*Apologies if I have not replied to your email - I am
still inundated with urgent work. Thanks for understanding.
my professional legal training I was taught by the experts
never to trust anyone and not to believe anyone, anywhere,
anytime and anyplace unless there is objective, hard-core
substantive evidence to support any claim being presented
to me. Be that as it may, experience taught me that there
is also 'experiential’ evidence which is highly
persuasive. It is extremely important to make the observation
that just because you cannot prove something objectively
and repeat it at will, it does not mean that it did not
happen. I myself have had repeated subjective paranormal
experiences – as have hundreds of millions of people
around the world. Over the last twenty years as knowledge
about psychic phenomena is becoming widespread and universal,
more people are prepared to talk about their own paranormal
and mediumistic experiences. When these paranormal experiences
reach a threshold – and critical validation is obtained,
big things will happen. There will be ‘nothing more
powerful than an idea whose time has come’ –
the absolute validation of paranormal phenomena.
Diana phenomena is a huge item and there has been unprecedented
interest in Diana. More about 'Diana':
CRITICS: Inadmissible,
low level criticism:
I was expecting the experts, the intelligent critics,
the informed journalists, the professional investigators
to postulate valid objections to the 'Diana’s podcasts'
if they did not accept them. I was expecting substantive,
in depth valid objections as to where, when, why and how
they cannot be genuine. I always keep an open mind about
valid objections. Instead, among the relatively huge positive
response I received there was only one extremely low level
skeptic who said ‘Diana can’t be for real'.
And why not? Because this skeptic does not believe in
the afterlife! And if there is no afterlife, there cannot
be a Diana speaking! Get a life chum, don’t waste
our precious time! Read more material from 'Princess Diana’
… judge for yourselves(Number
8) ... and more (Number
– when you deal with professional
empiricists, psychologists and lawyers, we cannot
accept certain statements: just stating “I don’t
believe it” or “It does not sound
like Diana” or “There is no afterlife,
therefore there cannot be a Diana” or “The
paranormal is not real’ or “You can’t
prove the negative” or “Someone who
knows the real Diana told me it’s not really Diana”
or “The medium Andrew is fooling everyone”
or “Diana’s medium is not a physical medium”
or “There is no ‘Direct Voice’ taking
place” or “Diana would not bother
channeling someone unknown” or “Diana’s
medium is not a good trance-medium” –
and other such like objections. Those who use negative
adjectives inevitably lack the competence, the intelligence,
and the skills of analysis and they are only projecting
their own negative, anti-afterlife prejudice – they’re
time wasters, not worth dealing with. ALL of these objections
are inevitably technically INVALID and are ALL inadmissible
- and all fail to dislodge the validation that 'Diana'
has established.
would be valid is to show specifically where, when, how
and why what Diana is saying on the audios could not be
Diana. Ideally, physical evidence would be the way to
prove that Diana is who she claims to be, e.g. fingerprinting.
Logie Baird (pictured, left) , the inventor of television,
(according to Michael Roll from the UK), was known to
have left his fingerprint from the afterlife in a materialization
séance. But at the moment that cannot be done.
It is theoretically possible if Diana could materialize
through David Thompson to leave her fingerprints. That
is at the moment remote – Diana’s medium is
in Germany and David T is in Sydney. What we have so far
are Diana’s voices, Diana’s information about
herself and others close to her and her offer to answer
any reasonable question to do with validation. So far,
those who bothered to investigated Diana’s audios
state that yes, she could be Diana and tentatively accept
that she is. BUT we need to do further empirical investigations.
Significant claims require significant evidence. But Sociologists
using their method of measuring internal consistency,
the concept known as ‘Content Analysis’ claim
more likely than not that the Diana on the tapes is the
real Diana. Investigations go on about one of the most
powerful and influential women in history.
DIANA’S FUNERAL: watching a documentary
on Diana, the narrator stated that it is estimated by
experts that more than THREE BILLION people
watched Diana’s funeral! Imagine the effect on her
are many accounts from spirits in the afterlife of how
damaging unrestrained grief is to the person who has just
died. This is one of the most detailed.
" Several other visits were paid and the stories
of their lives recounted for my instruction, but I must
content myself with recording the last, which at once
arrested my attention by the presence of a number of bright
purple hair-lines which, emanating from the body of the
sleeper, passed across and out of the room, I knew not
whither. My friend informed me that these were love-cords
which existed by reason of the uncontrollable grief of
the friends left behind. Great difficulty, he explained,
is frequently experienced in dealing with these earth
attractions, and if friends could only know how their
unrestrained grief finds a response in those they mourn
- disturbing and breaking their rest - it would do much
to remedy the wrong they are thus unintentionally the
cause of. Should the sleeper awake before the force of
these cords can be weakened, which not unfrequently happens,
the soul is drawn back again to earth, and naturally participates
in the agony of its friends, which is also increased by
the discovery that it is both powerless to make its presence
known, or in any way minister to the relief of the mourner."
From Chapter XI "Through the Mists",
by automatic writing through the famous British medium
Robert Lees (1848-1931).
Download Through the Mists pdf file.
QUESTION: After her fiancé
died in a car crash, movie star Merle Oberon (pictured
with actor Lord Lawrence Olivier) asked Silver Birch if
he was all right. Silver Birch answered, that he was beside
her, trying to communicate with her, but having difficulty
in doing so.
