you deem necessary for as long as you want it ….”
the son of physicist Sir Oliver Lodge, was able to give
very specific details of his arrival in the afterlife
through trance medium Mrs
Gladys Osborne Leonard. Raymond
discussed his new bodysaying: "My body is very similar to the one I had before.
I pinch myself sometimes to see if it's real and it
is, but it doesn't seem to hurt as much as when I pinched
the flesh before. He went on to say that he still had
internal organs, eyelashes, eyebrows, tongue and teeth-
and he was delighted that he had got a new tooth in
place of one that hadn't been quite right. " Read
whilst this has nothing to do with afterlife matters,
over the many
years of doing afterlife research, I received many questions
from my regular readers who needed legal advice but
did not have the money to go to a lawyer. Accordingly,
I have put on the website a special section for the
many legal questions/answers (eg. negligence, defamation,
police matters, murder, assault, divorce, Wills, probate,
property, claims against insurance co's., leases, marriage
rights, medical assault, police radars - and for other,
click on archives on the blog) for for my regular readers
- and for general readership and information.
Read more ...
American medium James answers these questions: Do Heaven and Hell really exist?
How do I get into Heaven or Hell?
Who will I see in the afterlife?
What will happen to me after I die?
Will I be able to see how people react when I die?
Will I come back to earth again after I die?
What's it like to be a spirit?
What's the life lesson you've learned from communicating
with the dead?
AFTER 3 DAYS. Prior to his NDE Dr George
Rodonaia worked as a neuropathologist. He was also an
avowed atheist. However after being hit by a car he
underwent one of the most extended cases of a near-death
experience ever recorded. Pronounced dead he was left
for three days in the morgue. He did not "return
to life" until a doctor began to make an incision
in his abdomen as part of an autopsy procedure. Watch
as discusses how what experienced for himself transformed
all his so-called scientific beliefs.
(6 mins).
Part 2(6 mins)- includes short interview
with Dr Peter Fenwick.
After his NDE George devoted himself exclusively
to the study of spirituality, taking a second doctorate
in the psychology of religion. He then became an ordained
priest in the Eastern Orthodox Church. He served as
a pastor at St. Paul United Methodist Church in Baytown,
Texas until his second death from a heart attack in
2004. Read
have been brought up to believe that the mind is located
inside the head. But there are good reasons for thinking
that this view is too limited. Recent experimental results
show that people can influence others at a distance
just by looking at them, even if they look from behind
and if all sensory clues are eliminated. And people's
intentions can be detected by animals from miles away.
The commonest kind of non-local interaction mental influence
occurs in connection with telephone calls, where most
people have had the experience of thinking of someone
shortly before they ring. Controlled, randomized tests
on telephone telepathy have given highly significant
positive results. Research techniques have now been
automated and experiments on telepathy are now being
conducted through the internet and cell phones, enabling
widespread participation.(45
minute videoed talk followed by questions) Sept
2nd 2008
have to continue to salute
these gifted psychics who assist the police to catch
major criminals. Noreen Renier is another gifted ‘psychic’
assisting State police in the USA. Det. Joseph Uribe
of Montana Dept. of Justice stated that the account
given by gifted psychic Noreen Renier in the case of
the disappearance of Walter Sullivan was “accurate
in every detail”. She "was correct about
where the assault took place" , that it was "an
ambush," that "a blue metal building"
was important in solving the crime. He also said that
the "sketch" drawn from Noreen Renier’s
descriptions was "perfect." Noreen stated
that psychometry in this case was very important: she
was physically able to pick up critical sensitive vibrations
by touching the ‘bullet’ and ‘the
keys.’ "Without the psychic the case would
not have been solved." The viewer must be just
stunned by the accuracy of these gifted psychics in
the television series PSYCHIC DETECTIVES series by Robyn
Hutt, COURT TV. We hear tough senior police officers
conceding that the assisting psychic was vital in solving
the crime. Very well done gifted psychic Noreen Renier!
