The Pope
addressed the world yesterday morning when he was with
the Australian Prime Minister in Sydney for World Youth
Day (see video below). Anything the Pope says, is world
news. The Pope had the opportunity to view his thoughts
about the world’s most urgent problems: drug addiction,
excess alcohol intake, too much gambling, poverty, unacceptable
suicide rate, especially among the young. Of course, there
is the obvious huge problem of Catholic pedophilia, of
divorced women being condemned to hellfire for eternity
if they remarry. The Pope could have given hope to women
about being given equality with males in higher levels
of religious duties. He could have stated what changes
the Church wants to make to meet other challenges of to-day’s
world. Instead, The Pope avoided all these matters and
indulged in platitudes. He came across as someone used
to reciting speeches. He could have thrown away the written
speech (probably what somebody else wrote for him) –
and looked directly into the peoples’ eyes. He could
have spoken with emotion and passion, from deep down in
the heart and given the impression that he deeply feels
the pain of those who are suffering – especially
the many victims of priests’ pedophilia around the
world. He could have given guarantees that there will
be no more victims of sexual abuse by priests and
that those whose lives have been so blighted would be
given adequate compensation. I feel the speech was a waste
of time, irrelevant, immaterial and inapplicable to to-day's
most urgent needs. His uninformed advisors should become
more professional and much better informed about the world’s
crisis in context of Catholicism and what the Church is
prepared to do to deal with to-day’s most urgent
crises to make this world a better place.
email was sent by Maria, a lovely person I know,
“to help us get into the spirit of the World Youth
Day 2008." She asks " Please pray for peace
and safety at this great awesome event. With love and
warm regards, Maria”. It is a delightful
video which captures the idealism of the young people
from all over the world who have come to the beautiful
city of Sydney for the largest gathering since the 2000
Olympics. If the Pope’s visit
to Sydney does increase goodwill, peace, ‘light’
and love, then World Youth Day will be a success. Watch
One of the things that excite me about Induced After Death
Communication developed by Allan
L. Botkin (see item last week) - apart from the fact
that it actually helps enormously people in desperate
need of help - is the fact that the patient's experiences
of the afterlife are sometimes shared by the therapist
working with them. Hania Stromberg, MA, MSW worked for
three decades helping people to heal the pain of grief,
bereavement, and the trauma of tragic death. Following
training in the Induced After Death Communication method
developed by she writes:
" Since working with my first client using IADC method,
I have discovered that I have been graced with an ability
to participate in the IADC experiences of my clients,
that is, to be aware of the presence of "the deceased"
and, even more astoundingly, to be able to experience
a distinct and powerful Divine presence which literally
comes into the physical space prior and during these communications.
So what I say here is not only based on what I understand
from my clients about their IADCs but also from my own
experience at these times." Read
Art Bosman's site is a real treasure
for those who want to read a great deal about the afterlife.
The huge amount of relevant afterlife information could
save you very serious problems in the future. He emailed
me this week that he has re-organized the site making
it easier to access the many precious spiritual books
– 170 great books and 120 tapes - and information
about the afterlife, including the brilliant Anthony Borgia
series where former Catholic Mons. Hugh Benson transmitted
a number of books from the other side as an eye witness
to what is really happening in the afterlife. Read
this is a most interesting episode of
Discovery Science. It shows how psychic knowledge is becoming
more empirical. I stated many times the world in the twenty
first century is experiencing a dramatic shift in being
able to recognize what to accept as a fact and from what
is blind faith and irrational, illogical subjective beliefs.
There will be more videos in the future which are going
to help understand our world using empirical repeatable
and objective methodology.
Price highly gifted psychic, and highly consistent with
the remote viewing of Ingo Swann Price through remote
viewing accurately described 'details of a secret Pentagon
facility in the hills of West Virginia village of Sugar
Grove...' Among its secret functions were the interception
of intercontinental telephone communications, and the
control of U.S. spy satellites. Price was also deadly
accurate in his remote viewing in penetrating Russian
installation at Mount Narodnaya in the remote northern
Ural Mountains. The CIA confirmed the accuracy of Price's
remote viewing. Click REMOTE VIEWING chapter
PHYSICS AND THE PARANORMAL The New Paradigm- A confrontation between Physics
and the
Paranomal (2005) by Professor John Bockris. He discusses
the evidence for the paranormal, including telepathy,
near death experiences, out of body travel, mediumship,
reincarnation, apparitions, possession, distant healing
and other phenomena. He concludes that other concepts
such as the paranormal, theories about consciousness,
and interconnectedness must be integrated into science
to enable a superior understand of reality. Read
GROUP Congratulations
to Caroline Sloneem Bennettwho founded
and has been doing a brilliant job of moderating a discussion
group on all things related to this list. This week the
Sceptic? Evidence and proof for existence of the afterlife
list topped 1000 members with almost 400 topics on
the discussion boards. Well done Caroline.