" Try
to appreciate that you are dealing with very sensitive
and delicate vibrations which are easily disturbed by
your thoughts. If you radiate an atmosphere of anxiety
and shock and sorrow, you surround yourself with heaviness,
a denseness that forms a handicap to communication. If
you can achieve- and this is not easy-serenity, if you
can radiate tranquility, if you can have inner peace,
these provide the best conditions for results from our
world. We cannot work where the atmosphere is charged
with conflicting emotions. We can work best when there
is a receptivity, a passiveness, so that we can reach
of the best ITC contacts (see chapter 3) ever received
have now been posted on Dr Mark Macy's website, www.worlditc.org.
Simply go to the website and click on “What is new?”
They are the collection of messages received by German
researcher Adolf Homes. The Homes contacts were
catalogued and edited by ITC pioneer Prof Dr Ernst
Senkowski and translated by Heidemarie Hallman. Dr Macy
" In my
opinion they are matched in volume and in the informative
quality of their content only by the contacts received
by INIT researchers Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach of
Luxembourg from 1995 to 1999. I still hold Maggy’s
contacts closest to my heart, believing as I do that they
contain the most important information ever received in
our world directly and virtually unfiltered from the other
side. To get an idea of those contacts, read through some
of the Contact! journals that I published between 1995
and 2000. They’re posted on my
other website." DON'T
Hear the wonderfully comforting
and encouraging words of Ellen Terry speaking through
direct voice medium Leslie Flint.
intensive care nurse from Swansea has published an academic
book about near death experiences following 10 years of
research. Dr Penny Sartori, who works at Singleton and
Morriston Hospitals in Swansea, has 15 accounts, mainly
from heart attack patients, of near-death experiences.
They include out-of-body occurrences, reports of a tunnel
leading to a bright light and meeting dead loved ones.
In another case a patient reported encountering a dead
relative who gave a message to pass on to another member
of the family who was still alive. Ms
Sartori said the information had stunned the receiver
because it had been a secret and it was impossible the
patient had prior knowledge of it. "All the current
sceptical arguments against near-death experiences were
not supported by the research," she said. The book,
costing £85, is intended for academic study and
college libraries. Read
QUESTION: do you
think crop circles are paranormal activity? T.
Derren, Hollywood.
Victor: I must concede that like many people
I am fascinated by
crop circles - and yes, more likely than not they are
paranormal material. Anyone who does his research will
quickly accept that these crop circles have been recorded
in more than 70 countries around the world. It is accepted
that the shapes and designs are most intricately exquisite.
Notwithstanding the skeptics’ anticipated negativism,
the evidence shows that these miraculous ‘crop circles’
cannot be of human origins. Peter K sent me these very
impressive crop circles and urls for those who want to
pursue the crop circles: The 13th Crop Circle in the UK
for 2008 has arrived.
And see The
Crop Circle Connector
In The Mercury Man: Freddie Mercury in My Life (Paperback)
Mary Howis tells the story of her
spiritual journey of discovery from disbelief, self-doubt
and denial to an absolute conviction that what she was
experiencing was real, the messages she was receiving
were true, and they were proof that life continues after
death; that Freddie was still alive, in spirit form, and
had much knowledge to impart to the world. Read
more …
LOTTERY WIN:: A builder netted £3million
hours after a mystery
psychic went into his daughter's shop and said: "Someone
you know is going to win the lottery." Tony Nutbrown,
54, is now trying to track down the stranger who made
the uncanny prediction.Tony said: "My daughter Claire
owns a pet shop and a lady came in on Saturday morning
and told her friend that someone she knew was going to
win the lottery. "Then that night I won the jackpot.
It's either an incredible coincidence or this lady can
see into the future." Read
" In a twinkling, it becomes apparent what the main
purpose was of the life just completed, and whether that
purpose had been addressed. You would be amazed and saddened
to see this
self-acknowledgement and self-judgement form our side.
There are many souls who ‘wake up’ over here
to realize that they literally missed the point of life.
This is not to say there are not many who have been greatly
fulfilled and true to their inner impetus. But in our
Western society especially, we are seeing too many arrive
over here who are immediately shocked by their own blindness
during life to their greater goals.. I am trying to show
what we perceive to be an epidemic of disillusioned spirits
who reach this side and are unfailingly remorseful to
have completely bypassed the important tasks of their
lives They must then labour for many years- though time
has no meaning over here- to reconstruct their original
intentions, evaluate their failings, study Earth circumstances
and enroll for another human life.” (p.13, from
BEYOND THE VEIL, Judy Laddon – check with Amazon.com)
DAY in
Sydney: Powers approved by the NSW government allow for
people who continually "annoy or inconvenience"
pilgrims during the event, to be staged in Sydney from
July 15 to 20, to be arrested and possibly fined $5,500.
Protest group, NoToPope Coalition are concerned the regulations
will be used to stop demonstrations during World Youth
Day events, but that they could also effectively ban things
like wearing a T-shirt with a slogan considered to be
anti-Catholic. NoToPope spokeswoman Rachel Evans said
the group was seeking legal advice on whether it could
challenge the "thou shalt not offend" laws.
others about this website. Thanks, Victor
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