We have
been reading in the news and watching on television
some awful news lately. It seems more gloomy than ever
before. Some of the materialists' warnings in the media
about our immediate future would have terrified the
minds and hearts of most people. There has been an emphasis
on the ‘negative’; that we are about to
enter a devastating, hard, long depression where most
of us will experience pain and suffering and others
- eviction from their homes. "Negativity sells"
said one famous newspaper editor on his last day in
the office.
things are not the best at the moment. There are challenges
to face and huge obstacles to overcome - but we have
to rise above the gloom and doom, to see the problems
as they really are and face the challenges bravely.
Objectively observed, we see that the media is using
negativity to sell, sell sell. Whenever the price of
shares falls, the media exaggerates the fall to elicit
fear and panic- but when the market recovers by the
same amount, the media minimizes the impact.
those who try to terrify our minds for financial profit,
we have to acknowledge that there are wonderful things
around us, there are people who inspire us and that
there is always something of worthand
of value to celebrate. The human spirit has the capacity,
the skills, the competence and the genius to take us
back to prosperity. We should never forget that. Of
course we do understand that there will be problems.
we will solve many of these problems – that’s
part of life on this magnificent planet Earth of ours.
Human history is evidence to that. So, I suggest that
no matter what the challenges, we adopt a strong and
powerful optimism. The state of collective human consciousness
plays a huge part in the outcomes we generate. If we
are fearful we will create the very results we fear.
Whilst we do have financial problems to deal with in
the immediate future – and we have other problems,
it is critical to feel confident that we will triumph,
we will win the battle, we will show the world that
humanity is also spiritually evolving and that life
is worth celebrating.
let us give thanks for the opportunities, for the energy
and the power we ourselves have and that we can continue
to triumph over tough challenges wherever they come
from. Spiritually it is very important to adopt a positive
outlook on a daily basis. That is our own personal challenge.
WONDER THAT YOU ARE- Take one minute
to contemplate and give thanks for the amazing wonder
of your own existence. (1 minute)
question was asked about what happens to those people
on crossing over – those who are reasonably good
people but do not believe in the spirit world?
Transmitted information states among other
things, they are
likely to find themselves in the lower astral level
– not in the realm of the light – in the
‘realm of afterlife realization’. "It
is for the uninstructed and the ignorant … those
who are unaware of the existence of spiritual realities,
who cannot visualize anything beyond the purely physical.
The astral world is part of the world of spirit. It
is one life in many varying grades, from the lower reaches
to the highest stages. It is not divided into watertight
compartments. We have to give you terms you can understand....The
next stage of life [for the uninformed] to earth is
a replica of your world of matter. Were it not so, the
shock for the many who are uninstructed and ignorant
would be more than they could stand … the next
stage of life [for the uninformed] resembles your world.
That is why so many do not know that they have passed
beyond the physical.”
This really is a situation where these people at this
level would be living in some kind of a dream state
– and could last for hundreds and thousands of
years by earth’s time. Click on chapter
29 on What Happens When You Die.
ASTRAL CITY A fascinating book dictated by a doctor in
the spirit world through the
mediumship of Francisco Cândido Xavier of Brazil.
The author tells how he was a total materialist in life
who " had lived on Earth, enjoyed its benefits,
reaped the good things of life, and yet never contributed
anything towards the repayment of my heavy debt."
He describes the confusion that he encountered after
his death as he wandered in the lower astral world for
eight years until eventually he cried out for help and
was brought into the astral city, a kind of transitional
receiving station, by a spirit rescue team.
Read online.
excellent Channel 4 (UK) Documentary examines the details,
and people involved in the (in)famous "Enfield
Poltergeist" case from the 1970s. (picture, actual
poltergeist activity at Enfield). It includes interviews
with Maurice Grosse, one of the main investigators,
and even of Janet, the young girl (at the time) that
the activity seemed to focus on. More than thirty years
later nobody has changed their story of what happened.
See for yourself the testimony of the witnesses involved.
Part 1 (10 mins) Read
more about poltergeists... .
this is a very interesting topic and there were those
who emailed me wanting to know my view about why some
people have an ‘uninvited entity’ with them
all the time or some of the time.
Victor: According to
higher beings who transmitted information about this
topic state that there is not just simple answer to
this. First, we all have friendly entities who come
and go – especially loved ones who crossed over.
But the friendly ones are strictly not ‘attachments’.
A spirit attachment is an afterlife entity where he
or she stays with a person without his/her consent.
The attachment could be benign but could also be not
so benign – it could be mischievous and would
interfere in the life of the person he’s with.
There are others who pretend they are your ‘guides’
- but in fact will be giving a lot of nonsense information
that sounds plausible acceptable. Secondly, “Like
attracts like” - the conduct of a person attracts
afterlife entities who find the conduct of that person
inviting – and one or more could attach themselves
to a person with a particular conduct that attracts
certain spirits. Thirdly, an attachment could come about
through weakening of the aura – the defences.