See Noreen's
website and Read more about Psychic
Adrian Klein this week describes how, while attending
last year the "Quantum
Mind" Conference in Salzburg, with physicist
extraordinaire Dr
Robert Neil Boyd (pictured below)
they had the chance to witness a teleportation event
performed by his Cherokee Guide, where a personal letter
from her was teleported between Tennessee and Austria.
Read this week's extraordinary article "Stones
and Brains Alike".
" A growing band of experts are looking at figures
like these and arguing that personal carbon virtue and
collective environmentalism are futile as long as our
economic system is built on the assumption of growth.
The science tells us that if we are serious about saving
Earth, we must reshape our economy." This is not
some fringe environmental magazine but The New Scientist.
Read Our
Economy is killing the Earth. Thanks to Sean FitzGerald
for drawing our attention to this article.
of the eight
questions you get right. This is a general quiz about
how gifted psychics were involved in the U.S. secret
service. I reported in the past that public records
show that there was a great deal of money being used
for psychic research in the United States – perhaps
not as much as the Chinese, but the record shows American
money for psychic espionage was reasonably substantive.
Those who read Dr Dean Radin’s book THE
CONSCIOUS UNIVERSE ought to get all the eight questions
correct. Try quiz
television show Medium, based on the life of scientifically
tested medium Allison Dubois, continues to influence
millions across the world. Fans will be pleased to note
that it has been so successful that NBC
has ordered three more scripts and has told the
production staff of the series to be on call to kick
things off earlier than usual. Allison herself has been
touring widely and has just released details of her
2009 schedule. Read
CHILD PRODIGIES: After reading the article
Akiane last week I was having a debate with some people
who said that the explanation for child prodigies is
just a freak genius. That right?
Victor: Not quite. Transmitted information
from a high source states that there are three kinds
of prodigies: "Some are incarnated souls with a
a memory of past experiences to help. Others are mediums
subject to spirit influence, albeit unconsciously, and
therefore receptacles of much learning, wisdom, knowledge
and truth from our world. The others are geniuses who
are advanced guards of evolution."
See what you think by checking out some of the examples
on Kids Hall
of Fame and PMH Atwater's article "Indigo
Children: Fact or Fiction".
on earth can materialists be in a position to tell the
world about ‘critical thinking’ when they
work with the negative assumption that there can never
be an afterlife? That is a ‘belief without any
supporting evidence.’ True critical thinking and
objective assessment does not make ANY assumptions.
It is when one applies empirical methodology where the
strict rules of Scientific Method is strictly observed
and where no ‘presumption of invalidity’
on anything is made. As an empiricist that is the methodology
I apply to present the most devastating objective evidence
for the existence of the afterlife- see
In recent years, increasing evidence
has accumulated about the pervasive
impact of the millions of dollars flowing from pharmaceutical
companies into the pockets of scientists working on
drug trials which has serious implications for the objectivity
of science. " A meta-analysis of 301 drug-trial
studies in peer-reviewed psychiatric journals, published
in the November 2006 Psychological Medicine, found that
studies funded by pharmaceutical companies showed positive
results for drugs 78 percent of the time, whereas trials
without pharmaceutical company funding found favorable
results only 48 percent of the time." What a surprise.
Halloween coming up next week we read that increasing
numbers of parents are having misgivings about the way
it is being celebrated. As the festival which celebrates
all things to do with the afterlife it seems to us badly
out of touch with the truth of what really happens when
you die. But most of the criticisms seem to be focused
on safety and over-indulgence
rather than this fundamental issue. What's your opinion?
We had several people contact us last week to say how
much they enjoying seeing on video the Sonia Rinaldi
whom they have read about for years as she displayed
some of the images that she has obtained through years
and years of patient research in the field of instrumental
transcommunication. Others have commented on the very
high level original articles by Dr Klein and Dr Boyd
which are unlike anything they have read elsewhere and
applauded their courage as academics prepared to go
public with their extraordinary experiences. As we all
know, many in academia do have these experiences but
are intimidated by the materialists. But progress, we
were promised, is guaranteed!
