- the most important religious/spiritual issue in history.
Because there are those in power of leadership in religion
who are deliberately misinterpreting religious writings
to make them consistent with their radical views. We
have to rise above history, culture and tradition to
fully understand the significance of this. History shows
that centuries ago the Christian based Inquisition was
responsible for killing millions of people in Europe,
North and South America, North Africa and as far as
India – notwithstanding the clear Christian religious
commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” There
is no use denying this. Clearly, this showed that one
can be ‘religious’ without being ‘spiritual.’
But there has been a great deal of refinement in Christian
practice. These days we hear radical Moslems claiming
that killing and blowing up innocent people, will please
God. But other Islamic observers state that is an irreligious
misinterpretation of Islamic religion – that there
is nothing in the Islamic religion about killing innocent
people will result in pleasing God.
Being spiritual is about doing selfless good deeds that
will NOT harm, that will NOT injure, that will NOT negatively
affect others in any way whatsoever. It is about helping
others in their journey on planet earth. It is most
unspiritual to be cruel to others, especially to innocent
ones. Information transmitted from the other-side tells
us about the Law of Cause and Effect – reaping
what has been sown. In practical terms this means that
selfless good deeds that help others will increase the
vibrations of the person being spiritual. But anyone
who is willfully cruel, anyone who destroys innocent
lives will reduce the vibrations of the etheric body
within each of us. At the end of one’s life, the
accumulated level of vibrations (level of spirituality)
will determine where that person will go. The normal,
decent, open minded person will go to the realm of the
Light and Realization. But if the vibrations are low,
that person will go to the darker regions – that
is the law. So, one can be religious without being spiritual
and one can be spiritual without being religious. Of
course, one can be religious AND spiritual – depending
always on what one does. THE
Dr Claude Swanson, Princeton and MIT trained
Physicist discusses the limitation of old paradigm science
and how cutting edge physicists are proving the discoveries
of spirituality. (4 mins)
EACH OTHER! There are many trouble spots around the
world, but as a general rule, it's easy to make an educated
guess at one of the participants: Muslims vs. Jews in
"Palestine," Muslims vs. Hindus in Kashmir,
Muslims vs. Christians in Africa, Muslims vs. Buddhists
in Thailand, Muslims vs. Russians in the Caucasus, etc...
ISLAM: "Religion of Peace ....?" The cause-effect
relationship is very important: so what makes one religion
so active in the world to-day? Critical to perceive
any conflict from each party’s perspective. It
is also very important to see who is translating the
religious writings and for what purpose and why should
there be so many ‘religious’ conflicts?
Is there something we are missing? Why is it that Islam
is involved in so many conflicts? We have to do a lot
of research and see how these religious conflicts can
be resolved peacefully.
While the word "psychic" was promoted in America's
Gratest Psychic $100,000 challenge, Michelle Whitedove
was confident from the begining to describe herself
as a medium. Watch as Michelle does a reading for the
hosts of WGN news. Slowly and surely these kinds of
media appearances are bringing mediumship to a wider
and the Religion of No Religion
"If you were to flip through a course catalog from
any major university, classes on such subjects as “Out
of Body Experiences,” “Supernormal Human
Functioning,” and “Evolutionary Metaphysics,”
would most likely be rare finds at best. But Rice University's
religious studies chair, Jeffrey Kripal, says that in
spite of its seeming bias against the more esoteric
branches of human knowledge, “the academy is chock-full
of closet mystics.” And every year, he and a collection
of mystically inclined scholars from major universities
around the world converge at the Esalen Institute's
Center for Theory and Research to explore topics that
don't get much air time in mainstream academia." Read
CULT MEMBER? Never give up your independence!
Never allow others
to make decisions for you! I’ve had over the years
a number of people wanting to know if it’s alright
to belong to a cult. No, I repeatedly said. Why not?