For example, if a person takes ‘pleasure enhancing
drugs’ – including marihuana or cocaine
or if a person is into excessive alcohol the defences
are weakened – that could attract attachment by
some afterlife entity which tries to enjoy the drugs
vicariously. The extreme form of possession of course
is when the afterlife spirit becomes very aggressive
or obscene and vile where exorcism becomes necessary.
Those who are gifted exorcists are the ones who have
a powerful guardian/guide with them who would be more
powerful than the spirit giving trouble.
Wickland was a psychiatrist who cured many mental illnesses
caused by spirit obsession due to earthbound discarnate
entities. Dr. Wickland's wife Anna was a psychic sensitive
to whom these entities would drawn and could speak through.
The book is largely a collection of some of the actual
verbatim conversations grouped into various subjects
such as marriage disturbances, crime, suicide, narcotics
and inebriety, orphans, selfishness, and orthodoxy.
Download "Thirty
Years Among the Dead" (350K zipped)
news from Sonia Rinaldi in Brazil. Her ITC experiments
(see chapter
5 for a full explanation of instrumental transcommunication)
are going extremely well. Her chief communicator from
the afterlife is now her deceased husband Fernando who
died in 2005.
Her powerpoint presentation on her latest findings include
recordings which were done without a microphone. The
recorded audios can be heard in the Bulletin which also
includes a Voice Analysis done by Dr. Claudio Brasil
and a Technical Opinion from volunteers of the technological
area. Sonia has always sought to involve the academic
world in her experiments and is now embarking on an
ambitious academic program to take ITC to an even higher
level. She deserves our fullest support. Watch
powerpoint now..
Rob Smith alerted us to a post on his EVP forum on which
shows the power of personal experience.
Dale Hewey from Idaho, a new EVP researcher, has recently
converted from ‘full blown skeptic’ to ‘fully
converted’ believer. He writes in his post: "It.
Shakes. You. Up. Your
worldview changes and alters and what were previously
intangible ideas now take shape as a reality and actuality.
Discarnate voices -- therefore discarnate intelligences
-- SPEAK. They communicate thoughts and awareness’s
which can be objectively recorded and shared with others.
This takes you from thoughts of "I believe in life
after death" to the solidly expressed "I know
there is life after death." And that -- when presented
to you with objective facts (EVP recordings) -- is something
that is no longer a superficial "philosophy"
but a verifiable existential reality. To me, this becomes
the moment of “Oh-my-God!” realization."
Dale's full post.
We know exactly how you feel, Dale.
an ITC experimenter and researcher from California who
has a fabulous website ITC
BRIDGE on all things related to ITC. He writes:
" We know that spirit can influence sound waves
to form evp (electronic voice phenomena). We also know
that there are groups of people in the world that have
been able to achieve sustained radio contact. (see Marcello
Bacci, Sonia Rinaldi, and Anabela Cardoso) For the last
year, I have been demonstrating that spirit can also
influence sound waves to produce their images. What
would happen if all of this could be combined to create
real-time television from spirit? We are told and we
believe that an effort of a group of people has the
potential to achieve great things. What is the best
way to get a large group of people involved in something
so important? I am now hosting a live audio/video broadcast
in which everyone can participate. The goal is to increase
the level of consciousness and combine the collective
energy of a large group of people to achieve real-time
television with spirit. This is a first in real-time
experiments in Instrumental Transcommunication, using
the approach of “See what I see, hear what I hear”
. No experience in ITC or spirit communication is necessary
to participate. Stop by, view the live feed and chat
for a few minutes. You can also view the video demonstrating
how spirit could potentially communicate through sound
as if it were a television here: Ask spirit to speak
to you or send you an image. Impossible? Think Again.
Spirit is waiting for your participation. All are welcome.
Let's build a bridge." Link1:
EVP FORUM Australia
has finally established an online forum for EVP researchers,
particularly for Australians (though not exclusively),
to share their findings. Kevin Myott established this
forum recently and there are now 21 confirmed members
who are actively contributing to this site. Read
Mark Ireland grew
up around mediums- his father Dr
Richard Ireland was a famous American psychic-medium
but Mark says he had no interest in the afterlife until
his youngest son, Brandon, died suddenly at the age
of 18. Mark contacted his uncle (also a medium) and
received a message that Brandon had been met by Mark's
father. This was nice, he says, but the message included
details on the cause of Brandon's death which would
not become known for another week. This led Mark on
his own personal search for evidence of life after death
which he found in numerous ways including positive readings
with four top mediums, including Allison Dubois and
Laurie Campbell. Watch videos of Mark talking about
his experiences and his new book Soul
who has seriously studied afterlife communication
knows that one of the first things we are told is that
time as we know it is an illusion and in fact does not
exist. Yet our sciences cannot even begin to come to
grips with this concept. Until now. Brilliant thinkers
Dr Adrian Klein (Pictured above left) and Dr Robert
Neil Boyd (pictured above right) are arguing that a
correct understanding of the essence of Time as physically
describable entity - closely connected to fundamental
energies and forces operating in nature - will bring
to an equal phenomenal footing "normal" and
"anomalous" time-related events, connecting
both sets to their common Information-charged Subquantum
background. In this week's article as a first step toward
elucidating this Issue of a paramount importance for
the demystification of the "paranormal", Dr.