REGRESSION: really tapping into past lives? Victor:
Again, highly credible transmission from the afterlife
tells us
that yes, it can sometimes be … "that a contact
is made with a previous physical existence, but it is
not always the case that this occurs. The mind’s
potential is so vast that none in your world has fathomed
all its recesses. It is creative, it has subconscious
desires, it can lead itself to temporary spirit possession.
All these factors have to be taken into account. There
can be what you call astral projection and the impingement
of a series of events which are recorded in the hypnotic
trance. This does not mean that the subject is necessarily
expressing a past incarnation."
"Love is the most powerful force in the universe."
If you know someone who has given up on love, perhaps
after a relationship breakdown, do them a favor by referring
them to the the Calling
in the One website and the book Calling
in the One. We have seen real miracles happen
as people are able to leave behind negative beliefs
and patterns, soften and become more of who they truly
are. Then instead of looking for a needle in the haystack
they become magnetic. Free one hour teleclass on "The
Secret of Attracting Love" on Thursday October
23rd (US time) (archived online for later viewing).
Final 7 week teleclass of the year begins next Tuesday,
October 28th. Read
if I have not replied to all. I receive notifications
from about fifty people a week wanting to be my "friend"
on various social networking sites. Great!! But please
accept my apologies for the delay in replying or perhaps
not replying at all. Quite honestly every moment, every
second, every minute is being taken up by urgent work
especially now that we are researching for two exciting
new projects. Thanks again, Victor.
PSYCHIC CHALLENGE: After national auditions
in the USA, sixteen psychics were chosen to compete
for $100,000 using their psychic skills in a number
of different ways. Australians can see the next episode
next Saturday night on Foxtel W. Highly recommended.
WHAT’S KILLING ‘SPIRITUALISM’?It is not the closed-minded
skeptics, nor the materialists. It is not the reductionist-scientists
or the nihilists or the atheists. What’s been
like a deadly disease inside Spiritualism are the mischievous
few calling themselves ‘Spiritualists’ in
the UK and Australia whose negative ‘talent’
is to divide and destroy. Green with envy and petty
jealousy they undermine other mediums and circles and
create an atmosphere of negativity. Of course, they
will not escape the devastating effects of the law of
cause and effect.
Regular readers know that
last March I put on the internet an email sent to
me by closed-minded flamboyant skeptic from Florida
(claims he has a $1m challenge) who said he was going
to match my condition and include in his challenge
that he will be prepared to go to prison for five
years if it is subsequently shown that he does NOT
have the funding to support his alleged million dollars
challenge. He then said he WAS going to include that
condition in his challenge – wait, he said,
until he instructed his lawyers to do it. Last Wednesday
(after some 8 months of pussyfooting about the condition)
I received a most indecent and obscene email from
him saying that he had changed his mind and is NOT
going to make such a declaration which if untrue would
make him liable to up to five years imprisonment.
What are we to make of his about-face? Chicken? No
moral courage? No money? Charlatan? Trickster? Wake
up boy, you’re dealing with highly intelligent
people who will not take any baloney from you or anyone
else! Or are you losing your marbles?
It is vitally important that professional accredited
and registered afterlife researchers be given funding
so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
One generous lady I know personally made a relatively
big contribution - more than a million dollars! Your
decision to bring about ‘LIGHT’ on a global
level after you’ve gone is likely to have considerable
advantages for you in the afterlife. So far, we can
highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit
K. D. Lang (pictured) and Tony
Bennett singing an 'evergreen' - song written
many years ago - "Because of You" - (and
there are other most beautiful songs and wonderful
singers, eg Roy Orbison, Elton John - but note, the
list of singers changes all the time). I chose this
very special treat because of its beautiful
harmonic chord sequence, the sensitivity of the voices
of KD Lang and Tony Bennett - and the depth of feelings
in one of the most beautiful songs ever written on
planet earth - sent very kindly by Tony Bartol. Listen
now..(4 mins)