Are you, or is someone
you know searching for a soulmate? Claire, someone
I trust absolutely, is a Master
Teacher of the highly recommended "Calling in 'The
One': 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life" course,
which teaches people how to become “magnetic”
to the soulmate they’ve been searching for. The
course has had amazing success with people from 18 to
80. Next Thursday, July 24th, Claire and her teaching
partner, bestselling author Katherine Woodward Thomas,
will be teaching a Free Teleclass: “The Secret to
Attracting Love.” You can participate by phone or
listen online, live or via playback. To sign up or learn
more, visit
ONE'- the seach for Australia's
most gifted psychic.
Thanks to Simon Turnbull, Pres. Aust. Psychics Assoc.
for reminding me about a new Australian TV show.
This is the first time in Australia a local psychic show
has been shown to such a wide audience and it is rating
through the roof- prime time/network television on Tuesdays
at 7.30pm on Channel 7. Around one and a half to two million
viewers each of the last two weeks and climbing! Three
more weeks to go until August 5th. For network TV to take
such a chance with their ratings is unheard of. It's paying
off bigtime for FOX/Channel 7. They are over the moon
with the response. The mediums have been facing some tough
objective testing and have been displaying some great
evidence for the after-life, warts and all. See
Source'). Leo MacDonald is a valued contributor to the
abovementioned Facebook discussion group often alerting
us to gems like this one... Anthony
Flew, long time champion of atheism writes: “There
were two factors in particular that were decisive. One
was my growing empathy with the insight of Einstein and
other noted scientists that there had to be an Intelligence
behind the integrated complexity of the physical Universe.
The second was my own insight that the integrated complexity
of life itself – which is far more complex than
the physical Universe – can only be explained in
terms of an Intelligent Source…” Read
ABOUT DIANA, 'Princess of Wales' next
Edward C Randall, investigating the afterlife early last
century through a brilliant medium Emily S French was
able to contact a skeptic from the afterlife who refused
to accept he was in the afterlife. Afterlife entities
manipulated this skeptic to communicate through Mrs French,
the medium. Here is something which should interest all
people, especially the skeptics – remember, this
skeptic who is confused, lost and frustrated, is speaking
FROM THE AFTERLIFE – apparently he cheated and breached
his role as a trustee when on earth :
Lawyer, Edward C Randall: Do you understand
the situation in which you find yourself in? Skeptic: I do not … I am not dead
nor am I interested in the subject …. You are entirely
mistaken in your statements: I am not dead nor am I interested
in the subject … there is no survival – no
continuity of life. Death is the end. Lawyer: Are you sure? Skeptic: Absolutely. There is no such
thing as life after death! Lawyer: Do you know where you are now? Skeptic: … no but I must be somewhere
… yes, things have changed… but I don’t
want to see any dead people … they can’t talk,
they are dead …
(Afterlife entities bring some of this skeptic’s
friends (who had crossed over) when he was alive on earth.
In fact, the skeptic had cheated a number of people, abusing
his position as a trustee. Skeptic:: Who are these strangers coming
… they are looking at me …all with bodies
like my own …where am I …wait … here
comes John my old partner … I was his executor …but
he’s dead … they are coming to arrest me?
How can they … they are dead … I was honest
to the trust … ANOTHER ENTITY (John) SPEAKS: No, you
were not faithful. You stole the money entrusted to you
for my wife and child, and you left them to suffer … SKEPTIC: No secrets? My crimes known
to everyone? …The dead are alive? Have I too left
my physical body to find life where I thought to find
oblivion? Am I to meet those who I wronged … Darkness
is gathering … I am falling … God help me
(The voice faltered, struggled for further speech, and
was lost. The gross material that clothed his organs of
respiration disintegrated, and he spoke no more …).
(Taken from THE FRENCH REVELATION by Edward C Randall.
Complete work compiled and researched by N Riley Heagarty).
Medium Barb Mallon sent this
article to share with the readers. It is a most popular
“During one of my Spirit Message Nights, a participant
asked if pets ever come through by themselves without
spirit people bringing them through. I had to think for
a moment, because I do have many pets come through, but
was it with or without accompanying spirit people? After
I thought about it for a minute, I realized it was actually
both. I've had spirit people bring animals through for
clients and also the animals have just appeared by themselves
as well.” Read
more …
LIKE TO DIE? Account number 7.
AND THE HEREAFTER, transmitted by Mons. Hugh Benson, former
Catholic priest) “In my own case, I was ill for
only a brief while upon earth. When I passed into the
spirit world I did so without losing consciousness. I
was able to gaze upon my physical body which I had just
vacated, and a friend and colleague of my earthly days,
who had passed on before me, came to me at the instant
of my departure from earth, and took me to my new home
in the spirit world. After a brief survey of my new abode,
my friend recommended that I should take a rest in view
of the fact that I had just quitted a final bed of sickness.