R.N.Boyd, PhD, will start exploring this topic from
an experimental and experiential vantage point.
Read article.
Reports claim
that the L’Osservatore Romano – the Vatican’s
official newspaper states that the Vatican has forgiven
John Lennon for stating that the Beatles were more popular
than Jesus and that he didn't know which would die out
first, Christianity or rock and roll. The report stated
that it was just ‘youthful bragging.’ I
wonder. The fact is, the Beatles music penetrated all
countries throughout the world including - Eastern Europe
– the huge populations of Russia and China and
Africa there would not have been censorship with rock
music in the communist countries whereas there would
have been censorship of any religion, especially Christianity.
Experts agree that just the music and lyrics of John
Lennon’s highly inspirational song - IMAGINE -
which has an afterlife leitmotif – would have
been universally accepted in all countries in the world
whereas traditional Christian teaching and Bibles would
not. Read
from last week's item: there was unanimous agreement
that we, the afterlife researchers, gifted mediums,
pychics, psychic newspaper journalists and editors,
producers and authors of afterlife material, commentators
and all those involved in the disseminating the light
- the knowledge about the afterlife-
on the global level all agree that we've come a long
way from how restrictive things were thirty years ago
- and all feel the best is yet to come and all accept
that we are on the winning side!
You said last week that it would be the level of vibrations
(level of spirituality) that puts people from around
the world in one place in a higher realm irrespective
of race, color, creed and nationality. Nationalism you
said would be totally irrelevant. Am I going to keep
my very good looks and figure when I go to the afterlife?
Victor: On crossing
over, we are no different than we were on earth.
But in the afterlife looks are not given high status.
‘Good looks’ and a good figure are given
exaggerated status on planet earth. For a man on earth
being tall, slim, healthy, intelligent, with good looks
is a distinct advantage. Women in the West are a distinct
advantage if they are good looking with a good figure
(and usually, big breasts). But in the afterlife, all
these things will become totally irrelevant. There will
be no need for an astral boob or facial job. What will
become critically important will be the brightness of
your aura – your colours as one afterlife commentatory
described it. That is what indicates the level of spirituality
you’re at and which realm in the afterlife you
belong to. Very high status is given to those who have
a very bright aura My own personal experience: some
time ago an afterlife contact informed me that a certain
person who had some fifty million dollars in assets
had a very ‘dull’ aura whereas an average
person who does selfless service had a ‘very bright
aura.’ How to get the aura to become brighter?
More selfless service.
THOSE VOLUNTEERS who are making
a contribution to their community without any thought
of reward. I came across a number of people this week
who are volunteers to do different jobs for the community
they live. One drives a car – sometimes up to
240kilometers in one day for the Leukemia Foundation;
another drives a car for ‘meals on wheels’;
another is a volunteer lifesaver on the beaches. It
is really wonderful to see these people doing fantastic
work. Their motivation is purely for helping others
on a volunteer basis. This is also a kind of selfless
service that accelerates the vibrations of the etheric
body which will have a most positive effect on crossing
SHIFT MEET-UP The internet is an incredible
tool to facilitate mass connections. But nothing quite
beats meeting like-minded people face-to-face to further
momentum. That is why THE SHIFT TEAM have created a
very special way for you to organize and meet with people
in your own communities to discuss the movement! Through
affiliation with social media website, you
can organize local groups to discuss the greatest social
transformation in human history: Click here to view
SHIFT Meet-up Program
being able to network with a community of loving powerful
women who are working to create a community to support
each and every member to reach her highest potential.
You can experience such a community from anywhere in
the world in a revolutionary new program being run by
phone with recorded back-up sessions. It runs over a
7 week period beginning December 3rd. Give yourself
the tools you need to awaken the New Feminine Power
in your own life!CLICK
whilst this has nothing to do with afterlife matters,
over the many
years of doing afterlife research, I received many questions
from my regular readers who needed legal advice but
did not have the money to go to a lawyer. Accordingly,
I have put on the website a special section for the
many legal questions/answers (eg. negligence, defamation,
police matters, murder, assault, divorce, Wills, probate,
property, claims against insurance co's., leases, marriage
rights, medical assault, police radars - and for other,
click on archives on the blog) for for my regular readers
- and for general readership and information.
Read more ...
It is vitally important that professional accredited
and registered afterlife researchers be given funding
so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far,
we can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit
MUSIC TO SOOTH THE SOUL Andre Rieu is currently
touring Australia. Listen to this most beautifully
evocative music that penetrates deeply within the
soul - and many regard this wonderful version of The
Love Theme from The Godfather to be one of the
orchestra's very best.