Report December 7th 2007
the afterlife MC for David Thompson's circle in response
to those who asked me about my views on William. William
to me is a ‘miracle worker' and his messages of
hope from the afterlife go to more than a hundred and
forty countries around the world. Those who are meant
to receive William’s message, whoever they are,
wherever they may be, do receive it. Through his wonderful
initiative, unselfish spiritual work and dedication he
brings spirits to materialize in our séance room
to show us and the whole world that there is an afterlife.
Thank you for your patience and tolerance and thank you
for helping us to understand the wonderful afterlife evidence
which will inevitably help us to become more spiritual
and to eventually have a most wonderful, peaceful and
spiritual transition into the realm of the Light. May
the Light be with you always!
In a recent seance in WIlliam explained how he has chosen
to stay on a lower spiritual level that he is entitled
to be on so that he can do this work.Listen
to inspirational audio (4 mins) of William talking
about the levels in the spirit world and how his world
differs from the earth plane. (Glasgow 14/10/07).
AA-EVP has put onto Youtube a great video
showing how a number of mothers whose children died had
been able to contact them using EVP. These mothers, now
members of the Big Circle, are interviewed in the video
and give examples of their tapes. We think they offer
hope to all of us that our loved ones are okay on the
other side. Please consider including the link in your
website and sharing it with friends.

"More than ever today, our lives need to
be redefined from a multidimensional point of view and
through the contemporary insights of quantum science and
an absolute wealth of shared empirical validations by
other researchers on the global internet circuit - we
stand at a very special moment in time". So writes
Rob Smith on the
first Australian EVP site.
A few people have asked how to get started recording their
own EVPs. Tom and Lisa Butler have put their suggestions
on their
In 1903 businessman and publisher Wilfred Funk was a member
of the American Society for Psychical Research. He went
with a friend to investigate a direct-voice trance medium-
the voices did not come from her vocal cords but from
somewhere near her through a floating trumpet. “The
voices are of a great variety,” Funk observed. “I
counted in a single evening as many as twenty - some apparently
the voices of children, and others of middle-aged persons
and old men and women; a few of these are the voices of
Indians, and one of a jolly, typical, Virginian Negro.
Each voice maintains its individuality during the evening
and from one evening to another.” This was surprising
enough but one night an entity came through telling Funk
to return a coin that he had borrowed some years before
and forgotten about. Read the story on
Michael Tymn's blog.
UK Journalist Danny Penman has a great article for us:
“The medium Gordon Smith told us that Blake was
dead and his remains were in the river about 60 kilometres
south of Chamonix.” says Sally Perrin, Blake’s
mother. He told us that Blake’s body would remain
hidden for almost three years and suggested that there
was some sort of 'conspiracy' to cover up his true cause
of death. Gordon was bang on. He gave us a lot of very
accurate information about my son that he couldn’t
possibly have known. The information that I received from
Gordon was completely accurate,” says Sally. “It
wasn’t vague. There was lots of information that
was private and that he couldn’t possibly have known
about. It was his way of proving his credentials.As an
example, Gordon told me that there was a picture close
to the telephone of Blake abseiling down an ice-cliff.
And there is. I put it up the day before meeting Gordon.
Who the heck could have known that? Gordon also said that
he could see a gun dog sitting next to Blake, a very happy
dog. The description perfectly matched Star, our dog who
had passed over a few years earlier. Blake would often
take her for a run. He also said that my daughter had
received pink bed linen for Christmas that she still hadn’t
unwrapped it. Who else could have known this?” Read
Danny's article
" A much rarer experience [rarer than NDE] is the
Pre-Birth Experience (PBE). People with Pre-Birth Experiences
recall existing in a spiritual plane before their births
here on earth. They often describe a spiritual existence,
that is very similar to the existence reported in Near
Death Experiences. Not only do people with a Pre-Birth
Experience describe a spiritual pre-existence, but some
also remember choosing their parents and the type of challenges
they will face here on earth. Some people who have experienced
a Near Death Experience, recall seeing souls assembled
together, waiting to be born here on earth."
How has the geography of religion evolved over
the centuries, and where has it sparked wars? Thisr map
gives us a brief history of the world's most well-known
religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and
Judaism. Selected periods of inter-religious bloodshed
are also highlighted. Want to see 5,000 years of religion
in 90 seconds? Ready,
Set, Go!
Winston is the author of an excellent article
"Debunking Pseudo-Skeptical Arguments Of Paranormal
He writes: "This article rebuts and critiques the
most common arguments made by pseudo-skeptics (those who
claim to be skeptics but in fact are cynics, debunkers,
scoffers) regarding paranormal and psychic phenomena,
showing the flaws and limitations in their thinking, philosophy
and methodology. I’ve listed their common arguments
one-by-one and pointed out the weaknesses and problems
in them based on years of experience in debating and discussing
with them." Read
the updated article.