I did so in my own house. I allowed myself to lapse into
a most delightful state of slumber, feeling that I had
not a care in the world. When I awoke I felt in a vigorous
and perfect state of health such as I had never experienced
before. I do not know precisely how long I lay sleeping,
but I was told it was very brief; indeed, of much less
duration than the illness that had caused my passing into
the spirit world."
QUESTION: When we cross
over, where are we going to live? Would there be houses
as we have them here or there is no need for houses?
Highly credible transmitted information from the other
tells us that on crossing over, in the initial stage,
we go into some form of houses. But when we evolve into
the higher realms, houses are not necessary. Here is what
Mons. Hugh Benson transmitted from the afterlife.
is absolute freedom of choice as to what type of house
one shall inhabit. Once you have earned the right to own
a house which is to be your home, you are at liberty to
choose just the style of domicile that pleases you most.
It may be one that you have longed for all your life upon
earth, but thus far you have been unable to gratify your
long-cherished desire. Here in the spirit world your wishes
are at length fulfilled. Or you may wish to have your
spirit home in the same style as your earthly home, if
by chance the latter suited you and brought you contentment
and satisfaction. That is what I did, not because my old
earthly home was particularly beautiful. It was quaint,
it still is, and it suited my temperament and desires,
and I grew attached to it. When I came to the spirit world
I found my new home to be the exact counterpart of my
ancient earthly home, but with all the various alterations
made to it which I had been unable to carry out upon earth,
and which I had been desirous of doing, and no doubt would
have done eventually had I not left the earth…”
summer conference in beautiful Malta, in the heart of
the Mediterranean Sea – just 3 hours from London,
two hours from Paris, one hour from Rome, two hours from
Hamburg. Has the pleasure of hosting the following event
The Solar Eclipse Meditation ~ August 1st 2008 A World
Meditation Initiative with Janet Trevisan. The world is
at the point of a global transformation. Consciousness
now is Opening to its great potential. Mother Earth calls
you to help balance the energetics of the planet at this
time. The light of the Solar Eclipse ignites our aspiration
to resonate with our higher being. Come and be a part
of this event so that more and more energy, through large
group meditations, can be directed to the Awakening of
peaceful co-existence and Spiritual Awareness. This meditation
is happening all over the world. LET US BE THE POSIITIIVE
CHANGE PLACE: Gaia’s Elysium Centre, Ghajn Tuffieha
(just before Apple’s Eye Rest) DATE: Friday 1st
August 2008 ~ the date of the solar eclipse TIME: 7.30
pm. Please be punctual. For further details concerning
the meditation, please e-mail Geraldine at
or call her For further details concerning the meditation,
telephone (Malta) 99280804
Also, for more info. on this, go into Janet's latest Devata
Dictations on
Why not leave a bequest in your Will to a reputable psychic
investigation research group to promote empirical
research into the afterlife. Funding could accelerate
the understanding by millions around the world that there
is an afterlife. There were those in the past who asked
me for suggestions where to direct a bequest. Accordingly,
I have a few on the list – depending on which aspect
of the paranormal is preferred. The first research group,
which also has charity status, is the American Association
for Electronic Voice Phenomena, managed by Tom and Lisa
Butler. I have known these researchers for a number of
years and highly recommend the AAEVP as an organisation
actively involved in meaningful afterlife research spreading
the light on a global level. Guaranteed, leaving a bequest
to further mankind's understanding about the afterlife
will inevitably have huge spiritual benefits to the donor.
ZAMMIT, retired attorney answers
your legal questions
- nothing to do with the afterlife. People -
some of them friends of mine- regularly contact me to
help them with their legal problems - in between the afterlife
research and writing I do everyday. I do not charge any
money for this service. Someone suggested to me that a
lot of people could be helped by a question and answer
type of presentation. Otherwise they would have to pay
a lot of money even for a quick suggestion to the solution
of a legal problem. So I am also including interesting
legal issues from my files. My legal practice was in Sydney,
Australia but there are legal similarities in the English
speaking countries - U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, South
Africa and elsewhere where the British law influenced
local law - especially at Common Law and in Equity. Statutory
laws are exclusive to each country. Technically, I cannot
give legal advice - only lawyers who are presently registered
as currently practising can give 'legal advice'. However,
I am in a position to give guidelines to the legal problems
raised. Of course, in any legal matter to be pursued,
you are advised to see your own lawyer. I'll be adding
two legal questions every week.
This list has grown too big for us to handle changes of
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address for this list please hit the unsubscribe button
on the bottom of the email you received and/or re-subscribe
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