Because being a member of the cult you have to obey
the commands – direct or subtle as they may be
given by the guru. He or she will try to make you feel
guilty, inadequate and in urgent need of the guru’s
help. Guru activities are about brainwashing. It is
critically important to move away from depending on
other people. You must develop your own ‘independence’
while on planet earth because that DOES HAVE repercussions
when you cross over. If you need assistance, get counseling
– even the free government counseling help. I
had people who were paying fairly large amounts of cash
to the guru– and GOT NOTHING in return except
the company of others who needed help. At one stage
it was conceded by the guru that he ‘had to have
sex’ with a young girl of 18 to ‘transform
her energy’! “She had ‘negative entities’
with her the guru said – absolute rubbish! But
she believed it! Gurus usually abuse their powerful
position and have sex with many of the female members
of his cult. Never trust anyone. Never abdicate your
independence. Never pay for something for which no genuine
guarantees are given. Never let anyone do the thinking
for you. Never be a member of a cult – it’s
not necessary. History is littered with tragic circumstances
of cult members ending in disaster. NEVER allow yourself
to be brainwashed by anyone, anywhere and anytime. Click
on BOOK – top right for the empirical evidence
for the existence of the afterlife – and the huge
consequences of the afterlife.
easiest way to find out if you have psychic abilitites
is to take a free online test- one for each of the major
abilities: Clairvoyance: This ability includes
seeing visions or having dreams that seem to come true
at a later date. Telepathy: Telepathy
involves occurrences like sometimes saying the same
things at the same time, picking up the phone to call
a friend at the very moment they call you. It's like
sharing thoughts without speaking. Precognition: This skill involves having
daydreams or nighttime dreams that reveal information
about people or places that you later learn is accurate.
Synchronicity: Two apparently unrelated
events take place that, when they occur at or near the
same moment, reveal themselves to you as strikingly
meaningful coincidences. Read
SINGING SENSATION K.D. LANG becomes a Bhuddist
spiritualist. In a television interview on mainstream
channel 9 in Australia, K.D. Lang says words to the
effect that her soul was hungry for a spiritual connection.
“I accept spirituality to be part of me. I feel
good being spiritual. It helps me with controling of
my emotions and feelings and the understanding that
we continue to live. It means a great deal to me to
be spiritually aware ... I know I am spiritually responsible
for all what I do ... but having a spiritual connection
is really so beautiful ...”
Read more... DR.
WAYNE DYER – great reductions on great
books: Dr Dyer emailed
me this week – the email came from Dr Dyer himself
- he and others have some special books he says –
all very highly recommended - also, videos CD’s
for Christmas for you – all great stuff at very
much REDUCED prices of these important works by all
very well known names: Dyer and Chopa’s: How To
Get What You Really, Really, Really, Really Want reduced
from $18.95 to just $7.00
The Astonishing Power of Emotions was $39,50 down to
$10 – by Esther and Jerry Hicks; Marianne Williamson’s
‘Meditations for a Miraculous Life’ reduced
from $16.95 down to just $7.00; Robert Holden, Ph.D.
‘Success Intelligence: Essential Lessons and Practices
from the World’s Leading Coaching Program on Authentic
Success’ $10 reduced from $34.95 See
other books...
who has seriously studied afterlife communication
knows that one of the first things we are told is that
time as we know it is an illusion and in fact does not
exist. Yet our sciences cannot even begin to come to
grips with this concept. Until now. Brilliant thinkers
Dr Adrian Klein (Pictured above left) and Dr Robert
Neil Boyd (pictured above right) are arguing that .
Read article.
the item on Michelle
Whitedove – from last week was a real hit! So
many people found it most impressive – especially
where she was able to find a stuntman buried underground
in a vast area of 12 acres – after just 29 minutes
she ended standing on top of the hole where the stuntman
was buried breathing from oxygen tanks. No, no closed
minded skeptic took on the challenge of half a million
dollars if they could duplicate that. These cynics who
are usually very aggressive telling everyone that what
psychics can do they can do too. But here was their
opportunity to duplicate one of the greatest and most
successful psychic demonstration in the history of the
world paranormal. Yes, the matter was discussed with
a couple of materialists who conceded no materialist,
closed minded skeptic – not even that flamboyant
closed minded skeptic from Florida will ever be able
to do that. So much for the skeptic’s million
dollar challenge – what a joke!
whilst this has nothing to do with afterlife matters,
over the many
years of doing afterlife research, I received many questions
from my regular readers who needed legal advice but
did not have the money to go to a lawyer. Accordingly,
I have put on the website a special section for the
many legal questions/answers (eg. negligence, defamation,
police matters, murder, assault, divorce, Wills, probate,
property, claims against insurance co's., leases, marriage
rights, medical assault, police radars - and for other,
click on archives on the blog) for for my regular readers
- and for general readership and information.
Read more ...
It is vitally important that professional accredited
and registered afterlife researchers be given funding
so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far,
we can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit